22:01:01 <tuanta> #startmeeting 22:01:10 <zodbot> Meeting started Sat Aug 16 04:01:08 2014 UTC. The chair is tuanta. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 22:01:10 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 22:01:20 <tuanta> #meetingname apac-20140816 22:01:20 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'apac-20140816' 22:01:29 <tuanta> #topic Roll call 22:01:30 * zodbot has changed the topic to: Roll call 22:01:36 <tuanta> .fas tuanta 22:01:41 <zodbot> tuanta: tuanta 'Truong Anh Tuan' <tuanta@iwayvietnam.com> 22:01:53 <banas> .fasinfo sarupbanskota 22:01:55 <zodbot> banas: User: sarupbanskota, Name: Sarup Banskota, email: sbanskota08@gmail.com, Creation: 2013-03-28, IRC Nick: banas, Timezone: Asia/Kolkata, Locale: en, GPG key ID: , Status: active 22:01:58 <zodbot> banas: Approved Groups: ambassadors designteam cla_done cla_fpca 22:02:08 <somvannda> .fas somvannda 22:02:11 <zodbot> somvannda: somvannda 'Kong Somvannda' <somvannda@gmail.com> 22:02:15 <tuanta> #info Topic: Hanoi SFD 2014 event 22:02:37 <tuanta> #info Topic: FAD for APAC Ambassadors Phnom Penh on Nov 22:02:56 <tuanta> #info Topic: Ambassadors Polo Shirts for APAC 22:03:03 <MarkDude> .fas markdude 22:03:05 <tuanta> hi everyone 22:03:05 <zodbot> MarkDude: markdude 'Mark Terranova' <doctorfoss@gmail.com> 22:03:25 * endle (~endle@ has joined 22:03:25 <somvannda> hi 22:03:43 <somvannda> which should be first to discuss? 22:03:47 <alick> .fas alick 22:03:48 <zodbot> alick: alick 'Zhao Tao' <alick9188@gmail.com> - walicki 'John Walicki' <johnwalicki@gmail.com> - alickee '' <alick.tmp@gmail.com> - patrikskalicky 'Patrik Skalicky' <patrik.skalicky@gmail.com> - sakodak 'Jason Balicki' <sakodak@gmail.com> - drako 'Stefan Palicki' <stefan.palicki@gmail.com> 22:03:53 <banas> Hi everyone :) 22:04:16 <nangthang> .fas nangthang 22:04:18 <zodbot> nangthang: nangthang 'Thang Nguyen Nang' <thangnguyennang1988@gmail.com> 22:04:39 <endle> .fas endle 22:04:49 <zodbot> endle: dendle 'Anthony Dendle' <anthony@dendle.com.au> - thisisvancouver 'Terrance Evans ' <hiendleads@hotmail.com> - fennics 'Ye ZongQiu' <endlesskyu@gmail.com> - thbe 'Thomas Bendler' <thomas.bendler@gmail.com> - idealess 'liangyuan' <ce.endless@gmail.com> - endlessroad1991 'er91' <endlessroad1991@gmail.com> - endle '' <litimetal@gmail.com> 22:05:31 <endle> endle '' <litimetal@gmail.com> -- This is me (Zhenbo Li) 22:05:56 <tuanta> ok, lets start 22:06:12 <tuanta> #topic Hanoi SFD 2014 event 22:06:13 * zodbot has changed the topic to: Hanoi SFD 2014 event 22:06:21 <tuanta> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Hanoi_SFD_2014 22:06:50 <tuanta> actually, someone is tweaking the wiki page so it could be changed during the meeting 22:06:55 * banas is currently working on improving it 22:07:18 * gnokii has quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds) 22:07:18 * gnokii_ (~gnokii@p57932A8F.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) has joined 22:07:25 <FranciscoD> .fas ankursinha 22:07:28 <zodbot> FranciscoD: ankursinha 'Ankur Sinha' <sanjay.ankur@gmail.com> 22:07:33 <FranciscoD> sorry, cleaning up the house :) 22:07:40 <tuanta> my idea is to organize a meetup during SFD in Hanoi on Sept 20th 22:08:29 <tuanta> I think it would be good for us to discuss face to face about *hot* topics: budget planning, future events, etc. 22:08:35 <FranciscoD> sounds good 22:08:48 <somvannda> tuanta: will it duplicate with the FAD? 22:09:06 <tuanta> no, somvannda 22:09:17 <somvannda> ok 22:09:31 <tuanta> information on the wiki 22:09:40 <tuanta> please take a look 22:09:51 <tuanta> then I will be here for any questions, comments and ideas 22:09:55 <somvannda> i have already looked at it 22:10:06 <somvannda> but i do have something the same on http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FAD:PhnomPenh_2014 22:10:44 <tuanta> somvannda, that's also good 22:11:02 * mjnovice has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!) 22:11:11 <somvannda> tuanta: please help me edit or add some idea you have on the wiki 22:11:24 <tuanta> but it is too far then current problems could not be solved 22:11:27 <somvannda> tuanta: who should apply for your SFD? 22:11:36 <tuanta> FAD is for planning for next FY 22:11:48 <somvannda> okay, clear! 22:11:52 <tuanta> please discuss it later (in separated topic) 22:12:13 <tuanta> somvannda, everyone are welcome, of course 22:12:47 <tuanta> but we will choose people for subsidy based on registrations and budget 22:13:50 <tuanta> at this time, I have no idea. that would be decided later (after registration period) 22:14:19 <tuanta> I would like to get approval for this event first 22:14:30 <somvannda> Hmmm. I am still not really clear about the image of FAD 22:14:47 <somvannda> sorry to mess up 22:15:20 <somvannda> is there anyone else has an idea for SFD? 22:15:49 <nangthang> somvannda, we are in the topic Hanoi SFD 2014 event, so your concerns about FAD would be discussed in next topic, ok? 22:16:40 <alick> do we need to vote to approve the SFD event? 22:16:46 <alick> I think it is good to go. 22:16:59 <nangthang> +1 alick 22:18:24 <tuanta> yes, I would like to get approval (by voting) first 22:18:39 <amita> hey tuanta where to vote for this? 22:18:52 <tuanta> if you have any questions about time, location, program, budget, etc. please ask me 22:18:52 <alick> just not sure if there are other major parties in the SFD? 22:18:58 <amita> .fas amsharma 22:18:59 <zodbot> amita: shubhamsharma 'shubham kumar sharma' <kernel.shubham@gmail.com> - amsharma 'Amita Sharma' <amsharma@redhat.com> 22:19:06 <tuanta> yes, amita 22:19:07 <alick> like other local communities? 