21:00:08 <giannisk> #startmeeting EMEA ambassadors 2015-11-11 21:00:08 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Nov 11 21:00:08 2015 UTC. The chair is giannisk. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 21:00:08 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 21:00:12 <giannisk> #meetingname emea ambassadors 21:00:12 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'emea_ambassadors' 21:00:18 <giannisk> #chair giannisk mitzie 21:00:18 <zodbot> Current chairs: giannisk mitzie 21:00:22 <giannisk> #topic Roll Call 21:00:31 <andreasch> Hi 21:00:40 <giannisk> Hello everyone and welcome to yet another meeting for the EMEA Region :) 21:00:49 <giannisk> Let's see who's here. 21:00:54 <lupinix> .fas lupinix 21:00:55 <zodbot> lupinix: lupinix 'Christian Dersch' <lupinix@mailbox.org> 21:00:55 <giannisk> Use .fas yourusername 21:00:57 <mitzie> Hello giannisk 21:00:58 <giannisk> .fas giannisk 21:00:58 <zodbot> giannisk: giannisk 'Giannis Konstantinidis' <giannis@konstantinidis.cc> 21:01:00 <lupinix> hi everyone 21:01:00 <mitzie> .fas mitzie 21:01:01 <zodbot> mitzie: mitzie 'Zacharias Mitzelos' <mitzie@mitzelos.com> 21:01:03 <andreasch> .fas andreasch 21:01:05 <zodbot> andreasch: andreasch 'Andreas Christoforou' <aceoscy@gmail.com> 21:01:06 * giannisk waves back 21:01:07 <jonatoni> .fas jonatoni 21:01:08 <zodbot> jonatoni: jonatoni 'Jona Azizaj' <jonaazizaj@gmail.com> 21:01:45 <tyll> .fas till 21:01:46 <zodbot> tyll: eyder 'eyder israel peralta castillo' <eyder@hotmail.es> - werken 'Reynaldo Castillo' <werkenatalivar@gmail.com> - aicastillo85 'Ana Castillo' <aicastillo85@hotmail.com> - tatiko06 'Leslie Tatiana Castillo Perdomo' <tatis06_20@hotmail.com> - erickcastillo20 'Erick Castillo' <erick.castillo20@yahoo.com> - acastillo 'acastillo' <angelcastillo17@hotmail.com> - saulfec 'Saúl Fernando Espinoza Castillo' (15 more messages) 21:02:14 <GITNE> .fas gitne 21:02:14 <zodbot> GITNE: gitne '' <gitne@gmx.de> 21:03:02 <giannisk> Alright. 21:03:16 <tyll> .fasinfo till 21:03:17 <giannisk> Our agenda for today can be found below: 21:03:17 <zodbot> tyll: User: till, Name: Till Maas, email: opensource@till.name, Creation: 2006-08-17, IRC Nick: tyll, Timezone: Europe/Berlin, Locale: en, GPG key ID: 18A0E3D6A36194E0A6F2C5F06A3A10B31C109517, Status: active 21:03:20 <zodbot> tyll: Approved Groups: cla_fedora cla_done fedorabugs bzrpackagedb +packager provenpackager sysadmin-test cla_fpca cvsadmin gitreleng fi-apprentice sysadmin sysadmin-releng ambassadors sysadmin-cvs signers 21:03:28 <giannisk> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Meeting:EMEA_Ambassadors_2015-11-11#Agenda 21:03:35 <giannisk> tyll: that's okay :) 21:03:52 <giannisk> Also, a kind reminder that the meeting protocol is in effect. 21:04:02 <giannisk> That means, if you'd like to speak, please type ! 21:04:10 <giannisk> If you'd like to ask something, type ? 21:04:18 <giannisk> And when you're done speaking, type eof. 21:04:25 <giannisk> More info on the meeting protocol can be found below: 21:04:38 <giannisk> #info The meeting protocol is in effect. Please see https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/How_to_use_IRC#Meeting_Protocol 21:04:57 <tyll> ? 21:05:08 <giannisk> tyll: yes please 21:05:53 <tyll> will the agenda already include the tickets that I filed today as part of the respective topic or should I have added them to the wiki? It was not clear since the wiki page just used a macro for the agenda - eof 21:06:45 <giannisk> tyll: yes of course 21:06:55 <giannisk> tyll: it falls under the "Requests" category 21:07:05 <giannisk> tyll: no need to add anything else on the agenda ;) 21:07:45 <giannisk> Let's move on. 21:07:50 <giannisk> #topic Announcements 21:08:02 <giannisk> I have quite a few to make. 21:08:13 <giannisk> First of all, as you may have seen F23 is out. :) 21:08:26 <giannisk> It was released a week ago. 21:09:03 <giannisk> #info F23 Is Out Already :) 21:09:27 <giannisk> Here goes an interesting read from our FLP, on the Fedora Magazine (if you haven't read it already): 