21:00:06 <sesivany> #startmeeting EMEA ambassadors 2014-02-19 21:00:06 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Feb 19 21:00:06 2014 UTC. The chair is sesivany. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 21:00:06 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 21:00:12 <sesivany> #meetingname emea ambassadors 21:00:12 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'emea_ambassadors' 21:00:13 <sesivany> #topic Roll Call 21:00:18 <sesivany> .fas eischmann 21:00:19 <zodbot> sesivany: eischmann 'Jiri Eischmann' <eischmann@redhat.com> 21:00:22 <giannisk> .fas giannisk 21:00:26 <zodbot> giannisk: giannisk 'Giannis Konstantinidis' <giankonstantinidis@gmail.com> 21:00:35 <mitzie> .fas mitzie 21:00:36 <zodbot> mitzie: mitzie 'Zacharias Mitzelos' <zacharias.mitzelos@gmail.com> 21:00:39 <kmf> .fas kmf 21:00:40 <zodbot> kmf: kmfcandu 'Kyle Fletcher' <kyle.fletcher@candu.com> - kmf 'Karl Fischer' <kmf@fischer.org.za> 21:00:50 <mitzie> Hey gianisk 21:01:03 <giannisk> hey all 21:01:30 <windy__> .fas 21:01:30 <zodbot> windy__: (fas <query>) -- Search the Fedora Account System usernames, full names, and email addresses for a match. 21:01:40 <windy__> .fas windy__ 21:01:40 <zodbot> windy__: 'windy__' Not Found! 21:01:43 <biker> .fas rugebiker 21:01:45 <zodbot> biker: rugebiker 'Ruben Guerra Marin' <rguerra.marin@gmail.com> 21:01:52 <windy__> .fas windy_ 21:01:53 <zodbot> windy__: 'windy_' Not Found! 21:02:01 <mitzie> You have to add your fas username windy 21:02:03 <windy__> .fas tonydyer 21:02:03 <zodbot> windy__: tonydyer 'Tony Dyer' <mrtonydyer@gmail.com> 21:02:45 <gnokii> .as gnokii 21:03:01 <gnokii> .fas gnokii 21:03:01 <zodbot> gnokii: gnokii 'Sirko Kemter' <buergermeister@karl-tux-stadt.de> 21:03:05 <sesivany> as always, let's wait a few more minutes for others. 21:05:32 <sesivany> ok, let's start... 21:05:37 <sesivany> #topic Announcements 21:05:45 <sesivany> anyone any announcements? 21:06:18 <sesivany> I've got one... 21:06:31 <sesivany> F21 elections are over 21:06:59 <sesivany> the new members of FAmSCo are Jon Disnard and Neville A. Cross 21:07:23 <sesivany> B.C. Kurera and Alejandro Perez are leaving FAmSCo. 21:07:52 <sesivany> #info F21 elections are over. New members of FAmSCo are Jon Disnard and Neville A. Cross. 21:08:12 <sesivany> EMEA keeps three seats in FAmSCo. 21:08:27 <sesivany> one more thing... 21:08:55 <sesivany> we have a final budget proposal for the fiscal year 2015: http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Ambassadors/EMEA/Budget:2015 21:09:13 <sesivany> #info The final EMEA budget proposal for FY2015: http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Ambassadors/EMEA/Budget:2015 21:09:45 <sesivany> rsuehle said she'd asked for the same budget as last year. 21:10:26 <sesivany> so if it gets accepted, we will get $90k which will be devided among 4 regions. 21:10:41 <thunderbirdtr> .fas 21:10:42 <zodbot> thunderbirdtr: (fas <query>) -- Search the Fedora Account System usernames, full names, and email addresses for a match. 21:10:50 <thunderbirdtr> .fas 21:10:50 <zodbot> thunderbirdtr: (fas <query>) -- Search the Fedora Account System usernames, full names, and email addresses for a match. 21:11:02 <thunderbirdtr> .fas thunderbirdtr 21:11:04 <zodbot> thunderbirdtr: thunderbirdtr 'Onuralp SEZER' <thunderbirdtr@gmail.com> 21:11:06 <thunderbirdtr> sorry for being late 21:11:15 <sesivany> + FAmSCo will keep a small budget for global initiatives and expenses that are not region specific. 21:11:16 <kubblai> .fsas kubblai 21:11:19 <sesivany> thunderbirdtr: no problem 21:11:22 <kubblai> .fas kubblai 21:11:23 <zodbot> kubblai: kubblai 'David Mcnulty' <kubblai@gmail.com> 21:12:05 <sesivany> ok, let's move on to requests. 