21:00:39 <sesivany> #startmeeting EMEA ambassadors 2015-01-07 21:00:39 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Jan 7 21:00:39 2015 UTC. The chair is sesivany. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 21:00:39 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 21:00:41 <sesivany> #meetingname emea ambassadors 21:00:41 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'emea_ambassadors' 21:00:45 <sesivany> #topic Roll Call 21:00:53 <sesivany> .fas eischmann 21:00:53 <zodbot> sesivany: eischmann 'Jiri Eischmann' <eischmann@redhat.com> 21:01:10 <mhroncok> .fas churchyard 21:01:11 <cmpahar> .fas cmpahar 21:01:11 <zodbot> mhroncok: churchyard 'Miro Hrončok' <mhroncok@redhat.com> 21:01:13 <gnokii> .fas gnokii 21:01:14 <zodbot> cmpahar: cmpahar 'Christos Bacharakis' <cmpahar@gmail.com> 21:01:17 <zodbot> gnokii: gnokii 'Sirko Kemter' <buergermeister@karl-tux-stadt.de> 21:01:33 <fale> .hellomynameis fale 21:01:34 <zodbot> fale: fale 'Fabio Alessandro Locati' <fabio@locati.cc> 21:01:57 <mitzie> .fast Minnie 21:02:07 <mitzie> Sorry 21:02:13 <jonar> .fas jfarcher 21:02:14 <zodbot> jonar: jfarcher 'Jonathan Archer' <jon@rosslug.org.uk> 21:02:27 <mitzie> .fas mitzie 21:02:28 <zodbot> mitzie: mitzie 'Zacharias Mitzelos' <zacharias.mitzelos@gmail.com> 21:02:38 <jonar> Hi all 21:02:42 <Mohamed_Fawzy> hi 21:03:36 <sesivany> welcome, everyone, let's wait until 22:05 for others to show up. 21:04:39 <Mohamed_Fawzy> .fas mohamedfawzy 21:04:40 <zodbot> Mohamed_Fawzy: mohamedfawzy 'Mohamed Fawzy' <medoelmasry142@gmail.com> 21:04:45 <cmpahar> Happy new year to everyone! 21:05:01 <sesivany> we haven't had a meeting for almost a month. 21:05:08 <Mohamed_Fawzy> happy new year 21:05:16 <sesivany> I hope everyone had great Christmas and Happy New Year. 21:05:17 <Mohamed_Fawzy> it is my first meeting 21:05:24 <b10n1k> .fas b10n1k 21:05:25 <zodbot> b10n1k: b10n1k 'jiannis Bonatakis' <jbonatakis@gmail.com> - jobo 'jiannis bonatakis' <california17@gmail.com> 21:05:33 <mailga> .fas mailga 21:05:34 <sesivany> Mohamed_Fawzy: glad to see you here! 21:05:34 <zodbot> mailga: mailga 'Gabriele Trombini' <g.trombini@gmail.com> 21:05:50 <sesivany> mailga: you're back? 21:05:56 <Mohamed_Fawzy> thanks sesivany 21:06:06 <mitzie> Welcome Mohamed_Fawzy! 21:06:22 <kmf> .fasinfo kmf 21:06:23 <zodbot> kmf: User: kmf, Name: Karl Fischer, email: kmf@fischer.org.za, Creation: 2011-05-26, IRC Nick: kmf, Timezone: Africa/Johannesburg, Locale: en, GPG key ID: , Status: active 21:06:26 <zodbot> kmf: Approved Groups: cla_fpca cla_done ambassadors freemedia 21:06:28 <jonar> yes welcome Mohamed_Fawzy 21:06:32 <mailga> sesivany: yes, in a few days I will cmmunicate in ML. 21:06:58 <sesivany> mailga: I'm really happy to see you back! 21:07:12 <Mohamed_Fawzy> thanks all i am glade to be with u 21:07:21 <sesivany> wow, looks like there is a lot of people today. 21:07:40 <mailga> thank you sesivany! I can't live without the project :-D 21:07:43 <sesivany> ok, let's start, we've got a lot to discuss. 21:08:05 <sesivany> since there are a lot of people today, try to follow the protocol. 21:09:17 <sesivany> #topic Requests 21:09:24 * sesivany is checking the track. 