01:01:11 <award3535> #startmeeting FAmNA 01:01:11 <zodbot> Meeting started Fri Oct 9 01:01:11 2015 UTC. The chair is award3535. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 01:01:11 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 01:01:23 <award3535> #meetingname FAmNA 01:01:23 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'famna' 01:01:37 <award3535> #topic === FAmNA Roll Call === 01:01:53 <juggler_> Perry Rivera 01:01:55 <juggler_> o/ 01:02:06 <award3535> evening juggler 01:02:18 <juggler_> heyhey Andrew 01:02:29 <award3535> juggler, you still owe me some answers to question 01:02:41 <juggler_> i do indeed...have not forgotten you :) 01:03:59 <award3535> humm may have a weak showing tonight 01:04:56 <juggler_> ah 01:05:14 <award3535> guess I will hold out until 15 past and see who shows up 01:05:29 <award3535> we had some items to discuss with LISA next month 01:05:39 * linuxmodder late 01:05:55 <linuxmodder> .hello corey84 01:05:58 <zodbot> linuxmodder: corey84 'Corey Sheldon' <sheldon.corey@gmail.com> 01:06:09 <juggler_> hey corey, modder 01:06:10 <award3535> #chair linuxmodder 01:06:10 <zodbot> Current chairs: award3535 linuxmodder 01:06:34 <award3535> linuxmodder, did you create the ticket for LISA yet 01:06:58 <linuxmodder> No I have not It was matthew miller I thought that had one up already 01:07:02 <cydrobolt> o/ 01:07:03 * linuxmodder checking 01:07:34 <award3535> #chair cydrobolt 01:07:34 <zodbot> Current chairs: award3535 cydrobolt linuxmodder 01:07:48 <cydrobolt> hello award3535 01:08:10 <award3535> linuxmodder, I emailed him earlier and he said you were handling that 01:08:20 <linuxmodder> if not up already i'll throw one up tonight and ping matt 01:08:22 <award3535> evening cydrobolt 01:08:37 <linuxmodder> missed that memo will rectify tonight then 01:08:44 <award3535> linuxmodder, is the wiki up for it yet as well 01:08:52 <juggler_> hi cy 01:09:24 <cydrobolt> hi juggler_ 01:09:42 <award3535> #topic === Announcements === 01:09:48 <linuxmodder> it is on the events wiki yes 01:09:50 <juggler_> did we lose corey84? 01:09:58 <award3535> OLF complete LISA 01:10:00 <linuxmodder> corey84 == linuxmodder 01:10:11 <linuxmodder> juggler_, ^ 01:10:12 * kk4ewt 01:10:18 <juggler_> ah gotcha modder 01:10:26 <award3535> #chair kk4ewt 01:10:26 <zodbot> Current chairs: award3535 cydrobolt kk4ewt linuxmodder 01:11:04 <award3535> linuxmodder I plan to have a vote on budget for LISA at next weeks meeting 01:11:22 <linuxmodder> award3535, https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/LISA2015 its up but needs some work 01:11:40 <linuxmodder> will have for sure ready by next weeks mtg 01:11:53 <award3535> #topic === Tickets === 01:12:05 <award3535> There are none this week moving on 01:12:15 <award3535> #topic == Open Floor === 01:12:43 <juggler_> I hear from friends that the venue for SCaLE is changing to Pasadena 01:13:20 <kk4ewt> my report for OLF is i agree totally with andrews report 01:13:21 <linuxmodder> other than matt and I anyone else i should add to wiki ? 01:13:26 <linuxmodder> for LISA 01:13:30 * ParadoxGuitarist wanders in 01:13:42 <linuxmodder> that was a nice writeup btw award3535 01:13:54 * ParadoxGuitarist agrees. 01:13:55 <award3535> #chair ParadoxGuitarist 01:13:55 <zodbot> Current chairs: ParadoxGuitarist award3535 cydrobolt kk4ewt linuxmodder 01:14:10 <linuxmodder> award3535, did you geet my email last week on shirt? 01:14:11 <award3535> TY I try to make a complete report 01:14:19 <kk4ewt> i got invite today to go to the roanoke valley linux users group meeting next week 01:14:27 <juggler> btw the link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/LISA2015 says LISA 2025 in the inner text... 01:14:47 <award3535> linuxmodder I did, I will get one to you shortly 01:14:49 <linuxmodder> juggler, saw my early '"needs work" 01:15:15 <linuxmodder> the vienna address is leasing office in event I'm not home award3535 01:15:21 <juggler> :) thought you were from the future! 