21:12:11 <sidki> .fas sidki 21:12:13 <zodbot> sidki: sidki 'Sidki KBOUBI' <kboubi.sidki@gmail.com> 21:12:18 <sesivany> #topic Requests 21:12:29 * sesivany is looking at the track... 21:12:31 <sidki> hello and sorry for the delay 21:13:28 <sesivany> I only see one request waiting for approval. 21:13:45 <sesivany> #info Budapest release party reimbursement 21:13:53 <sesivany> #link https://fedorahosted.org/emea-swag-tracking/ticket/350 21:14:18 <sesivany> It's just €100. 21:14:23 <sesivany> not a big deal. 21:14:35 <sesivany> +1 from me. 21:14:39 <mitzie> +1 21:15:00 <sidki> +1 21:15:00 <thunderbirdtr> +1 21:15:02 <giannisk> +1 21:15:21 <windy__> +1 21:15:22 <kubblai> +1 21:15:27 <sesivany> ok, approved. 21:15:32 <kmf> +! 21:15:35 <kmf> +1 21:15:52 <gnokii> +1 21:15:53 <sesivany> #agreed The ticket #350 has been approved. 21:16:53 <sesivany> thunderbirdtr: did you receive your package? Or did Kveta send you the tracking number? 21:17:04 <thunderbirdtr> sesivany, both are no 21:17:12 <thunderbirdtr> sesivany, but tracking number would be great 21:17:16 <twohot> .fas twohot 21:17:16 <zodbot> twohot: twohot 'Onyeibo Oku' <twohotis@gmail.com> 21:17:30 <sesivany> thunderbirdtr: I'm sorry we didn't send it earlier, but you hit the time when I was super busy. 21:17:45 <thunderbirdtr> sesivany, I wrote early as you told me but yeah "devconf" 21:18:01 <sesivany> thunderbirdtr: ok, I will urge her to do so. 21:18:07 <thunderbirdtr> sesivany, but we have time to next month because universities openings 21:18:18 <thunderbirdtr> sesivany, so this is my top limit 21:18:22 <thunderbirdtr> sesivany, thank you 21:18:53 <b10n1k> .fas b10n1k 21:18:54 <zodbot> b10n1k: b10n1k 'jiannis Bonatakis' <jbonatakis@gmail.com> - jobo 'jiannis bonatakis' <california17@gmail.com> 21:19:01 <sesivany> thunderbirdtr: the package was sent more than a week ago, check with you post office if it's not there. It should come with the normal mail. 21:19:19 <thunderbirdtr> sesivany, tomorrow I will 21:19:53 <user_> Hello 21:20:01 <sesivany> thunderbirdtr: it sometimes happens that they don't even try to deliver it and leave at the post office. It differs from country to country. 21:20:57 <sesivany> ok, anything else to requests? There are a couple of ambassador's polo shirts requests and I will satisfy them soon. 21:21:02 <thunderbirdtr> sesivany, could be why not I will check and which country oming from ? 21:21:08 <thunderbirdtr> coming* 21:21:26 <sesivany> thunderbirdtr: the Czech Republic 21:21:49 <thunderbirdtr> sesivany, sender name * ? 21:22:14 <sesivany> thunderbirdtr: it should be Red Hat Czech 21:22:34 <thunderbirdtr> sesivany, okey 21:22:37 <thunderbirdtr> sesivany, oh right 21:22:49 <thunderbirdtr> sesivany, thank you 21:22:58 <sesivany> thunderbirdtr: you can wait with the checking a few days. They deliver within 6 days in EU, it might be a bit more to Turkey. 21:23:15 <kubblai> i think i bought a video called that onc sesivany 21:23:43 <thunderbirdtr> sesivany usually one week in best but generally 2 week 21:23:46 <thunderbirdtr> sesivany, as usual ... 21:23:56 <biker> ! 21:24:35 <sesivany> biker: go ahead 21:25:24 <biker> sesivany: i have my ticket for fosdem,., it was approved before the event, and I uploaded the receipts but I haven't heard anything about it 21:25:52 <synchris> sorry for interrupting but i am little bit confused. why cyprus is listed under APAC? 21:25:54 <sesivany> biker: did you asign it to jsimon? he is the only person who can do reimbursements. 21:26:06 <biker> sesivany: ill do that :P thanks (: 21:27:22 <sesivany> synchris: the list is generated based on some weird data. Cyprus is, of course, EMEA. 21:27:51 <sesivany> synchris: there also shouldn't be Africa since it's part of EMEA. 21:28:21 <synchris> emea includes europe midle east and africa also 21:28:21 <sesivany> ok, let's move to the schedule... 