21:00:21 <giannisk> #startmeeting EMEA ambassadors 2016-02-17 21:00:21 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Feb 17 21:00:21 2016 UTC. The chair is giannisk. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 21:00:21 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 21:00:21 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'emea_ambassadors_2016-02-17' 21:00:24 <taquilla> it's the time for meeting? 21:00:29 <giannisk> #meetingname emea ambassadors 21:00:29 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'emea_ambassadors' 21:00:34 <giannisk> #chair giannisk mitzie 21:00:34 <zodbot> Current chairs: giannisk mitzie 21:00:44 <giannisk> #topic Roll Call 21:01:04 <mailga> .fas mailga 21:01:04 <zodbot> mailga: mailga 'Gabriele Trombini' <g.trombini@gmail.com> 21:01:12 <giannisk> Hello and welcome to yet another regular meeting for the EMEA region. :D 21:01:12 <jonatoni> .fas jonatoni 21:01:12 <zodbot> jonatoni: jonatoni 'Jona Azizaj' <jonaazizaj@gmail.com> 21:01:15 <ardian> .hello ardian 21:01:16 <zodbot> ardian: ardian 'Ardian Haxha' <ardian@brainpress.org> 21:01:20 <GITNE> .fas gitne 21:01:20 <zodbot> GITNE: gitne '' <gitne@gmx.de> 21:01:26 <taquilla> .fas diegoestrada 21:01:27 <zodbot> taquilla: diegoestrada 'Diego Estrada' <itdiegoestrada@gmail.com> 21:01:29 <giannisk> Let's see how many people are around - use .fas yourusername 21:01:32 <giannisk> .fas giannisk 21:01:33 <zodbot> giannisk: giannisk 'Giannis Konstantinidis' <giannis@konstantinidis.cc> 21:01:56 <giannisk> A kind reminder that the meeting protocol is in effect. 21:02:20 <mitzie> .fas mitzie 21:02:20 <zodbot> mitzie: mitzie 'Zacharias Mitzelos' <mitzie@mitzelos.com> 21:02:23 <giannisk> #info The meeting protocol is in effect. Please see https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/How_to_use_IRC#Meeting_Protocol 21:02:34 <giannisk> If you'd like to speak, then type ! 21:02:40 <giannisk> If you'd like to ask a question, type ? 21:02:48 <giannisk> And when you're done speaking, type eof. 21:03:05 <giannisk> Waiting for a few more minutes for others to show up... 21:03:23 <Jobava> hey all 21:03:50 <jonatoni> Jobava: hey :) 21:04:00 <giannisk> Hey Jobava, use .fas yourusername 21:04:09 <Jobava> I am not an ambassador, but interested in the ways of free software projects, I do localization for Mozilla, gnome, libreoffice and a few other things 21:04:19 <Jobava> hi giannisk! :) 21:04:32 <giannisk> Jobava: that's okay, do you have a FAS account? :) 21:04:37 <Jobava> yes 21:04:46 <mhroncok> .fasinfo churchyard 21:04:47 <zodbot> mhroncok: User: churchyard, Name: Miro Hrončok, email: mhroncok@redhat.com, Creation: 2009-01-05, IRC Nick: mhroncok, Timezone: Europe/Prague, Locale: cs, GPG key ID: C30E2CDE, Status: active 21:04:49 <Jobava> I translate Anaconda through zanata 21:04:50 <zodbot> mhroncok: Approved Groups: python-sig cla_fpca cla_done packager fedorabugs ambassadors provenpackager gitbadges 21:05:02 <giannisk> Jobava: type .fas yourusername 21:05:15 <Jobava> .fas jobaval10n@gmail.com 21:05:15 <zodbot> Jobava: jobava 'Jobava' <jobaval10n@gmail.com> 21:05:56 <Rathann|Mobile> hi 21:06:24 <Jobava> .fasinfo jobava 21:06:25 <zodbot> Jobava: User: jobava, Name: Jobava, email: jobaval10n@gmail.com, Creation: 2015-07-06, IRC Nick: None, Timezone: UTC, Locale: C, GPG key ID: None, Status: active 21:06:28 <zodbot> Jobava: Approved Groups: cla_done cla_fpca 21:06:52 <giannisk> Okay, let's get going! 