22:19:21 <amita> where to vote for this event - link ? 22:19:28 <tuanta> alick, the main organizer is Vietnam Free and Open Source Software Association 22:19:51 <MarkDude> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Hanoi_SFD_2014 22:19:53 <tuanta> I am vice president there and also a organizing team member 22:20:02 <tuanta> #link http://vfossa.vn/ 22:20:12 <amita> ok thanks 22:20:49 * mayorga has quit (Remote host closed the connection) 22:20:56 <tuanta> we organize SFD annually since 2004 (first year of this initiative) 22:21:22 <amita> one day is sufficient ? 22:21:46 <banas> amita: I think so. SFD is annually done as a one day event :) 22:21:49 <tuanta> this year, I would like to have some dedicated Fedora activities with some invited Fedora contributors from outside 22:21:58 <banas> I meant, universally ;) 22:22:02 * MarkDude has no actual vote here- (just ceremonial) but this event looks good :) 22:22:04 <somvannda> tuanta, I think we should have a session for all ambassadors to discuss/share success stories from each country, so we can learn from each other.. 22:22:14 <tuanta> beside that, we will tkae this chance to make a meetup 22:22:36 <tuanta> somvannda, good idea. why don't you add into the wiki 22:22:52 <somvannda> tuanta, ok thanks! 22:23:03 <amita> so only ambassadors can be part of this event, what about future ambassadors? 22:23:16 <tuanta> meetup may be the main goal; but I think both: meetup and SFD. we have got two days 22:23:34 <banas> somvannda: I just added this portion, https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Hanoi_SFD_2014#Sessions, you could add it here. 22:23:51 <tuanta> amita, everyone are welcome, of course 22:23:51 <tuanta> <tuanta> but we will choose people for subsidy based on registrations and budget 22:23:52 <tuanta> <tuanta> at this time, I have no idea. that would be decided later (after registration period) 22:24:18 <amita> tuanta, may be we can have votes for that too? 22:24:50 <amita> http://vfossa.vn/ has some connection issues :/ 22:25:16 <MarkDude> That part of the vote would be *after funding* - unless you want to delay money :) 22:25:31 <tuanta> yes, amita. but we, as event owner would have more power to choose/vote (that is one of main rules for organizing event in Fedora) 22:26:05 <amita> tuanta, ofcourse .. ownership is with you 22:26:09 <tuanta> MarkDude, I would like to get approval for the event (in general) 22:26:19 <MarkDude> +1 22:26:40 <tuanta> after that, each person who wants subsidy will need to open a separated ticket to ask for fund 22:26:56 <tuanta> that is our regular process 22:27:09 <tuanta> our = Fedora, I meant 22:27:12 <amita> tuanta, makes sense hmm 22:27:44 <tuanta> I will try to decide fund/subsidy based on the total estimate budget 22:27:57 <tuanta> s/I/we 22:27:59 <tuanta> sorry 22:28:14 <tuanta> any more questions? 22:28:21 <banas> sounds great! I'd just like to point out that we have just half an hour left ;) 22:28:45 * banas had an awesome professor, who permitted the remaining half an hour 22:29:29 <somvannda> banas, done :) 22:29:31 <MarkDude> Vote time? 22:29:50 <banas> I agree - let's vote 22:30:23 * alick +1 for the event 22:30:23 <tuanta> one more thing: budget would come from regional budget 22:30:37 <tuanta> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Ambassadors/APAC/Budget:2015 22:30:44 <somvannda> +1 agreed for the event 22:30:51 <tuanta> any more questions? 22:30:53 <tuanta> time for vote? 22:31:13 <banas> if my vote counts (I'm new here): +1 22:31:15 <tuanta> +1 from me (for recording) 22:31:15 <MarkDude> +1 22:31:17 <amita> +1 for the event 22:31:56 <tuanta> ping FranciscoD nangthang alick 22:32:09 <nangthang> +1 22:32:18 <tuanta> #chair FranciscoD nangthang somvannda banas MarkDude amita 22:32:20 <alick> +1 22:32:25 <zodbot> Current chairs: FranciscoD MarkDude amita banas nangthang somvannda tuanta 22:32:28 <alick> I think I've already voted ;) 22:32:45 <tuanta> yes, thanks for support 22:33:27 * amita also did 22:33:50 <amita> when is the next meeting? 22:34:00 <amita> is it scheduled already? 22:34:01 <tuanta> #agreed Approved funds in total $3,500 for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Hanoi_SFD_2014 22:34:24 <banas> amita unless it's scheduled separately, same time slot next week :) 22:34:31 <amita> cool 22:35:01 <tuanta> #info 8:+1/0:0/0:-1 22:35:08 <tuanta> ok, next topic then 22:35:18 <somvannda> tuanta, i can help you on leading the session of sharing success stories. 22:35:25 <tuanta> #topic FAD for APAC Ambassadors Phnom Penh on Nov 22:35:41 * zodbot has changed the topic to: FAD for APAC Ambassadors Phnom Penh on Nov 22:35:49 <somvannda> #link http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FAD:PhnomPenh_2014 22:35:51 <alick> banas: amita actually it is next after the next, since it is a bi-weekly meeting. 22:36:03 <amita> alick, even better 22:36:06 <somvannda> here is the link for FAD, but i need input from all of you 22:36:16 <banas> oh yes, I forgot. it's bi-weekly, alick is right :) 22:37:23 <alick> somvannda: currently it seems only for ambassadors? 