21:09:44 <giannisk> #link https://fedoramagazine.org/fedora-23-released/ 21:10:33 <giannisk> Next announcement is about the Fedora Community Blog 21:10:53 <giannisk> #info Fedora Community Blog 21:11:22 <giannisk> Which is pretty much meant to connect the different projects, groups, and efforts going on in the community every day. 21:11:41 <giannisk> There goes the link to the community blog: 21:11:43 <giannisk> #link https://communityblog.fedoraproject.org/ 21:12:00 <giannisk> And here's a nice read about it: 21:12:06 <giannisk> #link https://fedoramagazine.org/introducing-fedora-community-blog/ 21:12:31 <giannisk> Last announcement I have to make is about the Fedora Developer Portal. 21:12:42 <giannisk> #info Fedora Developer Portal 21:13:13 <giannisk> Which is meant to be a huge knowledge place for all kinds of developers using Fedora. 21:13:20 <giannisk> Here's the link: 21:13:32 <giannisk> #link https://developer.fedoraproject.org/ 21:13:50 <giannisk> And there goes another nice article on the Magazine about it: 21:13:57 <giannisk> #link https://fedoramagazine.org/announcing-fedora-developer-portal/ 21:14:13 <giannisk> Any questions so far? 21:14:29 <giannisk> Does anyone wish to add or say something in general? 21:14:56 <giannisk> Any other announcements? 21:15:50 <giannisk> If not, we can move on. 21:16:29 <GITNE> ? 21:16:37 <giannisk> GITNE: sure 21:17:01 <GITNE> Can fedora users blog on the community blog too? eof 21:18:13 <tyll> ! 21:18:15 <giannisk> GITNE: I don't think so. 21:18:33 <giannisk> GITNE: As it mentions that it's supposed to be for Fedora contributors only. 21:18:52 <giannisk> GITNE: Meaning, for people that are part of one or more teams inside Fedora. 21:19:44 <giannisk> tyll: yes 21:21:15 <tyll> afaics one needs probably a FAS account to blog on the community blog, I could blog there without asking for special permissions - just FYI - eof 21:22:04 <GITNE> ? 21:22:32 <giannisk> tyll: I think you still need to be part of at least one non-cla group, not sure about this though. 21:22:43 <giannisk> GITNE: yes 21:23:06 <mitzie> I think that anyone can submit an article. Either way it will be reviewed before it is published 21:23:07 <GITNE> so no blog space per user but only per project/group. thank you for making this clear. eof 21:24:09 <giannisk> Any other questions? 21:25:37 <giannisk> Okay, we can move on to requests. 21:25:51 <giannisk> #topic Requests 21:25:59 <giannisk> Let me have a look on the EMEA trac. 21:26:38 <giannisk> #link https://fedorahosted.org/emea-swag-tracking/report/1?asc=0&page=1&sort=created 21:27:05 <giannisk> #info Ticket #523 - Producing swag F23 21:27:10 <giannisk> #link https://fedorahosted.org/emea-swag-tracking/ticket/523 21:27:37 <giannisk> There goes a request from Kveta to produce new swag. 21:28:08 <giannisk> The text was unfortunately badly formatted (thanks to trac), but as far as I can tell it says: 21:28:43 <giannisk> 2000 Powered by Fedora + 1500 Powered by Fedora Workstation Stickers 21:28:59 <giannisk> 3000 Big F Stickers 21:29:19 <giannisk> 2000 Workstation, 1000 Server and 1000 Cloud Stickers 21:29:35 <giannisk> Total for this is 1385 EUR 21:29:56 <giannisk> And there's also 1000 small Fedora badges: 7340 CZK for that 21:30:07 <giannisk> Which converts to around 271 EUR 21:30:30 <mitzie> Although the funds requested are over the budget for this quarter, not all the money allocated for swag production were spent in the previous quarters, so it's good to go 21:30:38 <giannisk> We're short on swag and we definitely need more for this release and for the upcoming releases. 21:30:55 <giannisk> Also, we're going to save some money since we're going to produce less DVDs for this release. 21:31:03 <lupinix> yes, imho very important for events 21:31:04 <giannisk> As previously discussed on the mailing list. 21:31:19 <giannisk> mitzie: Thanks for clarifying 21:31:27 <giannisk> +1 from me 21:31:30 <lupinix> +1 21:31:32 <mitzie> giannisk: sure 21:31:34 <mitzie> +1 21:31:45 <jonatoni> +1 21:32:03 <giannisk> One more vote needed. 