20:01:26 <mitzie> #startmeeting Fedora Marketing 08-26-2014 20:01:26 <zodbot> Meeting started Tue Aug 26 20:01:26 2014 UTC. The chair is mitzie. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 20:01:26 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 20:01:36 <mitzie> #topic Roll Call 20:01:41 <mitzie> #chair mailga 20:01:41 <zodbot> Current chairs: mailga mitzie 20:01:44 <mailga> .fas mailga 20:01:47 <zodbot> mailga: mailga 'Gabriele Trombini' <mailga@fedoraonline.it> 20:01:55 <mitzie> .fas mitzie 20:01:56 <zodbot> mitzie: mitzie 'Zacharias Mitzelos' <zacharias.mitzelos@gmail.com> 20:02:08 <mitzie> hi mailga 20:02:28 <mailga> hello mitzie, hope a lot of people will attend.... 20:02:42 <mitzie> yeah, I hope so.. 20:03:08 <mailga> lets wait a couple of minutes. 20:03:54 <MarkDude> .fas MarkDude 20:03:54 <zodbot> MarkDude: markdude 'Mark Terranova' <doctorfoss@gmail.com> 20:05:16 <mailga> hello MarkDude. 20:05:33 <MarkDude> Hello mailga mitzie 20:05:40 <mitzie> Hey Mark 20:06:11 <MarkDude> Ready a bit to help in mktg- it intersects with much of my other Fedoran stuff :D 20:11:45 <MarkDude> Time looked like it worked for most folks. Minus APAC XD 20:12:29 <mitzie> yes, I don't understand why people didn't show up... 20:12:54 <mailga> Well I think the meeting should go on, votes will be asked on ML attached to logs of meeting. What do you think? 20:13:28 <MarkDude> Yes, otherwise - this could suffer the mktg <fizzle> that happens :D 20:13:38 <mitzie> +1 mailga 20:13:45 <MarkDude> +1 20:14:10 <mailga> Well lets start! 20:15:08 <mailga> jumping the welcome, next topic 20:15:14 * jsmith joins late 20:15:31 <mailga> #topic fast recap from previous meeting 20:15:49 <mailga> In the previous meeting we decided to make mktg more flexible, with a couple of coordinators (destined to check that things are done, and keeping contacts with FeSCo, FAmSCo and FPL) 20:16:13 <mailga> We also decided to create sub-groups (or sub-projects) for each branch of the mktg activity (such as magazine or "wikikeeping" and so on). Each of this sub-project is coordinated by people who take care of the tasks, working along with contributors. 20:16:42 <mailga> About this I edited a new wipage 20:16:54 <mailga> s/wipage/wikipage 20:17:00 <mailga> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Marketing/Tasks_and_roles 20:17:18 <mailga> Let me explain the contents 20:17:58 <mailga> First of all: before joining each sub-project group, each contributor may submit the mktg group. 20:18:19 <mailga> Each contributor can join several group and group coordinator have to follow his inclusion. 20:18:53 <mailga> questions? 20:19:01 * MarkDude likes the new design. Allows for less big meetings- more *flow* this way :) 20:19:18 <mitzie> +1 mailga, I like the new format 20:19:34 <mailga> Great! 20:19:43 * MarkDude is volunteering for at press, as well as seeing keyword fantasy 20:19:45 <MarkDude> +1 20:20:23 <mailga> Well, awesome! 20:20:32 <mailga> Joining mktg group involve a sort of "mentoring" (should we consider to create a mentoring path?). 20:21:07 <mailga> At this point we should vote for this, but there isn't enough people... 20:21:28 <mitzie> as you said mailga, we could transfer the question to the list 20:21:34 <mailga> so we can do an action for asking the vote in the ML. 20:22:24 <mailga> mitzie: can you take care of asking in ML? 20:22:36 <mitzie> sure! 20:22:37 <mailga> When logs are posted... 20:22:46 <mailga> great. 