22:37:41 <somvannda> alick, I think FAD is only for ambassadors 22:37:50 <tuanta> yes, alick. that is the orginal idea 22:38:10 <tuanta> FAD in general is for all contributors 22:38:20 <tuanta> but this FAD is for Ambassadors, I think 22:38:31 <tuanta> similar to ones in EMEA 22:38:32 <somvannda> tuanta, is possible for me to include some local contributors? 22:38:39 * tuanta looking for 22:38:49 <tuanta> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FAD_EMEA_2012 22:38:50 <banas> I'm actually against the idea that any Fedora event be just for ambassadors - it kind of defeats the purpose of a FAD 22:38:58 <tuanta> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FAD_Rheinfelden_2013 22:38:59 <amita> +1 22:39:23 <tuanta> banas, we can organize a lot of FAD 22:39:40 <tuanta> each FAD has got main goal(s) 22:39:41 <MarkDude> FAD's have to specifically helpFedora 22:40:01 <tuanta> for one who want to know more about FAD: 22:40:01 <banas> Ah, so these are shorter events - then perhaps it makes sense :) 22:40:03 <tuanta> #linbk https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_Activity_Day_-_FAD 22:40:27 <banas> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_Activity_Day_-_FAD 22:40:31 <tuanta> the main purpose of this FAD may be different from other FAD(s) 22:40:41 <tuanta> thanks banas :) 22:40:45 <banas> np :) 22:40:47 <amita> but in my opinion It is always good to involve people who are wanna be ambassadors 22:41:03 <amita> they want to learn, progress fast 22:41:10 <tuanta> no, amita. that's other kind of events/activities 22:41:21 <MarkDude> An additional person(s) can make sense- but they have an aim here -FADs 22:41:34 <amita> hmm ok 22:41:40 * MarkDude can explain a bit more after meeting if you like 22:41:50 <tuanta> the main purpose of FAD Phnom Penh is to make budget plan for FY2016 22:42:00 * amita convinced 22:42:09 <amita> ok 22:42:16 <tuanta> thanks MarkDude 22:42:18 * MarkDude was very confused on it before :) 22:42:26 <MarkDude> np 22:42:40 <alick> for apac ambassadors to summarize the last year's progress and forecast the next year, it makes sense. 22:42:53 <somvannda> +1 alick 22:42:56 <tuanta> definitely, alick 22:43:13 <MarkDude> +1 22:43:29 <somvannda> I think we should only focus on the summary, feedback from last year experience and prepare a better plan for 2016 22:43:34 <tuanta> somvannda, there is not much information on the wiki page now 22:44:01 <tuanta> I think we need to hack it more before getting approval in meeting, right? 22:44:03 * somvannda has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) 22:44:07 <banas> somvannda: I'll help with your wikipage, but since FAD is a little later, I think it can wait :) 22:44:22 <banas> or does it need to be ready for approval sooner? 22:44:27 <tuanta> banas, it's best to work on it asap 22:44:51 <banas> tuanta: alright, earlier next week then - after gsoc is over ;) 22:44:54 <tuanta> Hanoi SFD is a bit late. It's lucky that I am familiar with organizing event 22:45:10 <tuanta> and SFD uses regional budget 22:45:48 <banas> what about a FAD - does it use a regional budget too? 22:45:48 * lnovich has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) 22:45:56 <tuanta> for FAD, it should be more prepared 22:46:19 <tuanta> in general, FAD use another source of budget 22:46:40 <tuanta> the smae source with FUDCon and Flock 22:46:47 <tuanta> s/smae/same 22:47:08 * lnovich (~lnovich@bzq-84-109-18-20.red.bezeqint.net) has joined 22:47:10 * somvannda_ (~androirc@ has joined 22:47:29 <banas> cool! I'd want to ask what the regional budgets are for, but I'll take it offline since we're almost out of time :) 22:47:29 <somvannda_> Hi 22:47:41 <tuanta> but as this FAD for Ambassadors is planned from beginning of this year with regional budget so it is fine 22:48:11 <tuanta> you can see it is listed in APAC budget FY2015 22:48:21 <tuanta> tuanta> somvannda, there is not much information on the wiki page now 22:48:21 <tuanta> <tuanta> I think we need to hack it more before getting approval in meeting, right? 22:48:55 <tuanta> ping somvannda_ 22:49:09 <tuanta> somvannda_, , there is not much information on the wiki page now 22:49:10 <tuanta> I think we need to hack it more before getting approval in meeting, right? 22:49:14 <somvannda_> Tuanta, can you help adding some points that missed 22:49:35 <tuanta> somvannda_, meeting is not a good place to do hacking like that 22:49:46 <banas> banas somvannda: I'll help with your wikipage, but since FAD is a little later, I think it can wait 22:49:47 <banas> banas or does it need to be ready for approval sooner? 