01:00:48 <award3535> #startmeeting FAmNA 01:00:48 <zodbot> Meeting started Fri Mar 20 01:00:48 2015 UTC. The chair is award3535. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 01:00:48 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 01:01:06 <award3535> #meetingname FAmNA 01:01:06 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'famna' 01:01:31 <award3535> #topic === FAmNA Roll Call === 01:01:44 <award3535> #chair Cydrobolt 01:01:44 <zodbot> Current chairs: Cydrobolt award3535 01:03:46 <award3535> #topic === Announcements === 01:03:52 <Corey84> .fas corey84 01:03:53 <zodbot> Corey84: corey84 'Corey84' <sheldon.corey@gmail.com> 01:04:34 <award3535> Corey84, I shipped some shirts to the address you provided, they got returned 01:05:17 <award3535> did you move? 01:05:19 <Corey84> the vienna address? 01:05:30 <award3535> the one you emailed me 01:05:34 <award3535> I presume 01:05:51 <award3535> it actually came back to me as REFUSED 01:06:06 <Cydrobolt> hmm 01:06:59 <Corey84> odd leasing office never said a thing 01:07:04 <wrnash> Hi sorry I'm late 01:07:13 <award3535> and the Vienna was where I sent it 01:07:23 <award3535> #chair wrnash 01:07:23 <zodbot> Current chairs: Cydrobolt award3535 wrnash 01:07:27 <Corey84> will confirm they didn't change policies and update you 01:07:42 <Cydrobolt> hi wrnash 01:07:49 <wrnash> Hi everyone 01:07:52 <Corey84> wrnash, how are you 01:07:57 <award3535> evening 01:08:09 <wrnash> I'm doing ok. Just getting home from work 01:08:11 <Corey84> Cydrobolt, WILL be joining you for sure at HackRU 01:08:30 <award3535> Cydrobolt I will have kk43wt send me a label for shirts for your event 01:08:36 <Cydrobolt> Corey84, awesome! :D 01:08:40 <Cydrobolt> award3535, okay, cool 01:08:47 <Cydrobolt> what about swag? 01:08:55 * ParadoxGuitarist wanders in. 01:08:57 <award3535> The event box is with Spot 01:09:03 <Corey84> ParadoxGuitarist, welcome 01:09:04 <Cydrobolt> I posted an address to ship heavy swag/boxes to 01:09:21 <Cydrobolt> if it's larger than what I can carry on a train, there is an address at the event location to ship to 01:09:33 <Cydrobolt> it needs to specify that the box is for fedora hackru, though 01:09:39 <award3535> Swag I believe nb has it all, I have none neither does kk4ewt 01:09:42 <Cydrobolt> other sponsors will probably be shipping there too 01:09:42 <ParadoxGuitarist> It's the size of a medium/large suitcase. 01:09:57 <Cydrobolt> ParadoxGuitarist, the event box might be ok to ship to my location 01:10:03 <Cydrobolt> if it fits in a backpack it should be ok 01:10:13 <award3535> and it is 47lbs 01:10:17 <Cydrobolt> nvm then 01:10:21 <Cydrobolt> ship it to the hackru location 01:10:21 <ParadoxGuitarist> no it's like rolling suitcase 01:10:27 <Cydrobolt> i know what you're talking about 01:10:36 <award3535> #chair ParadoxGuitarist 01:10:36 <zodbot> Current chairs: Cydrobolt ParadoxGuitarist award3535 wrnash 01:10:43 <Cydrobolt> might be bad idea to lug suitcase through Trenton 01:11:00 <Corey84> no heman fun Cydrobolt ? 01:11:01 <Corey84> :P 01:11:03 <ParadoxGuitarist> I have a quick question: Do I need to just email my report to the ambassador's list? 01:11:09 <Cydrobolt> Corey84, heman? 01:11:15 <Corey84> hulk 01:11:24 <Cydrobolt> haha 01:11:31 <Corey84> reports go to the wiki 01:11:42 <Corey84> event reports at least 01:11:43 <award3535> ParadoxGuitarist, that will work, you can also submit an article to the fedora magazine as well 01:11:45 <Cydrobolt> my friends have gotten mugged in trenton, just trying to avoid looking like a good target, lol 01:11:55 <wrnash> For some reason I cannot post to the ambassadors list 01:11:59 <Cydrobolt> shipping to loc would probably be nice, but worst case i can lug it 01:12:05 <Corey84> .fas wrnash 01:12:06 <zodbot> Corey84: wrnash1 'Bill Nash' <wrnash1@gmail.com> 01:12:12 <Corey84> .fasinfo wrnash 