18:01:57 <langdon> #startmeeting fedora_council 18:01:57 <zodbot> Meeting started Mon Jun 6 18:01:57 2016 UTC. The chair is langdon. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 18:01:57 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 18:01:57 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_council' 18:02:18 * langdon knows the meeting logs won't work right if i don't get "-" vs "_" right 18:02:34 <langdon> #topic roll call 18:02:55 <jkurik> .hello jkurik 18:02:58 <zodbot> jkurik: jkurik 'Jan Kurik' <jkurik@redhat.com> 18:03:19 <langdon> #chairs langdon jkurik cwickert1 jwb 18:03:40 <langdon> ^^ i think that is everybody attached.. 18:03:45 <jwb> should be 18:03:45 <langdon> please correct if not 18:03:48 <langdon> .hello langdon 18:03:49 <zodbot> langdon: langdon 'Langdon White' <langdon@fishjump.com> 18:04:10 * langdon gets a bit of water 18:04:37 <langdon> ok.. moving on 18:04:42 <langdon> #topic open floor 18:04:54 <langdon> ok.. we don't have many council members here today.. for various.. 18:05:13 <langdon> but.. jwb, jkurik and I are here if anyone has any open floor type questions/thoughts 18:05:43 <langdon> cwickert1, are you here in actual? or just spirit? (ether?) 18:05:56 <langdon> collection-of-tubes? 18:06:15 <jkurik> if there is not anything else, I might have a question 18:06:23 <langdon> #info not really a quorum today so just taking open floor 18:06:30 <langdon> jkurik, i would say "shoot" 18:06:51 <jkurik> I was thinking of some formal way how to synchronize fedora-atomic and general Fedora releases 18:07:38 <jkurik> is it a topic for Council, or FESCo ? 18:07:50 <langdon> jkurik, what sync problem are you having? 18:07:51 <jwb> probably fesco, but i'm curious as to what you mean 18:07:54 <langdon> context? 18:07:58 <jwb> right 18:08:01 <langdon> jwb, +1 18:08:51 <jkurik> there were some complains when general Fedora slipped from fedora-atomic people about not having the current content in fedora-atomic release then 18:09:37 <jkurik> I do not have any exact idea at the moment in my head, but there should be probably something formaly statet how this should work 18:09:56 <langdon> fedora-atomic is now == fedora cloud? 18:09:58 <jkurik> and I need someone to discuss this with 18:10:11 <jkurik> langdon: more-less yes 18:10:42 <langdon> i guess from a council perspective, i think we believe that editions can have their own schedules.. but we hadn't established how to formalize that 18:10:51 <langdon> like i think we have stated that in the past 18:11:04 <langdon> but i could be looney and reflecting my own opinion ;) 18:11:10 <jwb> we have 18:11:27 <jwb> actual implementation of different release schedules is left to fesco and rel-eng 18:11:49 <jwb> outside of atomic (which is now what Cloud is focusing on), nothing has actually been done towards that 18:11:52 <langdon> any which way, i think they (the edition) should be making a "formal request" to change their schedule.. and it should come to council with us saying "ok.. all fedora sub teams need to sign off" or something 18:12:18 <langdon> jwb, but it should be like a "change" or something right? 18:12:35 <langdon> to make sure all the peeps can weigh in? and get visibility? 18:12:44 <jwb> langdon: i suppose so? 18:12:51 <jwb> langdon: the cloud images aren't going away though 18:12:57 <jwb> they continue to be produced 18:13:18 <jwb> it's simply that the WG is focusing efforts around atomic going forward. marketing, positioning, etc 18:13:21 <langdon> jwb, but is this a lifecycle question? or a "number of versions" question? 18:13:26 <jwb> at least as best i understand it 18:13:43 <langdon> number of versions was a bad way to state it 18:14:03 <langdon> like ... number of drops coming out.. or.. perhaps i don't entirely understand jkurik's original q 18:14:12 <jwb> langdon: as i understand it, there will be a 2 week release of fedora cloud-atomic using the content of the larger Fedora release 18:14:32 <langdon> jwb, do those instantly EOL the prior two-week-release? 18:14:43 <jwb> langdon: so it's more like... fedora cloud-atomic gets updates every 2 weeks. the rest of the editions get them daily or whatever 18:15:06 <jwb> i have no idea what the support cycle is for each atomic update 18:15:21 <langdon> jwb, ahh i see.. so .. the problem is regular updates.. not the lifespan of a particular cut? 18:15:27 <jwb> maybe? 18:15:33 * langdon would be worried about the latter ;) 18:15:51 <jkurik> jwb: as I understand it, atomic just gets a snapshot of the latest Fedora updates and builds the image on top of it 18:16:07 <jwb> more or less, yes. but they only do that every 2 weeks 18:16:16 <jkurik> so all the latest updates are includes in atomic images 18:16:23 <jkurik> righ 18:16:27 <langdon> so why is this a problem? 