
#fedora-meeting: Magazine editorial board

Meeting started by stickster at 21:01:26 UTC (full logs).

Meeting summary

  1. Roll call (stickster, 21:01:33)
    1. shared some ideas for top searches found on Google (stickster, 21:11:29)
    2. IDEA: make a new post category for "starter articles", and stub out for new authors (stickster, 21:11:46)

  2. Ideas for extensions (stickster, 21:19:30)
    1. IDEA: the enhanced screenshot extesnsion (stickster, 21:19:42)
    2. IDEA: How to install a GNOME extension (stickster, 21:20:29)
    3. IDEA: Caffeine (stickster, 21:20:34)
    4. IDEA: AlternateTab (stickster, 21:20:40)
    5. IDEA: openweather (stickster, 21:20:45)
    6. ACTION: ryanlerch stub out above extension ideas into Pitches (stickster, 21:32:41)
    7. (jflory7_, 21:37:18)
    8. (ryanlerch, 21:37:40)
    9. (ryanlerch, 21:40:13)
    10. (ryanlerch, 21:55:45)

Meeting ended at 22:04:13 UTC (full logs).

Action items

  1. ryanlerch stub out above extension ideas into Pitches

Action items, by person

  1. ryanlerch
    1. ryanlerch stub out above extension ideas into Pitches

People present (lines said)

  1. stickster (76)
  2. jflory7_ (66)
  3. ryanlerch (45)
  4. x3mboy (27)
  5. zodbot (14)
  6. linuxmodder (13)
  7. puiterwijk (8)
  8. nirik (4)
  9. nb (3)

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