22:49:49 <banas> tuanta banas, it's best to work on it asap 22:49:50 <banas> banas tuanta: alright, earlier next week then - after gsoc is over 22:50:04 <tuanta> it is for short questions, comments, ideas and especially for voting 22:50:07 <somvannda_> Thanks banas 22:50:12 * dougsland has quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds) 22:50:21 <banas> np - later! :) 22:50:23 <alick> let's revisit the FAD in the next meeting 22:50:45 <banas> alick is right, that would give us enough time to work on the wiki as well. 22:50:46 <tuanta> we have got only one hour 22:50:50 <tuanta> +1 alick 22:50:53 <somvannda_> Wiki page should be ready in the next meeting for voting 22:50:58 <banas> now just 8 minutes ;) 22:51:03 <alick> in the meantime you can add more details, 22:51:15 <alick> like tentative agenda, transportation info, etc. 22:51:29 <tuanta> but everyone, we should contribute to the wiki page before revisiting 22:51:33 <somvannda_> Thanks alick :) 22:51:57 * alick also have a trac ticket waiting for discussion today 22:51:57 <somvannda_> Okay. 22:52:24 <tuanta> #action somvannda_ tuanta alick FranciscoD banas MarkDude amita to contribute more ideas and information to http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FAD:PhnomPenh_2014 22:52:39 <somvannda_> I have one more topic to discuss about release party of F21 gnokii should be here 22:52:49 <somvannda_> +1 Tuan 22:52:54 <MarkDude> +1 22:53:29 <tuanta> somvannda_, good point. please put it into the wiki 22:53:30 <MarkDude> How do I get zod to ticket me on this? /me has enjoed past events :) 22:53:35 <tuanta> ok, next topic? 22:53:54 <alick> +1 22:54:01 <MarkDude> +1 22:54:13 <banas> thanks :) I actually need to leave now, I'll meet you guys over email/next meet? 22:54:14 <somvannda_> Tuanta how about release party here in phnom penh 22:54:23 <tuanta> #info http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FAD:PhnomPenh_2014 needs more information, please advise. 22:54:39 <tuanta> more topics, banas 22:54:42 <somvannda_> Hoe about date for FAD? 22:54:59 <tuanta> somvannda_, that 's a big issue 22:55:10 <somvannda_> 15-16 november? 22:55:11 <tuanta> everyone got any ideas? 22:55:18 <somvannda_> Is okay for everyone 22:55:34 <tuanta> somvannda_, I prefer that period 22:55:40 <somvannda_> Me too 22:55:43 <MarkDude> #accepted 22:55:50 <amita> okay 22:56:04 <nangthang> +1 from that time too 22:56:10 <somvannda_> Alick? 22:56:12 <tuanta> any problem with your other events, somvannda_ ? 22:56:21 <somvannda_> It is okay 22:56:32 <somvannda_> My other evwnt on 21-22 22:56:49 <alick> somvannda_: fine to me too 22:56:51 <tuanta> somvannda_, you are event owner, so just go for it if it is the best for you 22:57:17 <somvannda_> Tuanta okay. So let take 15-16 november 22:57:28 * MarkDude adds this as use case for *Fedora local meetings and* and the calendar project #item 22:57:46 <somvannda_> Ok next topic 22:57:49 <MarkDude> as in tracking dates- more Project than APAC- shtting up 22:57:56 <MarkDude> shutting XD 22:58:01 <tuanta> :) 22:58:06 <somvannda_> Lol 22:58:21 <somvannda_> Gnokii wanna do release party 22:58:28 <tuanta> #agreed FAD APAC should be held on Nov 15-16th 22:58:30 <somvannda_> On 14 november 22:59:02 <tuanta> #info and F21 release party PP would be a day earlier: Nov 15th 22:59:15 <somvannda_> Yeah 22:59:24 <tuanta> please help me to mark important information with #info, #idea, etc. 22:59:27 <tuanta> :) 22:59:46 <tuanta> #topic Ambassadors Polo Shirts for APAC 22:59:46 * zodbot has changed the topic to: Ambassadors Polo Shirts for APAC 22:59:47 <somvannda_> So i think most ambassasors should arrive on 14 ? 22:59:55 <amita> I will miss :( 23:00:22 <tuanta> #link http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Polo_Shirt 23:00:43 <tuanta> EMEA ambassadors have it for years 23:00:57 <tuanta> but it is not available in APAC 23:01:11 <tuanta> I would like to make it for APAC Ambassadors 23:01:29 <somvannda_> +1 tuanta 23:01:44 <tuanta> one per ambassadors 23:01:46 * zodbot has quit (Remote host closed the connection) 23:01:48 <alick> +1 23:01:53 <banas> +1 23:02:07 <MarkDude> +1 23:02:26 <amita> some one make me ambassador right now :/ 23:02:30 <tuanta> if we can produce it soon, we can distribute to ambassadors in next events (SFD Hanoi, FAD...) 23:02:49 <somvannda_> Should at lease 2 each? Cuz more printing, cost will reduce? 23:03:02 <tuanta> it is best to distribute in face to face meetings, but we can send them via postal either 23:03:06 <alick> there is no warranty of post mail from Europe to Asia... 23:03:23 <alick> I still have not got my T-shirt from there :( 23:03:30 <tuanta> alick, it is best to make it inside Asia 23:03:35 <amita> that's true 23:03:36 <alick> Besides, local production should be much cheaper. 23:03:44 <tuanta> we got the design and we can make it 23:03:45 <alick> tuanta: +1 23:03:53 <amita> +1 23:03:55 <alick> the only concern is quantity. 23:04:06 <somvannda_> Yeah 23:04:17 <tuanta> just trying to figure out where is the best location: cheap but quality :) 23:04:44 <tuanta> alick, quantity? how about 100? 23:05:34 <tuanta> we can keep it in a central store and distribute to other ambassadors in the future 23:05:47 <alick> tuanta: yeah. at least 100. otherwise the local producer may not start to produce. 23:05:48 <tuanta> somvannda_, how much does it cost to make it in Cambodia? 23:05:55 * somvannda (~somvannda@ has joined 23:06:14 <tuanta> somvannda, could you check how much it costs to make it in Cambodia? 