21:28:38 <sesivany> #topic Ambassador's schedule 21:29:05 <sesivany> well, there is not schedule yet. 21:29:11 <sesivany> you know, Fedora.NEXT. 21:29:27 <sesivany> they still haven't figured out a plan and timeline. 21:29:51 <sesivany> the most currect plan is that Fedora 21 will be released in August. 21:30:12 <thunderbirdtr> so nexts wil be under "NEXT" system ? (after 21) ? 21:30:24 <sesivany> #info There is no schedule for Fedora 21 yet because of the Fedora.NEXT initiative. 21:31:05 <sesivany> thunderbirdtr: it still will be Fedora, just offered in three official products: server, cloud, workstation. 21:31:42 <gnokii> stack & environments 21:31:59 <b10n1k> ! 21:32:03 <gnokii> so it are 4 21:32:44 <sesivany> gnokii: yeah, but products as Fedora systems will be just three. 21:32:52 <sesivany> b10n1k: go ahead. 21:33:37 <b10n1k> what we must know about fedora.next or is there any resource to learn about 21:33:59 <b10n1k> i know that the all think is still a lit bit abstract 21:34:05 <sesivany> b10n1k: there are PRDs of each of the products. 21:34:18 <b10n1k> we want to do a presentation about here in Breece 21:34:31 <sesivany> I think that no one really has a concrete idea how it will look in the end. 21:34:32 <b10n1k> *Greece 21:35:08 <sesivany> b10n1k: there was a Fedora.NEXT talk by Matthew Miller at DevConf last weekend. The video will be online tomorrow. 21:35:26 <b10n1k> that s great 21:35:30 <sesivany> he explained quite a lot there. 21:36:16 <sesivany> #link http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIHsqY_4eWeInVQnxZ7WSjg 21:36:18 <b10n1k> link for this? 21:36:21 <sesivany> it will be on that link. 21:36:22 <b10n1k> ok 21:36:51 <mitzie> Yeah, b10n1k and me will organize it. Thanks sesivany for the resources 21:37:15 <sesivany> #link http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora.next 21:37:20 <elijahhanson> thanks for the link 21:38:38 <sesivany> it's actually our task to learn something about Fedora.NEXT because we will have to explain it to our users. 21:39:07 <elijahhanson> that's very true.. 21:39:20 <b10n1k> +1 21:39:49 <sesivany> ok, let's move to events. 21:39:56 <sesivany> #topic Events 21:40:00 <kmf> ! 21:40:10 <b10n1k> so maybe is good idea to open a pad to keep notes for every one 21:41:07 <sesivany> kmf: go ahead 21:41:23 <kmf> sesivany, some feedback regarding Idlelo 21:41:41 <sesivany> kmf: yeah, I wanted to discuss this event. 21:42:11 <kmf> the org. wants us to help out with the Install fest 21:42:37 <kmf> twohot, has via email asked me to run with Idlelo 21:43:25 <sesivany> kmf: what about the fee? Any updates there? 21:43:36 <kmf> as to pricing nothing is final yet ... it needs to go in ... via the committee (death by committee) ... 21:44:14 <kmf> sesivany, they have actually drafted me as a speaker ... and I have not submitted a paper ... 21:44:48 <gnokii> :D 21:44:50 <sesivany> kmf: they should hurry with that because it won't be easy to process it on our side. I still have no idea how we could pay it. A credit card payment would be ideal. 21:45:04 <sesivany> kmf: good for you :) 21:45:18 <kmf> sesivany .. really ;) 21:45:57 <gnokii> its time for pistol on there breast 21:46:12 <kmf> gnokii, what does that mean? 21:46:12 <sesivany> kmf: who else is planning to go to idlelo? 21:46:16 <sesivany> twohot, too? 21:46:34 <kmf> twohot, is around .... maybe he can jump in 21:46:34 <twohot> huh? 21:47:31 <sesivany> twohot: are you coming to IDLELO? 21:48:05 <twohot> sesivany: not sure. Likely not 21:48:51 <sesivany> kmf: so it will be you and Arthur Buliva. 21:49:13 <kmf> sesivany .. I have not heard anything from Arthur .... 21:49:25 <sesivany> and we wanted to send one experienced ambassador from Europe, cwickert volunteered. 