01:01:50 <dan408_> #startmeeting FAmNA 01:01:50 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Mar 19 01:01:50 2014 UTC. The chair is dan408_. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 01:01:50 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 01:01:58 <dan408_> #meetingname FAmNA 01:01:58 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'famna' 01:02:04 <dan408_> #topic Roll Call 01:02:11 <award3535> present 01:02:18 <nb> semi-present 01:02:21 <dan408_> #chair rbergeron Southern_Gentlem award3535 masta nb 01:02:21 <zodbot> Current chairs: Southern_Gentlem award3535 dan408_ masta nb rbergeron 01:02:22 <nb> .hellomynameis nb 01:02:24 <zodbot> nb: nb 'Nick Bebout' <nick@bebout.net> 01:03:36 <Jsandys> Jeff Sandys back in Seattle 01:03:47 <dan408_> #chair Jsandys 01:03:47 <zodbot> Current chairs: Jsandys Southern_Gentlem award3535 dan408_ masta nb rbergeron 01:04:18 <dan408_> #topic Announcements 01:04:21 <dan408_> announcements anyone? 01:04:33 <award3535> is on vacation in vegas, but still hear 01:04:56 <award3535> ooops here 01:05:06 <award3535> nothing yet from me 01:05:34 <award3535> evening inode0 01:05:44 <inode0> hi 01:06:26 <dan408_> #chair inode0 01:06:26 <zodbot> Current chairs: Jsandys Southern_Gentlem award3535 dan408_ inode0 masta nb rbergeron 01:07:17 <dan408_> #link https://fedorahosted.org/famna/report/9 01:07:24 <dan408_> #topic Tickets 01:08:02 <dan408_> .famnaticket 68 01:08:03 <zodbot> dan408_: #68 (FAmNA Meeting Organization) – FAmNA general trac - https://fedorahosted.org/famna/ticket/68 01:08:11 <dan408_> masta: ping 01:08:53 <dan408_> so does anyone have any updates for this ticket? 01:09:12 <dan408_> there was an action item pending on masta 01:09:42 <award3535> I like the idea of a conf call 01:10:01 <dan408_> award3535: was it you or wrnash1 that offered a conf line? 01:10:19 <award3535> wrnash1 offered 01:10:32 <dan408_> k 01:10:35 <dan408_> he was here but disappaered 01:10:50 * ParadoxGuitarist ambles in. 01:10:59 <award3535> sometimes its better to here a voice and put that voice to a name and personnality 01:11:13 <inode0> I imagine Red Hat could provide one as well 01:11:19 <dan408_> #chair ParadoxGuitarist 01:11:19 <zodbot> Current chairs: Jsandys ParadoxGuitarist Southern_Gentlem award3535 dan408_ inode0 masta nb rbergeron 01:12:07 <dan408_> award3535: I agree I think the conf call is a good idea and would be a good way to change the monotony 01:12:39 <ParadoxGuitarist> +1 01:13:07 <award3535> but with conf calls we need to set up some protocols and edicut 01:13:18 <inode0> another way would be to have people do something other than talk ... 01:13:29 <dan408_> inode0: what do you mean? 01:13:57 <inode0> meetings in any form will be boring if they are all talk 01:14:29 <inode0> when was the last time anyone actually went out and arranged something new for swag? 01:14:54 <dan408_> we talked about shirts 2 meetings ago or so 01:14:55 <ParadoxGuitarist> We should have pizza delivered to every member. 01:15:14 <ParadoxGuitarist> Weren't we going to have a design the next fedora t-shirt contest? 01:15:27 <dan408_> yes that was proposed 01:15:43 <dan408_> but i havent seen any action on it 01:15:58 <award3535> last meeting I attended thought the contest was already rolling 01:16:04 <ParadoxGuitarist> what has to be done to get that going? 