23:06:25 <tuanta> and also alick 23:06:27 <tuanta> me too 23:06:28 * banas has quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds) 23:06:39 <somvannda> tuanta, yeah i can check, will update next meeting 23:06:44 * zodbot (supybot@fedora/bot/zodbot) has joined 23:07:05 <tuanta> I think, we should have about a week to check at each site 23:07:14 <tuanta> then getting back together to decide 23:07:16 <alick> tuanta: last time in fudcon, it is 40cny = 6.5USD here in beijing 23:07:30 <tuanta> I propose to have a irregular meeting next week 23:07:40 <alick> tuanta: +1, let's put it up on a wikipage 23:07:56 <alick> it would be useful for future use. 23:08:07 * banas (~chatzilla@ has joined 23:08:11 <tuanta> note that logo and characters are stitched 23:08:16 <tuanta> not printed 23:08:25 <somvannda> I think it is around 7 USD here, but i will double check 23:08:56 <tuanta> stitch, not print as usual. does it make sense? :) 23:09:10 <banas> my prof let me free again, so I can make it for the rest of the meeting :) 23:09:36 <tuanta> something like this: https://www.google.com.vn/search?q=stitch+samples&client=firefox-a&hs=wMD&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&channel=sb&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=gufuU6XNOMe68gWSqILYCA&ved=0CAgQ_AUoAQ&biw=1525&bih=716&dpr=0.9 23:09:37 <tuanta> :) 23:09:38 <MarkDude> Nice Prof 23:09:55 <tuanta> lol MarkDude banas 23:09:56 <alick> ok, will check the price when stitched 23:10:12 <alick> banas: lucky you! 23:10:39 <tuanta> somvannda, you meant that cost is for stitching? 23:10:46 * MarkDude notes that shirts can take a long, long , long time. FAMNA has had fun with this 23:10:47 * aeperezt has quit (Remote host closed the connection) 23:11:03 <banas> :D 23:11:14 <tuanta> +1 MarkDude 23:11:18 <MarkDude> Extra meetings could help decide small details- especially if folks are -preauthorized to decide 23:11:21 <tuanta> ping somvannda 23:11:29 <tuanta> you are following? 23:12:05 <tuanta> banas, we are discussing on making Polo Shirts for ambassadors 23:12:23 <tuanta> can you lead this? IIRC, you are also in design team 23:12:28 <banas> tuanta: yep, I figured that - what exactly re you discussing at this point 23:12:30 <banas> ? 23:12:42 <tuanta> #link http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Polo_Shirt 23:12:45 <banas> I am, what will I be required to do? 23:13:05 <somvannda> hi 23:13:06 <somvannda> sorry 23:13:15 <tuanta> banas, EMEA and NA ambassadors got it for years 23:13:19 <MarkDude> it ends up with more than a binary choice- its *almostg a rainbow table* at times. Its a pricing vs quality vs KNOWN shirt makers , IMHO 23:13:27 <tuanta> now I would like to produce it for APAC ambassadors 23:13:32 <tuanta> banas, does it make sense 23:13:34 <tuanta> ? 23:13:50 <tuanta> indeed, MarkDude 23:13:51 <somvannda> tuanta, yeah the cost is for stitching 23:13:56 * MarkDude notes he does not have one, BUT, thinks the Beefy Miracle shirt suffices 23:14:01 <banas> yup it does. so it would involve two things - one, getting it designed, two getting it produced 23:14:40 <tuanta> design is ready, I believe. however, we need to make sure it stitches properly or something 23:14:54 <tuanta> we want nice Polo Shirts, not bad ones :) 23:15:11 <banas> on the wiki, it looks like we have a design already. maybe we'll want to add an apac badge somewhere in the arms 23:15:14 <somvannda> 7USD that includes the Polo T-shirt 23:15:24 <somvannda> but in here we don't really have a good quality 23:15:45 <tuanta> on the heart there is simple Fedora logo and the artwork for the 23:15:45 <tuanta> right-hand sleeve is attached. We have been using cotton Slazenger Polo 23:15:46 <tuanta> Shirt, Royal Blue color. 23:15:46 <tuanta> Here are some pictures: 23:15:46 <tuanta> https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/1309518/P1010002.JPG 23:15:46 <tuanta> https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/1309518/P1010002.JPG 23:15:57 <tuanta> http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/File:FedoraLogo_inverse_ambassador.svg 23:16:38 <tuanta> somvannda, if you ask for more quality ones, how much does it cost? 23:16:45 <somvannda> i used to see this t-shirt at FudCon 23:16:55 <somvannda> somvannda, i will update you next meeting ok? 23:17:04 <tuanta> at FUDCon? 23:17:11 <somvannda> FudCon Beijing 23:17:14 <tuanta> they are printed, I think (not sure) 23:17:16 <somvannda> Jiri wore it 23:17:20 <banas> cool - so the current problem is production. on the wiki, it says the logo should be embroidered 23:17:22 <tuanta> ah, yes! 23:17:22 <alick> somvannda: should be Jiri and Jaroslav 23:17:29 <tuanta> right, somvannda 23:17:31 <somvannda> alick, yeah hehe 23:17:38 <tuanta> ok, we will continue this discussion next wee 23:17:50 <banas> tuanta: I think it's embroidered. I've seen gnokii wear it. 23:17:53 <tuanta> I propose to have an irregular meeting next week 23:18:00 <tuanta> we have a lot of things to discuss 23:18:19 <somvannda> +1 tuanta 23:18:26 <tuanta> banas, you are right 23:18:32 <tuanta> it is embroidered 23:18:38 <MarkDude> +1 23:18:59 <banas> I'd be up for it, but if possible I'd ask for a time change :) it's a little inconvenient for me since I generally have classes and profs are just ... 23:19:02 <tuanta> banas, can you lead this initiative? 23:19:02 <nordickiwi> hello all, 23:19:10 <banas> tuanta: sure :) 23:19:16 <tuanta> good 23:19:29 <banas> do I add myself an #action? 23:19:38 <banas> or do we do it next week? 23:19:49 <tuanta> #action banas will work with others to produce Polo Shirts for APAC ambassadors 23:20:00 <banas> \o/ 23:20:27 <tuanta> I encourage people to add #info, action... themselves 23:20:31 <tuanta> it would be faster 23:20:41 <nordickiwi> This is my request #133: 200 Fedora logo stickers -printed 23:20:48 <tuanta> do not need to wait for me 23:21:01 <tuanta> ok, next topic now? 23:21:04 <MarkDude> Still on item nordickiwi 23:21:08 <nordickiwi> ok 23:21:10 <MarkDude> :) 23:21:21 <tuanta> #topic Tickets 23:21:30 <alick> :) 23:21:51 <MarkDude> ticket link nordickiwi ? 