21:32:30 <andreasch> +1 21:32:42 <giannisk> At least 5 individual votes, ticket approved. 21:32:55 <GITNE> is this really going all away? reads a lot to me 21:33:09 <giannisk> #agreed Ticket #523 Approved 21:33:13 <giannisk> Next one. 21:33:50 <giannisk> #info Ticket #524 - Funding request for Chaos Communication Congress 21:33:56 <giannisk> #link https://fedorahosted.org/emea-swag-tracking/ticket/524 21:33:57 <lupinix> GITNE: yes, this stuff is not F23 only and can be used until we gave all away 21:34:08 <giannisk> tyll: feel free to tell us some info :) 21:35:07 <tyll> The 32C3 or 32nd Chaos Communication Congress is a huge event in Hamburg, Germany (10,000+ people) for makers, hackers, foss enthusiast from all over the world 21:35:54 <tyll> afaics it is a different event then the events we usually attend because it is not only FOSS focused but more or less open to everything that might be interesting to a netizen 21:36:41 <tyll> however there was no real Fedora representations but it is also a little different to normal conferences 21:37:17 <GITNE> ! 21:37:36 <tyll> there are not necessarily booths but so-called assemblies where like-minded people can meet - they can also work together on projects, show stuff (there are for example many blinking things or 3d printers) 21:38:17 <tyll> also there are additional self-organized sessions (talks/workshops9 21:38:38 <tyll> I hope to use this to get some new contributors or users 21:38:40 <tyll> eof 21:39:10 <giannisk> tyll: cool :) 21:39:23 <mitzie> tyll: yes, the event is included in this budget, compared to last year 21:39:31 <giannisk> tyll: I understand you're going to hold a Fedora booth there, right? 21:39:52 <giannisk> tyll: any other Fedora-related activities you're maybe considering to do there? 21:40:49 <tyll> giannisk: yes, I started to ask for a assembly there: https://events.ccc.de/congress/2015/wiki/Assembly:Fedora_Project - I hope to also get time for a presentation or packaging workshop as part of the self-organized sessions - it also depends on how many others could join and help 21:40:59 <tyll> https://events.ccc.de/congress/2015/wiki/Assembly:Fedora_Project 21:41:11 <giannisk> #link https://events.ccc.de/congress/2015/wiki/Assembly:Fedora_Project 21:41:15 <giannisk> tyll: solid :) 21:41:57 <giannisk> tyll: Just on a side note: See if there's a slight chance we can get a free pass there as a free & open source project 21:42:02 <giannisk> tyll: Just saying. 21:42:41 <giannisk> tyll: For example on LinuxCon Europe, we were provided with a free booth and passes. 21:43:34 <tyll> giannisk: the booth is free if accepted, but there are no free passes in general since there are also not really commercial sponsors 21:44:03 <tyll> giannisk: here is the ticket information from last year: https://events.ccc.de/congress/2014/wiki/Static:Tickets 21:44:11 <giannisk> tyll: I see 21:44:46 <GITNE> tyll: I am planning to go to the ccc this year and hoping to finally meet some ppl from Fedora live. Perhaps I could be of any help? eof 21:45:26 <giannisk> GITNE: perhaps you can co-ordinate with tyll in order to organize some Fedora presence there :) 21:45:49 <GITNE> giannisk: yes, I'll do that :-) 21:46:08 <tyll> any help is welcome :-) 21:46:17 <giannisk> Okay, let's vote. 21:46:39 <giannisk> 766 EUR included accommodation two people? 21:46:55 <giannisk> s/included/includes 21:47:39 <tyll> yes - but accomodation is for one day before till the last day - not till the day after the last day 21:48:15 <giannisk> Okay, we can vote for up to 766 EUR then 21:48:15 <tyll> usually a lot of people leave already during the last day 21:48:34 <giannisk> If no-one else decides to join you, you can downgrade to a single soom I guess. 21:49:04 <tyll> usually it is possible to find someone to share the room, because of the many attendees 21:49:19 <tyll> so it would be possible to get the other half from someone 21:49:40 <giannisk> tyll: I'm sure you can manage it :) 21:49:47 <giannisk> Let's vote for up to 766 EUR then. 21:50:04 <giannisk> Solid event, +1 from me. 21:50:17 <mitzie> yes, +1 21:50:18 <andreasch> +1 21:50:18 <giannisk> It would be great if we can a few more contributors there. 