21:09:52 <sesivany> #link https://fedorahosted.org/emea-swag-tracking/report/1?asc=1&page=1&sort=ticket 21:10:04 <sesivany> we've got a few requests lined up... 21:10:23 <sesivany> all related to FOSDEM 21:10:56 <sesivany> #info mitzie - Funding request for FOSDEM '15 21:11:04 <sesivany> #link https://fedorahosted.org/emea-swag-tracking/ticket/448 21:11:37 <sesivany> mitzie: please next time, specify the amount in $$, that's our accounting currency. 21:11:57 <sesivany> mitzie: so that we don't have to recalculate it. 21:12:13 <mitzie> Sorry sesivany, you are right 21:12:52 <sesivany> as a Fedora event owner of FOSDEM '15, I say it's within the limits and I count with mitzie for the booth. So from me it's +1. 21:13:13 <mhroncok> +1 21:13:20 <mailga> +1 21:13:21 <jonar> +1 21:13:29 <fale> +1 21:13:30 <kmf> +1 21:13:31 <Mohamed_Fawzy> +1 21:13:37 <cmpahar> +1 21:13:48 <b10n1k> +1 21:14:09 <sesivany> #agreed The ticket #448 has been approved. 21:14:14 <sesivany> one down. 21:14:49 <sesivany> #info Jaroslav Reznik - Funding request for FOSDEM 2015 21:14:51 <mitzie> Thanks 21:15:01 <sesivany> #link https://fedorahosted.org/emea-swag-tracking/ticket/449 21:15:46 <mhroncok> +1 21:15:48 <gnokii> +1 21:15:51 <mailga> +1 21:15:52 <sesivany> the same, I'm counting with jreznik for the booth. He staffed it in the last two years. 21:15:52 <b10n1k> +1 21:15:55 <kmf> +1 21:15:57 <sesivany> +1 21:15:58 <jonar> +1 21:15:59 <fale> +1 21:16:21 <sesivany> and I guess you all know him, no need to introduce :) 21:16:24 <mitzie> +1 21:16:41 <cmpahar> +1 21:17:16 <sesivany> #agreed The ticket #449 has been approved. 21:17:25 <sesivany> another down, two more to go. 21:18:13 <sesivany> #info Martin Kolman - Funding request for FOSDEM 2015 21:18:25 <sesivany> #link https://fedorahosted.org/emea-swag-tracking/ticket/450 21:18:26 <mhroncok> +1 21:18:36 <sesivany> mhroncok: that was quick :) 21:18:53 <jonar> +1 21:18:54 <sesivany> Martin is not an ambassador, but he's a Fedora contributor, working on Anaconda. 21:19:06 * mhroncok has all tickets open and +1 ready, for m4rtink i would give +100 21:19:11 <mitzie> +1 21:19:13 <kmf> +1 21:19:15 <b10n1k> +1 21:19:21 <Mohamed_Fawzy> +1 21:19:23 <sesivany> he volunteered last year to staff our booth. 21:19:26 <fale> +1 21:19:27 <cmpahar> +1 21:19:36 <sesivany> +1 21:19:39 <mailga> +1 21:19:39 <sesivany> ok 21:19:54 <sesivany> #agreed The ticket #450 has been approved. 21:20:05 <sesivany> last one... 21:20:14 <sesivany> but not least, it's mine :D 21:20:22 <gnokii> -1 :D 21:20:31 <sesivany> :) 21:20:47 <sesivany> #info Jiri Eischmann - FOSDEM 2015: Travel and Lodging Sponsorship 21:20:51 <Mohamed_Fawzy> +2 for U 21:20:55 <fale> +1 21:20:57 <jonar> gnokii beat me to it ;) 21:20:58 <sesivany> #link https://fedorahosted.org/emea-swag-tracking/ticket/451 21:20:59 <mhroncok> +1 21:21:01 <b10n1k> +1 21:21:01 <jonar> +1 21:21:15 <kmf> +1 21:21:24 <cmpahar> -1, i am just kidding :P 21:21:27 <cmpahar> +1 of course! 21:21:31 <mailga> +1 21:21:34 <sesivany> there is some explanation in the ticket. 21:22:07 <sesivany> three of us are flying to Eindhoven, will pick up Ruben (Mexican ambassador in the Netherlands) and will drive to Brussels. 21:22:36 <sesivany> it looks complicated, but it was actually the most economical and quickest way to get from Brno to Brussels :) 21:22:56 <sesivany> #agreed Ticket #451 has been approved. 21:23:01 <sesivany> thank you. 21:23:20 <mailga> sesivany: are we within the budget? (sossy, I didn't follow in the last months) 21:23:46 <sesivany> and that's all for requests, correct me if I'm wrong and we've missed something. 