23:21:53 <tuanta> too long meeting, sorry. we have a lot of things to discuss 23:22:03 * zodbot has changed the topic to: Tickets 23:22:03 * zodbot has quit (Remote host closed the connection) 23:22:09 <MarkDude> lol 23:22:13 <tuanta> .apacticket 133 23:22:13 <MarkDude> bad zodbot 23:22:14 <nordickiwi> https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-apac/ticket/133 23:22:20 * banas would like to propose a toast for the profs... 23:22:58 * nangthang has quit (Quit: Leaving) 23:24:02 <tuanta> ah nordickiwi, I see FranciscoD is working on it with you, right? 23:24:15 <tuanta> do you need any other support? 23:25:21 <MarkDude> Ticket looks good :) 23:25:30 <nordickiwi> no contact with FranciscoD, but pfrields ask me to fix the swag. 23:26:00 <tuanta> seems swag have been produced and you want to get reimbursed? 23:26:11 <tuanta> fasinfo nordickiwi 23:26:17 <tuanta> .fasinfo nordickiwi 23:26:20 <alick> the wiki page link seems not right... 23:26:31 <alick> where is the event page? 23:26:55 * zodbot (supybot@fedora/bot/zodbot) has joined 23:26:59 <tuanta> .fasinfo nordickiwi 23:27:24 <nordickiwi> I check it. one sec 23:27:27 <MarkDude> wiki link is not clear 23:28:20 <nordickiwi> Ambassador event page 23:28:52 <nordickiwi> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Events 23:29:12 <MarkDude> Ah ok- as in for all APAC 23:29:30 * tuanta looking at https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-apac/ticket/130 23:30:02 <nordickiwi> 4.2 FY14 Q2 (June 2013 - August 2013) 23:31:08 <MarkDude> Ah yes- tuant had the piece leading up to you getting money back. Just needed to see sticksters handsome face :D 23:31:22 <nordickiwi> Yes, 130 was the request from Paul. Someone he knew needed swag. I organised it. 23:31:53 <tuanta> makes sense, nordickiwi 23:32:12 <nordickiwi> And created an event, just so it is documented that we did supply some thing and that there actually is some promotion for Fedora happening in New Zealand. 23:32:17 <MarkDude> +1 from me. 23:32:41 <MarkDude> Willing to explain in PM why if needs be :) 23:32:55 <nordickiwi> I'd liked to have recevied more info about the event. But sadly that hasn't happend. 23:34:32 * banas_ (~chatzilla@ has joined 23:34:56 <MarkDude> Its ok with me. 23:35:03 <tuanta> I see it is initiated by Paul. I am fine with this. 23:35:07 <nordickiwi> Ticket #131 is also for the same event. That Ankur supplied and sent to New Zealand. He would like this approved to please. 23:35:08 * banas has quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds) 23:35:28 <tuanta> ok, lets vote 23:35:30 <MarkDude> Looks like you helped get swag to maker event 23:35:31 <tuanta> +1 from me 23:36:13 * somvannda has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) 23:36:25 <MarkDude> So this is for stickers - for a few events? 23:36:27 <nordickiwi> I paid for the Stickers and sent them, Ankur did the DVDs and sent them. Tickets 131 and 133. 23:36:29 <zodbot> tuanta: User: nordickiwi, Name: Roger Sinel, email: roger.sinel@gmail.com, Creation: 2009-03-02, IRC Nick: , Timezone: UTC, Locale: en, GPG key ID: , Status: active 23:36:30 * banas_ is now known as banas 23:36:32 <zodbot> tuanta: Approved Groups: ambassadors cla_fedora cla_done cla_fpca 23:36:39 <MarkDude> Very cool 23:36:41 <MarkDude> +1 23:36:53 <nordickiwi> Yes, I have 150 Stickers left here in Hamilton NZ for future events. 23:37:07 <tuanta> ping banas somvannda_ alick 23:37:07 <nordickiwi> I've sent 50 to Wellington today for the event. 23:37:36 <somvannda_> +1 23:38:24 <tuanta> nordickiwi, the total is $140 NZ Dollars, right? 23:39:08 * Croberts has quit (Quit: No Ping reply in 180 seconds.) 23:39:25 * Toledo (quassel@nat/redhat/x-ewxxgkjljxxdkqpc) has joined 23:39:33 <nordickiwi> There is a Linux conference in New Zealand in January, so hopefully I've be promoting Fedora there and use the stickers then. And I'll be producing more svag for that event, so I'll be back here asking for funding.....I'm the new active Ambassador in New Zealand. Nice to meet you all. 23:39:45 <tuanta> #info 3:+1/0:0/0:-1 23:39:47 <tuanta> #agreed Approved reimbursement for ticket https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-apac/ticket/133 23:40:00 <nordickiwi> $144NZD 23:40:34 * tuanta updated the ticket 23:40:47 <nordickiwi> thanks. 23:41:02 * banas has quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds) 23:41:16 <tuanta> any other tickets? 23:41:23 <alick> yes 23:41:28 <alick> .apacticket 132 23:41:40 <alick> https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-apac/ticket/132 23:41:52 * zodbot has quit (Remote host closed the connection) 23:42:09 <alick> zodbot does not feel good today... 23:42:17 <somvannda_> I will not reimburse my other tickets so you can cancel the remaining tuanta 23:42:19 <tuanta> :) 23:42:23 <alick> event wiki: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_User_Meetup_Harbin_2014 23:42:27 <MarkDude> These sort of events are great alick 23:42:41 <tuanta> somvannda_, I don't understand? 23:42:47 <alick> endle: still around? 23:42:54 <endle> yes 23:42:58 <alick> endle is the event owner. 23:43:56 <tuanta> alick, you are co-owner? 