Google and Fedora are happy to announce the
Google Summer of Code Class of 2016. Read more on the official
announcement on the Community Blog.(jflory7,
=== Fedora 24 Beta is a No Go ===(jflory7,
Due to an invalid F24 Beta RC compose, it has
been agreed on the Go/No-Go meeting to slip the Beta release for one
week as well as to slip the Final GA of Fedora 24. The next Go/No-Go
meeting is planned on the next Thursday 2016-May-05 at 5:30PM
Docs team is working on updating Guides some
like Security, Sysadmin and selinux are grossly outdated I have
tried working on some of that but would love some help(linuxmodder,
Fedora Documentation FAD is happening in
Raleigh This weekend!(decause,
How This Works: We look at past #action items
from the last meeting for quick follow-up. If a task is completed,
we move on to the next one. If it isn't, we get an update and
re-action it if needed. If no status, we'll try to get a quick
update and move forward.(jflory7,
=== decause fill up the LimeSurvey account with
$$$ ===(jflory7,
ACTION: decause fill
up the LimeSurvey account with moneydollars(decause,
=== [COMPLETE] decause / jflory7 Ping Marketing
mailing list about Alpha to Beta release announcement research for
May 3rd ===(jflory7,
=== [INCOMPLETE] jflory7 Create a WhenIsGood
poll for a badges hack session to share with CommOps and Design team
ACTION: jflory7
Create a WhenIsGood poll for a badges hack session to share with
CommOps and Design team(jflory7,
=== [IN PROGRESS] decause / jflory7 Explore how
to subscribe the social-media mailing list to the RSS feed of
Community Blog ===(jflory7,
ACTION: decause /
jflory7 File a ticket for exploring how to subscribe the
social-media mailing list to the RSS feed of Community Blog(jflory7,
=== [COMPLETE] CommOps / jflory7 Create tickets
for items 1-3 from Ticket #69 so they can be assigned and broken up
among CommOps members ===(jflory7,
Tickets not filed, but work on this ticket was
accomplished at the last hack session(jflory7,
=== CommOps solidify onboarding steps before
5/23 internships begin ===(jflory7,
solidify onboarding steps before 5/23 internships begin(jflory7,
=== decause talk to spot about scheduling an
EDU fad after budget gets settled ===(jflory7,
ACTION: decause talk
to spot about scheduling an EDU FAD after budget gets settled(decause,
=== [INCOMPLETE] jflory7 Post to the mailing
list with ideas about the FOSS Student Pack, along with links to a
planning pad either on the wiki or in an Etherpad ===(jflory7,
ACTION: jflory7 Post
to the mailing list with ideas about the FOSS Student Pack, along
with links to a planning pad either on the wiki or in an
=== [INCOMPLETE] jflory7 Open discussion on the
mailing list about Ticket #71 and centralizing Ambassador resources
(to get brainstorming going) ===(jflory7,
ACTION: jflory7 Open
discussion on the mailing list about Ticket #71 and centralizing
Ambassador resources (to get brainstorming going)(jflory7,
=== [INCOMPLETE] jflory7 Write Bitcamp 2016
article on CommBlog and point to individual event reports by other
Ambassadors ===(jflory7,
ACTION: jflory7 Write
Bitcamp 2016 article on CommBlog and point to individual event
reports by other Ambassadors(jflory7,
=== skamath help with gardening of Summer
Coding wiki ===(jflory7,
ACTION: skamath help
with gardening of Summer Coding wiki(jflory7,
Q: "What happens at a CommOps vFAD?" A:
"tickets that need to be closed, metrics that need to be crunched,
stories that are in the backlog"(jflory7,
AGREED: Short-term, a
final readover / review of dhanesh95's wiki changes, then will merge
those into the main University Involvement Initiative page. Once
done, general call on Ambassadors list for students / faculty /
staff of EDU institutions to add themselves to the list on the wiki
page. EDU FAD will fit into this later, more in June.(jflory7,
(1) Someone can review the contents of their
on-boarding wiki page and pass feedback about them in the ticket, as
compared to other on-boarding methods in Fedora(jflory7,
(2) Putting together a badge proposal for
membership in the Modularity WG (in the form of a ticket on the
fedora-badges Trac)(jflory7,
(3) A Community Blog article announcing the
presence of the Modularity WG, what they are, what they do, how to
get involved (penned by one of the WG members)(jflory7,
AGREED: Need for
centralizing Ambassador resources recognized. Resource
centralization already happening with Pagure. Ambassador resources
for events + other Ambassador activities also can be centralized in
Pagure. Next steps are to try rounding up where current resources
are, identify (if any) new ones that *need* to be created, and begin
consolidating them into a Pagure repository. Implementation for how
this is done discussed in future.(jflory7,
How This Works: There is a quick blast of
information about what was published in the past week with some
metrics, followed by posts that are being drafted. After the
information blast, the floor is opened for any Community
Blog-related discussion. Here we go!(jflory7,
HELP: CommOps could use
input from WG's and other project members on the Beta Release
Announcemeny by Friday 5/6:,
jflory7 will be checking out of most Fedora
places starting this Friday (2016-05-06) to Monday, 2016-05-23 for
final exams, packing, and moving across the country. Will still be
around, but not nearly as much as normal.(jflory7,
dhanesh95 will be checking out too starting
Wednesday(4th May 2016) to Saturday(28th May 2016) for final