14:14:20 <randomuser> #startmeeting Docs Project Meeting - Agenda: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Docs_Project_meetings
14:14:21 <zodbot> Meeting started Mon Apr 18 14:14:20 2016 UTC.  The chair is randomuser. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
14:14:21 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic.
14:14:21 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'docs_project_meeting_-_agenda:_https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/docs_project_meetings'
14:14:23 <randomuser> #meetingname Fedora Docs
14:14:23 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_docs'
14:14:23 <randomuser> #topic Roll Call
14:14:41 <nb> .hello nb
14:14:42 <zodbot> nb: nb 'Nick Bebout' <nick@bebout.net>
14:15:47 <randomuser> morning, nb
14:16:01 * randomuser is playing office move this am
14:20:40 <randomuser> hm
14:20:47 <randomuser> nobody appears to be present
14:21:41 <randomuser> I'll give it a couple more minutes
14:24:18 <nb> good morning randomuser
14:24:23 * grundblom waves hey everyone
14:24:40 <randomuser> hey grundblom
14:25:05 <randomuser> I guess we'll take it casual today :)
14:25:12 <randomuser> #topic Release Notes
14:25:37 <randomuser> I saw some activity happened here over the weekend, and I did close the beats
14:25:53 <randomuser> #info beats on wiki are closed, all work should happen in git now.
14:26:24 <pbokoc> oh, sorry, I'm mostly here too
14:26:35 <pbokoc> unfortunately I have another meeting at the same timeslot
14:26:55 <randomuser> oh no!
14:27:42 <pbokoc> it's cool, it's not very important :)
14:28:45 <randomuser> #link https://fedorapeople.org/groups/schedule/f-24/f-24-docs-tasks.html
14:29:15 <randomuser> apparently beta freeze is tomorrow
14:29:31 <randomuser> and it's time to publish draft guides
14:29:37 <randomuser> do we have any draft guides ready?
14:30:25 <pbokoc> weren't we always ignoring that task?
14:30:46 <randomuser> or tasks :P
14:31:05 <pbokoc> yeah :)
14:31:42 <pbokoc> I'd focus on pushing out relnotes at beta release, and everything else at GA
14:31:56 <randomuser> yup, that's where we are at
14:32:02 <randomuser> the RPM is going to be rough, though
14:32:41 <pbokoc> I believe in you!
14:32:48 <randomuser> I'm wondering if we should stick with the beta-only version, or do some marathon hacking over the next 12 hours, or if we should campaign to not produce the RPM anymore
14:33:38 <pbokoc> I like the "not producing the rpm" part. Does anyone even use it?
14:33:54 <randomuser> We'll never find out unless we take it away
14:34:15 <pbokoc> or we could just push out an RPM with only boilerplate, saying "relnotes are at docs.fp.o"
14:34:39 <randomuser> replace it with a desktop file that just points to the docs site, hm
14:35:32 <randomuser> I'll send something to the list about it
14:37:02 * zoglesby is late
14:37:10 <randomuser> welcome, zoglesby
14:37:23 <zoglesby> whats up with no pingdocs :P
14:37:36 <randomuser> office move today, I was late too
14:39:02 * c0mrad3 waves
14:39:09 <randomuser> zoglesby, we were pondering how to get out of not having a content-ful RPM today, the day before beta freeze
14:39:17 <randomuser> hi c0mrad3
14:40:08 <zoglesby> randomuser: as in, we are not ready? Or no one has time to build the rpm?
14:40:31 <randomuser> there's time to build the RPM but I don't think there's much in it
14:40:35 <c0mrad3> It's difficult for me to attend the meeting at this time may be if the day light savings goes back and the time changes, I can join in :)
14:40:51 <randomuser> c0mrad3, I'll get right on that :)
14:41:03 <zoglesby> randomuser: is it still a release criteria?
14:41:14 <grundblom> darn it, gotta go, take care everyone
14:41:39 <randomuser> zoglesby, I think it's still on the list, formally
14:41:50 <c0mrad3> randomuser: is the meeting time always UTC 14.00 to 15.00 ? or does it changes with season ?
14:42:13 <randomuser> c0mrad3, always the same UTC time, and UTC does not change seasonally
14:42:16 <zoglesby> so we build an rpm of almost nothing, and then start to work on getting it removed
14:42:30 <zoglesby> We can't hold up the release
14:42:48 * randomuser nods
14:42:50 <zoglesby> but we should not be a blocker at this point
14:43:02 <c0mrad3> randomuser: so you guys change the local time of your meeting then :)
14:43:14 <zoglesby> the reasons for that are outdated as far as I am aware
14:43:18 <pbokoc> brb
14:43:38 <randomuser> we should probably reexamine the entire schedule at this point
14:44:39 <zoglesby> agree
14:45:59 <randomuser> okay, I'll build the rpm later
14:49:13 <randomuser> alright, that's decided
14:49:28 * randomuser is terribly distracted, apologies
14:49:45 <randomuser> #topic Outstanding BZ Tickets
14:49:50 <randomuser> #link http://tinyurl.com/lbrq84
14:51:57 <randomuser> there are bugs.
14:51:57 <pbokoc> *crickets*
14:52:02 <randomuser> CRICKETS
14:52:08 * randomuser highfives pbokoc
14:52:17 <randomuser> #topic Open Floor
14:52:44 <pbokoc> man, if you hear crickets say "there are bugs" you might need more sleep... or medication
14:53:08 <randomuser> that's beside the point
14:53:36 <zoglesby> I am sure randomuser got all the rest he needed over the weekend
14:53:43 <zoglesby> 100% sure
14:53:57 <zoglesby> anyway, I have nothing for open floor.
14:54:05 <randomuser> I often rest on weekends
14:54:11 <pbokoc> I was at a wedding and my head still hurts a little
14:58:14 <randomuser> alright then, it's settled
14:58:18 <randomuser> see you around, everyone
14:58:22 <randomuser> #endmeeting