23:44:08 <endle> he is not 23:44:21 <alick> I'm helping with the reimbursement process :) 23:44:34 <alick> and will send express of DVDs and stickers. 23:44:47 <endle> Another co-owner: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/User:Marylandenychu 23:44:53 <alick> But I will not be at the event then. 23:45:03 <tuanta> how many people are there? 23:45:11 <endle> About 10 23:45:32 <endle> This is the first activity about Fedora in Harbin 23:45:40 * banas_ (~chatzilla@ has joined 23:45:41 <endle> As far as I know 23:46:37 * zodbot (supybot@fedora/bot/zodbot) has joined 23:46:48 * Toledo has quit (Quit: No Ping reply in 180 seconds.) 23:47:17 * banas_ is now known as banas 23:47:18 <tuanta> it is also sponsored by Codeweavers and CSDN? 23:47:47 <alick> Yes, they provide some gifts 23:48:24 <alick> same as they do in SFD etc 23:48:30 <banas> oops, I got disconnected. what's the current topic? STill tickets? 23:48:31 * zodbot has quit (Excess Flood) 23:48:49 <alick> banas: yes. https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-apac/ticket/132 23:49:01 <tuanta> you should use English instead 23:49:14 <tuanta> I don't understand something on the wiki page 23:49:14 * sayan (~sayan@fedora/sayan) has joined 23:49:30 * Toledo (quassel@nat/redhat/x-fgbiteueejnrvtlb) has joined 23:49:34 <tuanta> for example, why: " Crossover : 若干 LICENSE " ? 23:49:36 <endle> tuanta, sorry 23:49:43 <tuanta> what does it mean? 23:49:46 <endle> means Some License 23:50:11 <alick> tuanta: ah... Crossover is the company behind Wine project, 23:50:12 <tuanta> mean Crossover will give some license as gifts? 23:50:13 * somvannda (~somvannda@ has joined 23:50:20 <tuanta> yes, I know 23:50:27 <alick> and they would like to give away some license codes. 23:50:31 <somvannda_> Tuanta, there are remaining tickets for me that i did not reimburse. 23:50:35 <tuanta> but license is not about freedom way 23:50:39 <MarkDude> Possibly put an explanation in () ? 23:50:42 <somvannda_> So i will not reimburse 23:51:06 <tuanta> somvannda_, a separated topic, right? 23:51:21 <tuanta> please focus on this first. I will discuss with you later 23:52:29 <tuanta> endle, alick: it does not make sense for Fedora to support for an event where freedom is not respect 23:52:38 <tuanta> I think that 23:52:58 <alick> tuanta: there might be some misunderstanding... 23:53:00 <tuanta> that's my thoughts 23:53:18 <tuanta> so, I think you should write all in English 23:53:24 <alick> first of all it is a fedora event, which is meant for fedora users to meetup 23:53:43 <endle> tuanta, my fault, I'm translating this page 23:54:01 <alick> then some companies leant the event, and say they are willing to provide something... 23:54:03 <tuanta> alick, good. then? 23:54:24 <MarkDude> If they want to give their swag at 5- and Fedora starts at 7... you need some boundaries here imho 23:54:31 <tuanta> but we can reject not-appropriate stuffs, I think 23:54:45 <alick> yes we can discuss with them about the specific way of sponsorship. 23:55:29 <alick> tuanta: agreed 23:55:30 <tuanta> it is not a big amount and we can easily approve 23:56:14 <tuanta> however, remember our 4 foundations 23:56:17 * ramesh (~ramesh@ has joined 23:56:18 <endle> tuanta, ok, I'll talk to Codeweavers and reject this sponsorship 23:56:31 <alick> thx this ticket is about fedora's swag. 23:57:04 <tuanta> that's not my point endle. please take a look at Fedora 4 foundations then you can make a better event 23:57:08 <alick> we will discuss with codeweaver guys to find a better way for them to sponsor. 23:57:37 <MarkDude> ALWAYS keep potential sposors happy, just make sure Foundations etc 23:57:51 <tuanta> are there any Fedora ambassadors in organizing team? 23:57:57 <tuanta> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Foundations 23:59:05 <tuanta> just make sure that we can protect and promote Fedora images/brand better 23:59:13 <tuanta> in acceptable/right way 23:59:14 <MarkDude> most sponsors are willing to work with you 23:59:31 <MarkDude> If they understand Open Source Way 23:59:49 <tuanta> +1 MarkDude 00:00:15 * alick thx for your input 00:00:19 <tuanta> it is too long meeting. I am so hunry :) 00:00:28 <nordickiwi> APAC #131, is also for the #130 event in New Zealand. Can this be approved please. 00:01:04 <tuanta> ah, yes, nordickiwi. I see 00:01:07 <alick> can we vote for #132 now? 00:01:11 <tuanta> it is the same as yours? 00:01:42 <tuanta> alick, it is not clear enough for me at this moment, so I can not vote on 00:02:25 <tuanta> nordickiwi, I updated ticket #131 either 00:02:39 <somvannda_> +1 for #131 and #132 :D 00:02:47 <alick> tuanta: which part do you want more to clarify? 00:02:50 <nordickiwi> thanks 00:03:11 <tuanta> that part, as I mentioned above 00:03:16 * zodbot (supybot@fedora/bot/zodbot) has joined 00:03:18 <tuanta> are there any Fedora ambassadors in organizing team? 00:03:46 <alick> tuanta: oh. i'm afraid not now. 00:03:51 <tuanta> does organizing team understand https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Foundations? 00:04:05 <alick> that's why I am helping with the event. 