01:01:48 <award3535> #startmeeting FAmNA 01:01:49 <zodbot> Meeting started Fri Oct 23 01:01:48 2015 UTC. The chair is award3535. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 01:01:49 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 01:02:00 <award3535> #meetingname FAmNA 01:02:00 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'famna' 01:02:12 <award3535> #topic === FAmNA Roll Call === 01:02:19 <cydrobolt> hello award3535 01:02:20 <jflory7> .hello jflory7 01:02:21 <zodbot> jflory7: jflory7 'Justin W. Flory' <me@justinwflory.com> 01:02:23 * linuxmodder brb award3535 soda run (fridge) 01:02:26 <wrnash> Hi there 01:02:29 <award3535> #chair 01:02:29 <zodbot> Current chairs: award3535 01:02:31 <cydrobolt> hello all 01:02:52 <award3535> #chair cydrobolt wrnash linuxmodder 01:02:52 <zodbot> Current chairs: award3535 cydrobolt linuxmodder wrnash 01:03:00 <juggler> o/ hello 01:03:06 <jflory7> Evening all! 01:03:08 <award3535> evening all 01:03:08 * kk4ewt 01:03:18 <award3535> #chair kkk4ewt 01:03:18 <zodbot> Current chairs: award3535 cydrobolt kkk4ewt linuxmodder wrnash 01:03:37 <juggler> evening all 01:03:45 <award3535> jflory7 you are new I presume wanting sponsor 01:04:22 <jflory7> I've been idling for the past two weeks for the Ambassador meetings, but thought I would speak up this time. :) 01:05:04 <award3535> jfory7 you are on my radar now 01:05:23 <award3535> #topic === Announcements === 01:05:38 <award3535> F23 no go last email 01:07:26 <linuxmodder> was 3 blockers that I caught in between peeks in on mtg 01:07:30 * danofsatx is heah 01:07:42 <linuxmodder> heah ? sleepy much? 01:07:43 <award3535> #chair danofsatx 01:07:43 <zodbot> Current chairs: award3535 cydrobolt danofsatx kkk4ewt linuxmodder wrnash 01:07:44 <juggler> hey danof 01:08:18 <award3535> any other announcements 01:08:31 <award3535> did everyone see mattdm email 01:08:58 <wrnash> Yes i read it 01:08:59 <linuxmodder> not sure been swimming in email 01:09:06 <linuxmodder> topic was 01:09:08 <linuxmodder> ? 01:09:09 <jflory7> About his marketing training? 01:09:19 <juggler> <--did not see 01:09:43 <award3535> any thoughts on what was included? 01:09:55 <award3535> yes the marketing training 01:10:02 <jflory7> https://lists.fedoraproject.org/pipermail/council-discuss/2015-October/013788.html 01:10:22 <linuxmodder> not seeing it 01:10:30 <award3535> yep thats the link 01:10:43 <award3535> linuxmodder check the link 01:10:55 * linuxmodder checking now 01:11:36 <juggler> thanks jflory7 for hte link 01:11:39 <award3535> while your reading I am going to move on to tickets 01:11:56 <jflory7> No problem. 01:12:00 <award3535> #topic === Tickets === 01:12:11 <award3535> #link https://fedorahosted.org/famna/report/9 01:12:26 <award3535> .famnaticket 114 01:12:27 <zodbot> award3535: #114 (LISA 2015) – FAmNA general trac - https://fedorahosted.org/famna/ticket/114 01:13:31 * danofsatx read matt's mail, want's a job w/ Red Hat to manage the top-left quadrant 01:13:32 <award3535> to clear up the confusion, the only budget we need to approve is linuxmodder's travel which will be about $50 in fuel costs, he will be working with mattdm and the RH shared booth 01:13:35 <linuxmodder> mattdm, you able to update your travel bits on the ticket? 01:13:54 <linuxmodder> if any that is? 01:14:09 <jsandys> jsandys will join after driving 01:14:11 <award3535> linuxmodder he will be using RH funds 01:14:30 <linuxmodder> ah then yes that is all I'm aware of I'm local 01:14:46 <linuxmodder> local as in < 50 miles away 01:15:18 <award3535> so I will ask for a budget of $75.00 to cover fuel costs for linuxmodder 01:15:59 <kk4ewt> 50 i think is plenty 01:16:21 <kk4ewt> that covers a tank of gas 01:16:36 <award3535> ok, then lets vote on $50 01:16:41 <award3535> +1 01:16:43 <kk4ewt> +1 01:16:46 <danofsatx> +1 01:16:47 <wrnash> is it 50 or 75 01:16:53 <juggler> wr 50 01:16:58 <wrnash> +1 for 50 01:17:02 <juggler> +1 for 50 01:17:05 <linuxmodder> I only asked for $50 01:17:51 <award3535> #agreed $50 in travel expenses for linuxmodder, award3535 to update ticket 01:17:54 <linuxmodder> mattdm, if you need parking help hit me up before then I still know the parking folks 01:18:40 <linuxmodder> or anyone else coming in last minute 01:19:08 <linuxmodder> I'll tag up with kk4ewt for the drop ship to you award3535 for next event 01:19:47 <kk4ewt> mattdm, i need info about shipping from mattdm i haave asked ? on the ticket but i havent seen anything 01:20:11 <award3535> linuxmodder thank you, I will need the box before friday the 20th of November 01:20:21 <linuxmodder> I'll try reaching the event folks if you havent heard by monday kk4ewt 01:20:51 <linuxmodder> I'll make sure its off to you right after event like we did from fosscon 01:22:27 <award3535> linuxmodder roger.... 