01:06:47 <award3535> #startmeeting FAmNA 01:06:47 <zodbot> Meeting started Fri Jun 27 01:06:47 2014 UTC. The chair is award3535. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 01:06:47 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 01:07:21 <award3535> #meetingname FAmNA 01:07:21 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'famna' 01:07:32 <kk4ewt> i will get (cathy and mine) written this week. With tracking the VE session and having another on tuesday nightand gettingready for this weekend i have been putting in 20 hour days 01:07:45 <MarkDude> .fasinfo MarkDude 01:07:46 <zodbot> MarkDude: User "MarkDude" doesn't exist 01:07:51 <award3535> #topic === FAmNA Roll Call === 01:07:58 <MarkDude> .fasinfo markdude 01:07:59 <zodbot> MarkDude: User: markdude, Name: Mark Terranova, email: doctorfoss@gmail.com, Creation: 2010-02-01, IRC Nick: MarkDude, Timezone: America/Los_Angeles, Locale: en, GPG key ID: CA804B47, Status: active 01:08:02 <zodbot> MarkDude: Unapproved Groups: campusambassadors 01:08:05 <zodbot> MarkDude: Approved Groups: +ambassadors marketing cla_fedora cla_done gitbeefymiracle cla_fpca 01:08:15 * MarkDude has phonecall- brb 01:08:20 <award3535> #chair markdude kk4ewt 01:08:20 <zodbot> Current chairs: award3535 kk4ewt markdude 01:08:46 <award3535> markdude i just saw ticket 88 01:09:08 <award3535> #topic === Announcements === 01:09:41 <award3535> any announcements 01:10:01 <award3535> Southeast Linux Fest completed last weekend 01:10:52 <kk4ewt> award3535: you there? 01:10:59 <award3535> yes 01:11:26 <award3535> any other announcements 01:11:59 <award3535> #topic === Tickets === 01:12:13 <award3535> \#link https://fedorahosted.org/famna/report/9 01:12:20 <award3535> #link https://fedorahosted.org/famna/report/9 01:13:51 <award3535> .famnaticket 75 01:13:52 <zodbot> award3535: #75 (Swag for 2014) – FAmNA general trac - https://fedorahosted.org/famna/ticket/75 01:14:38 <award3535> vwbusguy was to have shirt order processed, havent heard anything on that has anyone else 01:14:49 <award3535> nb was to get earbuds ordered also 01:15:21 <kk4ewt> vwbusguy postedearlier today he askedfora quote 01:15:55 <award3535> cool, so it was moving good, getting somethings accomplished 01:16:26 <award3535> maybe we should table this again until next week 01:17:54 <award3535> shall we go to the next ticket? 01:17:59 <kk4ewt> yep 01:18:10 <award3535> .famnaticket 87 01:18:12 <zodbot> award3535: #87 (OSCON 2014 booth) – FAmNA general trac - https://fedorahosted.org/famna/ticket/87 01:18:47 <MarkDude> It appears Chris misread time https://apps.fedoraproject.org/calendar/location/fedora-meeting%40irc.freenode.net/ does not show time correct 01:19:12 * MarkDude can clarify if needed- sexycatsinhats made ticket as suggested :) 01:19:30 <kk4ewt> i thought that was 2 weeks ago 01:20:12 <award3535> the meetings page shows correct day 01:21:57 <award3535> the calendar does reflect the correct day and time for UTC vice local times 01:23:24 <award3535> should we table this one for next week also 01:23:54 <award3535> who maintains the calendar? 01:23:57 <MarkDude> Not really 01:24:14 <MarkDude> Exception was made for time being off and NO ML post 01:24:24 <MarkDude> Rules were followed 01:24:33 <MarkDude> Putting this off- amounts to a no 01:24:40 <MarkDude> And thats not cool, IMHO :)} 01:25:04 <MarkDude> He needs to clear time with job- they want more thna 3 weeks 01:25:38 <MarkDude> Its was last week, the meeting BEFORE was off time- so its been odd to schedule :) 01:25:56 <award3535> no worries, I dont see a problem 01:26:04 <MarkDude> No doubt :D 01:26:25 <award3535> attached ticket 88 +1 from me 01:26:32 <MarkDude> +1 01:26:44 <kk4ewt> award3535: didnt we approve oscon budget 2 weeks ago 01:26:53 <award3535> yes 01:27:27 <award3535> but I received no budget info on