00:04:18 <alick> We need to let the local community grow. 00:04:24 * sayan has quit (Quit: Leaving) 00:04:32 <tuanta> so, it is hard to approve support it, IMHO 00:05:01 * sayan (~sayan@fedora/sayan) has joined 00:05:22 <tuanta> no one manage Fedora brand, foundations, etc. there 00:05:43 <endle> I understand 00:06:10 <tuanta> it is not about money (not much) but it is Fedora image 00:06:20 <tuanta> thanks for understandings, endle 00:06:46 <endle> Maybe I'll prepare to be an ambassador in future lol 00:06:53 <tuanta> but I am the only one person here. 00:07:01 <tuanta> how about others? 00:07:06 <endle> Well, few more questions 00:07:16 <endle> How should I handle the wiki pages? 00:07:19 <MarkDude> Being an Ambassador is great 00:07:26 <tuanta> +1 MarkDude 00:07:39 <tuanta> #link http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/How_to_organize_a_Fedora_event 00:07:54 <tuanta> endle, this is a good starting point for you 00:08:05 * somvannda has quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds) 00:08:09 * Sonar_Gal has quit (Quit: This computer has gone to sleep) 00:08:22 <endle> tuanta, should I delete previous wiki page? 00:08:34 * MarkDude can give some wiki advice- as well as ideas. This may be great to do as a FOSS or Linux event. Those are great. build towards what the *F*s mean 00:08:59 <tuanta> not necessary, endle 00:09:10 <MarkDude> No- lets put draft at top, IMHO, and brainstorm on it. 00:09:11 * zodbot has quit (Excess Flood) 00:09:37 <MarkDude> zod gets very small amount of cookies at end of meeting 00:09:45 <tuanta> so, endle, you decided to withdraw your request, right? 00:10:02 <tuanta> lol MarkDude 00:10:12 <endle> tuanta, yes, withdraw it 00:10:22 <tuanta> ok, thanks for understandings 00:10:24 <endle> And do I have to remove the data in Fedocal? 00:10:33 <tuanta> hope to have you in the team in the near future 00:10:49 <alick> endle: not necessaryily i think 00:10:55 <tuanta> not necessary either 00:11:07 <alick> endle: i think maybe you can still make the event run without funding 00:11:21 <MarkDude> Agreed 00:11:23 <tuanta> just do not mention that this event is supported/sponsored by Fedora or something like that 00:11:30 <tuanta> until you are ready, I meant, endle 00:11:33 <alick> endle: it is a oppurtunity to learn lessons. 00:11:48 <tuanta> +1 alick 00:12:12 <endle> alick, yes, without funding is fine 00:12:38 <tuanta> #info event owner withdraw the request https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-apac/ticket/132 00:12:45 <tuanta> #topic Open floor 00:13:00 * Toledo has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) 00:13:05 * Croberts (quassel@nat/redhat/x-sahteyqokbqlbxsl) has joined 00:13:12 <banas> I just thought I should introduce myself during the Open Floor. 00:13:31 <tuanta> yes, please, banas 00:13:38 <banas> So.. I'm Sarup, probably the newest ambassador Fedora has ;) 00:13:38 <tuanta> I don't know who you are :) 00:13:42 <banas> lol :D 00:13:59 <tuanta> no, you are older than some one in LATAM 00:14:14 <banas> I'm part of Fedora design, where I'm helping build GlitterGallery. 00:14:27 <banas> Yeah? they have a new ambassador? aw :/ 00:14:45 <banas> but anyway, nice to be on my first apac meeting and hopefully we have a crazy year next! 00:14:45 <tuanta> yes, newer than you :) 00:14:53 <MarkDude> Nice to meet you 00:15:05 <tuanta> banas, this is your first meeting and it is so long 00:15:10 <banas> hi MarkDude, nice to meet you as well. 00:15:26 <tuanta> usually, meeting should be in an hour 00:15:36 <tuanta> but today, we have to many topics to discuss 00:15:40 <banas> yeah, and a pretty difficult one for me thanks to some profs :P 00:15:44 <banas> yep, I realized. 00:15:46 <tuanta> nice to have you all today and in our team 00:15:52 <banas> was it more people than usual today? 00:15:58 <tuanta> yes, banas 00:16:03 <tuanta> many hot topics :) 00:16:05 <MarkDude> Yes, and many things 00:16:19 <tuanta> ok, lets end the meeting now? 00:16:24 <tuanta> anything else? 00:16:27 <banas> great! hopefully the trend continues and we have productive meetings for the next week too :) 00:16:38 <banas> not from me, so I guess yep . 00:16:50 <alick> remember to send out the reminder for next week meeting! 00:16:51 <tuanta> next times, we should manage to make it in an hour 00:16:56 <tuanta> it is better for veeryone 00:17:04 <banas> yes, we should do it next week, I'll make it. 00:17:13 <tuanta> banas, can you do that? 00:17:20 <tuanta> send meeting reminder 00:17:20 <alick> esp when the time is changed. 00:17:25 <banas> i'll do it. 00:17:41 <banas> do I need to send over a whenisgood? 00:17:53 <banas> or do we have a time set in stone? 00:17:54 <tuanta> alick, can you help me to send this meeting minutes? 00:18:11 <tuanta> no no, banas. also in 4:00am UTC on Saturday 00:18:40 <tuanta> banas, I will send the reminder this time :) 00:18:50 <tuanta> for making sure :) 00:18:53 <banas> ok, I'll do it next time then ;) 00:19:15 <alick> tuanta: ok 00:19:18 <tuanta> thanks 00:19:26 <tuanta> #endmeeting 00:19:27 * zodbot (supybot@fedora/bot/zodbot) has joined 00:19:33 <banas> bye! 00:19:37 * banas runs to class 00:19:38 <alick> naughty bot 00:19:44 <tuanta> #endmeeting 00:19:46 <MarkDude> LaTERS BANAS 00:19:57 <banas> :D 00:19:59 <MarkDude> When zodbots go bad 00:20:19 <tuanta> #endmeeting 00:20:22 * amita has quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds) 00:20:26 <tuanta> :) 00:20:58 <alick> oh? still not end... 00:21:14 <endle> maybe the bot is too hungry 00:22:10 <alick> am I currently in chari? 00:22:16 <alick> chair? 00:22:24 <banas> #endmeeting