01:00:26 <award3535> #startmeeting FAmNA
01:00:26 <zodbot> Meeting started Fri Oct 30 01:00:26 2015 UTC.  The chair is award3535. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
01:00:26 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic.
01:00:39 <award3535> #meetingname FAmNA
01:00:39 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'famna'
01:00:51 <award3535> #topic === FAmNA Roll Call ===
01:00:54 * masta waves
01:00:56 <masta> Howdy all
01:01:05 <award3535> chair# masta
01:01:19 <award3535> #chair masta
01:01:19 <zodbot> Current chairs: award3535 masta
01:01:26 <award3535> evening masta
01:01:55 <masta> heya award3535
01:02:41 <cydrobolt> hello
01:02:51 <award3535> #chair cydrobolt
01:02:51 <zodbot> Current chairs: award3535 cydrobolt masta
01:03:03 <award3535> evening cydrobolt
01:03:46 <jflory7> .hello jflory7
01:03:47 <zodbot> jflory7: jflory7 'Justin W. Flory' <me@justinwflory.com>
01:03:53 <award3535> wonders if anyone else is going to show up
01:04:00 <award3535> evening jflory7
01:04:04 <jflory7> Evening!
01:04:47 <award3535> #topic === Announcements ===
01:04:57 <award3535> F23 still no go
01:05:06 <jflory7> So I heard. Hopefully tomorrow will go well.
01:05:17 <jflory7> As far as I know, we are still *planned* to be on schedule?
01:05:37 <award3535> email detailed nov 3
01:05:39 <masta> I hear f23 will go out hopefully ~ Nov 4th'ish
01:06:03 <cydrobolt> how is everyone doing?
01:06:30 <award3535> slowing down for me for a while
01:06:31 <masta> pretty good here cydrobolt, and you?
01:06:32 <jflory7> It's been a busy week, but overall, pretty well. Yourself, cydrobolt?
01:07:30 <masta> I see one ticket in the queue
01:07:42 <award3535> I will give it a few more minutes and yes masta only one
01:08:06 <masta> award3535: ack
01:08:12 <cydrobolt> masta, getting by relatively well :)
01:09:27 <award3535> ok moving on....
01:09:31 <award3535> #topic === Tickets ===
01:09:42 <award3535> #link https://fedorahosted.org/famna/report/9
01:10:09 <award3535> .famnaticket 115
01:10:10 <zodbot> award3535: #115 (FAMNA Budget Tracking ideas) – FAmNA general trac - https://fedorahosted.org/famna/ticket/115
01:11:00 <award3535> this ticket is fairly important in what we spend every year
01:11:07 <jflory7> Hmmm. What tools and options do other teams use for monitoring budgeting expenses?
01:12:00 <award3535> that is just it, I use a spreadsheet that tracks the budget, but the problem exists in getting the actual numbers from events, shipping, travel, etc....
01:12:10 <cydrobolt> hmm
01:12:17 <cydrobolt> do we collect receipts/breakdowns?
01:12:26 <masta> So I have a dreamy idea of some kind of fedora expense reporting portal
01:12:29 * danofsatx is here
01:12:42 <cydrobolt> masta, we could build that in infra...if we could collect the needed info
01:13:10 <danofsatx> sorry, I was digging through old systems looking for something. I forgot what it was, though, so I gave up.
01:13:22 <award3535> #chair danosatx
01:13:22 <zodbot> Current chairs: award3535 cydrobolt danosatx masta
01:13:38 <jflory7> I do think that would be a good tool to consider - I could see great potential for something like that for Fedora. But perhaps that discussion might be better suited for another time.
01:13:54 <award3535> let me detail what has happened in the past
01:14:22 <danofsatx> pssst....you missed the "f" in danofsatx
01:14:53 <award3535> event gets approved for $ booth, travel, room all get approved
01:15:07 <award3535> #chair danofsatx
01:15:07 <zodbot> Current chairs: award3535 cydrobolt danofsatx danosatx masta
01:15:11 <award3535> sorry
01:15:57 <award3535> after the event, shipping, room totals, and travel never get reported or updated on the events wiki
01:16:24 <masta> award3535: you doing a spreadsheet is perfectly good, but it would be nice to have an easy way for contributors to scan their recipts, and those go into that spreadsheet.
