20:03:35 <sesivany> #startmeeting EMEA ambassadors 2014-09-17 20:03:35 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Sep 17 20:03:35 2014 UTC. The chair is sesivany. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 20:03:35 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 20:03:44 <sesivany> #meetingname emea ambassadors 20:03:44 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'emea_ambassadors' 20:03:49 <sesivany> #topic Roll Call 20:03:54 <gnokii> .fas gnokii 20:03:55 <zodbot> gnokii: gnokii 'Sirko Kemter' <buergermeister@karl-tux-stadt.de> 20:03:56 <sesivany> .fas eischmann 20:03:58 <zodbot> sesivany: eischmann 'Jiri Eischmann' <eischmann@redhat.com> 20:04:02 <heffer> .fasinfo heffer 20:04:02 <ardian> .fas ardian 20:04:05 <zodbot> heffer: User: heffer, Name: Felix Kaechele, email: felix@fetzig.org, Creation: 2008-07-04, IRC Nick: heffer, Timezone: Europe/Berlin, Locale: en, GPG key ID: 2C2DD96B, Status: active 20:04:08 <zodbot> heffer: Approved Groups: cla_fedora cla_done packager fedorabugs ambassadors cvsl10n cla_fpca 20:04:10 <Levex> .fas levex 20:04:11 <zodbot> ardian: dwreski 'Dave Wreski' <dwreski@guardiandigital.com> - ardian 'Ardian Haxha' <ardian.haxha@gmail.com> - btxaja 'Arief Mardianto' <arief.mardianto1@gmail.com> - n00b1 'Steven Toth' <dragondungeonguardian@hotmail.com> - gunma 'Mardian Gunawan' <gunawanmardian@gmail.com> - syahmare 'Andi Mardiansyah' <syahmare@gmail.com> - guardian 'Stephan Kürpick' <guard@gmx.net> - rmsc 'Renato Caldas' (1 more message) 20:04:14 <zodbot> Levex: levex 'Levente Kurusa' <levex@linux.com> 20:04:36 <blackbird> .fas teferenc 20:04:37 <zodbot> blackbird: teferenc 'Teknős Ferenc' <teferenc@t-online.hu> 20:05:18 <kubblai> .fas kubblai 20:05:19 <zodbot> kubblai: kubblai 'David Mcnulty' <kubblai@gmail.com> 20:05:29 <jonar> .fas jfarcher 20:05:30 <zodbot> jonar: jfarcher 'Jonathan Archer' <jon@rosslug.org.uk> 20:05:33 <b10n1k> .fas b10n1k 20:05:33 <zodbot> b10n1k: b10n1k 'jiannis Bonatakis' <jbonatakis@gmail.com> - jobo 'jiannis bonatakis' <california17@gmail.com> 20:05:34 <thunderbirdtr> .fas thunderbirdtr 20:05:36 <zodbot> thunderbirdtr: thunderbirdtr 'Onuralp SEZER' <thunderbirdtr@gmail.com> 20:05:53 <sesivany> quite a lot of people tonight 20:06:14 <MarkDude> Packed house :D 20:06:17 <thunderbirdtr> still coming... 20:06:46 <sesivany> ok, let's start. 20:06:54 <sesivany> #topic Announcements 20:07:03 <sesivany> any announcements? 20:07:11 <sesivany> info others should know? 20:07:11 <jonar> Yeah 20:07:17 <sesivany> jonar: go ahead 20:07:27 <jonar> Fedora are silver sponsors of Barcamp Manchester :) 20:07:42 <jonar> http://barcampmanchester.co.uk/sponsors/silver-sponsors/ 20:08:18 <sesivany> #info Fedora are silver sponsors of Barcamp Manchester - http://barcampmanchester.co.uk/sponsors/silver-sponsors/ 20:08:26 <heffer> one from me as well 20:08:29 <jonar> another announcement, 20:08:39 <jonar> Fedora UK podcast ep 2 tomorrow night 20:09:07 <heffer> as you might have seen on the mailing list FAD will not be in Rheinfelden this year but in the Rheinland somewhere between Düsseldorf and Cologne 20:09:21 <heffer> Gerold and me are planning this 20:09:27 <sesivany> heffer: one after another... wait a sec. 20:09:42 <jonar> sorry, thats it from me 20:09:44 <sesivany> jonar: do you have a link? 20:10:01 <sesivany> jonar: or how people can watch it or even participate? 20:10:03 <jonar> https://plus.google.com/events/c9b4qt6lftoc2f3bcu9rmimq1c4 20:10:15 <jonar> live on youtube 20:10:24 <sesivany> #info Fedora UK podcast ep 2 tomorrow night - https://plus.google.com/events/c9b4qt6lftoc2f3bcu9rmimq1c4 20:10:28 <jonar> plus #fedora-uk-podcast on IRC 20:10:40 <kubblai> theres an irc channel you can join on freenode for the podcast its #fedora-uk-podcast 20:10:55 <sesivany> #info theres an irc channel you can join on freenode for the podcast its #fedora-uk-podcast 20:11:05 <jonar> thats it from me 20:11:18 <sesivany> ok, it's your turn, heffer. 