21:50:19 <jonatoni> +1 21:50:22 <lupinix> +1 21:50:27 <giannisk> Especially, if they are close to the region. 21:50:56 <GITNE> I don't know if I am admitted to vote but +1 from me 21:52:55 <giannisk> At least five votes, ticket approved. 21:53:01 <giannisk> tyll: good luck there :) 21:53:19 <giannisk> #agreed Ticket #524 approved 21:53:27 <giannisk> #undo 21:53:27 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: AGREED by giannisk at 21:53:19 : Ticket #524 approved 21:53:30 <giannisk> #agreed Ticket #524 Approved 21:53:38 <giannisk> For the sake of perfection :P 21:53:45 <lupinix> :D 21:53:55 <giannisk> Alright fellas 21:53:58 <tyll> giannisk: thank you - btw. I forgot to mention that I have a resevervation for a second room in case someone else could join - but I can only cancel it till friday 21:54:00 <giannisk> Any questions here? 21:54:17 <giannisk> tyll: thanks for sharing this info 21:54:38 <giannisk> If there isn't anything else, we can move on to the next topic 21:55:46 <mitzie> tyll: I'm interested in joining you if any one else doesn't step up 21:55:59 <mitzie> I'll PM you in private 21:56:21 <tyll> ok 21:58:04 <mitzie> eof 21:58:14 <giannisk> Okay, moving on 21:58:19 <giannisk> #topic Ambassadors Schedule 21:58:35 <giannisk> Let me find the link. 21:58:51 <giannisk> #link https://fedorapeople.org/groups/schedule/f-23/f-23-ambassadors-tasks.html 21:59:12 <giannisk> Not much to add here. 21:59:35 <giannisk> Release parties are happening around. We can talk about these on the next topic. 21:59:51 <giannisk> We should start preparing for F24 anytime soon. 22:00:01 <giannisk> Any questions here? Or anything else to add? 22:01:14 <giannisk> Moving on to the next topic. 22:01:20 <giannisk> #topic Events 22:01:24 <b10n1k> .fas b10n1k 22:01:24 <zodbot> b10n1k: b10n1k 'jiannis Bonatakis' <jbonatakis@gmail.com> - jobo 'jiannis bonatakis' <california17@gmail.com> 22:01:52 <giannisk> F23 is out and release parties are happening already :) 22:02:20 <giannisk> This Saturday we will be holding a release party together with mitzie in our university. 22:02:46 <giannisk> We're going to start with a basic presentation around the distro and the project as a whole. 22:03:15 <giannisk> Then we're going to talk about the latest updates in the project and more specifically about the latest features in F23. 22:03:24 <giannisk> And in the end we're going to hold an installfest. 22:03:50 <giannisk> That's it. 22:04:02 <b10n1k> good news. bravo guys 22:04:08 <giannisk> Anyone else organizing a Fedora release party? Or any Fedora-related event in general? 22:04:49 <jonatoni> Also in Albania we are organizing a F23 Release Party 22:05:03 <jonatoni> at Open Labs Hackerspace 22:05:29 <jonatoni> this saturday 22:05:30 * lupinix already presented F23 on tuesday 22:06:24 <giannisk> Nice fellas :) 22:06:36 <giannisk> jonatoni: what time is your release party? 22:06:48 <jonatoni> 4PM 22:07:07 <giannisk> 4PM in Albania is 5PM in Greece :) 22:07:23 <giannisk> perfect, just the time our release party is starting 22:07:43 <giannisk> jonatoni: we can probably plan to do something co-ordinated between our communities 22:07:53 <giannisk> jonatoni: i can ping you later 22:07:57 <jonatoni> sure :) 22:08:08 <giannisk> cool 22:08:20 <giannisk> Anything else regarding events fellas? 22:09:05 <giannisk> Oh, I'd also like to report back from FOSSCOMM 22:09:25 <giannisk> Which is the annual gathering of the Greek free and open source software developers and contributors 22:09:53 <giannisk> It was held last weekend in the Technological Educational Institute of Athens 22:10:15 <giannisk> We were 9 Greek Fedora contributors and friends in general. 22:10:21 <giannisk> And we stuffed the Fedora booth there. 22:10:29 <giannisk> s/stuffed/staffed 22:11:02 <giannisk> Along with mitzie we also gave a talk titled "An Introduction to the Fedora Project" 22:11:10 <giannisk> Which was, apparently, a full house. 