01:12:13 <zodbot> Corey84: User "wrnash" doesn't exist 01:12:21 <Cydrobolt> .fas wrnash 01:12:22 <zodbot> Cydrobolt: wrnash1 'Bill Nash' <wrnash1@gmail.com> 01:12:25 <Cydrobolt> .fasinfo wrnash1 01:12:26 <zodbot> Cydrobolt: User: wrnash1, Name: Bill Nash, email: wrnash1@gmail.com, Creation: 2009-08-14, IRC Nick: wrnash, Timezone: US/Central, Locale: en, GPG key ID: , Status: active 01:12:29 <zodbot> Cydrobolt: Approved Groups: cla_fpca cla_done cla_fedora ambassadors 01:12:31 <Corey84> are you in the ambassodor group yet wrnash 01:12:38 <wrnash> ok 01:12:50 <Cydrobolt> Corey84, the list isn't tied to FAS 01:13:02 <award3535> and corey84 is also correct, post a copy to the wiki 01:13:31 <ParadoxGuitarist> thanks award3535 01:14:12 <award3535> corey84, I have accepted you in the mentor program, you and I need to do a little updating and get you back as full ambassador 01:14:48 <Corey84> award3535, agreed I'm been uber busy myself this weekend might be good for me at least 01:14:54 <Corey84> for a change 01:15:31 <award3535> I will email you my phone and contact information and I work two jobs but I am home most evenings 01:16:32 <award3535> Okay lets get to the tickets and move on 01:16:34 <award3535> #topic === Tickets === 01:16:57 <award3535> #link https://fedorahosted.org/famna/report/9 01:17:26 <award3535> .famnaticket 100 01:17:27 <zodbot> award3535: #100 (LFNW 2015) – FAmNA general trac - https://fedorahosted.org/famna/ticket/100 01:18:11 <award3535> I think this one is all set other than attending the event and finding out any more specifics on rooms costs. 01:18:32 <award3535> any objections to moving to the next one.... 01:18:36 <ParadoxGuitarist> Nope 01:18:39 <wrnash> nope 01:18:59 <award3535> .famnaticket 102 01:19:00 <zodbot> award3535: #102 (HackRU Spring 2015 Sponsorship Funds) – FAmNA general trac - https://fedorahosted.org/famna/ticket/102 01:19:49 <award3535> so far everything looks on track except to swag and the address to ship the items too. 01:20:20 <award3535> Cydrobolt you will need to get kk4ewt the address to send media, swag and event box too 01:20:48 <ParadoxGuitarist> And Banners 01:20:59 <award3535> yes, those too 01:21:07 <ParadoxGuitarist> Ticket 373 in famnarequests 01:22:01 <ParadoxGuitarist> There's an address, but it's a large-ish box and you may want it shipped to the event. 01:22:11 * ParadoxGuitarist shrugs. 01:22:20 <award3535> plus the banners and shirts 01:22:43 <award3535> Cydrobolt you still with us 01:23:27 <Corey84> worst case i can likely spin up some media on site too Cydrobolt 01:23:49 <Corey84> install media at least 01:24:07 <award3535> Corey84 we approved 5k pieces of media some time ago and nb is the point of contact 01:24:23 <Corey84> award3535, i remember 01:24:47 <Corey84> not forseeing it but I keep local copies as i host the torrents too 01:24:57 <award3535> so, I am wondering what happened 01:25:15 <award3535> nb hasnt answered my emails either 01:25:16 <Corey84> what happenned to ? 01:25:27 <award3535> the order that is 01:25:37 <award3535> ping Cydrobolt 01:26:22 <award3535> There is an event that Spot is attending this weekend, and he needed media, dont know if he got some 01:26:47 <Corey84> which event ? wasn't aware one was going this weekend 01:28:09 <award3535> yes it was short notice and only spot was going there to represent RH and asked to have the box and media also to represnt Fedora 01:28:37 <Corey84> ah 01:32:36 <Corey84> everyone leave? 01:32:43 <wrnash> no 01:33:03 <Corey84> got real quiet wasn't sure if a *netsplit i missed 01:33:20 <wrnash> I was thinking the same thing. 01:33:26 <ParadoxGuitarist> hm 01:33:28 <wrnash> I was just checking my internet connection 01:33:40 <award3535> all good on my end 01:34:27 <Corey84> wrnash, /ping $yourself to check real fast on the fly 01:34:29 <ParadoxGuitarist> we've been on this ticket for 15 minutes... should we move on? We can always come back if/when Cydrobolt is around. 