01:23:30 <award3535> #topic == Open Floor === 01:23:47 <award3535> okay the floor is open, ticket 114 updated 01:24:19 <award3535> linuxmodder you may want to hit nb up for some swag, put a ticket in as well and select central 01:24:31 <kk4ewt> ok i am working with a local place for people to order ambassador polos 01:24:51 <kk4ewt> award3535, swag from nb is coming to me then i will send to you and linuxmodder 01:25:11 <award3535> cool, thank you 01:26:00 <wrnash> Would it be nice to get a Ambassador polo once someone is approved to be an ambassador. like a little welcome gift 01:26:02 <juggler> thanks kk4 01:26:10 <kk4ewt> award3535, ship to you or drop ship to the event 01:26:23 <wrnash> might get a couple people to join and promote Fedora. 01:26:31 <kk4ewt> wrnash, not going to happen with the way the budget is 01:26:37 <award3535> ship to me got plenty of room in the car 01:26:57 <wrnash> I know but it would be nice 01:27:23 <linuxmodder> wrnash, so would a million $$ lol 01:27:25 <kk4ewt> but at least we will have a way for people to order and get them again 01:27:40 <juggler> i'm considering heading out to SCaLE 14x this year...anyone else planning to go? 01:27:46 <juggler> er next year i mean 01:27:56 <linuxmodder> juggler, dates again ? 01:28:11 <juggler> one moment ... talk amongst yourselves :) 01:28:24 <kk4ewt> i was there for scale 8 01:28:34 <juggler> January 21-24, 2016 01:28:39 <kk4ewt> and i understand they are moving this year 01:28:47 <juggler> yep, Pasadena...new venue 01:29:16 <linuxmodder> I am working with a non profit org locally in DC dealing with kids and mostly win / linux boxes seen a decent interest in my setup from the admins might be something in a few months 01:29:32 <linuxmodder> for kids likely a soas modification 01:30:02 <linuxmodder> possible juggler 01:30:26 <linuxmodder> the next week is tight schedule but any excuse to visit fam is good enough to try 01:30:44 <juggler> linuxmodder perhaps take the free code.org class...it might mesh nicely with your nonprofit interests :) 01:31:00 <jflory7> linuxmodder: I know the FOSS minor here at the Rochester Institute of Technology do a lot of work with SoaS. What are you wanting to do with it? 01:31:11 <linuxmodder> noted ...will check this weekend 01:31:31 <juggler> linuxmodder : https://code.org/professional-development-workshops 01:31:58 <juggler> it's free and swag-filled too :D 01:32:08 <juggler> highly useful 01:32:15 <linuxmodder> for our younger kids (3-8th grades) likely a more sdr leaning version form what I'm hearing 01:32:31 <linuxmodder> kk juggler thanks 01:32:57 <juggler> linuxmodder yw 01:33:53 <juggler> well all, i will need to bug out for a commute to another meeting. it is good seeing all of you again. 01:33:54 <linuxmodder> jflory7, see if cydrobolt is game he does a decent amount of stuff up that way 01:34:06 <juggler> take care 01:34:11 <linuxmodder> mit rit penn state the like 01:34:33 <linuxmodder> catch you around juggler 01:35:35 <linuxmodder> jflory7, soas is nice for netbooks too which is a large part of the devices the org has 01:35:46 <jflory7> linuxmodder: I'm currently a student at RIT - the FOSS minor does a lot of stuff with SoaS, so if something is planned on being done with it, there might be a decent amount of students who might be interested in helping with that as a project of sorts. 01:36:25 <linuxmodder> jflory7, noted email me after mtg might have idea for them 01:36:35 <linuxmodder> unrelated project 01:36:38 <jflory7> I don't know the full details, but I can definitely get more. What's your email? 