21:06:58 <elioqoshi> .fas elioqoshi 21:07:01 <frafra> .fas frafra 21:07:04 <zodbot> elioqoshi: elioqoshi 'Elio Qoshi' <ping@elioqoshi.me> 21:07:10 <zodbot> frafra: frafra 'Francesco Frassinelli' <fraph24@gmail.com> 21:08:10 <giannisk> Wow, lot's of people joining today 21:08:25 <elioqoshi> kala kala! 21:08:33 <giannisk> Let's move on 21:08:35 <giannisk> #topic Announcements 21:08:51 <giannisk> I've got one to make 21:09:07 <andreasch> .fas andreasch 21:09:08 <zodbot> andreasch: andreasch 'Andreas Christoforou' <aceoscy@gmail.com> 21:09:13 <andreasch> Hi 21:09:15 <giannisk> #info Contribute: Get your wallpaper into Fedora 24 21:09:25 <giannisk> #link https://fedoramagazine.org/get-wallpaper-in-fedora-24/ 21:09:46 <Jobava> (btw, there is a nice talk on Zanata at devconf czech, it's unavailable for now due to youtube) 21:10:00 <giannisk> As the title suggests, submissions for F24 supplemental wallpapers are open 21:10:16 <giannisk> So If you have anything particular in mind, feel free 21:11:01 <giannisk> Any other announcements? 21:11:06 <mailga> badges for the F23 are available, please read https://lists.fedoraproject.org/archives/list/ambassadors@lists.fedoraproject.org/thread/WVGG35DLVUMFD264OK6TOWMTWEFAPMEB/ 21:11:09 <giannisk> Any questions? 21:11:14 <giannisk> mailga++ 21:11:15 <zodbot> giannisk: Karma for mailga changed to 10 (for the f23 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 21:11:41 * mailga thanks to giannisk..... 21:12:35 <elioqoshi> Submitted 2 wallpapers under Public Domain. Looking forward to the results 21:12:43 <giannisk> elioqoshi++ 21:12:43 <zodbot> giannisk: Karma for elioqoshi changed to 1 (for the f23 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 21:12:59 <robyduck> .fas robyduck 21:12:59 <zodbot> robyduck: robyduck 'Robert Mayr' <robyduck@gmail.com> 21:13:03 <giannisk> Anything else to add? If not, we will be moving on. 21:13:24 <ardian> ! 21:13:35 <giannisk> ardian: go ahead 21:14:29 <ardian> I would like to add that the Campus Ambassadors program is coming back jflory7 has sent an email about this 21:15:08 <elioqoshi> Sorry for my ignorance, what is the Campus Ambassadors program about? 21:15:09 <ardian> It's a very interesting topic for our community and I encourage everyone to take a look into that. 21:15:15 <ardian> eof 21:15:58 <mailga> elioqoshi: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Campus_Ambassadors 21:16:19 <giannisk> elioqoshi: initially an initiative to promote Fedora at schools and campuses, never worked out 21:16:38 <giannisk> elioqoshi: there are currently attempts to bring the program back to life, w/ a new structure 21:16:58 <giannisk> Anything else before we move on? 21:17:38 <giannisk> Okay, moving on. 21:17:42 <giannisk> #topic Requests 21:17:58 <mhroncok> ! 21:18:05 <giannisk> #link https://fedorahosted.org/emea-swag-tracking/report/1?sort=created&asc=0&page=1 21:18:24 <giannisk> #info Ticket #552 - PyCon SK 2016 (travel) 21:18:29 <giannisk> #link https://fedorahosted.org/emea-swag-tracking/ticket/552 21:18:36 <giannisk> mhroncok: go for it 21:19:05 <mhroncok> I just wanted to say that I have very limited time, as I'm currently on local python meetup and I would like to get pycon tickets first 21:19:16 <mhroncok> so I can provide answers, then I'll leave 21:19:17 <mhroncok> eof 21:20:10 <giannisk> mhroncok: your tickets are first on the list, no worries 21:20:22 <mhroncok> giannisk: thanks 21:20:37 <giannisk> mhroncok: can you please say a few things about your participation in Pycon SK? 21:20:42 <giannisk> before we end up voting 21:20:43 <mhroncok> ok 21:21:02 <mhroncok> PyCon SK is a first Pycon in Slovakia 21:21:25 * giannisk notes that accommodation costs for Fedora contributors in PyCon SK have already been approved. 