20:11:33 <robyduck> .fas robyduck 20:11:34 <zodbot> robyduck: robyduck 'Robert Mayr' <robyduck@gmail.com> 20:11:37 <zoltanh7211> .fas zoltanh721 20:11:38 <heffer> well i already said what I had to say. should I repeat? :D 20:11:38 <zodbot> zoltanh7211: zoltanh721 'Hoppár Zoltán' <hopparz@gmail.com> 20:11:48 <sesivany> heffer: no 20:12:16 <sesivany> heffer: I think we can talk a bit about it in the Event part of the meeting. 20:12:48 <heffer> ok 20:13:06 <sesivany> #info as you might have seen on the mailing list EMEA FAD will not be in Rheinfelden this year but in the Rheinland somewhere between Düsseldorf and Cologne. geroldk and heffer are planning it. 20:14:00 <sesivany> I don't have any other general announcement. 20:14:06 <CzP> .czanik 20:14:17 <sesivany> so let's move on to the next topic, shall we? 20:14:22 <robyduck> +1 20:14:40 <zoltanh7211> +1 20:14:44 <sesivany> #topic Requests 20:14:59 * sesivany is checking the list of open tickets... 20:15:39 <CzP> .fas czanik 20:15:40 <zodbot> CzP: czanik 'Peter Czanik' <pczanik@fang.fa.gau.hu> 20:17:11 <sesivany> jonar: we'll send you swag asap 20:17:34 <jonar> brill, thank you 20:18:21 <sesivany> jonar: next time please assign the ticket to me, I don't check the track every day, usually once a week, but if you assign it to me I'm notified immediately. 20:18:39 <jonar> sorry, yes I only realised I hadn't when i saw the update today 20:18:53 <edgates> .edgates 20:19:29 <edgates> .fas edgates 20:19:30 <zodbot> edgates: edgates 'Elijah Hanson' <pkwesihanson@yahoo.com> 20:19:54 <sesivany> jonar: unfortunately we don't have any media. I've got a few DVDs left, but it's already planned for other events. We didn't know it would need to be for the whole year when we were planning F20 media production. 20:20:32 <jonar> It's ok, not much point with 21 being imminent 20:21:15 <sesivany> kubblai: please specify your size in https://fedorahosted.org/emea-swag-tracking/ticket/409 20:22:11 <twohot> .fas twohot 20:22:12 <zodbot> twohot: twohot 'Onyeibo Oku' <twohotis@gmail.com> 20:22:18 <giannisk> .fas giannisk 20:22:19 <zodbot> giannisk: giannisk 'Giannis Konstantinidis' <giankonstantinidis@gmail.com> 20:22:56 <sesivany> btw I got quotes for beer coasters. 20:23:21 <sesivany> #link https://fedorahosted.org/emea-swag-tracking/ticket/326 20:23:31 <sesivany> it's not very expensive. 20:23:39 <sesivany> should we go for it? 20:23:55 <kubblai> ok sesivany 20:24:04 <jonar> +1 20:24:14 <gnokii> ! 20:24:21 <edgates> +1 20:24:47 <sesivany> gnokii: yes? 20:25:26 <gnokii> I would wait with swag until media situation is cleared, we have to spent in one way or the other more money now for media 20:25:27 <gnokii> eof 20:25:54 <sesivany> gnokii: ok, that sounds legit. 20:26:21 <sesivany> we can postpone this certainly. 20:27:28 <sesivany> btw robyduck is proposing key ring bottle openers: https://fedorahosted.org/emea-swag-tracking/ticket/410 20:27:40 <sesivany> the same applies to it though 20:27:47 <robyduck> sesivany: yes, maybe we should go for one or the other 20:27:49 <sesivany> but just letting you know 20:27:57 <robyduck> or openers or coasters 20:28:28 * robyduck wanted to have an alternative to what proposed during the last meeting 20:28:34 <Affix> sorry I'm late been crazy busy 20:29:34 <gnokii> sesivany: did you get a quote for web key? 20:29:38 <jonar> Affix, watching Braveheart? 20:29:47 <Affix> totally jonar lol 20:29:56 <sesivany> Affix: busy building a new independent Scottish community? ;) 20:30:08 <robyduck> lol 20:30:18 <Affix> Yeah sesivany setting up fedora-scotland or fedora-catelonia ;) 20:30:32 <zoltanh7211> Affix: say it :) aye ! 