
#fedora-meeting: FedoraCouncil Report from WG's

Meeting started by decause at 17:11:26 UTC (full logs).

Meeting summary

  1. workstation report (decause, 17:11:36)
    1. decause missed the intro for #startmeeting :P (decause, 17:11:55)
    2. https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Workstation/2015_report_to_Council (decause, 17:12:10)
    3. https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Workstation/Tasklist/Archive (decause, 17:15:14)

  2. Workstation Future (decause, 17:16:00)
    1. https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Workstation/Tasklist (mcatanzaro, 17:19:10)
    2. https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Workstation/Tasklist (sgallagh, 17:19:13)

  3. Cloud WG (decause, 17:19:19)
    1. kushal is speaking (decause, 17:19:27)
    2. http://kushaldas.in/talks/fedora_cloud_wg_update (langdon, 17:19:32)

  4. F22 Updates (decause, 17:20:03)
    1. https://github.com/fedora-cloud/Fedora-Dockerfiles/ (langdon, 17:21:08)
    2. https://getfedora.org/en/cloud/download/ (langdon, 17:22:04)
    3. vagrant images are about 1/2 way down the cloud download page (langdon, 17:22:17)

  5. F23 Changes (decause, 17:24:09)
  6. Q&A (decause, 17:28:55)
  7. ServerWG (decause, 17:29:26)
    1. sgallagh is talking now (decause, 17:29:31)

  8. High Level Goals for ServerWG (decause, 17:29:57)
  9. So Far (decause, 17:35:52)
    1. https://github.com/projectatomic/nulecule (langdon, 17:37:56)
    2. https://github.com/projectatomic/atomicapp (langdon, 17:38:07)
    3. we want server to be stepping stone between "classic" and "new hottness" (decause, 17:38:28)
    4. https://register.flocktofedora.org (decause, 17:39:24)
    5. HELP: ServerWG is looking for folks with Storage Expertise (decause, 17:40:11)

  10. Q&A (decause, 17:41:13)
  11. Rel-Eng (decause, 17:43:06)
    1. dgilmore is now speaking (decause, 17:43:11)
    2. branching tomorrow for F23 (decause, 17:46:50)
    3. https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FAD_Release_Tools_and_Infrastructure_2015 (kushal, 17:47:21)
    4. Rel-Eng FAD Etherpad link: http://etherpad.osuosl.org/fedora-releng-060515 (decause, 17:47:24)
    5. //fedoraproject.org/wiki/FAD_Release_Tools_and_Infrastructure_2015 (decause, 17:47:36)

  12. BaseWG (decause, 17:47:54)
    1. nirik is talking (decause, 17:47:58)

  13. ASAP things (decause, 17:48:33)
  14. Fedora 23 cycle (decause, 17:49:54)
    1. ACTION: decause work with nirik to get an ansible cake for FLOCK (decause, 17:52:17)

  15. Fedora 24 (decause, 17:53:17)
  16. Longer-Term (decause, 17:54:30)
  17. Q&A (decause, 17:55:51)
    1. https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_Engineering/FY16_Plan (stickster, 17:57:07)
    2. http://whatcanidoforfedora.org (decause, 17:57:46)

  18. Open Q&A (decause, 17:58:10)
    1. http://whatcanidoforfedora.org/ (striker, 17:58:27)
    2. #fedora-apps and #fedora-admin are channels where new contribs can come to get info (decause, 18:03:00)
    3. http://whatcanidoforfedora.org/en/ (nirik, 18:04:24)
    4. http://github.com/feodra-infra (decause, 18:05:17)
    5. https://try.waartaa.com/chat/server/Freenode/channel/fedora-cloud (dustymabe, 18:06:49)
    6. http://webchat.freenode.net/?&channels=fedora-apps (decause, 18:06:57)
    7. AGREED: (decause, 18:07:29)

  19. closing thoughts (decause, 18:09:10)
    1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=552P7TXRt7w (decause, 18:14:21)

Meeting ended at 18:14:30 UTC (full logs).

Action items

  1. decause work with nirik to get an ansible cake for FLOCK

Action items, by person

  1. decause
    1. decause work with nirik to get an ansible cake for FLOCK
  2. nirik
    1. decause work with nirik to get an ansible cake for FLOCK

People present (lines said)

  1. decause (297)
  2. stickster (14)
  3. langdon (12)
  4. kushal (11)
  5. dustymabe (8)
  6. zodbot (4)
  7. sgallagh (2)
  8. nirik (1)
  9. mcatanzaro (1)
  10. striker (1)
  11. gholms (1)
  12. dgilmore (1)

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