21:21:34 <mhroncok> there has been PyCon CZ (first PyCon CZ) recently 21:21:41 <mhroncok> we've been there in the similar team 21:21:53 <mhroncok> one ambassador and the team of Pyhton maintainers in Fedora 21:22:14 <mhroncok> we think we should go to Sk as well, as Python developer is one of Fedora's main target audience 21:22:30 <mhroncok> we will have a booth there 21:22:45 <mhroncok> we need to cover accomodation (already approved), travel and some tickets 21:22:55 <mhroncok> we get the booth for free, but we only get one free ticket 21:22:57 <mhroncok> eof 21:23:08 <giannisk> thank you mhroncok 21:23:13 <elioqoshi> ? 21:23:22 <giannisk> elioqoshi: yes 21:23:27 <elioqoshi> How much does a ticket cost mhroncok ? 21:23:33 <Jobava> what about selling fedora as a package + identity management for schools which typically need many installs at once and also network management, have there been any deals for that? 21:23:49 <Jobava> it may tread into RHEL territory 21:23:53 <mhroncok> 20 euro per person 21:24:01 <giannisk> Jobava: Please respect the meeting protocol: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/How_to_use_IRC#Meeting_Protocol 21:24:38 <mhroncok> elioqoshi: 5 fedorians on booth, one free ticket, one is a speaker, we need 3 tickets, 60 € 21:24:56 <elioqoshi> Makes sense. Thanks 21:24:57 <elioqoshi> eof 21:25:02 <giannisk> Travel expenses requested in Ticket #552 are ~118 USD. 21:25:12 <giannisk> +1 from me 21:25:21 <mailga> +1 also for me. 21:25:23 <ardian> +1 21:25:24 <jonatoni> +1 21:25:24 <mhroncok> ! 21:25:28 <giannisk> mhroncok: yes 21:25:29 <elioqoshi> +1 21:25:31 <mhroncok> we are voting travel and talking tickets 21:25:45 <giannisk> mhroncok: we will vote for #521 right afterwards 21:25:54 <giannisk> s/521/551 21:26:04 <mhroncok> just to make sure what are people voting for 21:26:17 <giannisk> mhroncok: we are, no worries 21:26:21 <mhroncok> ok 21:26:52 <Rathann|Mobile> +1 21:27:00 <mitzie> +1 21:27:09 <giannisk> #agreed Ticket #552 Approved 21:27:15 <giannisk> Thank you, moving on to #551 21:27:31 <giannisk> #info Ticket #551 - PyCon SK 2016 (tickets) 21:27:41 <giannisk> This request is for the entry tickets 21:28:05 <giannisk> Total amount being requested is 60 EUR -> ~67 USD 21:28:22 <giannisk> +1, already discussed before 21:28:26 <Rathann|Mobile> +1 21:28:31 <ardian> +1 21:28:33 <GITNE> +1 21:28:36 <jonatoni> +1 21:28:39 <mailga> +1 21:28:55 <giannisk> #link https://fedorahosted.org/emea-swag-tracking/ticket/551 21:29:05 <giannisk> #agreed Ticket #551 Approved 21:29:16 <mhroncok> ! 21:29:54 <giannisk> mhroncok: yes 21:30:10 <mhroncok> thank you all, I'll have to go, see you in 14 days probably, eof 21:30:22 <giannisk> mhroncok: take care, see you next time 21:31:13 <giannisk> #info Ticket #545 - Funding Request for Giannis Konstantinidis - DevConf 2016 21:31:18 <giannisk> #link https://fedorahosted.org/emea-swag-tracking/ticket/545 21:32:07 <giannisk> This has already been approved, however the expenses were actually higher, so it needs to be reviewed again. 21:32:40 <giannisk> We were sponsored to travel to DevConf 2016 for the fedora ambassadors meetup 21:33:31 <giannisk> However, our flight was canceled due to bad weather conditions, so we had to book an extra ticket to another airport, and then continue our flight from there. 21:33:39 <giannisk> I have explained everything in the ticket. 