
#fedora-meeting: gsoc

Meeting started by bee2502_ at 15:33:47 UTC (full logs).

Meeting summary

  1. Roll Call (bee2502_, 15:36:12)
    1. Weekly Review meeting for GSOC 2016 students and mentors (bee2502_, 15:36:17)

  2. GSoC weekly recap (bee2502_, 15:38:49)
    1. Students discuss their projects and give a quick summary of what they have worked on over the past week. (bee2502_, 15:39:36)
    2. skamath has been working on a stats tool to gather weekly information on summer interns. My work can be found in Pagure. I have written the basic documentation in the README file. I am planning to add more features to it and hopefully, switch from datagrepper to statscache this week (skamath, 15:42:00)
    3. (skamath, 15:42:13)
    4. fhackdroid worked on integrating PMCI and pagure so that pagure has its own CI, it is near to the first cut (fhackdroid, 15:43:02)
    5. Vivek Anand; Pagure; Making sure the config keys were working correctly-keys like enable_tickets, enable_new_projects etc. link: (vivek_, 15:44:10)
    6. Mathnerd314 worked on refactoring the pull code to make it easier to work with (Mathnerd314, 15:46:04)
    7. ACTION: skamath talk to decause regarding Onboarding badges (skamath, 15:50:17)
    8. skamath will be attending the next Commops Hack session to understand the Onboarding steps better (skamath, 15:52:25)
    9. fhackdroid just sharing my experience I am just excited about bringing CI to Pagure (fhackdroid, 15:57:18)
    10. ronith created a new repo for the kernel CMA patch, created area for the crash kernel and is working on the linux kernel CMA patch (skamath, 16:04:13)
    11. c0mrad3 is working on a new tool chain for docs (bee2502_, 16:11:50)
    12. (c0mrad3, 16:16:51)
    13. (c0mrad3, 16:18:50)

Meeting ended at 16:20:53 UTC (full logs).

Action items

  1. skamath talk to decause regarding Onboarding badges

Action items, by person

  1. decause
    1. skamath talk to decause regarding Onboarding badges
  2. skamath
    1. skamath talk to decause regarding Onboarding badges

People present (lines said)

  1. skamath (52)
  2. bee2502_ (51)
  3. zodbot (18)
  4. c0mrad3 (15)
  5. vivek_ (12)
  6. fhackdroid (9)
  7. ronith (6)
  8. Mathnerd314 (3)
  9. sayan (1)
  10. decause (0)

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