02:03:13 <award3535> #startmeeting FAmNA 02:03:13 <zodbot> Meeting started Fri Jan 9 02:03:13 2015 UTC. The chair is award3535. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 02:03:13 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 02:03:16 <Cydrobolt> Hmm, my connection might be lagging 02:03:21 <ParadoxGuitaris1> hey Cydrobolt hey award3535 02:03:31 <award3535> #meetingname FAmNA 02:03:31 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'famna' 02:03:37 <wrnash1> Hi there 02:03:42 <Cydrobolt> hey ParadoxGuitaris1 02:03:46 <award3535> #topic === FAmNA Roll Call === 02:03:46 <Cydrobolt> hello wrnash1 02:04:03 <wrnash1> How's everyone doing today 02:04:23 <award3535> #chair ParadoxGuitarist wrnash1 Cydrobolt 02:04:23 <zodbot> Current chairs: Cydrobolt ParadoxGuitarist award3535 wrnash1 02:05:08 <ParadoxGuitaris1> Pretty good 02:06:17 <award3535> great to hear everyone is doing good, great to see everyone made it through the holidays 02:06:19 <award3535> #topic === Announcements === 02:06:33 <award3535> does anyone have any announcements 02:07:19 <ParadoxGuitaris1> Not really 02:07:29 <ParadoxGuitaris1> a small update for NAMM status, but that's it. 02:07:42 <award3535> nb has stressed an interest in media but did not specify 02:07:51 <nb> hi 02:07:52 <award3535> please go ahead 02:07:53 <ParadoxGuitaris1> Probably if we're getting it 02:07:59 <nb> We need media. 02:08:24 <nb> costs apparently have went up, since the quote i got is about the same price now for dvd-5 (regular dvd) as what we have been paying for dvd-9 (dual layer) 02:08:25 <award3535> kk4ewt has stated he too is waiting 02:08:37 <nb> EMEA made Fedora Workstation 64bit dvds 02:08:39 <nb> and that is it 02:08:40 <award3535> nb did you get your shirt 02:08:47 <award3535> order 02:08:50 <nb> yes 02:08:55 <award3535> cool 02:08:57 <nb> I haven't got earbuds, but i heard ruth has them 02:09:33 <nb> 5,000 DVD5 $ 1.17 ea $ 5850 02:09:33 <nb> 02:09:33 <nb> Includes DVD5, sleeve, assembly, shrink wrap, delivery 02:09:45 <ParadoxGuitaris1> Wow 02:09:47 <nb> I propose we produce the same as EMEA, Fedora Workstation 64bit 02:09:54 <wrnash1> Not a bad price 02:10:11 <award3535> with reference to media, as far as I know workstation is what we were going to have doen 02:10:24 <ParadoxGuitaris1> Can we do 32-64 bit Workstation (Gnome?) 02:10:29 <nb> #proposal produce 5,000 Fedora Workstation 64bit DVDs for a cost of $5850 02:10:43 <nb> ParadoxGuitaris1, possibly, although how many people can't run 64bit anymore? 02:10:47 <nb> that was EMEA's reasoning 02:10:49 <nb> which i agree with 02:10:53 <ParadoxGuitaris1> True. 02:11:03 <nb> and there has not been a multi-arch iso made yet, so it would take more releng work and qa work 02:11:19 <nb> we are behind on making them anyway, so I propose we go ahead with the 64bit workstation 02:11:24 <Cydrobolt> 64-bit should be fine 02:11:27 <ParadoxGuitaris1> I'm good with that. 02:11:31 <award3535> was there already an order done 02:11:33 <wrnash1> +1 on 64 bit 02:11:40 <award3535> +1 from me 02:11:42 <ParadoxGuitaris1> +1 02:11:46 <nb> award3535, not unless someone else did it. normally i am the one who does media orders for NA 02:11:52 <award3535> carries 02:12:38 <award3535> #agreed 5000 64bit workstation dvds at a cost of 1.17 total 5850 02:12:55 <nb> i just emailed our vendor to ask for a formal .pdf quote to send ruth to get a PO 02:13:14 <award3535> great....thank