22:11:27 <giannisk> All in all, there were like 200 people on the first day. 22:11:56 <giannisk> However, on the second day attendance was a rather bit dissapointing. 22:12:17 <giannisk> Very few people, especially in the morning. 22:12:27 <giannisk> Nevertheless, I believe we had a solid impact. 22:12:36 <giannisk> that's it 22:12:40 <giannisk> Anything else? 22:12:43 <b10n1k> ! 22:12:49 <giannisk> b10n1k: sure :) 22:13:11 <b10n1k> is anyone planning to go to Chaos Communication Congress 22:13:31 <giannisk> b10n1k: yes, tyll is, we discussed about it earlier 22:13:39 <giannisk> b10n1k: you can check the logs and ping him later :) 22:13:48 <b10n1k> sorry. i missed it 22:13:50 <b10n1k> sure 22:13:50 <giannisk> b10n1k: and maybe co-ordinate something together :) 22:13:54 <giannisk> b10n1k: no worries 22:13:58 <b10n1k> maybe 22:14:21 <b10n1k> do i need to open a ticket for that? 22:14:46 <tyll> yes, I have also a second ticket about the 32C3 regarding booth material - is now the right time to discuss it? 22:14:47 <giannisk> b10n1k: depends... better talk with tyll before doing anything 22:15:05 <giannisk> tyll: Swag Requests don't need to get voted 22:15:21 <giannisk> tyll: Expect a reply from Kveta anytime soon. 22:15:36 <giannisk> s/get/be 22:15:55 <tyll> giannisk: I was hoping on getting some help about what and how much to request 22:16:25 <giannisk> tyll: let's discuss this on open floor, shall we? :) 22:17:03 <tyll> giannisk: yes, ok 22:17:29 <giannisk> Anything else regarding Events, everyone? 22:17:58 <giannisk> If not, we can move on to the next topic. 22:17:59 <tyll> ? 22:18:09 <giannisk> tyll: yes please 22:19:42 * lupinix leaves as he just felt asleep… good night everyone! 22:19:46 <tyll> it is again about the funding for the 32C3, since there are now at least four people interested would it make sense to decide about whether or not to fund a second hotel room now since I would have to cancel it before next meeting if there is no clear decission? 22:20:03 <tyll> eof 22:21:04 <giannisk> tyll: What I suggest it to later start a discussion with those interested in joining you. 22:21:31 <giannisk> tyll: And if more people need sponsorship, to ask for one in order to be voted in the next meeting. 22:21:46 <lupinix> maybe i'll attend 32C3 too, but as i'll combine it with visiting friends at hamburg i don't need a hotel room 22:22:31 <GITNE> lupinix: but you will need to buy a pass 22:22:45 <lupinix> yes 22:22:49 <tyll> giannisk: ok 22:23:26 <giannisk> Anything else? 22:24:15 <giannisk> Moving on then. 22:24:24 <giannisk> #topic Action items from previous meetings 22:24:37 * giannisk looks for the link to the previous meeting minutes 22:24:58 <giannisk> #link https://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-meeting/2015-10-28/emea_ambassadors.2015-10-28-21.00.html 22:25:30 <giannisk> #info No action items left from the previous meeting. 22:25:46 <giannisk> Any questions here? 22:26:56 <giannisk> Okay, moving on to the Open Floor. 22:27:00 <lupinix> i'm out, good night everyone! 22:27:03 <giannisk> #topic Open Floor 22:27:09 * giannisk waves at lupinix 22:27:15 <giannisk> Anything else goes here. 22:27:36 <giannisk> tyll: you were asking something earlier 22:27:53 <giannisk> tyll: about how much and what types of swag to request 22:29:33 <tyll> giannisk: yes, the 32C3 would be my first event, so I do not know how much is usually requested 22:30:15 <GITNE> giannisk: we should definitely order t-shirts 22:30:37 <giannisk> tyll: 32C3 is attended by lots of people, so the more the swag we have the better for everyone :) 22:30:49 <GITNE> giannisk: or maybe fedoras ;-) 22:31:04 <giannisk> tyll: Any kinds of swag would do: stickers, buttons, pens, etc. 22:31:35 <giannisk> People don't use DVDs anymore, and as you may have read on the mailing list, we're starting to phase them out. 22:31:59 <giannisk> GITNE: we haven't yet come with a final plan to produce t-shirts 22:32:04 <GITNE> giannisk: what about USB sticks? 