21:24:37 <sesivany> mailga: yes, we actually have some money left. 21:24:55 <mailga> great! 21:25:03 <Mohamed_Fawzy> good 21:26:03 <sesivany> which brings me to: we would still appreciate more Fedorians at FOSDEM, but someone who wants to represent Fedora there, work at the booth etc., not just having a nice trip. If you're interested you can still file a request. 21:26:20 <sesivany> if your airfare is not too high. 21:26:42 <gnokii> should be not that expensive from LEJ 21:26:45 <Mohamed_Fawzy> i want to but i know my flight cost much 21:27:01 <sesivany> that's btw a condition for everyone who is sponsored for FOSDEM, you need to do a booth duty. 21:27:39 <jonar> I'll look into it, I may be able to make it 21:28:18 <sesivany> Mohamed_Fawzy: check it out, you're a new ambassador, but we sometimes give "wildcards" to new ambassadors to get started and learn from others. 21:28:55 <sesivany> jonar: definitely, look into that. 21:29:14 <jonar> I need to check availability, and I'll look into travel costs too 21:30:05 <sesivany> our budget for FOSDEM is $2000 we have roughly spent 2/3 of it, I will also check how much we have left for this fiscal year. 21:30:32 <sesivany> we might get a bit more if necessary. FOSDEM is the last large event of this fiscal year. 21:30:40 * jsmith would be happy to work the booth at FOSDEM :-) 21:31:01 <sesivany> which brings me to another topic. 21:31:27 <mailga> Last year was funny, but now I'm busy. My advice for ambassadors is to attend, It's a great event. 21:31:34 <sesivany> jsmith: the same, check out how much the costs would be and contact me. 21:31:51 <sesivany> ok, next topic 21:31:53 <Mohamed_Fawzy> my cost is abou 420$ 21:32:15 <Mohamed_Fawzy> visa and flight 21:32:16 <gnokii> sesivany: jsmith meant more he is there anyway 21:32:46 <jsmith> gnokii: No, I'm not sure I'll be there... but am *hoping* to be :-) 21:33:27 <sesivany> ok, let's leave it for discussion later, I need to have a clear overview how much money we have left. 21:33:48 <sesivany> #topic FY2016 Planning 21:33:58 <sesivany> this is actually important. 21:34:11 <sesivany> you may have read my email on the mailing list. 21:34:32 <sesivany> by the end of January, we need to submit a plan and budget for the next year. 21:34:59 <Mohamed_Fawzy> but i didnt start write about my country yet ' 21:35:03 <sesivany> we're asking Red Hat for money for our activities and we need to support it by a plan. 21:35:50 <sesivany> I've created a wiki page for planning events. 21:35:54 <sesivany> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Ambassadors/EMEA/EventPlan:2016 21:36:31 <sesivany> it's based on the list we created at the EMEA FAD at the beginning of December. 21:37:40 <sesivany> everyone can propose an event, but it needs to have an event owner who will be responsible for Fedora presence there and also some justification why we should invest in this event. 21:37:59 <Mohamed_Fawzy> how can i add event 21:39:46 <sesivany> Mohamed_Fawzy: just edit the page and add it to the table. 21:39:55 <sesivany> Mohamed_Fawzy: and follow the instructions. 21:40:32 <sesivany> Mohamed_Fawzy: adding it to the list won't make it approved, but it will certainly be reviewed. 