what was being spent 01:27:34 <MarkDude> No actuall members of Fedora Community was why Chris was decent suggestion 01:28:00 <MarkDude> He - as a teen worked on Core 1, has just a bit of geek street cred ;) 01:29:38 <kk4ewt> we approved a budget someone will have to go backover the meeting log to figureout what it was for 01:30:07 <kk4ewt> i think we set a budget total 01:30:17 <award3535> on 6/6 we approved 2500 for sharing event booth I am looking at what else 01:31:18 <MarkDude> Part of the issue is the Primary is on well deserved long trip to EMEA :) 01:31:51 <award3535> there was only an approval for booth sharing, if we need to revisit other expenses 01:32:28 <MarkDude> Ok, what should I do now to help? 01:33:00 <award3535> we should vote on raising the budget to cover event booth help 01:33:58 <MarkDude> Sounds reasonable IMO 01:34:31 <award3535> kk43wt do you agree 01:35:57 <award3535> kk4ewt you there 01:37:12 <award3535> ping 01:37:37 <award3535> MarkDude you still there 01:37:42 <MarkDude> Relatives sitting here 01:37:53 <MarkDude> Waiting to talk about important family matter :D 01:38:03 <MarkDude> Want to know about my imaginary meeting - lol 01:38:32 <award3535> LOL 01:38:46 <award3535> okay, just waiting for kk4ewt 01:39:10 <award3535> looks like he lost connections 01:39:44 <award3535> so how many are attending for Fedora at OSCON 01:40:14 <MarkDude> Quiad appeas to be only one 01:40:20 <MarkDude> He is wearing 3 hats tho 01:40:57 * MarkDude will help if asked, but have some interviews and some contract work whilt there- so I have other funding tken care of :) 01:41:45 <award3535> so the math points to upward of 700 total for one person am I correct 01:43:12 <MarkDude> Yes 01:43:34 * MarkDude is take up slack for booth, so folks can ask as needed :) 01:44:11 <award3535> right now there are only 2 of us here at the moment, you will get a +1 from me 01:44:16 <MarkDude> One awesome person- Last FFPL was really happy with his answers 01:44:50 <award3535> we may have to wait until next week to get a final vote 01:45:02 <award3535> who fixes the calendar 01:45:03 <MarkDude> Wow 01:45:11 <MarkDude> 4 fails on calendars 01:45:22 <MarkDude> followed EXACTLY what was asked 01:45:43 * MarkDude is glad he is not the paranoid type- or might suggest.... 01:45:51 <award3535> but when you look at the correct time is utc 01:46:27 <award3535> I agree, but we can forward this to the ambassadors list for approval via email 01:46:32 <MarkDude> You are fair here, altho Im steering clear of drama here- it looks like dragging feet is JUST like 1012 01:46:34 <MarkDude> 2012 01:47:07 <MarkDude> Or we just ask kk4et 01:47:08 <award3535> I have already expressed my feelings on the same to the new project leader 01:47:27 * MarkDude wants to plan for PNW and OCSON 01:47:40 <award3535> ok, I will send him an email to ask if he approves 01:47:40 <MarkDude> Not explian WHY timing on calendars of off 01:48:07 <award3535> I will send a reminder every thurs morning from now on 01:48:30 <MarkDude> https://apps.fedoraproject.org/calendar/location/fedora-meeting%40irc.freenode.net/ 01:48:45 <MarkDude> ANd I can see how to get it on there. Ty for asking FPL award3535 01:48:57 * MarkDude is gonna get back - unles there is anything else? 01:49:57 <award3535> but when you select ambassadors it shows up 01:50:17 <award3535> humm... 01:51:01 <award3535> i will take the action to get the email to kk4ewt but I will need your email address so that i can get you the answer 01:51:21 <award3535> #topic == Open Floor === 01:51:56 <award3535> #action award3535 to contact kk4ewt for budget approval 01:52:19 <award3535> MarkDude any thing else tonight 01:52:47 <MarkDude> Nope 01:53:26 <award3535> have a great rest of the evening, now you will have to deal with the other matter 01:53:35 <award3535> #endmeeting