01:16:12 <dan408_> award3535: really? link? 01:16:56 <award3535> dont remember, I thought someone else was already contacting the graphics folks 01:17:28 <dan408_> yeah i dont see anything on google 01:17:54 <dan408_> ill create a new ticket 01:17:56 <award3535> hmmm 01:19:50 <dan408_> ok ticket created 01:19:52 <award3535> I dont have the last few meetings the PC I am traveling with is not the same one I use for the meets 01:20:29 <inode0> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Ambassadors_meetings?rd=Ambassadors/Meetings#2014 01:20:29 <dan408_> inode0: the idea of having the meeting on a conf call is not really to make things more exciting but to make things run a little quicker, and see if we can get ideas flowing better 01:20:34 <inode0> handy link to them all 01:21:00 <award3535> inode0 ty 01:21:09 <inode0> dan408_: I'm on board with doing that - they are much higher bandwidth 01:21:19 <dan408_> yep 01:21:34 <Jsandys> But someone will need to take minutes 01:21:35 <inode0> unless everyone talks at once :) 01:21:58 <dan408_> i asked masta to talk with Jiri to see if we can maybe get RHEL entitlements and training discounts for Ambassadors as well 01:22:05 <award3535> that is why meeting edicut must be followed 01:22:14 <dan408_> award3535: etiquette* 01:22:14 <award3535> logs and actions 01:22:21 <dan408_> award3535: don't worry about that 01:22:26 <award3535> dan408 ty 01:22:30 <dan408_> i'll handle the conf call stuff 01:22:36 <dan408_> we'll do the meeting simultaneously on IRC and phone 01:22:53 <award3535> even better I really like that 01:23:04 <dan408_> speaking of masta, that brings up another major problem: ATTENDANCE 01:23:27 <dan408_> so nothing against him, I'm just using him as an example right now 01:23:37 <award3535> I am usually here, but have been out on vacation, and still have another week on the road 01:23:59 <dan408_> so he either forgot, or is busy working, which is why he's not at this meeting 01:23:59 <inode0> there isn't much reason to come unless stuff is happening that you care about 01:24:27 <dan408_> inode0: Well, he's in Famsco now so I would think he has even more of a vested interest than normal 01:24:55 <inode0> the normal routine is once in famsco never again at famna meetings if history repeats itself 01:25:04 <dan408_> neat. 01:25:14 <dan408_> he was here last week 01:25:38 <dan408_> my point was, (and I've been saying this for a while) is that this tuesday at 6PM/9PM isnt working 01:25:57 <dan408_> I would like to try a Friday, Saturday or Sunday 01:26:00 <inode0> it isn't working for me but it isn't working because none of us are doing anything 01:26:22 <inode0> I'm fine with moving it too 01:26:47 <award3535> weekends I am not available, second job 01:26:48 <dan408_> inode0: So I think that if we just change things, maybe they will slowly start to pick up 01:26:56 <dan408_> award3535: how about Fridays? 01:27:03 <award3535> friday is ok 01:27:17 <dan408_> I know for a fact everyone goes home early on Fridays 01:27:18 <inode0> in fact, I think we are at a place where anyone who wants to can just say the new meetings are at X - of course that will make them mostly your responsibility for a while 01:27:22 <Jsandys> -1 friday 01:27:41 <dan408_> Jsandys: why cant you do fridays? 01:27:57 <dan408_> not that it's my business 01:28:01 <inode0> some of us are beat by Friday 01:28:02 <Jsandys> I do other things on friday 01:28:09 <dan408_> okay 01:28:10 <dan408_> look 01:28:16 <Jsandys> if it is eary I could attend 01:28:22 <inode0> the only good time is now :-) 01:28:29 <dan408_> Jsandys: Yes I was thinking early on friday 01:28:39 <Jsandys> I have had a conflict on tuesday and quit that group. 