18:16:42 * langdon can guess but would like to understand the "formal complaint" 18:17:51 <jkurik> the problem is that if atomic and Fedora are planned to be released in the same date 18:18:23 <langdon> jkurik, ahh... but i would say "fedora does not have a release date" .. "an edition has a release date" 18:18:32 <langdon> and a lifespan/cycle 18:18:39 <jkurik> and Fedora slips, than ... ok, you got it :) 18:18:51 * jkurik is typing quite slow today 18:18:56 <langdon> jkurik, :) 18:19:30 <Southern_Gentlem> ? 18:19:49 <jkurik> ok, so I will check with Atomic people what are their expectation and I will bring this to FESCo if there is something what will need any formalization 18:20:21 <jkurik> that is what I needed to hear :) 18:20:24 <jkurik> s/hear/read/ 18:20:24 <langdon> so i would think the editions might need to propose a lifecycle/release schedule.. and submit it for approval to council/fesco/others? and then update their "wg page" with their schedule 18:20:31 <Southern_Gentlem> so does the f23 atomic stop getting updates when f24 is released or will there be 2 release thats getting updates 18:21:07 <langdon> jkurik, well.. my only caveat is.. it isn't just "engineering" who cares about release dates.. marketing (for example) does too.. so .. i think the council should approve as well.. or coordinate approval 18:21:34 <jkurik> langdon: ok, I keep it on my mind 18:21:38 <langdon> Southern_Gentlem, that is *exactly* my point.. i think the edition needs to declare both release schedule *and* lifecycle 18:22:20 <Southern_Gentlem> langdon, i thought this was part of when we went to the product that all would be on the same schedule 18:23:22 <langdon> Southern_Gentlem, struggling with terms in your last.. in my mind a "fedora edition" sets their lifecycle and release schedule.. however, they should coordinate with fedora as a whole because of the shared resources involved in doing a "release" 18:23:42 <langdon> "fedora edition" == cloud, wkstn, server 18:24:18 <Southern_Gentlem> right cloud which i consider atomic a member of 18:25:06 <langdon> Southern_Gentlem, cloud and atomic i think are getting pretty synonymous.. which i am not in love with.. but will live with :/ 18:26:18 <langdon> more thoughts? 18:26:33 <jwb> not on this particular topic 18:26:50 <langdon> jkurik, you good for now? 18:26:57 <jkurik> I am fine with the discussion, it gets me an idea how to move on - thanks 18:27:20 <langdon> jkurik, cool! i feel like i helped accomplish something today ... it was iffy so far :) 18:27:26 <jkurik> :) 18:27:28 <langdon> ok.. other topics? 18:27:34 <jwb> langdon: heh, felt the same 18:27:41 <jwb> langdon: i have a quick question for you specifically 18:28:01 <langdon> #info jkurik to follow up on formalizing release and lifecycle changes for editions 18:28:03 <jwb> for a while, you were doing modularity blog posts that were showing up on fedora magazine or whatever. did those stop or have i missed them? 18:28:12 <langdon> jwb, i am a slacker 18:28:20 <langdon> i even have one WRITTEN and just not published 18:28:25 <jwb> ok. i know a ton of work is going on, but it mostly seems behind the scense 18:28:26 <jwb> er 18:28:28 <jwb> scenes 18:29:06 <langdon> jwb, need to also be doing a better job of status reporting.. 18:29:24 <langdon> but yeah.. the best info is coming out of the WG meetings.. which is not enough.. but something 18:29:38 <jwb> did that meeting move? 18:29:58 <langdon> yes.. now tuesdays, 15h UTC 18:30:03 <langdon> but just starting this week 18:30:29 <jwb> that's a permanent change though, correct? 18:30:38 <langdon> jwb, until it is changed again ;) 18:30:42 <jwb> heh 18:31:05 <jwb> i guess i missed the meeting last week, which is why i wondered. it wasn't on my calendar, but i am going to blame myself 18:31:50 <langdon> jwb, you can blame me if you want... i can take it 18:32:07 <jwb> nah, that doesn't seem fair 18:32:16 <langdon> #info the modularity working group meeting has changed to be tuesdays 15h utc in fedora-meeting-3 18:32:44 <langdon> ok.. any more stuff? 18:33:32 * jkurik has nothing more for today 18:33:43 <langdon> ok.. i have 14:33 here.. ill give it to 14:36 and then call it 18:34:21 * langdon is always very excited by the fact that he changed to 24h time many years ago.. so actually prefers it :) 18:34:37 <langdon> and considering switching to utc for everything 18:35:56 <jwb> 24hr time is the best 18:36:03 <langdon> :) 18:36:06 <langdon> ok.. going once 18:36:13 <langdon> going twice 18:36:22 <langdon> three times a pony.. 18:36:30 <langdon> #endmeeting