20:30:34 <edgates> Lol 20:30:50 <gnokii> is that open floor? 20:31:00 <Affix> say aye tae an independent scotland 20:31:10 <Affix> sorry I disrupted things 20:31:14 <sesivany> gnokii: no, I haven't gotten updated quotes for dvds either, the guy is probably on holidays. I'll give him one more week and contact someone else in the company if he doesn't reply. 20:31:28 <gnokii> ok 20:31:58 <gnokii> but maybe we should tell the others 20:32:16 * sesivany doesn't see any other tickets to discuss. 20:32:30 <sesivany> gnokii: about the web keys? 20:32:40 <gnokii> yes and the other alternatives 20:33:25 <sesivany> ok 20:33:46 <gnokii> sesivany: you or me? 20:33:53 <sesivany> as I said at the last meeting USB flash drivers are still very expensive to be an alternative to DVDs. 20:34:02 <sesivany> 10x more expensive. 20:34:03 <RGeri77> .fas rgeri77 20:34:04 <zodbot> RGeri77: rgeri77 'Rákosi Gergely' <rakosi.gergely@gmail.com> 20:34:22 <sesivany> however the DVDs are a dying technology. 20:34:49 <sesivany> one of other possible alternatives are web keys. 20:34:52 <RGeri77> hello.sry Im late, but here ..... 20:35:27 <Affix> sesivany: I have pricing for USB Keys from that guy from peppermint I met at linuxcon last year 20:35:31 <Affix> Will mail them over to you 20:35:37 <sesivany> it's pretty much a flier with a small usb stick that only contains an URL which in our case would be a download URL. 20:35:55 <sesivany> Affix: ok 20:36:49 <sesivany> Affix: but all quotes I've seen weren't belowe $4 per a 2-4GB stick. DVDs are $.35. 20:37:18 <Affix> I'm sure this was a company that specialized in USB Sticks for open source projects 20:37:35 <sesivany> anyway the web keys look like this: http://www.itreklama.cz/zbozi/wk002-dvojity-skladaci-papirovy-web-key 20:38:04 <sesivany> because the usb stick has a very small capacity they're also much cheaper than bootable usb sticks. 20:38:17 <gnokii> http://www.papier-webkey.de/ 20:39:10 <sesivany> people would still have to download it, but it's at least something they can bring home from our booth and we can put instructions to create a bootable usb stick on the flier. 20:39:27 <jonar> I like it 20:39:52 <zoltanh7211> +1 20:39:53 <edgates> Good alternative 20:40:11 <gnokii> the main problem as it was pointed out from famsco is, if we produce only desktop dvd for visitors nothing changes, so we searcher for alternatives 20:40:30 <sesivany> another option are simple fliers with QR code or something. 20:40:56 <sesivany> but that is not so appealing to download the product and try it. 20:41:38 <twohot> +1 20:42:21 * robyduck is still for normal DVDs, not all people have a fast Internet connection, specially in Africa and Asia 20:42:37 <gnokii> robyduck: we still will produe dvd 20:42:41 <sesivany> robyduck: we will produce DVDs for sure 20:42:42 <thunderbirdtr> +1 20:42:52 <sesivany> this is just an addition to dvds. 20:43:00 <robyduck> ok, then it's ok 20:43:23 <sesivany> because sooner or later we will have to give up DVDs, so we should start the transition. 20:43:31 <gnokii> it makes no sense to produce media for cloud and server product 20:43:33 <robyduck> it would be much easier to transport and to ship then :) 20:43:53 <b10n1k> +1 for sure 20:43:53 <robyduck> gnokii: I'm thinking the same 20:44:04 <RGeri77> mini sd card is not cheaper ? 20:44:15 <RGeri77> than the usb ? 20:44:19 <kubblai> most people dont have sd card readers? 20:44:50 <jonar> yeah agreed, USB is more prolific 20:44:56 <sesivany> RGeri77: I checked, it's not. 20:45:01 <RGeri77> when the dvd-s will die, i think in every notebooks will have card reader 20:45:18 <RGeri77> sesivany: okey, than not important 20:45:56 <Levex> RGeri77, my new one does not have a reader... 