01:15:35 <linuxmodder> that was matt's doing lol 01:15:37 <award3535> juggler, linuxmodder will update it prior to next weeks meeting 01:15:53 <juggler> no worries all 01:16:00 <linuxmodder> #action linuxmodder to update LISA wiki for next weeks mtg 01:16:11 <award3535> linuxmodder do I have both addresses? 01:16:33 <award3535> give me both again to ensure delivery 01:16:33 <linuxmodder> vienna one should be considered default except for drop ships award3535 01:16:59 <linuxmodder> will do but the one in that last email is the default one 01:17:10 <award3535> ok 01:17:48 <award3535> kk4ewt I am jealous, or local lug was in Jacksonville Fl and they disbanded 01:17:54 <linuxmodder> anyone able / willing to help with staffing for a possible april hackathon (GMU ) 01:18:06 <linuxmodder> that bites 01:18:36 * linuxmodder has two near him (< 20km ) and can barely make meetings due to schedule 01:21:35 <jsandys> No meeting tonight? 01:21:42 <ParadoxGuitarist> bah 01:21:45 <ParadoxGuitarist> got kicked out 01:21:55 <award3535> #chair jsandys 01:21:55 <zodbot> Current chairs: ParadoxGuitarist award3535 cydrobolt jsandys kk4ewt linuxmodder 01:22:01 <juggler> jsandys it's in progress :) 01:22:10 <award3535> jsandys we are in open floor 01:22:24 <award3535> there are no tickets until next weeks meeting 01:22:58 <linuxmodder> jsandys, items for open floor ? 01:23:00 <award3535> jsandys upcoming events LISA and Fossetcon 01:23:11 <linuxmodder> where is fossetcon again? 01:23:18 <award3535> Orlando 01:23:20 <ParadoxGuitarist> Did we get a final number on where we're at with FAmNA budget 01:23:31 <linuxmodder> ^ 01:23:49 <award3535> No number yet, ruth has been working on it to get to us 01:23:55 <linuxmodder> does con include disneyland trip ?lol 01:24:08 <ParadoxGuitarist> linuxmodder: no. 01:24:09 <award3535> Disney world 01:24:10 <ParadoxGuitarist> =P 01:24:28 <linuxmodder> yeah West coast comign back 01:24:35 <award3535> but I am an annual passholder so you know where I'll be in the evenings 01:24:43 <linuxmodder> lol 01:25:08 <linuxmodder> for the kids or you that typical big kid in an adult body? 01:25:38 <award3535> ParadoxGuitarist OLF did come about 1K under budget 01:25:39 <kk4ewt> linuxmodder, we are old farts (in his case grankids) 01:25:55 <linuxmodder> old is relative 01:26:03 <kk4ewt> award3535, where do i file my hotel bill 01:26:13 <linuxmodder> my reference count dracula so we are all youngsters 01:26:48 <award3535> kk4ewt https://fedorahosted.org/famnarequests 01:27:07 <award3535> select financial and reimbursement 01:28:11 <award3535> kk4ewt did you link the report as well to your blog 01:28:38 <linuxmodder> is matt in tonight? 01:29:07 <award3535> linuxmodder no he was not able to attend 01:29:08 <ParadoxGuitarist> award3535: that's great news 01:29:13 <juggler> :) 01:29:18 <ParadoxGuitarist> My baby is comming on Monday 01:29:33 <kk4ewt> my report was in the minutes here 01:29:48 <kk4ewt> my report for OLF is i agree totally with andrews report 01:29:49 <ParadoxGuitarist> But one of these sleepless nights I'm going to fill out the wiki for SCaLE 14x 01:30:02 <ParadoxGuitarist> hopefully next week? 01:30:12 <ParadoxGuitarist> Might be lying to myself with a newborn 01:30:13 <kk4ewt> yeah i will get it done hopefully tomorrow 01:30:17 <award3535> kk4ewt no worries, on the wiki for the event I included everyone 01:30:52 <juggler> Paradox I'll try to help you out where I am able to... 01:31:33 <ParadoxGuitarist> kk 01:31:38 <ParadoxGuitarist> sounds like a plan =) 01:32:12 <award3535> ParadoxGuitarist good luck I had four kids, I share the thoughts, and you are lying to yourself 01:32:27 <ParadoxGuitarist> =D 01:32:44 <ParadoxGuitarist> I'm taking 3 months off of work 01:32:50 <ParadoxGuitarist> so I'll find the time somewhere. 