01:29:05 <dan408_> i'll come up with 3 times and send it to the list for a vote, and we'll re-vote on it next week if no one replies on the email list 01:29:14 <award3535> monday, tuesday, wednesday and fridays are good for me 01:29:15 <dan408_> #action dan408 to come up with 3 times and propose them for a vote 01:29:17 <ParadoxGuitarist> Fridays are date night for me =( 01:29:30 <dan408_> ParadoxGuitarist: Like I said, early on friday 01:29:44 <inode0> what do you mean by early? 01:29:50 <dan408_> early afternoon 01:29:56 <ParadoxGuitarist> I'm at work 01:30:00 <award3535> how early, too early I am still at work here on the east coast 01:30:15 <dan408_> how does 4PM PST/7PM EST sound? 01:30:21 <dan408_> or 3PM PST/6PM EST? 01:30:40 <award3535> either time works for me 6 or 7 est 01:30:47 <dan408_> good that's one +1 01:30:52 <dan408_> ParadoxGuitarist? 01:30:56 <dan408_> Jsandys ? 01:31:14 <ParadoxGuitarist> No 01:31:19 <ParadoxGuitarist> I work till 5 01:31:23 <Jsandys> sound too early, 01:31:24 <inode0> the west coast doesn't like 6pm for a reason and we'll find other places don't like it any better 01:31:43 <dan408_> ParadoxGuitarist: I'm at work right now. You can't IRC from work? 01:31:49 <inode0> but seriously, someone just pick a time and announce it 01:31:51 <Jsandys> but with IRC on my android, i can do almost any time 01:31:52 <inode0> we'll try it 01:31:55 <dan408_> k 01:32:02 <inode0> voting and arguing is pointless 01:32:02 <dan408_> i'll do it 01:32:23 <dan408_> i was just trying to get a rough conensus 01:32:30 <dan408_> but obviously that's impossible 01:32:41 <ParadoxGuitarist> you're always going to have people that won't make it 01:32:51 * masta looks in 01:32:55 <Jsandys> ditto 01:32:58 <ParadoxGuitarist> I thought there was a site called worksforme 01:33:04 <award3535> I agree, I can alwasy read logs and email items 01:33:07 <dan408_> it's whattimeisgood 01:33:11 <ParadoxGuitarist> that's it 01:33:22 <dan408_> award3535: the thing is we want participation 01:33:26 <inode0> we can do the big vote thing and end up at 9eastern on Tuesdays again :) 01:33:28 <ParadoxGuitarist> just do that and pick what looks best 01:33:41 <dan408_> inode0: yeah, which would suck 01:33:48 <dan408_> ok moving on 01:33:54 <dan408_> oh 01:33:55 <award3535> dan408 I agree, but if for some reason I could read and go.... 01:33:55 <masta> hehe... 01:33:59 <dan408_> masta: did you get a chance to talk to Jiri? 01:34:07 <masta> once in famsco, never in famna... lulz 01:34:27 * inode0 can name names 01:34:27 <masta> I do try to make all my meetings 01:34:39 <dan408_> inode0: no need 01:34:41 <dan408_> masta: did you get a chance to talk to Jiri? 01:34:45 <masta> though always fashionably late 01:35:16 <masta> dan408_: actually I forgot all about that, sry... but tell ya what.. I'll informally discuss with him outside of our normal meeting. 01:35:26 <dan408_> masta: please 01:35:29 <masta> (once he wakes up) 01:35:43 <dan408_> .famnaticket 71 01:35:45 <zodbot> dan408_: #71 (Event Box Upgrades-Update) – FAmNA general trac - https://fedorahosted.org/famna/ticket/71 01:36:04 <dan408_> ParadoxGuitarist: were you able to find any information on the other 2 boxes? 