21:33:52 <jonatoni> +1 from me 21:34:28 <giannisk> The new amount requested is ~409 USD, whereas the existing approved amount was ~385 USD. 21:34:41 <Jobava> ? 21:34:42 <ardian> +1 from me too, happy you guys made it safe there. 21:34:52 <mailga> giannisk: so they're only 21 eur above the approved budget, right? 21:34:55 * giannisk notes that he could have approved the actual difference himself, however he prefers that it gets reviewed during the regular EMEA meeting 21:34:56 <GITNE> giannisk: this looks to me like the airline would have to cover any additional costs. the EU has made rules for that in this case 21:35:01 <giannisk> mailga: more or less 21:35:14 <mailga> +1 from me. 21:35:18 <giannisk> GITNE: no, because we took a different airline to get to that other airport 21:35:20 <Rathann|Mobile> +1 21:35:30 <giannisk> GITNE: I have explained everything in detail in the ticket 21:35:53 <giannisk> Jobava: yes 21:36:17 <GITNE> giannisk: the problem is, or actually the question is if you took the right course of action in this situation 21:36:35 <Jobava> I was wondering if there are Fedora-related events, or events Fedora people are going to join in the next few months 21:36:56 <giannisk> GITNE: In this occasion yes, there is no doubt about that. 21:37:20 <Rathann|Mobile> ? 21:37:43 <giannisk> GITNE: Samos is a very small island in Greece and there are very specific airline connections, so you're left out with very few options 21:37:44 <GITNE> giannisk: I do know, I would need more time to read into this to make any decision 21:38:11 <rsc> giannisk: IMHO airlines have to comply with EU laws - even in Greece. 21:38:15 <elioqoshi> ! 21:38:18 <b10n1k> .fas b10n1k 21:38:19 <zodbot> b10n1k: b10n1k 'jiannis Bonatakis' <jbonatakis@gmail.com> - jobo 'jiannis bonatakis' <california17@gmail.com> 21:38:35 <giannisk> Everyone, please take a few minutes to read the comments in my ticket. 21:38:55 <GITNE> giannisk: Then even more so, the airline might be still liable for this 21:39:29 <GITNE> giannisk: Did you talk to any lawyer or consumer protection agency about this? 21:39:42 <giannisk> GITNE: No, because it was classified as an extraordinary circumstance (bad weather conditions at departure airport) 21:40:06 <fche> (what lawyer will talk to one for 21eur ?) 21:40:18 <giannisk> I have been a frequent flyer for many years, I know the rights I am entitled by EU 261 21:40:35 <Rathann|Mobile> are we ignoring the meeting protocol now? 21:41:32 <lupinix> .fas lupinix 21:41:33 <zodbot> lupinix: lupinix 'Christian Dersch' <lupinix@mailbox.org> 21:41:36 <lupinix> sorry, i'm late 21:41:41 <giannisk> Any questions? Any objections? 21:42:07 <mailga> nope 21:42:07 <giannisk> Given the circumstances, it was by far the most efficient decision 21:42:24 <giannisk> Also, we're talking for a difference of about 20 EUR 21:42:25 <elioqoshi> +1 from me, I appreciate you taking this into the meeting although you weren't required to do so 21:42:41 <Rathann|Mobile> giannisk: do I understand correctly that you wouldn't have made it to the ambassador meetup if you hadn't gone through Thessaloniki? 21:43:01 <giannisk> elioqoshi: Exactly, I'm not required, just want to make sure that everything is transparent :) 21:43:05 <giannisk> Rathann|Mobile: Exactly :) 21:43:36 <giannisk> Rathann|Mobile: There was no chance we would have made it in time, hadn't we chosen to fly to Thessaloniki w/ that other airline. 