01:36:50 <linuxmodder> .fas corey84 01:36:51 <zodbot> linuxmodder: corey84 'Corey Sheldon' <sheldon.corey@gmail.com> 01:36:54 <linuxmodder> ^^ 01:37:09 <jflory7> Thanks, will get that out! 01:38:45 <linuxmodder> nb, evenign' 01:38:50 <nb> hi 01:39:00 * nb wishes he had more time 01:39:04 <nb> oh, we are having meeting now? 01:39:09 <award3535> #chair nb 01:39:09 <zodbot> Current chairs: award3535 cydrobolt danofsatx kkk4ewt linuxmodder nb wrnash 01:39:18 <award3535> evening nb 01:39:34 <award3535> how is the new job 01:39:36 * masta looks in 01:39:38 <masta> howdy all 01:39:44 <award3535> #chair masta 01:39:44 <zodbot> Current chairs: award3535 cydrobolt danofsatx kkk4ewt linuxmodder masta nb wrnash 01:39:49 <award3535> evening masta 01:39:57 <award3535> we are in open floor 01:40:20 <award3535> only one ticket 114 funding approved for linuxmodder fuel expenses 01:40:23 <masta> award3535: did Matt communicate his hotel stuff? 01:40:33 <award3535> masta no need 01:40:36 <masta> ok 01:40:39 <linuxmodder> not that I know of 01:40:41 <award3535> he is using RH funds 01:40:48 <masta> perfect 01:41:05 <award3535> he emailed me earlier this week and let me know 01:41:31 <award3535> we are sharing the booth with RH, linuxmodder and mattdm representing Fedora 01:42:12 <award3535> so the only Fedora funds we are using is for linuxmodder in fuel expenses 01:42:29 <linuxmodder> being local only worried about fuel 01:43:42 <nb> so, media 01:43:46 <nb> what do we want to order for f23? 01:43:52 * nb is behind on the process 01:44:01 <nb> but it usually doesn't take long to get the quote and get the PO made 01:44:07 <award3535> F23 no go 01:44:24 <award3535> pushed to next week 01:44:26 <nb> award3535, yeah, but i still need to get the PO made to order media 01:44:35 <nb> would like to get an idea tonight of how much media we want to order 01:44:52 <nb> we have been ordering 5k, but odd number releases seem to not get given out that much 01:44:55 <nb> since there are less releases 01:44:57 <nb> kk4ewt, ping 01:44:57 <zodbot> nb: Ping with data, please: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/No_naked_pings 01:45:11 <jsandys> Usb drivers for media? 01:45:38 <kk4ewt> less events 01:45:54 <award3535> I agree but what events are in the winter/spring that we need, scale, LFNW? 01:45:54 <jflory7> USB drives are pretty pricy too - that discussion came up at Flock 01:46:24 <kk4ewt> jsandys, if you can find us branded usbkeys for $2 with images on them we can look at it 01:46:32 <masta> we do them for RH summit, and I'm sure there is a big box of them left over. 01:46:33 <nb> kk4ewt, yes, less events i meant to say, sorry 01:46:46 <nb> masta, they were used for other stuff IIRC 01:46:50 <nb> sometimes we get the leftovers 01:46:57 <kk4ewt> nb where is the point of price break 01:46:59 <nb> but this year someone else used them 01:47:02 <nb> kk4ewt, not sure 01:47:15 * nb wanted to check other vendors but -ELACKOFTIME 01:47:20 <kk4ewt> 4K is what i think 01:47:32 <nb> that's what i was thinking 01:47:47 <kk4ewt> or 3 K 01:48:01 <kk4ewt> you me and brain 01:48:07 <kk4ewt> brian 01:48:13 <award3535> 3K I think is good until the next release 01:48:29 <linuxmodder> can look at vendors for printed keys 01:48:36 * nb proposes we order 3k media, as long as price is similar to before, about $1.20 or so each 01:48:47 <kk4ewt> linuxmodder, i have $10 each 01:48:58 <nb> I want to look at other vendors since price seems to be expensive 01:49:06 <linuxmodder> that is pricey in bulk 01:49:28 <kk4ewt> nb is that dvds or dsdvd? 01:49:32 <nb> dvd 01:49:41 <linuxmodder> we are only worried about desktop isos on them right? so 2-4g size 01:49:45 <kk4ewt> yeah i think we can do better 01:49:59 <nb> I do too, but not sure that we can do better for f23 01:50:12 <kk4ewt> nb get busy :) 01:50:14 <nb> getting new vendor added takes a while 01:50:46 <kk4ewt> go with the current vendor now and get busy for f24 01:50:52 <nb> yeah 01:51:00 <award3535> that sounds like a plan 01:51:06 * linuxmodder will look for 24 as well 01:51:11 <kk4ewt> thats all we can do at this point 01:51:16 * nb proposes 3k media, cost of approximately $3,600 01:51:22 <award3535> +1 01:51:26 <linuxmodder> +1 01:51:27 <nb> might be a little more because of less quantity 01:51:32 <wrnash> +1 01:51:43 <kk4ewt> up it to 4K to cover shipping 01:51:47 <nb> yeah 01:51:57 <nb> +1 01:52:00 <award3535> ok 