15:03:11 <randomuser> #startmeeting Docs Project Meeting - Agenda: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Docs_Project_meetings
15:03:11 <zodbot> Meeting started Mon Nov  7 15:03:11 2016 UTC.  The chair is randomuser. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
15:03:12 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic.
15:03:12 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'docs_project_meeting_-_agenda:_https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/docs_project_meetings'
15:03:12 <randomuser> #meetingname Fedora Docs
15:03:12 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_docs'
15:03:12 <randomuser> #topic Roll Call
15:03:35 <randomuser> #info DST is a thing
15:04:30 <c0mrad3> .hello dhanvi
15:04:31 <zodbot> c0mrad3: dhanvi 'Tummala Dhanvi' <dhanvicse@gmail.com>
15:05:00 <shaunm> hi
15:05:03 <d0nn1e> greetings
15:06:17 * pbokoc 
15:07:38 <d0nn1e> .hello d0nn1e
15:07:39 <zodbot> d0nn1e: Sorry, but you don't exist
15:07:43 <grundblom> .hello grundblom
15:07:43 <zodbot> grundblom: grundblom 'None' <glen@rundblom.com>
15:08:02 <randomuser> #topic New Writers
15:08:07 <randomuser> good turnout today
15:08:19 <randomuser> any new writers lurking, or news of new writers?
15:08:38 <d0nn1e> I think I am still in that category
15:08:56 <d0nn1e> brand new ones, not sure. anyone there?
15:09:08 <c0mrad3> d0nn1e: you need to use .hello fasusername
15:09:26 <d0nn1e> ahh thats right
15:09:31 <d0nn1e> thanks c0mrad3
15:10:04 <d0nn1e> .hello donnie
15:10:05 <zodbot> d0nn1e: donnie 'Donald Hardin' <dch84121@gmail.com>
15:10:22 <randomuser> ha, maybe we could consider you new, d0nn1e - any new guy type questions?
15:10:52 <d0nn1e> Well, kinda
15:11:08 <randomuser> shoot
15:11:23 <d0nn1e> I decided to try to take on a bug last week, but a bit stuck on it since it looks like there will be some cross-team involvement going on.
15:11:33 * randomuser nods
15:11:37 <randomuser> how can I help?
15:11:48 <d0nn1e> Red Hat Bugzilla – Bug 1387875
15:12:10 <d0nn1e> Discussed with some members of the docs team today. We could simply direct the links to the specific sections in the documentation for the current release, but that means that the links would have to be updated again and again with each fedora release.
15:12:10 <d0nn1e> Alternatively, there does exist a link that can be used that is set to redirect to whatever the latest installation document is at any given time. It does not direct to specific sections since the particular sections of the installation document may change location within the document with each new release.
15:12:28 <d0nn1e> --thats my work note from last week
15:12:57 <randomuser> yeah, that's a websites bug
15:12:58 <d0nn1e> so, I suppose I just need help with getting in touch with a good resource on the website side'
15:13:03 <d0nn1e> ahhhhh
15:13:34 <randomuser> and they're definitely right, websites should not have links to F20 docs for the f24 releases
15:13:45 <d0nn1e> Wasn't sure, just thought it might be our responsibility to check the content of the links.
15:13:51 <randomuser> nope
15:13:59 <randomuser> we can tell them about our /install-guide redirect
15:14:18 <d0nn1e> Sounds great. I'll bow out of that one and leave a note.
15:14:23 <randomuser> but actually doing the stuff is all them
15:14:58 <randomuser> cool
15:15:01 <d0nn1e> I suppose that's it for me now. I'll check out another one.
15:15:17 <randomuser> #topic Where are with the Release Cycle and Docs
15:15:28 <randomuser> #link https://fedorapeople.org/groups/schedule/f-25/f-25-docs-tasks.html
15:15:44 <randomuser> #info release notes should be republished soon to reflect updated content
15:16:08 <randomuser> #info release announcement is being worked on, we can participate
15:16:22 <randomuser> #info all current guides should be updated in zanata this week
15:16:57 <randomuser> we should have some guides to publish as well, but we can talk about that in the guides portion of the show
15:17:30 <randomuser> any thoughts? concerns?
15:19:25 <randomuser> okay, sounds like we're good
15:19:31 <randomuser> #topic Specific Doc Status
15:19:49 <randomuser> can anyone report on the status of some guides?
15:19:58 <pbokoc> a sec
15:20:26 <grundblom> I added some content to the install guide for Fedora Media writer,
15:20:37 <grundblom> may have over done it with the screenshots.. but everyone loves screenshots!