21:43:42 <GITNE> giannisk: did the first airline you booked with charge you for anything in the end? 21:43:53 <giannisk> GITNE: of course not 21:44:20 <giannisk> GITNE: rebooking was for free, but from Thessaloniki to Prague 21:44:46 <GITNE> giannisk: Then I think it should be okay when it comes getting reimbursed. 21:45:11 <GITNE> +1 21:46:15 <b10n1k> +1 21:46:18 <giannisk> I count 6 votes, 7 now 21:46:20 <mitzie> +1 21:46:23 <giannisk> 8 21:46:43 <giannisk> #agreed Ticket #545 Re-Approved 21:47:29 <jflory7> ardian++ for bringing up Campus Ambassadors earlier 21:47:31 <giannisk> Anything else regarding Requests? 21:48:28 <giannisk> #topic Ambassadors Schedule 21:48:36 * giannisk looks for the link 21:49:12 <giannisk> #link https://fedorapeople.org/groups/schedule/f-24/f-24-ambassadors-tasks.html 21:50:01 <giannisk> Nothing in particular to point out. 21:50:08 <giannisk> Any questions? Anything you wish to add? 21:51:42 <giannisk> #topic Events 21:52:01 <giannisk> Any events happening around your region? 21:52:18 <giannisk> Any recent events that you'd like to talk about? 21:53:10 <Jobava> ? 21:53:35 <giannisk> Jobava: go for it 21:54:03 <Jobava> I hear some rumors about rpmfusion going away because it's dropped support for EPEL, is that true? eof 21:54:25 <giannisk> Jobava: Does this have to to with the current topic? 21:54:52 <mailga> Jobava: and also what have to do with EMEA ambasador as far? 21:55:01 <Jobava> giannisk: disregard then, sorry eof 21:55:14 <giannisk> Jobava: we are now talking about Events in the EMEA region 21:55:32 <Jobava> ? 21:55:44 <ardian> ? 21:55:53 <giannisk> Jobava: yes 21:56:37 <Jobava> is there a list of events attended by Fedora people, or involving Fedora Ambassadors in the coming months, up to the end of the year? eof 21:57:02 <Rathann|Mobile> ! 21:57:17 * mailga is jumping to mktg meeting, see you guys. 21:57:21 <giannisk> Jobava: there is 21:57:24 <giannisk> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Ambassadors/EMEA/EventPlan:2017 21:57:32 * giannisk waves at mailga 21:57:49 <giannisk> Jobava: Still being filled w/ more entries 21:58:04 <elioqoshi> ! 21:58:14 <giannisk> Jobava: mitzie published the page and posted on the ambassadors mailing list a few days ago 21:58:39 <giannisk> Rathann|Mobile: yes 21:59:07 <Rathann|Mobile> I think you meant https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Ambassadors/EMEA/EventPlan:2016 and I see Flock isn't there 21:59:24 <Rathann|Mobile> eof 21:59:51 <giannisk> Rathann|Mobile: Yeap, that's for the previous fiscal year 22:00:24 <Rathann|Mobile> ah sorry, forgot FY != calendar year 22:00:49 <ardian> ? 22:00:53 <giannisk> elioqoshi: yes 22:01:15 * Rathann|Mobile goes to fix the date for Flock 22:01:51 <giannisk> rathann++ 22:01:51 <zodbot> giannisk: Karma for rathann changed to 1 (for the f23 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 22:01:55 * mailga Flock is a main event, not managed by regions 22:02:32 * giannisk notes mailga's comment and adds that Flock is a premier event w/ a separate budget 22:03:27 <giannisk> elioqoshi: there? 22:03:43 <elioqoshi> We plan to organize Fedora Activity Days next month in Tirana, Albania 22:03:47 <elioqoshi> a weekend 22:03:56 <elioqoshi> To refresh our efforts a bit 22:03:57 <elioqoshi> eof 22:04:23 <giannisk> elioqoshi: Cool, let us know if you need any support 22:04:46 <giannisk> ardian: yeap 22:04:58 <ardian> Regarding the EMEA Event Plan for FY2017 22:05:46 <ardian> We plan to have a FLOSS conference, and I plan to have a fedora event/workshop there 22:06:35 <ardian> Is there any deadline, to add the event in the wiki ? 