20:23:16 <MarkDude> Speaking as Mentor - it makes for selecting motivated people 20:23:39 <mitzie> I would say that for now we could have a more 'unofficial 20:23:47 <MarkDude> +1 20:24:00 <mitzie> ' way of mentoring new members 20:24:13 <mitzie> aggrr sorry, I accidentally pressed enter 20:24:23 <MarkDude> Admin types allow for not having to vote for everything- or bikeshedding 20:24:43 <mailga> #action mitzie for asking in mktg mailing list a vote for having mentors in mktg group 20:25:13 <mitzie> for example, I promoted a new member to author in the magazine, and withing 10 minutes I teached her the basics (featured image etc) 20:25:36 <mitzie> I wouldn't like to have something more 'official', this would do 20:25:45 <mailga> I think there are some rules in Fedora (trademarks and so on) we have to teach. 20:25:50 <mitzie> but I don't know for the other groups.. 20:26:40 <mailga> Mentoring should be short, one week or two, not more IMHO. 20:27:08 <mitzie> Anyway, we would take it to the list, and ask peoples opinions.. 20:27:12 <MarkDude> Its an ongoing thing tho 20:27:30 <mitzie> although I am negative on something more official (like the ambassadors mentoring) 20:27:52 <mailga> mitzie: +1 20:28:06 <mailga> an easy mentoring, I mean. 20:28:08 <MarkDude> Some folks can write and make neat things- are artist types. ANd NEED either guidance, or maybe trac to keep on task 20:28:30 <mailga> MarkDude: +1 also for you :-D 20:28:46 <mitzie> trac is open for everyone (no need to be approved to the fas group) what do you mean? 20:29:44 <mailga> Maybe editing an entrance quiz asking the main question should be enough. 20:29:45 <MarkDude> more of an editor/lead/doublechecker of logos, stuff 20:30:23 <mitzie> Anyway I will transfer this to the list 20:30:28 <mitzie> and we will see 20:30:43 <mailga> ok, going ahead. 20:30:43 <MarkDude> We have all sorts of folks that are willing to write, and would like an extra review of writing. English as second langauge folks like having an unofficial person to help 20:30:51 <MarkDude> +1\ 20:31:33 <mitzie> +1 MarkDude 20:31:46 <mailga> MarkDude: that's not true for fedmag, we have a sort of proof reading before publishing. 20:32:33 <MarkDude> Cool :) 20:32:39 <mailga> Tasks I've described are drafts, we are here to fix the wikipage or add something we think useful. 20:32:51 <mitzie> yes, in fedmag people send a mail in the ML asking for someone to proofread their post before publishing 20:33:57 <mailga> The problem (real problem) is the wiki, too much stuff that isn't easy to understand and find as well. 20:34:06 <MarkDude> Makes sense - for ML to handle more on that. Looks liek we have done roles. Assuming tasks is next? 20:34:33 <mitzie> +1 mailga 20:34:44 * MarkDude knows some wiki- this needs some separation is what we need- so its current? 20:35:01 <mitzie> what do you mean MarkDude? 20:35:28 <MarkDude> Old/archive level things. And stuff we can make current 20:35:58 <MarkDude> And for new stuff, decide WHAT need to be linked- and have its own page(s) 20:36:07 <MarkDude> needs 20:36:27 <mailga> MarkDude: that's why I thought about a wiki group. 20:36:34 <MarkDude> +1 20:36:41 <mitzie> there is already a wiki admin group 20:36:44 <mitzie> in fas 20:36:53 <MarkDude> This needs no admins 20:36:58 <mitzie> anyway, you mean something like a wiki cleanup? 20:37:06 <MarkDude> +1 20:37:09 <mitzie> categorizing and archiving stuff? 20:37:17 <mailga> mitzie: +1 20:37:31 <MarkDude> Yep, also having folks looks at it, feedback aplenty 20:37:39 <MarkDude> +1 20:38:02 <mitzie> we have a seperate group in the tasks and roles page, wiki 20:38:19 <mitzie> feel free to join :) 20:38:26 <mailga> :-D 20:38:33 <mailga> Roles and tasks are up to the admin of each group. 