4K +1 01:52:03 <linuxmodder> +1 for up to 4k 01:52:08 <kk4ewt> shouldnt be that high but 01:52:11 <kk4ewt> +1 01:52:15 <wrnash> +1 01:52:19 <jsandys> +1 01:52:35 <kk4ewt> nb, also when you get the PO please get the amount and po # to award3535 please 01:52:44 <award3535> #agreed 4K for F23 Media production 01:53:50 * nb sent an email asking for a quote 01:53:54 <danofsatx> +1 01:53:58 <nb> i will let award3535 know 01:54:03 * danofsatx is lagging 01:54:08 <nb> although i don't get po number a lot of times, depending on if ruth sends it to me 01:54:16 <nb> but i can give him the po amount that i request 01:54:39 <nb> s/a alot of/some/ 01:54:42 <award3535> that is one thing we need to get better at, since I am to run the budget, I need expenditures 01:54:58 <nb> award3535, yeah, i can get you the amount, just i don't always get the po number 01:55:10 * nb will let you know when i get a formal quote from ISS 01:55:22 <award3535> amount is all I need 01:55:50 <kk4ewt> well if you have the PO at least you can go back and say what was PO # 01:55:52 <award3535> we as ambassadors dont do a good job (speaking as a whole) in getting this area correct 01:56:26 <kk4ewt> nb, and we need to report to award3535 amounts when we ship as well 01:56:34 <nb> oh 01:56:45 * nb thinks we should add him to the ups account so he can get invoices also 01:56:53 <linuxmodder> makes reconciling much easier 01:57:09 <kk4ewt> nb and did you ever add paradoxguitarist 01:57:10 <award3535> every event on the west coast was never properly closed out, so I have no accurate number or ambassador expenses 01:57:55 <linuxmodder> ouch every one? 01:58:20 <jsandys> Closed out? 01:58:53 <award3535> but that is another topic we will need to breach very soon, linuxmodder kk4ewt does get expenses to me 01:59:47 <linuxmodder> jsandys, event reports and the like 02:00:26 <kk4ewt> jsandys, we all are bad about not finishing the event page with the actual expenses wither 02:00:32 <award3535> jsandys closed out is when all the reports from attending ambassadors and final expense updated on the wiki page 02:00:38 <nb> then why do we give them money? 02:00:49 <nb> start not giving them reimbursement until they give their report 02:00:55 <award3535> that is what ruth and I are talking about 02:01:12 <award3535> trying to come up with a way to get the information 02:01:24 <linuxmodder> nb's idea makes sense 02:01:29 <kk4ewt> nb kinda hard if the hotel room gets paid by someone with a redhat CC 02:01:54 <award3535> she even went as far as within 14days if requirments werent met she doesnt pay 02:02:17 <award3535> kk4ewt is correct I never get those expenses when RH pays on site 02:02:23 <linuxmodder> even with rapid fire events that seem reasonable 02:02:45 <jflory7> (linuxmodder: Just shot you that email by the way) 02:02:52 <linuxmodder> kk 02:03:15 <kk4ewt> and its not like if its how room we can get a copy of the bill and report 02:03:21 <kk4ewt> our 02:03:26 <award3535> I will create a ticket for next weeks meeting to come up with ideas for delivery of budget items 02:03:47 <jsandys> Why aren't all payments done with tickets. I thoight I read where we shouldn't have financials on the wiki. 02:04:21 <kk4ewt> jsandys, why shouldnt we 02:04:22 <award3535> jsandys, when RH pays the bill on site for hotels there is no ticket created 02:04:42 <award3535> that is the problem, 02:05:02 <award3535> there is no ticket for reimbursement 02:05:08 <kk4ewt> we should publish what we budget and what the final expenses are 02:06:00 <award3535> I think this is a good discussion for next weeks meeting, I will create the ticket and we will go indepth then 02:06:02 <kk4ewt> if someone wants to not put on the amount the where reembursted that can be retitiled as rooms for all 02:06:05 <danofsatx> I gotta go, folks. 5 minutes past when I was supposed to be out of the lab. 02:06:33 <award3535> yes me as well got to be somewhere in about 10 minutes 02:06:43 <kk4ewt> me too bed 02:06:53 <award3535> again I will create a ticket and we will discuss this next week 02:07:22 <award3535> everyone have a good evening, I will see you all at next weeks meeting on the 29th of October 02:07:30 <jflory7> Sounds good, same to you, award3535! 02:07:31 <award3535> #endmeeting