20:46:02 <RGeri77> holographic storage is expensive more, so thats impossible 20:46:08 <RGeri77> Levex: sell it :-) 20:46:09 <sesivany> if someone gets me a 2GB sd card for less than $4 a piece I'll be very happy :-) 20:46:36 <RGeri77> sesivany: lets check it 20:47:14 <Levex> Webkeys can be a good start to transition, I think we would need some kind of statistics to measure whether people actually install it from the webkey 20:47:18 <RGeri77> sesivany: 4GB micro SD, 1160HUF 20:47:40 <sesivany> RGeri77: how much is it in dollars? 20:47:43 <RGeri77> its mean, 3.7EUR 20:47:52 <zoltanh7211> we have a nice bfo project, wouldn't be possible to host virtually fedora just for preview somewhere on the net? just as crazy idea 20:47:53 <Dee-Lee> hm. 20:48:07 <kubblai> http://www.usbdesign.co.uk/pricing.php £3.22 per unit for 500 20:48:17 <gnokii> guys give up 20:48:28 <heffer> bfo doesn't work on UEFI systems 20:48:28 <gnokii> 1140HUF is not under 4$ 20:48:31 <RGeri77> zoltanh7211: thats a good idea, but different topic 20:48:38 <heffer> but we're getting a bit offtopic now 20:49:14 <sesivany> a blank usb is not a solution for us, we need a vendor who will preload fedora image on it for us. 20:49:36 <RGeri77> sesivany: 4.7$ calculate with 246Ft=1$ 20:49:48 <sesivany> if you've ever loaded Fedora on more than 10 usb sticks you know how much time it takes. 20:50:14 <sesivany> I don't want to load Fedora image on 100 sticks before I go to an event. 20:50:54 <sesivany> RGeri77: $4.7 is still waaaay too expensive. Again, 1 DVD is $0.35. 20:50:55 <heffer> i would load fedora onto them at the event 20:51:06 <gnokii> see usb station and the crowd before it as stickster mentioned on marketing list 20:51:20 <heffer> that way you get people to stay for you to tell them something about Fedora 20:51:41 <RGeri77> sesivany: yeah, I see..... 20:52:18 <sesivany> anyway, usb sticks or cd cards are not an affordable solution for us now. 20:52:20 <RGeri77> maybe, a mobile app will help us..... 20:52:34 <sesivany> I've spent a lot of time on it. 20:52:52 <gnokii> sesivany: we ;) and we are not stupid 20:53:03 <RGeri77> anybody who have a smart phone can transfer image from our booth, and take it home 20:53:04 <sesivany> we would produce 300 usb sticks for the same price we paid for 5000 DVDs last time. 20:54:10 <sesivany> ok, we've spent enough time on this, if you have any ideas propose them in the mailing list or create a ticket. 20:54:12 <jonar> RGeri77, images on flash are time consuming... I thought about doing burning at events, but would take too long 20:54:25 <kubblai> ok sorry guys but im up at 0530, ciao 20:54:29 <sesivany> let's move on. 20:54:38 <gnokii> +1 20:54:53 <sesivany> #topic Ambassador's schedule 20:55:36 <sesivany> bad news: F21 release has been postponed. 20:55:48 <sesivany> #link https://fedorapeople.org/groups/schedule/f-21/f-21-ambassadors-tasks.html 20:56:50 <sesivany> is it Dec 9th now? 20:57:16 <jonar> still says 2nd on the wiki 20:57:35 <jonar> or is that the date you meant? 20:58:29 <cryorat> RGeri77, qrcode and local httpserver? (we can setup a wireless router) 20:58:46 <sesivany> jonar: f21 release date 20:58:47 <RGeri77> cryorat: another topic 20:59:02 <jonar> sesivany, https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Schedule 20:59:14 <cryorat> sorry 20:59:15 <jonar> suggests 2nd Dec 20:59:44 <sesivany> ok, it is still the 2nd, at least till tomorrow when go/no-go meeting takes place. 21:00:10 <sesivany> #info The new F21 release date is December 2nd. 21:01:14 <sesivany> #topic Events 21:01:47 <sesivany> heffer: did you get my email about LinuxCon? 21:01:52 <heffer> yes 21:02:16 <heffer> i will make arrangements and let you know as soon as i have new information 21:02:42 <sesivany> heffer: ok, LinuxCon is then set. 21:02:50 <heffer> great :) 21:02:59 <sesivany> heffer: any details to the EMEA FAD? 21:03:26 <sesivany> heffer: what is the nearest airport? Dusseldorf? 