20:38:56 <mitzie> what do you mean mailga? Sorry I don't understand 20:38:57 * MarkDude will volunteer as wiki helper dude XD 20:39:24 <mitzie> :) MarkDude ping me if you need a hand, I clean up things wiki all the time 20:39:34 <mitzie> *in the wiki 20:39:57 * MarkDude too. Has seen mktg stuff for a while :D 20:39:58 <mailga> That roles and tasks are handle by the admin of each group. So If you are admin of the wiki group 20:40:21 <mailga> you can decide the work should be done. 20:40:38 <MarkDude> Means I go to croberts and act like lost duck and say "Are you my daddy?" 20:40:48 <mitzie> yes, but people can sign up and write their names as 'contributor' under each group, right? 20:41:25 <mailga> mitzie: yes 20:41:37 <mailga> MarkDude: no, this isn't true. 20:42:05 <MarkDude> Ah ok. Depends on the group. 20:42:07 <mitzie> sorry mailga, now I understand what you said in the beginning 20:42:17 * MarkDude too :) 20:42:50 <mailga> My english needs proof reading sometimes.... :-D 20:43:33 * MarkDude too. My first language is Dude English. True story :D 20:43:35 <mitzie> No, I misunderstood, I thought with 'Taks and roles' you are refering to the wiki page, while you are refering to the tasks themselves 20:43:51 <mitzie> mailga, should we move on? 20:43:54 <mailga> mitzie: yes, right. 20:44:55 <mailga> Fedora Magazine is not a real sub-project but is a main project of mktg, parallel with it 20:45:01 <MarkDude> +1 20:45:07 <mailga> To join the fedmag group it needs apply request in FAS. 20:46:01 <mitzie> (and send an intro email in the mktg list asking you are interested in contributing to the Magazine) 20:46:30 <mitzie> we agreed to approve members in the fas group after they have contributed 20:46:42 <mailga> Oh, yes! This is missing in the fedmag section I wrote.... 20:47:54 <mailga> there are some sponsors for approval. 20:48:23 <mitzie> yes, you can always apply in the group, and you will be approved after you have shown track of magazine contribution 20:48:41 <mailga> According the previous meeting, I've filled people who raised their hand for coordination; 20:48:52 <mailga> if there's any change this is the time for proposals. 20:49:06 <MarkDude> This method makes much sense 20:49:30 <MarkDude> Might make sense to purge the rolls after 2 releases, not one as suggested IMHO 20:50:12 <mitzie> yes, to act like liaisons between mktg and another sub-project 20:52:23 <mailga> Do you think we should ask for voting in ML? 20:53:04 <mailga> I think this is a question for the next meetings, isn't it? 20:54:20 <mitzie> I am in favor of the ML voting 20:54:36 <mitzie> because everyone can express his opinion 20:55:04 <mailga> ok I agree, can you please make an action for this? 20:55:53 <mitzie> yes mailga, 20:56:49 <mitzie> #action mitzie ask in ML for voting on the current co-ordinators list 20:56:57 <mailga> #topic news from Flock marketing session 20:57:10 <mailga> mitzie: its your turn. 20:57:17 <mitzie> there was a marketing session in Flock? 20:57:18 <mitzie> :P 20:57:35 <mitzie> Only croberts made a talk about the magazine 20:58:16 <mitzie> which was quite awesome, as he explained how the magazine scales etc 20:58:17 <mailga> mitzie: did you discussed about anything? 20:58:29 <mitzie> and then we started discussing about the future 20:58:55 <mitzie> (after a small recap to the past of the Magazine) 20:59:01 <mitzie> eof 20:59:16 <mailga> ok, next topic. 20:59:42 <mailga> agenda said marketing approval process 21:00:32 <mailga> #topic marketing approval process 21:01:03 <mitzie> Croberts cleaned up the members of the mktg group in fas 21:01:10 <mitzie> because they were so many 21:01:30 <mitzie> and keep only the active contributors 21:01:31 <mailga> cool! 21:01:37 <MarkDude> +1 21:02:16 <mitzie> and we agreed in the ML list to approve new members after they have made a contribution in the mktg group within a release 21:03:12 <mitzie> #info new members will be approved in the Marketing FAS group after they have contributed in the marketing team within a release 21:03:26 <mitzie> eof 21:04:23 <mailga> How we keep track of the people? 