21:40:53 <Mohamed_Fawzy> hmmm ok even no plan can i reserve place for my event 21:41:18 <sesivany> I pre-filled some events and added event owners from the last year. 21:41:46 <sesivany> if you're there and want to be an event owner, please fill out the rest. 21:41:57 <Mohamed_Fawzy> no 21:42:04 <sesivany> if you're not interested any more, please remove your name. 21:42:06 <Mohamed_Fawzy> iam in egypt middle east 21:42:22 <Mohamed_Fawzy> it is not in the list 21:42:38 <sesivany> gnokii: do you want to organize LinuxWochen Vienna again? 21:42:50 <gnokii> yeah its ok 21:43:21 <gnokii> but I will not rent an appartent again, if the hungarians want to come they might search an hotel for themself 21:43:35 <sesivany> gnokii: ok, please fill out the fields and check if the amount allocated is enough. 21:44:07 <sesivany> cmpahar: someone proposed a Greek event at the FAD, but it doesn't have an event owner and no information. 21:44:18 <gnokii> aamount is enough 21:44:42 <sesivany> gnokii: ok 21:44:42 <cmpahar> sesivany: yes we do not any information yet 21:44:47 <jonar> there is an event in Antwerp if anyone is interested in adding it to the list, http://loadays.org/ 21:45:17 <Mohamed_Fawzy> sesivany: Egyipt is not in the list right now 21:45:53 <jonar> Mohamed_Fawzy, you will need to add it if there are any events you wish to attend 21:45:59 <mhroncok> are we in requests or events? 21:46:16 <sesivany> mhroncok: neither :) 21:46:23 <sesivany> mhroncok: we're in planning :) 21:46:27 <mhroncok> ok 21:46:51 <mhroncok> oh, i see: FY2016 Planning, sorry 21:47:06 <sesivany> jonar: maybe someone from the Dutch community would be interested. The Belgium community is pretty dead unfortunately. 21:47:12 <Mohamed_Fawzy> it is my first time in fedora i dnt have clear paln but sure i will plan an event 21:47:43 <sesivany> jonar: if someone wants to fly over there and it's not very expensive, why not. 21:47:46 <jonar> sesivany, shame... maybe I just thought it worth mentioning - was going to mention it in events but seing as we are planning 21:48:04 <sesivany> Robert Scheck flies to two events in Denmark and Sweden. 21:48:21 <sesivany> jonar: I will talk to Ruben about it. 21:48:44 <sesivany> Mohamed_Fawzy: is there any larger Linux or open source event in Egypt? 21:49:16 <Mohamed_Fawzy> sure it will be before fedora i was make that for myself 21:49:31 <Mohamed_Fawzy> i dnt have clear view but sure it will be 21:49:57 <sesivany> Mohamed_Fawzy: if so, add it to the list, give us some info about it. 21:50:21 <Mohamed_Fawzy> it will be after 1 feb coz i have exames 21:50:38 <sesivany> Mohamed_Fawzy: and also contact other ambassadors in Egypt to cooperate, there are quite a few of them AFAIK. 21:51:01 <Mohamed_Fawzy> i will for sure 21:51:33 <sesivany> everyone: it's not limited just to events, we also welcome ideas of swag, activities etc. 21:52:25 <sesivany> I'm going to skip the Ambassador's Schedule topic because there are no updates and the next release is far away. 21:52:37 <Mohamed_Fawzy> ok 21:52:50 * gnokii wants still thermo mugs 21:53:05 <sesivany> #topic Events 21:53:23 <mhroncok> ! 21:53:31 <sesivany> mhroncok: yes? 21:53:45 <mhroncok> Chemnitzer Linux-Tage CFP ends *today* 21:54:03 <mhroncok> #link https://chemnitzer.linux-tage.de/2015/en/programm/anmeldung/beitrag 21:54:26 <sesivany> who is going to CLT? 21:54:40 <mhroncok> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Chemnitzer_Linuxtage_2015 21:54:43 <gnokii> kital,rsc,knurd and me as I am local 21:55:07 * sesivany should go there finally, was invited there by kital 4 years ago and hasn't made it yet :-/ 21:55:10 <mhroncok> if anyone plans to go, having a talk is a good way to be able to get more people in there 21:55:48 <gnokii> ooh forgot fabaff 21:56:21 <mhroncok> gnokii: and me :) 21:56:37 <gnokii> if you got accepted ;) 21:56:51 <mhroncok> I'll go anyway 21:57:33 <gnokii> hear hear, then is only one slot for free booth left 21:57:34 <sesivany> #info If you want to submit a talk to CLT 2015, the CfP deadline is today! 