you nb 02:13:41 <nb> I will get the artwork to them and overnight them a master (or i think they said an .iso is fine now, our old company required a physical copy) 02:13:59 <award3535> lets move to the tickets the only ticket is namm 02:14:01 <award3535> #topic === Tickets === 02:14:15 <award3535> #link https://fedorahosted.org/famna/report/9 02:14:40 <award3535> .famnaticket 99 02:14:41 <zodbot> award3535: #99 (National Association of Music Merchants (NAMM)) – FAmNA general trac - https://fedorahosted.org/famna/ticket/99 02:15:04 <award3535> ParadoxGuatarist go 02:15:40 <ParadoxGuitaris1> So Ruth got back to me yesterday 02:15:55 <ParadoxGuitaris1> Which was also the last day for free show tickets 02:16:10 <ParadoxGuitaris1> She's having trouble getting proof needed for the NAMM membership 02:16:18 <ParadoxGuitaris1> (2 invoices) 02:16:47 <ParadoxGuitaris1> I emailed her back with some additional info, which hopefully helps. 02:17:25 <award3535> ok, do we now need to pay for admission or is this a mute point 02:17:48 <ParadoxGuitaris1> Unless we're approved it doesn't matter 02:17:58 <ParadoxGuitaris1> I'm guessing things are looking to be too late for this year 02:18:10 <ParadoxGuitaris1> I suggest we put it on hold for next year? 02:18:13 <award3535> what about the one in TN 02:18:28 <ParadoxGuitaris1> If we're members by then, we could have free tickets 02:19:06 <award3535> we can pursue that one as well, this also depends on what ruth can get 02:19:25 <award3535> I really hate to miss and opportunity 02:19:49 <ParadoxGuitaris1> yeah 02:19:57 <ParadoxGuitaris1> There's always next year. 02:20:08 <ParadoxGuitaris1> I also put in an email to Michael Tiemann, but haven't heard back. 02:20:38 <award3535> that is all up to you since you own the ticket, if you feel we cant do this we can postpone and keep following up 02:20:43 <award3535> on membership 02:20:52 <ParadoxGuitaris1> Don't remember who suggested that in the last meeting. 02:21:29 <ParadoxGuitaris1> Yeah, It would be a big budget commitment if we had a booth there, but I think it's still worth pursuing. 02:22:10 <ParadoxGuitaris1> I also talked to Fernando, who's on staff at Stanford and does the Fedora Jam and Planet CCRMA stuff. 02:22:19 <ParadoxGuitaris1> He's interested in going 02:23:58 <award3535> I vote we postpone until next year so that we can get everything set up properly 02:24:46 <wrnash1> i agree 02:25:07 <ParadoxGuitarist> I'll leave the ticket open but start working towards that goal 02:25:25 <ParadoxGuitarist> I don't want to leave it till last minute and be in the same place. 02:25:59 <award3535> #agreed to postpone ticket FAMNA ticket 99 to FY16 02:26:49 <award3535> and I strongly agree in planning ahead 02:27:18 <Cydrobolt> sounds good 02:27:25 <award3535> the holidays seemed to put a damper on the information from key folks 02:28:04 <ParadoxGuitarist> yeah that seems pretty normal 02:28:27 <award3535> moving on 02:28:29 <award3535> #topic == Open Floor === 02:28:40 <award3535> I do have one thing for the open floor 02:28:59 * Cydrobolt listens to award3535 02:29:09 <award3535> I need to have a proposed event attendance for this up coming year 02:29:55 <ParadoxGuitarist> In what format? 02:29:56 <award3535> we have some regular events on the plan such as TXLF NELF NWLF OLF and SELF 02:30:19 <Cydrobolt> any on the east coast? 