01:36:07 <masta> I'm sure we can find ways to incentive active ambassadors 01:36:34 <ParadoxGuitarist> I tried contacting Southern_Gentlem but didn't get a response, but that was only once 01:36:37 <dan408_> masta: that is famsco's job right now as far as FAmNA is concerned 01:36:40 <ParadoxGuitarist> and only through IRC 01:36:45 <dan408_> ParadoxGuitarist: I saw him online earlier today 01:36:54 <dan408_> ParadoxGuitarist: You have to catch him super early in the morning 01:36:56 <ParadoxGuitarist> I thought he was chaired in the meeting 01:37:02 <dan408_> nb: Do you have one of the event box? 01:37:11 <dan408_> ParadoxGuitarist: I automatically chair him. Doesn't mean he's here 01:37:21 <ParadoxGuitarist> got it 01:37:55 <dan408_> inode0: Do you know what the status of the 2 non west coast event boxes is by chance? 01:37:58 <nb> no 01:38:11 <dan408_> nb: Do you know who has what box? The west coast box is accounted for 01:38:20 <masta> I think Southern_Gentlem's box was returned to him, it was trapped in Boston for half a year (never again) 01:38:20 <nb> dan408_, chanchito has/had the east coast one 01:38:26 <dan408_> That's what I thought 01:38:28 <nb> ben has the central one 01:38:33 <dan408_> thanks 01:38:37 <nb> idk if the east coast one got back to ben or not 01:38:54 <masta> oh so he might have both boxes 01:39:27 <masta> I'd be fine hosting the central box fyi 01:39:37 <masta> (if it needs a home) 01:39:49 <dan408_> so did we get the east coast box out of chanchitos hands then? 01:39:50 <inode0> dan408_: I don't need to name names because it has been every single member of famsco from famna in the past :) 01:40:01 <dan408_> inode0: :) 01:40:05 <award3535> I can also host an east coast box as well 01:40:26 <dan408_> i think nb should have a box (if he wants it) 01:40:26 <masta> inode0: sounds like a challenge... break the pattern =) 01:40:40 <dan408_> seeing that he's one of our main shippers 01:40:45 <dan408_> and is reliable 01:40:51 <award3535> +1 01:41:00 <masta> dan408_: well I want to distribute the duties as much as we can, nb does alot already 01:41:00 * nb would not mind having my box back 01:41:22 <nb> i used to have one, but it got sent to ben when the east coast one was away 01:41:22 <ParadoxGuitarist> well that settles it for me 01:41:22 <dan408_> nb: could you please get in contact with Ben? 01:41:22 <ParadoxGuitarist> +1 01:41:24 <nb> yeah 01:41:33 <award3535> +1 01:41:35 <masta> nb: you will get your box back, but plz let me know if it ever becomes a burden 01:41:42 <nb> masta, ok 01:41:47 <dan408_> #action nb to get in contact with Southern_Gentlem and take ownership of an eventbox 01:42:07 <dan408_> i think masta should have the other box 01:42:19 <nb> dan408_, then there would not be an east coast one...... 01:42:25 <nb> both of us are in central 01:42:25 <dan408_> oh im sorry 01:42:31 <masta> dan408_: I'm centrally located, so ... it goes to me or nb 01:42:32 <dan408_> I thought you were on the east coast nb 01:42:45 <dan408_> okay let's central with nb, and east with Ben 01:42:55 <masta> +1 01:43:05 <inode0> Indiana might as well be the east coast to real midwesterners 01:43:20 <award3535> I used the east box for the last one 01:43:28 <dan408_> #agreed West Coast box - ParadoxGuitarist, Central box - nb, East Coast box - Southern_Gentlem 01:43:28 <award3535> in Indiana 01:43:30 <masta> ben and nick are great hosts for the boxen... not so sure about the west coast hosts 01:43:40 * masta hides 01:44:01 <ParadoxGuitarist> laugh it up fuzzball 01:44:04 <ParadoxGuitarist> =) 01:44:16 <dan408_> I would just like to see Southern_Gentlem online more often 01:44:49 <masta> I really do think that ParadoxGuitarist's notion is good.... at least once a year somebody should audit and improve the boxes 01:45:09 <award3535> +1! 