21:58:22 <sesivany> anyone going to DevConf.cz? :) 21:58:30 <mhroncok> me 21:59:10 <sesivany> the schedule is out: http://devconf.cz/schedule 21:59:23 <sesivany> lots of talks on Fedora, lots of Fedora contributors. 21:59:31 <sesivany> we will again have a Fedora Day there. 21:59:57 <sesivany> #info Schedule of DevConf.cz 2015 is out: http://devconf.cz/schedule 22:00:59 <sesivany> anything else on events? 22:02:35 <jonar> nothing from me 22:02:36 <sesivany> what about release parties? anyone organizes a F21 release party? 22:02:44 <sesivany> you can get a badge ;-) 22:02:54 <gnokii> already have it :D 22:03:04 <sesivany> damn :) 22:03:11 <fale> sesivany: we (in Milan, IT) will do a release party on the 06/02 22:04:11 * sesivany is checking his badges... 22:05:09 <sesivany> still don't have it and I organized a release party a month ago :-( 22:05:22 <sesivany> #topic Open floor 22:05:37 <sesivany> now you've got open floor for discussion. 22:06:15 <gnokii> ok, then I go to bed, I am still not 100% healthy 22:06:17 * mhroncok has written a short report form FAD 22:06:29 <mhroncok> http://eng.hroncok.cz/2014/12/09/fad-rheinland-2014/ 22:07:18 <sesivany> gnokii: ok, get well! 22:07:36 <sesivany> mhroncok: no DVDs any more? :) 22:07:50 <Mohamed_Fawzy> goodnight gnokii 22:07:50 <mhroncok> we've discussed it 22:08:33 <sesivany> mhroncok: but I guess there is no progress on the front of flyers... as there hasn't been any in the last two years... 22:09:24 <Mohamed_Fawzy> sesivany: here is bad INTERNET to download iso 22:09:54 <Mohamed_Fawzy> 1G or 2G may take more than 1 day to download it 22:10:29 <mhroncok> this idea was mostly relevant for europe 22:10:33 <sesivany> Mohamed_Fawzy: I understand, my opinion is that we should not discontinue DVDs completely, just produce less and less as Internet connection improves. 22:10:54 <Mohamed_Fawzy> yes 22:11:03 <sesivany> mhroncok: yeah, but we also have Africa and Middle East. 22:11:10 <mhroncok> yes 22:11:17 <fale> iirc the problem is that burning 2k or 4k DVDs has pretty much the same cose 22:11:19 <fale> *cost 22:11:19 <mhroncok> didn't forget them :) 22:11:36 <sesivany> and we ship quite a few packages with swag and media there. 22:11:44 <jonar> I find that something tactile always goes down well at events 22:12:00 <Mohamed_Fawzy> i dnt got any swag yet by the way :D 22:12:51 <sesivany> jonar: Miro's idea was to replace DVDs with flyer's of the same size with info how to download Fedora, create a flash drive, and install it + info about Fedora. 