01:16:50 <award3535> heres why, room may get paid for RH and I will never see it
01:17:52 <award3535> same with travel, and yes masta I would agree, but if you want to get reimbursed you will overcome that small obstacle
01:18:07 <jflory7> So it seems like there needs to be better systems in place for reporting the expenses that happen during / after the event.
01:18:24 <award3535> jflory7 yes, that is part of it
01:18:29 <award3535> a big part of it
01:19:02 <jflory7> What is the other part(s)?
01:19:14 <award3535> the other is shipping costs, swag expenses, media production. although I do get some of that there is alot that never gets reported
01:19:22 <jsandys> a better written process
01:19:35 <award3535> #chair jsandys
01:19:35 <zodbot> Current chairs: award3535 cydrobolt danofsatx danosatx jsandys masta
01:19:37 <cydrobolt> I've had this issue before as well
01:19:43 <masta> I think of the process I've used at just about every corporation I've ever worked. There is some easy web application to upload scanned receipts, with maybe some input for the number figures, or whatever.... they go off to who ever does the books.
01:19:45 <cydrobolt> emailing Ruth is not always direct
01:19:50 <award3535> jsandys I agree whole heartedly
01:20:08 <cydrobolt> since things don't always get logged or recorded, reimbursements can go unfulfilled
01:20:32 <award3535> the ticket process also allows for you to attach scanned receipts
01:20:45 <award3535> I have access to that system as well
01:20:52 <masta> In fedora I've always sent off receipts to Ruth or somebody in her team, and honestly award3535 I had no idea you were the treasurer role until recently.
01:20:54 <award3535> that is where the problem lies
01:21:31 <masta> so folks, has anybody talked to the other regions how they do it?
01:21:56 * juggler__ is having an IRC client issue...
01:21:57 <juggler__> o/
01:22:21 <award3535> https://fedorahosted.org/famnarequests/report/1 is where you are supposed to enter your reimbursement request
01:22:54 <award3535> the other regions use the ticket system as they should
01:23:14 <jflory7> I'm new around here, so tell me if I'm missing something, but I feel like the best way to go about doing it would be a short-term and long-term goal: aim to improve habits in the region in terms of scanning receipts and promoting the best method or person to send them too in some centralized place, and then possibly begin looking into a tool to make this process easier in the longer term?
01:24:19 <jflory7> Or if the ticket is the way to go about it, should we look into adding templates or making it easier for an ambassador to "fill in the blank" on the Trac?
01:24:20 <award3535> ruth is currently working on a tracking system but it does not show expenses actually used
01:24:33 <jflory7> I see.
01:25:05 <jflory7> So perhaps short-term, a good objective to ease the process now is to add templates to the existing ticket types to make reporting easier and more straightforward.
01:25:11 <award3535> the ticket system is easy, it allows you to select reimbursement, and a variety of items
01:25:59 <award3535> there is also reimbursement guidelines that need a little help
01:26:07 <masta> award3535: so then it comes down to training our region ambassadors (myself included) to use the ticket system.
01:26:31 * kk4ewt 
01:26:39 <masta> #chair kk4ewt
01:26:39 <zodbot> Current chairs: award3535 cydrobolt danofsatx danosatx jsandys kk4ewt masta
01:27:08 <award3535> I am currently working on an ambassador package that will include everything I can find that relates to the position
01:28:00 <award3535> the biggest offenders are on the west coast, I have received no information from any of the west coast events
01:28:00 <jflory7> Is there a wiki page for the reimbursement guidelines? If some of these guidelines already exist in the wiki, we could look at "templating" some of them in the Trac.
01:28:51 <award3535> there is, I will have to did it out
01:29:35 <masta> hey folks, got to run early. Will catch-up on the meeting logs.