01:45:24 <masta> either all the box hosts get together and sync, or the boxes ship to somebody and are made happy.... whatever 01:45:25 <ParadoxGuitarist> yay 01:45:48 <dan408_> ParadoxGuitarist: Well I don't really think there is much more to this ticket. If you need something for your box, feel free to ask. But nb and Southern_Gentlem are more than capable of handling their boxes. 01:46:00 <ParadoxGuitarist> Sounds good to me 01:46:04 <dan408_> ok closing this one out 01:46:08 <award3535> +1 01:46:13 <masta> awesome 01:46:25 <ParadoxGuitarist> I'll email them to see if all have ideas and can benefit from one another 01:46:29 <masta> we done with tickets yet? 01:46:50 <dan408_> almost 01:46:54 <inode0> thinking about anything new for events is great 01:47:05 <masta> +1 01:47:10 <dan408_> .famnaticket 72 01:47:11 <zodbot> dan408_: #72 (LFNW 2014 Budget) – FAmNA general trac - https://fedorahosted.org/famna/ticket/72 01:47:19 <Jsandys> Joe Brockmeier of Red Hat wants to split the gold ($2000) sponsorship. 01:47:23 <dan408_> Jsandys: Were you able to contact Rbergeron? 01:47:40 <Jsandys> Yes this came from Robyn 01:47:57 <dan408_> Jsandys: He wants to split the gold sponsorship with who? 01:48:14 <Jsandys> Red Hat and Fedora 01:48:21 <dan408_> ok 01:48:22 <ParadoxGuitarist> That sounds like a win to me 01:48:29 <award3535> +1 01:48:30 <masta> this is an important event, is where "why linux sucks" talks are held 01:48:38 <Jsandys> Red Hat is currently listed as a gold sponsor, silver and bronze are sold out according to the NFNW site. 01:48:46 <inode0> well, if that means share the booth I have reservations 01:48:57 <masta> sold out! wtf 01:49:08 <masta> I do not accept that statement 01:49:08 <award3535> busy platform 01:49:31 <ParadoxGuitarist> Well let's jump on it then 01:49:40 <inode0> two golds look rather better to me than one platinum 01:49:40 <Jsandys> 10 foot table, we can put a tape down the middle like a dorm room 01:50:27 <ParadoxGuitarist> +1 inode0 01:50:28 <inode0> or we can run our own booth and stand on our own feet 01:50:58 <award3535> what is the gold price 01:51:19 <dan408_> inode0: So I'm not familiar with teh whole funding proces.. do we just cc suehle on this ticket for the $? 01:51:20 <inode0> sounds like we are being asked to kick $1k either way 01:51:20 <Jsandys> OK I'll inquire about gold and work with Joe 01:51:25 <award3535> nevermind just found it 01:51:36 <award3535> 2000 is gold 01:51:48 <inode0> not according to the ticket 01:52:49 <dan408_> anyways 01:52:51 <award3535> oops, that is platinum 01:52:58 <dan408_> Jsandys it's on you to figure it out 01:53:04 <Jsandys> sorry gold = 1000 is sold out, 01:53:15 <Jsandys> platinum is 2k 01:53:23 <Jsandys> and available 01:53:28 <award3535> wow, you would figure they would make room 01:53:34 <dan408_> Fedora as a platinum and Red Hat as a gold. That would be funny 01:53:58 <inode0> tell them we'll give them $1000 to make it not sold out again - why would they turn us down? they would rather have $500? 01:54:41 <Jsandys> bronze = 500 is also sold out 01:54:52 <inode0> well, if they won't give us anything as a long time sponsor of this event I don't know what to say 01:55:07 <dan408_> inode0: Platinum is available. 01:55:12 <dan408_> inode0: Red Hat offered to pay half 01:55:19 <dan408_> inode0: I think this is a win 01:55:52 <award3535> that would sound great to me, sharing a plat table with Red Hat 01:55:52 <inode0> I don't understand what Joe is offering 01:55:58 <dan408_> so I'm +1 for platinum 01:56:08 <award3535> +1 01:56:11 <dan408_> inode0: He's offering to pay 50% of $2000 01:56:33 <masta> ok guys, got to run... (read the logs later) bye 01:56:36 <inode0> for what though? sharing the booth? giving us that booth and Red Hat using another? 