02:30:25 <award3535> you can email me anything you are planning on attending to represent Fedora 02:30:35 <award3535> no this is for both 02:31:01 <award3535> I plan for budget on both coasts and the mid west 02:31:35 <ParadoxGuitarist> Anything that would require reimbursement correct? 02:31:46 <Cydrobolt> Is NELF northeastlinuxfest? 02:31:54 <award3535> since I am the budget tracker for the answer would be yes 02:32:23 <ParadoxGuitarist> ok, just wanted to make sure the scope wasn't larger than the budget. 02:32:24 <award3535> ParadoxGuitarist, that would be correct 02:32:31 * ParadoxGuitarist nods. 02:32:49 <Cydrobolt> NELF's website is hacked :/ 02:32:58 <ParadoxGuitarist> lol 02:33:11 <Cydrobolt> "denmark loans" 02:33:12 <award3535> I attend a few events that are local that only cost for the few items of swag 02:33:23 <award3535> yeah I saw that 02:33:41 <Cydrobolt> I also have a question for open floor 02:33:46 <award3535> go 02:34:09 <Cydrobolt> I opened a request in FamNARequests last december (for a shirt), and I haven't gotten anything back 02:34:27 <Cydrobolt> What's the status for FamNA shirts at the moment? 02:34:37 <ParadoxGuitarist> I saw that, Cydrobolt 02:34:39 <award3535> Are you refering to a polo shirt 02:34:45 <Cydrobolt> Yeah 02:34:53 <ParadoxGuitarist> I don't know if we have any official "Ambassador" shirts 02:35:00 <ParadoxGuitarist> (at least I don't) 02:35:13 <award3535> I believe that company was in europe 02:36:14 <Cydrobolt> Hmm, interesting 02:36:19 <ParadoxGuitarist> Or are you just looking for Fedora t-shirts to wear? 02:36:23 <Cydrobolt> Yeah, just Fedora shirts 02:36:28 <Cydrobolt> What do you guys wear to events? 02:36:32 <ParadoxGuitarist> ah 02:36:34 <award3535> I do not either, but was thinking of having one made at a local vendor, they take the approved logo and scan it into the design pc, the machine will embroyder it 02:36:58 <ParadoxGuitarist> I just wear the t-shirts 02:37:15 <Cydrobolt> where did you obtain the T-shirts? 02:37:18 <ParadoxGuitarist> but I've seen some that are polos and say Ambassadors. 02:37:29 <Cydrobolt> http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Artwork/T-Shirt http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Polo_Shirt 02:37:37 <Cydrobolt> It doesn't seem like NA has the polo shirts 02:37:38 <award3535> I wear a Fedora T shirt (I have many) some times over a long sleeve shirt 02:38:03 <ParadoxGuitarist> Where do you live Cydrobolt? 02:38:10 <Cydrobolt> Philadelphia 02:38:36 <award3535> Cydrobolt, I can provide you with a recent shirt, send me your size and address again I will send you a few 02:39:06 <Cydrobolt> Okay, thanks 02:39:40 <award3535> brb guys, got to make a pit stop 02:42:05 <award3535> okay I am back 02:42:18 <award3535> is there any other business tonight 02:43:21 <ParadoxGuitarist> Not that I have. 02:44:11 <award3535> again please email me events that need to be put on the events page so that I can put together the budget... 02:44:33 <Cydrobolt> award3535, medium should be ok 02:44:39 <Cydrobolt> I'll PM you my address 02:45:07 <award3535> got it, will be waiting for you pm 02:45:43 <ParadoxGuitarist> Already emailed you award3535 02:45:47 <ParadoxGuitarist> good meeting guys 02:45:59 <ParadoxGuitarist> Thanks for catching the media stuff nb 02:46:36 <Cydrobolt> good meeting 02:46:54 <award3535> thanks for attending, see you all next week 02:47:06 <award3535> Cydrobolt got your pm.... 02:47:10 <award3535> #endmeeting