21:04:34 <mailga> e.g. if after the first 21:04:37 <mitzie> nice question mailga! 21:04:54 <mailga> contribute, people doesn't work anymre? 21:05:05 <mailga> s/anymre/anymore 21:05:10 <mitzie> they will be kicked by croberts 21:05:16 <mailga> :-D 21:05:28 <mitzie> like infra team does with the apprentince group in fas 21:05:52 <mitzie> the golder rule is " You are in while you are contributing' 21:05:56 <mitzie> :P 21:06:02 <mailga> but mktg people could be larger than infra. 21:06:33 <mitzie> I guess croberts after a release will kick/approve members 21:06:50 <mailga> I think coordinators of each sub-group should take care of their people. 21:07:00 <mitzie> and since we have everything in the trac, it will be easier to see if a member has contributed 21:07:11 <mitzie> Although that seems tough 21:07:32 <mitzie> but we will see, I don't really know what croberts has in mind about this 21:07:52 <mitzie> +1 mailga 21:08:04 <mitzie> beside, they should be in constant communication 21:08:09 <mitzie> *besides 21:08:28 <mailga> Ok, anyway the rule is the one you wrote in the info. 21:08:32 <mitzie> especially the Releases group 21:08:56 <mitzie> yes, croberts transfered his opinion in the ML list and everyone agreed 21:09:02 <mailga> mitzie: +1 The releases group is one of the main. 21:09:29 <mitzie> +1 21:09:33 <mitzie> (I'm in ;) ) 21:10:00 <mitzie> so, next topic? 21:10:43 <mailga> next topic said magazine approval process, but we explained it abive. 21:10:44 <MarkDude> +1 21:11:08 <mailga> jump to 21:11:19 <mailga> #topic preferred channel for workflow 21:11:37 <mailga> this is a jzb question 21:11:46 <mailga> not secondary IMHO 21:11:52 <MarkDude> +1 21:12:12 <mailga> we have the trac, tha ML and the irc channel 21:12:30 <MarkDude> Each sub project can pick its own way, but jzb gets this choice 21:13:06 <mailga> MarkDude: mainly the trac, IMHO 21:13:13 <MarkDude> Despite the code - G+ Hangouts are a great way to talk 21:13:14 <mitzie> #info we add all tasks that need to be handled in the marketing trac from now on, so people can find it easier to pick up a task and handle it 21:13:55 <MarkDude> Not for official meetings- more "face to face" meeting/brainstorm 21:14:05 <mailga> mitzie: +1 then discussion can be done in ML referred to a trac ticket. 21:14:19 <MarkDude> +1 21:14:20 <mitzie> +1 mailga 21:14:39 <mitzie> everything is more organized that way 21:15:06 <mitzie> I would also like to propose (as mailga also said) to start for now bi-weekly meetings, as the F21 release approaches 21:15:33 <mailga> I think that this kind of discussion, in ML should star with the number of the ticket in the subject (e.g. [#335] etc) 21:16:07 <mitzie> yes, but if you comment in the specific ticket, an email is sent to the list 21:16:33 <MarkDude> lol 21:17:24 * MarkDude is pondering one ticket causing 20 or so emails XD 21:18:24 <mailga> mitzie: true, but sometimes replies can be unnecessary. 21:19:09 <mitzie> of course both can be used 21:19:17 <MarkDude> This will work and we can fine tune as needed 21:19:40 <mailga> MarkDude: yes, you're right. 21:20:15 <MarkDude> How about you call for meeting in 2 weeks, allow mktg to vote (if it chooses)? 21:21:00 <MarkDude> on bi weekly, but for sure we can use a meetign in two week. The 3 of us can agree we have enough loose ends, see about working it around jzb and others :) 21:21:13 <mailga> MarkDude: of course. In the discussion we should decide the timing as well. 21:21:42 <MarkDude> That way- we already voted on meeting- and avoid any should we have one, we NEED one :) 21:21:47 <mitzie> +1 mailga 21:21:52 <MarkDude> Focus on timing +1 21:22:05 <mailga> MarkDude: we can also decide the quorum for voting. 