01:56:48 <dan408_> inode0: Fedora would get their own booth 01:57:02 <Jsandys> I'll work with Joe and LFNW organizers and get us a separate booth if possible. 01:57:12 <award3535> even better, plat for half 01:57:16 <award3535> +1 01:57:26 <ParadoxGuitarist> +1 01:57:29 <dan408_> +1 01:57:32 <ParadoxGuitarist> this is a no brainer 01:57:46 <inode0> well, if you think budget works like that I guess 01:58:15 <dan408_> #agreed Fedora will split 50% of the cost with RH to become a Platinum sponsor of LFNW 01:58:16 <inode0> I'm happier if Fedora has its own space regardless of the rest of it 01:58:25 <dan408_> inode0: We'll run it by suehle and see if there are any issues 01:58:44 <inode0> I don't think anyone has budget for next year yet so who knows 01:58:55 <Jsandys> Robyn says: As a general rule of thumb - I always think that whatever the Ambassadors want to do is best :) 01:59:12 <ParadoxGuitarist> lol 01:59:16 <award3535> too bad I cant go, that sounds like fun 01:59:51 <dan408_> #topic Open Floor 01:59:53 <award3535> go to leave, will see everyone next week.... 02:00:12 <award3535> have a good evening everyone.... 02:00:16 <ParadoxGuitarist> bye 02:00:17 <inode0> everyone who goes to lfnw seems to enjoy it 02:00:33 <award3535> off to more vacation.... 02:01:13 * masta looks back in 02:01:31 <masta> disagree with splitting the platinum with RH fyi 02:01:50 <masta> Fedora should be it's own... 02:02:28 <Jsandys> Joe said: Hey - so, I talked to LFNW about sponsoring at Gold + the Friday Night 02:02:28 <Jsandys> Board Game Party and also asked them to make sure they held a .org table 02:02:28 <Jsandys> for Fedora. 02:02:46 <Jsandys> So I need to talk to Joe and the organizers 02:04:01 <masta> plz do 02:04:14 <masta> =) 02:05:07 <inode0> masta: and speaking of joint appearances - discussion of a Red Hat, CentOS, Fedora panel at TXLF 02:05:45 <masta> sounders interesting 02:06:14 <masta> might cause some buzz to attract more attendees 02:06:56 <inode0> as might new toys :) 02:07:37 <masta> I know a few ARM kernel developers folks talking about showing up at TXLF this year, as in fly in from the Valley and stuff... should be good 02:08:18 <masta> we need to do whatever we can to make that event awesome... (and all events really) 02:09:10 * inode0 is thinking about what cool thing we might be able to demo and give away 02:09:17 <masta> inode0: as long as Fedora and Centos don't have to co-share booth, I'm cool with whatever... 02:09:36 <inode0> yeah, no booth sharing 02:09:49 <Jsandys> +1 02:09:53 <inode0> what is the status of ours by the way? 02:10:23 <masta> inode0: I'm going to ask my friends at Circuitco to donate a few beagle bone blacks, but the problem there is they might have a booth themselves... so it would be weird 02:10:47 <masta> inode0: we are secured 02:10:54 <inode0> has our sponsorship been paid? we want that done this fiscal year :) 02:10:56 <masta> inode0: she paid the money 02:11:01 <inode0> excellent 02:11:14 <dan408_> sorry boss is bugging 02:11:45 <inode0> let's end and move back to our secret channel 02:11:57 <masta> I think we should do gold at NWLF (sry to rehash that) 02:12:26 <masta> it's *important* enough to merit the spending 02:12:30 <dan408_> 5 02:12:36 <dan408_> 4 02:12:37 <dan408_> 3 02:12:38 <dan408_> 2 02:12:39 <dan408_> 1 02:12:40 <masta> ok bye bye 02:12:42 <dan408_> #endmeeting