01:34:35 <award3535> Ok moving on to the open floor, ================== 01:34:45 <award3535> #topic == Open Floor === 01:35:05 <wrnash> thanks 01:35:06 <award3535> I will email Cydrobolt and clear a few things up for his event 01:35:13 <Corey84> as I'm also going with Cydrobolt I'll tag up with him tonight /tomorrow and update as needed if he can't 01:35:37 <ParadoxGuitarist> cool 01:35:39 <award3535> Thus another reason I need to get you approved in the system Corey84 01:35:42 <Corey84> still working on getting a mirror at GMU 01:38:36 <award3535> after cydorbolts event there are no scheduled events until TXLF and SELF that are on my radar unless something pops up 01:38:44 <ParadoxGuitarist> I sent off my report to the list for SCaLE, but it's awaiting approval. 01:39:00 <award3535> cool, cant wait to read it 01:39:09 <ParadoxGuitarist> ... It's long... sorry. 01:39:18 <ParadoxGuitarist> =) 01:39:30 <award3535> no worries, you also might want to post it on the Fedora magazine 01:39:37 <ParadoxGuitarist> I don't think I'm going to do Fedora Jam again. 01:39:43 <ParadoxGuitarist> at least for a while. 01:39:51 <ParadoxGuitarist> Eh... I'd need to re-write it. 01:40:06 <ParadoxGuitarist> It's more geared towards Ambassadors. 01:40:31 <ParadoxGuitarist> But what I'd like to do is try to come up with a way to demo another spin. 01:40:50 <ParadoxGuitarist> I've been thinking of maybe the gaming spin. 01:41:00 <Corey84> ParadoxGuitarist, another spin currently out or as in a new one 01:41:01 <award3535> what about the robotics 01:41:09 <ParadoxGuitarist> Already out. 01:41:10 <Corey84> or JAM 01:41:20 <ParadoxGuitarist> Did JAM for the last two years 01:41:29 <Corey84> or is that really gaming one i forget 01:41:34 <Corey84> ah 01:41:40 <ParadoxGuitarist> JAM is the music production one 01:41:49 <Corey84> security maybe 01:42:00 <Corey84> or robotics as award3535 suggested 01:42:10 <Corey84> for a stem themed event 01:42:17 <ParadoxGuitarist> We could set up a tournament with the gaming one and give away swag to the winners. 01:42:33 <ParadoxGuitarist> I like the idea of Robotics, 01:42:39 * Corey84 throws using robotics and sugarlabs more for use with local stem group 01:42:42 <award3535> that sounds interesting as well 01:42:44 <ParadoxGuitarist> I just don't know that I would showcase. 01:43:10 <Corey84> or 3d printing for a makerspace/stem theme 01:43:29 <ParadoxGuitarist> Would be cool if someone built two little battle bots that folks could come up and try to knock each other down. 01:43:32 <award3535> Spot does alot of the 3d printing as well 01:43:42 <ParadoxGuitarist> We've also had a 3D printer the last two years 01:44:01 <Corey84> didnt know spot 3d 'd 01:44:02 <ParadoxGuitarist> So I think we should lay off that at SCaLE. 01:44:18 <ParadoxGuitarist> Lulzbot sends them models to demo fedora with. 01:44:26 * masta is here 01:44:27 <Corey84> nice 01:44:28 <masta> howdy 01:44:34 <Corey84> masta, howdy 01:44:38 <wrnash> hi Masta 01:44:40 <award3535> evening masta 01:44:42 <Corey84> masta, open floor atm 01:44:54 <ParadoxGuitarist> The bummer about 3d is it doesn't have a lot of interaction. 01:45:04 <masta> sry I'm late 01:45:12 <award3535> no but it does draw a lot of attention 01:45:16 <ParadoxGuitarist> True. 01:45:26 <ParadoxGuitarist> But people also thought we were selling them. 01:46:03 <Corey84> selling 3d printers or the models themselves 01:46:17 <ParadoxGuitarist> Both 01:46:36 <award3535> Hmm, I never felt that way, we were always happy to give away what was printed 01:46:37 <ParadoxGuitarist> I had the booth next to us ask me how many units we were able to sell 01:46:49 <Corey84> not a bad fundraiser if we could make the upfront back 01:46:50 <ParadoxGuitarist> Even with all the