15:20:51 <pbokoc> yeah, I promised to check that before, I'll do it today
15:21:27 <pbokoc> relnotes could possibly use some extra content - I know at least 2 people set the fedora relnotes flag in Bugzilla, I'll talk to them and figure out what they want documented and update the book if needed
15:21:53 <pbokoc> Install Guide needs some small updates but I can get that done in an hour I think, so that can be published too
15:22:06 <randomuser> oh, good call, I don't think we've looked for flagged bugs
15:22:29 <pbokoc> then there's the Sysadmin Guide, I don't think anyone touched that in a while but this kind of content doesn't usually change a lot, so it should be safe to bump the version/revhistory and publish again
15:22:36 <pbokoc> same for the Networking Guide
15:22:40 * randomuser nods
15:23:07 <pbokoc> and the SELinux guide was published last release so it should be reasonably up to date too
15:23:26 <pbokoc> so let's do those, and hope nobody complains about outdated stuff
15:23:36 <pbokoc> it's the same docs set we published for f24
15:23:53 <randomuser> hey, if they complain, we'll know what needs to be fixed :P
15:23:58 <pbokoc> yeah exactly :)
15:24:14 <randomuser> okay, I've got some stuff to publish then
15:24:51 <randomuser> i can branch, update, and publish those, and publish the install guide when you're ready
15:25:01 <pbokoc> ok, I'll let you know when I'm done
15:25:17 <pbokoc> hopefully today, but then again I bought Divinity: Original Sin on GOG yesterday so.... :))
15:25:37 <pbokoc> gotta set some orcs on fire, you know
15:26:26 <d0nn1e> nice
15:26:49 <randomuser> i'm sure the orcs have it coming
15:27:47 <pbokoc> brb
15:28:07 <randomuser> well that covers guides, i think
15:28:09 <grundblom> Fire Orcs!
15:28:25 <randomuser> anyone here want to talk about publishing?
15:28:51 <randomuser> I don't really have much to share atm, other than a conversion script I started but haven't completed or used
15:30:21 <d0nn1e> how does the script work?
15:31:17 <randomuser> it runs a converstion tool, but there are some tags that don't convert, so it replaces them first
15:31:29 <d0nn1e> neato
15:31:55 <randomuser> after markup conversion we still will have to do manual restructuring work, but it's a start
15:32:20 <randomuser> speaking of docbook->asciidoc conversion, btw
15:33:44 <d0nn1e> Ah. Yeah my friend Alex said that his team used to publish with docbook in their toolchain, but now use asciidoc. I think I understand.
15:34:35 <d0nn1e> haven't messed with either much yet, sorry to say
15:35:08 <randomuser> that's interesting... dumping docbook for asciidoc seems popular these days
15:35:14 <grundblom> randomuser are we looking to move to Asciidoc after the release of F25?
15:35:23 <randomuser> yes
15:36:43 <randomuser> i'll send a mail when I have the bit I'm working on working better
15:37:13 <randomuser> lots of moving parts to that move
15:37:17 <randomuser> #topic Outstanding BZ Tickets
15:37:23 <randomuser> #info All Bugs - http://tinyurl.com/lbrq84
15:37:45 <randomuser> #info pagure issues are a thing - you should be getting email notifications from pagure if you are a member of the docs group on pagure
15:38:14 <randomuser> we don't currently have a quick dashboard for issues on all issues, but it's probably possible to build
15:38:25 * randomuser hints to the audience
15:43:30 <d0nn1e> How can I join the pagure group?
15:44:00 <pingou> which group?
15:44:45 <d0nn1e> fedora-docs
15:46:08 <grundblom> I gotta go to my next meeting, have a good one everyone!
15:46:11 * grundblom waves
15:47:47 <pbokoc> d0nn1e, what's your FAS username - same as your irc nick?
15:48:22 <d0nn1e> close, my FAS username is donnie
15:48:52 <pbokoc> d0nn1e, got it. You're in the group now
15:49:01 <d0nn1e> thanks pbokoc
15:49:01 <pbokoc> https://pagure.io/group/fedora-docs
15:49:20 <randomuser> :/
15:49:21 <randomuser> #topic Open floor discussion
15:49:23 <randomuser> #chair pbokoc
15:49:23 <zodbot> Current chairs: pbokoc randomuser
15:52:30 <randomuser> so, floor is open - anything we've missed?
15:54:48 <randomuser> okay, calling it
15:54:52 <randomuser> thanks for coming, everyone
15:54:56 <randomuser> #endmeeting