22:07:21 <ardian> I see an email it's says that's (28 February) 22:07:52 <giannisk> ardian: If you'd like to request funding, please add it to the wiki page before 28 Feb, yes 22:08:08 <ardian> giannisk, does the date matter right now ? 22:08:18 * ardian date of the conference 22:08:26 <giannisk> ardian: nope, just give us an estimation of the date and the cost 22:08:33 <ardian> ah, cool 22:08:35 <ardian> eof 22:08:43 <giannisk> ardian: thank you 22:09:00 <giannisk> Finally, I want to report back from DevConf 22:09:13 <giannisk> Mitzie and sesivany run the ambassadors schedule 22:09:59 <giannisk> As you have noticed previously, me and mitzie made it to Brno in Sunday and arrived in the venue around 30 minutes before the meetup. 22:10:20 <giannisk> (Hadn't we taken that extra flight, we wouldn't have made it in time) 22:10:31 <Kohane> .hi lailah 22:10:48 <giannisk> At the meetup there were several ambassadors, as well as decause and the FPL 22:11:10 <Kohane> .hello lailah 22:11:11 <zodbot> Kohane: lailah 'Sylvia Sánchez' <BHKohane@gmail.com> 22:11:12 <giannisk> We mainly discussed about the budget and the event plan for FY2017 22:11:24 <decause> .hello decause 22:11:25 <zodbot> decause: decause 'Remy DeCausemaker' <decause@redhat.com> 22:11:29 * decause is also in marketing meeting though 22:11:57 <giannisk> That's all from me 22:12:24 <giannisk> A kind reminder to all of you: If you have any particular events in mind, please add them to the EMEA Event Plan for FY2017 22:12:33 <giannisk> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Ambassadors/EMEA/EventPlan:2017 22:12:56 <giannisk> Any questions? Anything else to add? 22:13:00 <ardian> giannisk++ 22:13:00 <zodbot> ardian: Karma for giannisk changed to 5 (for the f23 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 22:13:36 <giannisk> Oh, by the way our session has been recorded, but I cannot seem to find the link right now. 22:14:19 <ardian> giannisk, https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmYAQDZIQGm_kPvemBc_qwg 22:14:31 <Jobava> ? 22:15:20 <giannisk> ardian: i don't think it's in that channel 22:15:23 <giannisk> Jobava: yes 22:15:52 <Jobava> sorry, I need to get my bearings, what is the wiki page detailing the release process, at least the L10n relevant bits 22:15:57 <Jobava> eof 22:17:10 <giannisk> Jobava: That's not related to our current discussion though 22:17:30 <giannisk> Jobava: please keep questions like these for Open Floor, our last topic for today 22:17:49 <giannisk> Anything else regarding Events, people? 22:19:00 <giannisk> Okay, moving on 22:19:09 <giannisk> #topic Action items from previous meetings 22:19:30 * giannisk looks for the previous meeting minutes 22:19:46 <giannisk> #link https://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-meeting/2016-02-03/emea_ambassadors.2016-02-03-21.00.html 22:20:00 <giannisk> #info No action items left from the previous meeting. 22:20:10 <giannisk> Any questions here? Anything to add? 22:21:18 <giannisk> Okay, moving on to the last topic. 22:21:29 <giannisk> #topic Open Floor 22:21:33 <giannisk> Anything else goes here :) 22:21:42 <giannisk> Note that the meeting protocol is still in effect 22:24:30 <giannisk> If there's nothing else, we will end this meeting in three (3) minutes from now. 22:24:55 <taquilla> ok. good night 22:26:43 <mailga> giannisk: thank for leading. 22:26:52 <lupinix> good night everyone and again sorry for being late :) 22:27:19 <giannisk> Take care everyone, see you again in two weeks from now! 22:27:35 <giannisk> #endmeeting