21:03:32 <gnokii> dus 21:03:35 <heffer> I met with Gerold last Week and he told me that the Castle in Beuggen was sold and is no longer available for booking 21:03:38 <heffer> DUS or CGN 21:03:39 <pandaconstantin> Hello everyone 21:03:46 <pandaconstantin> Sorry for late 21:03:52 <heffer> doesn't actually matter, so whatever is cheaper 21:04:25 <heffer> we are still in the very early stages of planning and we will try to communicate as early as possible 21:04:39 <heffer> we're currently (as always) aiming for the first weekend in december 21:05:01 <robyduck> are there any alternatives? 21:05:27 <robyduck> IIRC Christoph proposed Berlin too 21:06:30 <sesivany> robyduck: I proposed Brno, but I'm more than happy that someone else is willing to organize it :) 21:07:17 <gnokii> the only thing what is anoying there is that 2 decide that without asking 21:08:37 <heffer> Okay so then I should ask if there are any objections to that? 21:09:10 <sesivany> we can ask Christoph if he objects, but I think he'll also be happy it's organized by someone else 'cause he's really busy. 21:09:28 <heffer> yes. that i actually know. 21:09:38 <gnokii> sesivany: you might ask mhroncok to 21:09:43 <heffer> i've been talking to him lately 21:09:49 <heffer> (to christoph) 21:10:46 <sesivany> mhroncok: we can ask mhroncok, but it was actually me who proposed Prague, but it was more or less if we don't have any other good solution. 21:11:39 <sesivany> I think miro is still getting back after Flock :) 21:11:47 <heffer> is there budget set aside for that event? 21:11:47 <gnokii> sesivany: thought it was mhroncok 21:13:08 <sesivany> btw the organization of Flock is not yet over. There are still some payments stuck in Red Hat and Miro needs to take care of it. 21:13:45 <sesivany> anyway if anyone has a better location or has any objection to Rheinland, please write it to the mailing list. 21:13:57 <sesivany> any other events to discuss? 21:14:02 <Levex> yes sesivany 21:14:23 <sesivany> Levex: ok, go ahead 21:14:26 <Levex> the Hungarian community will have at least two events in November: SFD Szeged and PlayIT Autumn. We need some (lots actually) swag and AFAIK we have budget for the events, right? 21:15:01 <Levex> PlayIT is definetely going to be a huge hit, like it was in the spring 21:16:03 <sesivany> Levex: we don't have a budget for it because no one proposed to include it in the budget: http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Ambassadors/EMEA/Budget:2015 21:16:16 <sesivany> Levex: but it's not a problem, we can find money for it. 21:16:34 <Levex> sesivany, hm, strange I heard we had... 21:16:46 <sesivany> Levex: it just needs to be reasonable. 21:16:46 <gnokii> -100 21:16:55 <Levex> anyway, we need swag for PlayIT and we can use the remaining and the things we have locally for SFD 21:16:55 <sesivany> gnokii: objections? 21:17:18 <robyduck> sesivany: PlayIT was planned only for spring, not for two events 21:17:27 <gnokii> sure, I dont want to see tshirts produced for 20$ the piece again 21:18:06 <sesivany> robyduck: it was also not planned, we included it ad-hoc. 21:18:16 <robyduck> aha 21:18:25 <Levex> I dont think we need anymore of those shirts 21:18:30 <sesivany> gnokii: sure thing. 21:18:31 <RGeri77> gnokii: its an event with more than 10000 people there, mostly students two days long. I think the best way to spread Fedora 21:18:55 <edgates> That's huge 21:19:06 <thunderbirdtr> 13100 people RGeri77 right ? 21:19:07 <gnokii> RGeri77: well there are other events in europe that didnt spent that high budget 21:19:18 <sesivany> Levex, Rgeri77: it'd be great if you could create a ticket with a budget for the event, then we will know what we're talking about. 