music stuff going on. 01:46:51 <ParadoxGuitarist> heh. 01:47:26 <Corey84> 30 @ $500 pere would be my answer :P 01:47:39 <Corey84> for the small ones 01:48:39 <award3535> also, what about the amateur radio demo 01:49:09 <Corey84> kk4ewt would be a great resource for the ham one 01:49:10 <award3535> there are quite a few of ambassadors that are radio buffs 01:49:22 <award3535> oh trust me I know 01:49:39 <Corey84> lol he talk your ear has he? 01:49:46 <ParadoxGuitarist> meh, I'm getting off topic.... I would hope for something cool, tangible, that people could actually use. A live HAM station would be cool. 01:50:26 <Corey84> not hard to setup one the qso tho might be if a lack of ambassadors/hams tho 01:50:39 <ParadoxGuitarist> Does fedora have HAM software? 01:50:49 <wrnash> yes 01:50:53 <Corey84> lots 01:51:15 <Corey84> kk4ewt was actually thinking of a ham spin might have the ks still 01:51:48 <award3535> who corey84, using a q signal, brings back my old military days in communications 01:52:17 <ParadoxGuitarist> Well there you go... thought I'm not sure about the legality of having random people broadcast. 01:52:29 <ParadoxGuitarist> I know licensing is easier 01:52:37 <Corey84> award3535, as a eaf specialist ( MOS 7011 USMC ) i knew more prc119 and satcom than the rest of the shop lol 01:52:50 <ParadoxGuitarist> they removed the morse requirement. 01:53:05 <Corey84> :( think that was retarded move imo 01:53:27 <wrnash> How many people use morse code these days 01:53:34 <ParadoxGuitarist> Yeah, my Dad has his license, and knew it. 01:53:47 <wrnash> I took the test and i needed to know morse code. 01:53:48 <award3535> Corey84 USN Radioman, morse died in 1994 01:54:15 <award3535> I used to send 32wpm and receive 28 01:54:22 <Corey84> award3535, still works in a pinch don't it 01:54:28 <award3535> TTY was my specialty 01:54:29 <Corey84> nice 01:54:40 <ParadoxGuitarist> anyways, I'm been thinking a lot about promoing other spins and what it would look like to have them set up so people could walk up and experience them. 01:54:45 <award3535> EHF and HF ship to shore 01:54:47 <satellit> I believe there is a sugar app for hams but needs registration like 2m alerts 01:55:35 <ParadoxGuitarist> There are like 9 spins (that aren't just different desktops) to pull from. 01:56:11 <ParadoxGuitarist> But I think it might be cool to document/pull ideas together so other people could duplicate it. 01:56:38 <ParadoxGuitarist> Not sure what that would look like, but that's why it's an idea. =) 01:57:28 <award3535> ParadoxGuitarist, that is a fantastic idea and would love to put a few together 01:58:01 <satellit> http://activities.sugarlabs.org/en-US/sugar/addon/4087 01:58:13 <award3535> ok folks we are about out of time..... 01:58:19 <satellit> APRS-XO is a tiny APRS implementation for the XO computer. Amateur radio license required. 01:59:13 <Corey84> also maybe (assuming multiple machines available ) do side by side of spins maybe 01:59:21 <wrnash> I would like to create a spin that teaches kids to program. 01:59:29 <ParadoxGuitarist> Good meeting everyone 01:59:40 <wrnash> I agree this has been a great meeting 02:00:04 <award3535> wrnash that too is a great idea, could help some of old guys too 02:00:38 <award3535> ok everyone, have a great evening, and see you all next week 02:00:45 <wrnash> See you next week. 02:00:50 <Corey84> award3535, im down to help on both the ParadoxGuitarist idea and yours wrnash 02:01:15 <wrnash> Let me do some research on it 02:01:33 <award3535> corey84 by all means contact each of them to see what you can come up with 02:01:37 <Corey84> award3535, ill check with my leasing office and email any changes /updates and hopefully knock out some ambas. work with you this weekend 02:02:24 <award3535> corey84 no worries, look forward to hearing from you. 02:02:24 <award3535> #endmeeting