22:32:42 <GITNE> giannisk: :-\ I'd love to wear a fedora polo at the ccc 22:33:02 <tyll> I was thinking about printing something with the Fedora release GPG key fingerprints which is something people might be interested in at the 32C3 and some information about where to find the information to verify our images 22:33:26 <tyll> since everything is signed it is good to use it also as promotion imho 22:33:37 <giannisk> GITNE: long story, apparently. Poorly-made usb sticks are prone to fail, cost a lot and are extremely slow. We decided not to stick with Fedora-labeled usb sticks. 22:34:11 <giannisk> tyll: yes, you can do that 22:34:57 <giannisk> GITNE: If you're an already approved fedora ambassador, you can request a Fedora Polo through the EMEA trac. 22:35:24 <GITNE> giannisk: then I shall do that :-) 22:35:47 <giannisk> Anything else for Open Floor, fellas? 22:36:20 <tyll> is there maybe a suggestion for how much I should request in hard numbers? 22:37:45 <GITNE> tyll: 1k of everything is probably a good number 22:38:08 <giannisk> GITNE: no, no, that's a huge number 22:38:26 <GITNE> tyll: in my experience some stuff goes away, some goes less 22:38:28 <giannisk> GITNE: considering that we only produce a few thousand stickers for the whole EMEA region 22:38:44 <giannisk> GITNE: we can't spend 1k stickers just in one event 22:38:53 <GITNE> giannisk: the ccc is *huge* 22:39:02 <giannisk> That probably doesn't happen even in large events like FOSDEM. 22:39:46 <giannisk> A few hundred, let's say 300-400 stickers in total, would be okay in my opinion. 22:40:13 <GITNE> giannisk: I had an experience with buttons at my university and we ordered 500, in the end we gave out over 4.5k in a university of 10k students 22:40:14 <giannisk> Along with other types of swag of course. 22:40:35 <tyll> from the number of atendees the 32C3 is about twice as large as FOSDEM 22:41:09 <giannisk> Do we have a current overview of how many swag we have left in the EMEA region? 22:41:10 <GITNE> giannisk: I think 1k is a good number for the ccc 22:42:11 <giannisk> Considering the fact that Kveta is asking to produce new swag, it makes me think that we don't have much left. 22:42:42 <giannisk> #link https://fedorahosted.org/emea-swag-tracking/wiki/Inventory 22:42:56 <giannisk> The inventory page on the EMEA trac is out-dated. 22:43:04 <GITNE> giannisk: sure, anything will do. but the ccc is big 22:43:16 <mitzie> giannisk: exactly 22:43:57 <giannisk> tyll: Here's what you can do: State an estimated amount of attendance. 22:44:17 <giannisk> tyll: And ask to be sent swag accordingly. 22:44:48 <giannisk> tyll: And Kveta, who's handling the swag requests, will see what she can do. 22:45:06 <giannisk> Because I don't have any figure on the actual numbers of swag we have remaining. 22:45:50 <tyll> ok 22:46:19 <tyll> if there will be space for a banner, can I just request it in a ticket as well? 22:46:22 <giannisk> Another thing that we have realized is that we need to have an updated page regarding the available swag in EMEA. 22:46:36 <giannisk> Let me post on the mailing list to get this sorted out. 22:47:27 <GITNE> #action giannisk Update available swag in EMEA 22:47:45 <giannisk> #undo 22:47:45 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: ACTION by GITNE at 22:47:27 : giannisk Update available swag in EMEA 22:47:53 <giannisk> GITNE: please don't, let me handle it 22:48:03 <giannisk> #action giannisk Post on the ambassadors list in order to initiate an update of the current amounts of swag available for the EMEA region. 22:48:18 <giannisk> I can't update in myself, I don't have any figures on the remaining swag. 22:48:19 <GITNE> giannisk: sorry, I thought you might have forgotten 22:48:45 <giannisk> What I can do is to ask people who own swag to start updating the page :) 22:48:58 <giannisk> Alright 22:49:03 <giannisk> Anything else here? 22:49:27 <giannisk> s/in/it 22:50:11 <giannisk> If not, we can end this meeting in 2 minutes. 22:51:52 <giannisk> Ending in less than a minute. 22:52:05 <giannisk> Thanks everyone for attending, see you in two weeks :) 22:52:13 <giannisk> #endmeeting