21:19:55 <RGeri77> sesivany: First. We want to be there at PlayIT. Second. How much swags we need. 21:20:01 <Levex> sesivany, alright we'll do that 21:20:09 <RGeri77> sesivany: OK 21:20:25 <sesivany> RGeri77: specify everything in the ticket, also the swag you need. 21:20:28 <RGeri77> sesivany: I want to ask it, sorry.. 21:20:45 <Levex> sesivany, according to Zoltan we have a budget for SFD Szeged that was agreed at FAD last year 21:21:06 <Levex> FAD EMEA* 21:21:44 <sesivany> Levex: all events that were planned and agreed there are in the linked budget. 21:22:04 <Levex> zoltanh7211? 21:22:27 <sesivany> Levex: as I said it doesn't mean we don't have money for anything else, but it needs to be reasonable because it comes from reserves. 21:22:46 <Levex> sesivany, the event itself has like 300 attendees, it's going to be small I promise ;) 21:23:16 <RGeri77> Levex: we need to collect infos about swags, stuffs,etc, from last PLayIT, and fill it in to the wiki 21:23:46 <sesivany> Levex: it's not in the budget and I don't recall discussing it, so the same procedure: file a ticket with a proposed budget and then we can vote about it. 21:24:23 <Levex> sesivany, alright, I'll try to do for the next meeting... 21:25:03 <Levex> that's all from me 21:25:05 <sesivany> Levex: thanks! 21:25:16 <sesivany> any other event? 21:25:47 <RGeri77> sesivany: Release parties ? 21:26:10 <RGeri77> or we have time for it ? 21:26:25 <sesivany> RGeri77: that's something for famsco, but thanks for reminding. 21:26:29 <Levex> RGeri77, isn't that too early when we are planning it from Late January? :) 21:26:30 <heffer> OpenRheinRuhr will be in November 21:26:37 <sesivany> I think there is still time for it. 21:26:46 <RGeri77> sesivany: ok 21:26:57 <sesivany> heffer: you'll be busy this autumn ;) 21:27:04 <heffer> indeed :) 21:28:12 <sesivany> #topic Openfloor 21:28:19 <sesivany> open discussion now! :) 21:28:48 <sesivany> jonar: can we expect someone from the UK at EMEA FAD this year? ;-) 21:29:13 <jonar> what date is it likely to be? 21:29:55 <heffer> 5 - 7.12 21:29:57 <sesivany> jonar: the first weekend of December, 21:30:34 <sesivany> jonar: or planning another baby for that time? ;-) 21:30:36 <jonar> not from me then I'm afraid. It's difficult with a family 21:30:56 <jonar> not a chance....2 is enough 21:31:02 <heffer> depends on the family ;) 21:31:29 <RGeri77> jonar: +1 2 is enough :-) 21:31:51 <jonar> sorry 21:31:55 <sesivany> jonar: it doesn't have to be you, but someone from the UK. Maybe Affix? Or will he be from the Independent republic of Scotland at that time? :) 21:32:25 <jonar> I'll mention it tomorrow night see if there is much interest 21:32:50 <sesivany> jonar: great, thanks! 21:33:19 <jonar> UK community is really building up now, so hopefully there will be 21:33:23 <sesivany> jonar: btw kubblai wanted to help you with the barcamp since he's from Manchester. 21:33:48 <jonar> sesivany, yes it's all organised. he's got his tickets 21:35:11 <sesivany> jonar: btw the sponsorship is already paid? 21:35:24 <jonar> yes it was paid this weekend 21:35:34 <jonar> thanks for that 21:36:19 <sesivany> well, it was kital's work. 21:36:28 <sesivany> it was pretty quick indeed. 21:36:55 <heffer> no word on reimbursements for froscon though 21:37:01 <heffer> have to ping him some time 21:37:07 <sesivany> jonar: do you still have the roll-up banner? 21:37:18 <sesivany> heffer: did you assign the tickets to jsimon? 21:37:25 <heffer> yes 21:37:43 <jonar> sesivany, yes I opened it the other day to make sure it is still ok too 21:38:38 <sesivany> heffer: then you will probably have to remind him over email. 21:40:15 <sesivany> ok, we've run out of time, thank you for attending tonight and meet you in 2 weeks! 21:40:40 <heffer> see you then :) 21:40:52 <sesivany> #endmeeting