
#fedora-meeting: Infrastructure (2016-10-06)

Meeting started by puiterwijk at 18:01:11 UTC (full logs).

Meeting summary

  1. aloha (puiterwijk, 18:01:15)
  2. New folks introductions (puiterwijk, 18:01:19)
  3. announcements and information (puiterwijk, 18:04:24)
    1. We are still in Fedora 25 Beta freeze! - everyone (puiterwijk, 18:04:26)
    2. texlive signing issues tracked down and fixed - kevin (puiterwijk, 18:04:28)
    3. new dell buildhw machines is online - smooge (puiterwijk, 18:04:30)
    4. some progress on database replication - kevin (puiterwijk, 18:04:33)
    5. old RDU server being rebuilt (puiterwijk, 18:04:34)
    6. looks like we are a go for f25 beta release next tuesday (nirik, 18:05:07)
    7. I am continuing with the distgit thing. Will have some proposal soon. (clime, 18:05:21)
    8. updated to latest version of SKS. Everything working as normal. (nb, 18:05:39)

  4. fedora infrastructure issues in pagure - kevin (puiterwijk, 18:07:54)
  5. jenkins upgrade plans - kevin (puiterwijk, 18:16:37)
    1. might have the list of people (nirik, 18:23:16)

  6. Apprentice Open office hours (puiterwijk, 18:27:17)
  7. Open Floor (puiterwijk, 18:38:31)

Meeting ended at 18:46:29 UTC (full logs).

Action items

  1. (none)

People present (lines said)

  1. puiterwijk (61)
  2. nirik (54)
  3. clime (27)
  4. pingou (26)
  5. smooge (16)
  6. alda (10)
  7. zodbot (9)
  8. doteast (7)
  9. mizdebsk (5)
  10. aikidouke (5)
  11. marc84 (5)
  12. athos (3)
  13. fale (3)
  14. threebean (2)
  15. nb (2)
  16. pcreech (1)
  17. trishnag (1)
  18. jflory7 (1)
  19. pbrobinson (0)
  20. relrod (0)
  21. abadger1999 (0)
  22. lmacken (0)
  23. dgilmore (0)

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