01:29:47 <award3535> have a good evening masta
01:29:59 <juggler__> night masta!
01:30:23 <award3535> this ticket will not be resolved anytime soon, but we all need to work on making things better
01:31:54 <jflory7> award3535: Want me to add some of my ideas to the ticket?
01:32:21 <award3535> certainly, jflory7 any comments are welcome
01:32:30 <jflory7> Awesome, I will make sure to add to it tonight.
01:33:21 <jsandys> I take offense at the west coast comment, as I have tried to follow the process posted on the wiki and have submitted a ticket for LFNW. What info did I miss?
01:35:11 <award3535> jsandys, its not anyones fault, the final numbers never get out
01:36:24 <award3535> jsandys did you see my earlier comment with items that are paid on site usually by RH and the total never gets finalized
01:37:04 <award3535> reimbursement requests were they in trac, or just emailed
01:38:37 <jsandys> Yes, but isn't part of the problem that fedora is not a legal entity and RH is?
01:39:46 <award3535> jsandys, partially correct Fedora is not a 501C
01:40:38 <award3535> but you are not looking at the end result for us as FAMNA to approve events that we have no money to allocate
01:42:16 <award3535> also take a look at the wiki pages for the events, there is no close out, not reports added on to the page
01:42:50 <award3535> so ho do you propose on how I get the actual expenses on the event, I am open for suggestions
01:43:16 <danofsatx> I have to bug out early, too. I'll catch up with minutes afterwards.
01:44:23 <award3535> jsandys are you still there
01:44:39 <jsandys> yes
01:45:23 <juggler__> heading out for my next meeting...will catch up as well. good evening all.
01:45:32 <kk4ewt> jsandys,  you are not the only one not doing it and thats is what award3535 has stated over and over
01:45:59 <jsandys> I understand
01:46:03 <kk4ewt> all of us are guilty of not finishing up the wiki
01:46:52 <award3535> So after events are completed if there is no reimbursement tickets, or close out on the page, I have no idea how much was actually spent
01:47:11 <jflory7> I tucked a few of my thoughts and comments that I mentioned earlier on the ticket. https://fedorahosted.org/famna/ticket/115#comment:1
01:47:30 <jsandys> but I do not recall seeing instructions on closing out an event.
01:48:55 <award3535> I will dig up the guidelines for reimbursement and get it out to everyone, the guide that was created was pretty specific on what to do
01:49:18 <jflory7> I could help with "templating" that, if desired.
01:50:15 <award3535> it actually states the report must go on the mailing list, wiki page and one other that is left up to the ambassador, can be fedora magazine, wordpress, etc..
01:51:34 <award3535> also to get reimbursed you must file copies of receipts, with the request and any other supporting documents
01:53:00 <award3535> ruth and I have discussed tightening the guide to reimbursement requests submitted greater than 14days after the event is completed will not get reimbursed
01:53:33 <award3535> Your report of the event should be out within 4 days after the event
01:54:27 <kk4ewt> jsandys and that is what we FAmNA need to work on
01:54:33 <award3535> #action award3535 to email out link to reimbursement guidlines
01:55:06 <jflory7> Sounds good.
01:55:20 <kk4ewt> and lets get it on a wiki page
01:55:55 <jsandys> write it down, make it happen. (one of my mottos)
01:56:41 <jflory7> Anything else on the agenda tonight?
01:56:55 <award3535> #topic == Open Floor ===
01:57:12 <award3535> no other tickets the floor is open
01:58:02 <jflory7> I have nothing else to mention for now.
01:58:21 <award3535> nor I
01:58:30 <award3535> any one else
01:58:50 <jsandys> not today
02:00:07 <award3535> have a great rest of you evening.....
02:00:12 <jflory7> award3535++
02:00:13 <zodbot> jflory7: Karma for award3535 changed to 1 (for the f23 release cycle):  https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any
02:00:14 <jflory7> Thanks for the meeting tonight.
02:00:50 <award3535> #endmeeting