22:13:29 <Mohamed_Fawzy> and i want to know if i can build a volunteer team 22:13:37 <sesivany> Mohamed_Fawzy: your polo shirt has been shipped today btw. 22:14:28 <mhroncok> it wasnt my idea only 22:14:29 <Mohamed_Fawzy> good if it come well i can get some stickers and pins :D :D 22:14:30 <jonar> sesivany, although I like the idea... there is something about the disk when given out at events, I think there is more chance of new users sticking a disk in a machine than reading a leaflet 22:15:13 <jonar> but it's dying technology, so does need to be replaced... and we're still in the bad position of having no install medium to replace them with 22:15:49 <sesivany> Mohamed_Fawzy: for any local activities, contact other ambassadors in your country, there are 9 of them. They can help you and share experience with you. 22:16:10 <sesivany> Mohamed_Fawzy: especially Diaa Radwan is very experienced, I met him in person. 22:16:44 <sesivany> jonar: the cheapest USB drives are still about $6-8 :-( 22:17:10 <sesivany> jonar: and they're very unreliable, one out of five of the cheapest ones is usually broken. 22:17:21 <jonar> exactly! 22:17:34 <jonar> its a dificult situation 22:17:46 <Mohamed_Fawzy> diaa is my ideal :D 22:18:46 <Mohamed_Fawzy> sesivany: moving usb is difficult more than DVD special to middle east 22:19:46 <sesivany> jonar: but we do need flyers anyway. I don't want to give away just swag with no information. Stickers and badges are good for branding, but don't convey any information. 22:20:18 <jonar> yes, I agree... the flyers went well at the stands i ran last year 22:21:55 <sesivany> jonar: frankly, I miss the times when I could buy a book about a Linux distribution with all necessary info to install and use the system. That's how I finally got hooked. Now, it's of course much easier to get started, but you have to look for information everywhere. 22:22:26 <sesivany> jonar: no well-written comprehensive info at one place for new users. 22:22:30 <jonar> true 22:23:26 <sesivany> jonar: I suppose in English-speaking countries it's better since it's much bigger market, but in Czech... we used to have books on Linux distributions and Linux in general, and it's all gone. 22:24:18 <jonar> I can only imagine how difficult it is to find the info in other languages... sometimes its bad enough getting the right info in English 22:24:37 <sesivany> that's why I'm still planning to write a 20-page starting Fedora manual, I just need to find time for that :-/ 22:24:46 <jonar> most websites can't spell yum correctly, they usually write apt-get.... 22:24:59 <mhroncok> :D 22:25:15 <jonar> sesivany, you know I was thinking about how to approach something similar 22:25:28 * robyduck is here 22:25:35 <mhroncok> robyduck: hi 22:25:41 <sesivany> robyduck: hello at last! 22:25:56 <robyduck> hi all, I fear I'm a bit late today :S 22:26:04 <mhroncok> just a bit 22:26:08 <robyduck> :) 22:26:23 <sesivany> and I'm afraid we will have to end in a couple of minutes, the LATAM guys start at half. 22:26:29 <twohot|desire> .fas twohot 22:26:30 <zodbot> twohot|desire: twohot 'Onyeibo Oku' <twohotis@gmail.com> 22:26:44 <sesivany> why is everyone joining now? :) 22:26:51 <mhroncok> :) 22:26:53 <robyduck> ha, I'm not the last! 22:27:08 <twohot|desire> sorry I'm late 22:27:08 <mhroncok> good night everyone 22:27:16 <fale> night :) 22:27:26 <robyduck> good night, see you soon 22:27:36 <Mohamed_Fawzy> good night 22:27:42 <sesivany> good night, and thank you for coming today! 22:27:48 <sesivany> meet you in 2 weeks! 22:27:49 <twohot|desire> Sesivany: timing 22:27:54 <kmf> cheers 22:28:00 <twohot|desire> Is it over? 22:28:10 <jonar> thanks sesivany, see you later 22:28:17 <sesivany> twohot|desire: yes, we started 1 and half hour ago. 22:28:30 <b10n1k> good night 22:28:32 <cmpahar> have a nice night 22:28:37 <sesivany> #endmeeting