21:22:08 <mitzie> I agree MarkDude 21:22:11 <MarkDude> +1 21:22:35 <MarkDude> Until further notice, we have the ability to call for a meeting in two weeks 21:24:15 <mailga> MarkDude: so your suggestion is to call next meeting in two weeks? 21:24:21 <MarkDude> +1 21:24:23 <MarkDude> Yes 21:24:28 <mailga> +1 21:24:45 <mailga> mitzie? 21:24:54 <MarkDude> The group can decide if it wants biweekly, but tooo many loose ends 21:24:59 <mitzie> +1 21:25:37 <mitzie> I think now it should be bi-weekly, and as we get closer to the release date, we can decide to make the meeting weekly 21:25:49 <mailga> mitzie: +1 21:26:49 * mailga looking at the calendar, next meeting is on 9th september... 21:27:11 <mitzie> If I recall, that's the release date for Alpha? 21:27:38 <mitzie> yes, I doubled check now 21:28:13 <mitzie> Anyway we can transfer the question to the list and ask for opinions.. Maybe we should have a meeting before the alpha release 21:29:14 <mailga> mitzie: +1 21:29:33 <MarkDude> +1 21:30:25 <mitzie> moving on then? 21:30:36 <mailga> #action mitzie asks in ML to have a meeting before the alpha release 21:30:43 <mailga> ok 21:31:15 <mailga> #topic work to be done asap and schedule 21:32:21 <mailga> I didn't find any schedule for the next release, it's my mistake? 21:33:13 <mitzie> actually there are some tasks that need to be taken care of (I think before the alpha release) 21:34:13 <mitzie> #link https://fedorahosted.org/marketing-team/report/3 21:34:25 <mitzie> as I said earlier, all tasks are now in the trac 21:34:58 <mailga> Yes I added two tickets today... 21:35:20 <mitzie> tickets #172, #173 and #175 are of major importance 21:35:32 <mitzie> for the alpha release 21:35:58 <mitzie> Anyone is free to step up and handle a/some tickets 21:36:31 <mitzie> (at the link check the Fedora 21 Milestone) 21:36:34 <mitzie> eof 21:36:41 <mailga> #link http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_21_Alpha_release_notes 21:37:57 <mailga> mitzie: we should ask in ML to take care of the tickets. I can do something, but we need help. 21:38:48 <mitzie> sure 21:39:16 * MarkDude jumped on 172- we just need an owner. Time to start leaning on people 21:39:31 * MarkDude means talking about fun of leadership XD 21:39:37 <mitzie> Yeah, I saw the email ;) 21:39:50 <MarkDude> Tested- it works too 21:43:20 <mailga> #action mitzie points out in ML the needs to take care of the tickets #172 #173 #175 21:43:45 <MarkDude> +1 21:45:21 <mailga> #topic Open floor 21:45:42 <MarkDude> So we have main things for ML- I was going to suggest people brainstrom on more places to promote, share 21:45:58 <MarkDude> Especially that we VOTE in Fedora, thats Key 21:46:12 <MarkDude> Also FPL was on LAS 21:46:43 <MarkDude> http://www.jupiterbroadcasting.com/64637/whats-next-for-fedora-las-326/ 21:47:08 <MarkDude> Whats NEXT for Fedora on Lin ux Action Show. Nice folks, we should share it. 21:47:34 <MarkDude> Great moment at start- FPL and Chris (host of show) had their kids say hello 21:47:57 * MarkDude niece was with him - saw it- thought it was very nice (as did I) 21:48:12 <MarkDude> He said stuff about things too 21:48:23 <MarkDude> eof 21:49:18 <mitzie> watching now - thanks for sharing MarkDude 21:49:42 <mailga> MarkDude: +1 21:49:53 <mailga> nothing else? 21:50:10 <mailga> end in 5 seconds 21:50:13 <mailga> 4 21:50:14 <MarkDude> +1 21:50:18 <mailga> 3 21:50:22 <mailga> 2 21:50:25 <mailga> 1 21:50:31 <mailga> #endmeeting