01:33:03 <kk4ewt> lol i had it lucky after the first week mine was sleeping all night 01:33:07 <cydrobolt> linuxmodder, which one is this 01:33:19 <juggler> well all, i'm gonna have to run...take care all 01:33:32 <award3535> have a good evening juggler 01:33:42 <juggler> thanks :) 01:34:38 <cydrobolt> linuxmodder, i might be able to attend depending on which one it is 01:34:59 <linuxmodder> its in DC 01:35:10 <linuxmodder> cydrobolt, at the Wardman Marriott 01:35:17 <award3535> linuxmodder, be sure to touch basis with matt to get his travel and lodging you may want to suggest room sharing 01:35:40 <linuxmodder> I live local and will likely head right home but noted 01:35:44 <award3535> since you two are the only ones attending representing Fedora 01:35:58 <linuxmodder> I'm literally 30 mins on the light rail 01:36:40 <award3535> linuxmodder no worries that is great, then the expenses will be booth and his travels and your travel, yes you can claim that 01:37:04 <linuxmodder> cydrobolt, you bussing or flying if you come? 01:37:16 <cydrobolt> linuxmodder, is this a student hackahton or not? 01:37:34 <cydrobolt> award3535, I have something to bring up as well 01:37:35 <linuxmodder> cydrobolt, student lead yes but hardly the scale of Pennapps 01:38:01 <cydrobolt> there is a hackathon at Yale called YHack with 1,500 people that can offer us a table and 1 representative at $2.5k 01:38:02 * danofsatx-lt is here, just finished midterm exam 01:38:05 <linuxmodder> cydrobolt, I'll cc on all future updates for it if you like 01:38:13 <linuxmodder> danofsatx-lt, welcome 01:38:17 <cydrobolt> not sure if it's feasible since it's really close, but thought it was good to mention 01:38:22 <cydrobolt> (close in terms of time) 01:38:32 <cydrobolt> linuxmodder, is there a name for this event? 01:38:33 <award3535> #chair danofsatx-It 01:38:33 <zodbot> Current chairs: ParadoxGuitarist award3535 cydrobolt danofsatx-It jsandys kk4ewt linuxmodder 01:38:37 <linuxmodder> the hackathon is april LISA is next month 01:38:46 <cydrobolt> what's it called/website link? 01:38:55 <linuxmodder> one sec 01:39:01 <cydrobolt> linuxmodder, we'll likely be doing HackRU in April fyi 01:39:25 * danofsatx-lt reads backscroll 01:41:38 <linuxmodder> i remember as i have made note if it flops I plan to come up your way for hackru 01:41:48 <award3535> cydrobolt Yale event is a little steep for one person, at OLF we had 5 for less than 2k 01:42:14 <cydrobolt> award3535, yeah, keep in mind these events are 36-hours and they provide food/shelter for all the attendees which stay throughout the whole event 01:42:41 <linuxmodder> 36 hr hacks ? 01:42:44 <cydrobolt> some exceptional attendees are also provided transportation reimbursement, which can increase the burden on their budget 01:43:10 <award3535> I agree, but we will not have funds other than those already identified until April next year 01:43:48 <award3535> which will include your HackRU for next year is already on my radar 01:43:55 <kk4ewt> hopefully we get budget numbers soon i am basicly out of swag 01:44:18 <award3535> Ruth is in Ireland right now 01:44:35 <linuxmodder> cydrobolt, link seems down atm for maintaince but its https://hackmason.org 01:44:38 <award3535> Linuxcon dublin 01:44:53 <cydrobolt> linuxmodder, cool gotcha 01:44:59 <cydrobolt> will check it out once it goes back up 01:45:05 <cydrobolt> linuxmodder, what size i this generally? 01:45:13 <cydrobolt> is** 01:46:16 <linuxmodder> expecting 400-600 last i heard 01:48:31 <award3535> cydrobolt did you see my last comment 01:48:38 <ParadoxGuitarist> Ruth is lucky. 01:48:40 <cydrobolt> award3535, yes 01:48:47 * ParadoxGuitarist needs to step out. 01:48:56 <cydrobolt> award3535, I need to PM you after the meeting 01:49:05 <ParadoxGuitarist> have a good night all 01:49:05 <cydrobolt> linuxmodder, that's decent 01:49:06 <linuxmodder> i'd gladly take here spot ---always wanted to visit dublin 01:49:21 <cydrobolt> linuxmodder, long flight, heh 01:49:29 <linuxmodder> purportedly aol is offering up space so may grow 01:49:44 <linuxmodder> that what sleeping masks are for 01:49:50 <award3535> have a good evening ParadoxGuitarist 01:51:38 <award3535> does anyone have anything else tonight 01:52:12 <kk4ewt> i am done 01:53:11 <award3535> ok all we are going to end the meeting 01:53:22 <kk4ewt> linuxmodder, spot went as well 01:53:27 <award3535> next meeting will be on 15 Oct 2100 01:54:50 <award3535> #endmeeting