21:49:47 <sesivany> I will have to talk to him. 21:50:12 <kmf> sesivany, that would be awesome! 21:50:17 <sesivany> #action sesivany to talk to cwickert about his trip to IDLELO he signed up for. 21:50:55 <sesivany> kmf: what do the organizers require from us regarding the install fest? 21:51:19 <gnokii> 10 ppl and we have to pay entrance for them :D 21:51:22 <kmf> probably media and a good attitude 21:51:51 <twohot> not sure cwickert will attend 21:52:19 <sesivany> twohot: I'm not sure either. That's why I'd like to talk to him. 21:52:27 <twohot> I had already talked to him but that decision might change anyways 21:53:35 <sesivany> kmf: should I send media and swag to you in SA or to Kenya? 21:54:38 <kmf> sesivany, if cwickert ... can't attend I'm not sure if it would justifiable for only me to represent Fedora 21:54:58 <kmf> sesivany, in which case we need to send it directly to Kenya 21:55:59 <sesivany> kmf: we definitely need at least two people. Please, try to write Arthur if we can count with him. 21:56:15 <kmf> sesivany, will do. 21:56:47 <sesivany> kmf: thanks. 21:57:13 <sesivany> I'll speak with cwickert and if he can't come, we'll try to find someone else from Europe. 21:57:31 <sesivany> kmf: what's the date? 21:58:02 <kmf> 24 - 28 March sesivany 21:58:32 <sesivany> wow, that's veeery close. 21:58:44 <sesivany> ok, we should start working on that. 21:58:49 <twohot> Arthur will attend 21:59:00 <twohot> we spoke (sorry for budging in) 21:59:03 <twohot> ! 21:59:13 <sesivany> #action kmf to speak with Arthur Buliva about IDLELO. 21:59:18 <sesivany> twohot: just speak 21:59:41 <twohot> ok ... yeah, as I was saying. Arthur is poised to attend. He stays in the city 22:00:13 <kmf> sesivany, will still confirm with him 22:01:00 <sesivany> ok, I think that's enough for IDLELO for now. 22:01:15 <kmf> +1 22:01:30 <sesivany> gnokii: any updates about Chemnizter Linux Tag? 22:02:22 <gnokii> no everything is fine, 5 talks and the booth 22:03:41 <sesivany> kital is coming? 22:04:15 <gnokii> sesivany: I think so he is the event owner ;) 22:04:28 <sesivany> gnokii: ok then :) 22:04:53 <gnokii> clt is the evnet u want not to miss ;) 22:05:18 <sesivany> gnokii: what about LinuxWochen Vienna? Anyone willing to do it? 22:05:55 <gnokii> there is still time to register the booth, I thinking about it, rgeri77 might join 22:07:05 <sesivany> we should be there. 22:07:15 <sesivany> too bad it's so close to LinuxTag this year. 22:07:23 <gnokii> close? 22:07:28 <gnokii> its the same date 22:08:14 <sesivany> ah, even that. 22:08:24 <sesivany> that's very unfortunate. 22:08:58 <gnokii> still time until 1st April for submissions 22:09:39 <kmf> sesivany, zoltanh721 mentioned something about it 22:10:00 <gnokii> zoltan ist coming I already spoke with him 22:10:10 <gnokii> isnt I meant 22:11:16 <sesivany> ok, any other event to discuss? 22:11:30 <windy__> Got to go, See you next time. 22:11:44 <windy__> bye 22:12:42 <sesivany> #topic Openfloor 22:13:09 <sesivany> now you've got open foor to discuss anything. 22:13:10 <gnokii> twohot: have you booked now? 22:14:01 <twohot> not yet. We wrote the hotel/hostel to arrange a combined booking considering the variance in arrival and departures 22:14:08 <gnokii> sesivany: can we work tomorrow on shirts topic, is my last day I have the chance 22:14:18 <twohot> hopefully we should have a booking by tomorrow 22:14:37 <sesivany> gnokii: sure 22:14:43 <gnokii> twohot: ok 22:16:07 <gnokii> sesivany: we might not forget it, I have starting on friday an workshop in-house and monday I travel to Prague, tuesday morning plane left from there 22:16:55 <gnokii> leaves not let damit 22:17:37 <sesivany> gnokii: ok 22:18:05 <sesivany> if there is nothing else to discuss I'd like to thank you for attending tonight and meet you in two weeks! 22:19:36 <sesivany> #endmeeting