02:00:10 <masta> #startmeeting FAmNA 02:00:10 <masta> #meetingname FAmNA 02:00:10 <masta> #chair inode0 nb kk4ewt 02:00:10 <masta> #topic === FAmNA Roll Call === 02:00:10 <masta> Welcome to the Fedora North America Ambassador’s weekly IRC meeting! 02:00:10 <dan408---> here 02:00:10 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Feb 5 02:00:10 2014 UTC. The chair is masta. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 02:00:10 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 02:00:10 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'famna' 02:00:10 <zodbot> Current chairs: inode0 kk4ewt masta nb 02:00:17 <masta> #chair vwbusguy dan408--- 02:00:17 <zodbot> Current chairs: dan408--- inode0 kk4ewt masta nb vwbusguy 02:00:17 <vwbusguy> heya 02:00:41 <dan408---> im at the sushi bar 02:00:54 <masta> dan408---: yummy! 02:01:03 <kk4ewt> dan408---: geez anymore --- and you will be all the way cross the page 02:01:15 <dan408---> *throws sashimi at masta* 02:01:20 * vwbusguy looks for herlo 02:02:05 <masta> #chair kk4ewt 02:02:05 <zodbot> Current chairs: dan408--- inode0 kk4ewt masta nb vwbusguy 02:02:09 <dan408---> kk4ewt is your screen that small? ;p 02:02:21 <kk4ewt> dan408---: exactly 02:02:31 <dan408---> heheh 02:02:50 <wrnash1> sorry I'm late 02:03:06 <dan408---> .fire wrnash1 02:03:06 <zodbot> adamw fires wrnash1 02:03:09 * inode0 pops in, needs about 5 minutes more 02:03:35 <vwbusguy> quick, we have 5 minutes. Let's approve the budget now! 02:03:43 <dan408---> +1 02:03:50 <masta> lol 02:03:55 <masta> #chair wrnash1 02:03:55 <zodbot> Current chairs: dan408--- inode0 kk4ewt masta nb vwbusguy wrnash1 02:04:11 <masta> moving on 02:04:12 <wrnash1> +1 02:04:14 <masta> #topic === Announcements === 02:04:21 <kk4ewt> Vote 02:05:07 <kk4ewt> motion same budget as last years 02:05:10 <masta> #info election season is upon us. 02:05:16 <masta> #link https://admin.fedoraproject.org/voting 02:06:00 <dan408---> yay 02:06:23 <masta> You folks have an opportunity to vote somebody from NA to FAMSCo, so that might be helpful 02:07:06 <kk4ewt> masta already have 02:07:25 <wrnash1> is there a list of people that express interest already in it 02:07:26 <dan408---> ditto 02:07:34 <dan408---> yes 02:07:34 * inode0 is back and sort of ready 02:08:20 <masta> wrnash1: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Elections 02:08:25 <masta> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Elections 02:08:42 <masta> any more announcements? 02:08:45 <dan408---> im running out of sushi and stomach space 02:08:56 <masta> ok, moving on. 02:08:58 * herlo needs to leave in 20ish minutes, so budget should be first. 02:09:05 <masta> #topic === Tickets === 02:09:06 <masta> #link https://fedorahosted.org/famna/report/9 02:09:38 <masta> .famnaticket 70 02:09:39 <zodbot> masta: #70 (SCaLE 12x Budget - Feb 21-23rd) – FAmNA general trac - https://fedorahosted.org/famna/ticket/70 02:09:52 <herlo> that was fast. :) 02:10:02 <vwbusguy> As you can see, the Trac budget is itemized by person 02:10:15 <masta> #topic === FAmNA ticket #70 (SCaLE 12x Budget - Feb 21-23rd) – FAmNA general trac - https://fedorahosted.org/famna/ticket/70 === 02:10:21 <vwbusguy> It's a little more than last years, but we didn't have a FAD last year and it's less than some previous years 02:10:24 <masta> herlo: you have the floor 02:10:40 <herlo> my floor is that I'm the owner and am happy with this budget. 02:10:49 * herlo thanks vwbusguy for putting it together. 02:10:59 <vwbusguy> :-) 02:11:01 <kk4ewt> +1 02:11:04 <herlo> Anybody else have questions about the budget? 02:11:15 <herlo> if not, can we get some consensus on it? 02:11:21 <dan408---> +1 for scale budget 02:11:22 <inode0> yeah, of course 02:11:25 <kk4ewt> +1 02:11:33 <wrnash1> +1 02:11:44 <vwbusguy> +1 02:11:50 * inode0 wonders why there is $700 budgeted when there are $300 tickets?! 02:11:59 <vwbusguy> inode0, based on two things 02:12:26 <vwbusguy> precedence - $300 was a price quoted a couple of months ago, last year the cost was a little over $500 and it could end up being a bit higher 02:12:37 <masta> hope the flights have wiggle room for saving 02:12:42 <vwbusguy> second is douglax is checking some booth gear this year too 02:12:49 <vwbusguy> masta, that's exactly why 02:12:55 <vwbusguy> not a lot of wiggle room IMO 02:12:58 <inode0> flights have wiggle room but someone should check current costs 02:13:17 <herlo> inode0: mine hasn't changed much, and will be about the same, give or take $50 02:13:18 <inode0> only takes a couple of minutes to do that 02:13:36 * vwbusguy did check prices for herlo's today as well for the baseline 02:13:37 <inode0> yeah, I wasn't concerned with yours 02:14:09 <inode0> I'm also not clear on the room stuff 02:14:25 <vwbusguy> inode0, looking on Kayak shows I may have *underestimated* douglax's ticket actually 02:14:51 <herlo> inode0: please tell us what is not clear about the room. 02:15:02 <vwbusguy> once the reults came it, looks like $550 might be better for the ticket itself 02:15:09 <vwbusguy> I could go $600 for douglax's 02:15:15 <herlo> vwbusguy: oh, good, it's under. :) 02:15:25 <vwbusguy> which would make the flight total $900 02:15:33 <herlo> oh, :( 02:15:41 <vwbusguy> herlo, I was impatient with kayak, sorry 02:15:48 <herlo> hehe, no worries. 02:16:07 * vwbusguy notes that this assumes we get his flight in the next day or two as it will likely go up very soon 02:16:11 <inode0> he is flying from where again? 02:16:17 <vwbusguy> Chihuhua, MX 02:16:25 <vwbusguy> *Chihuahua 02:16:27 <inode0> but please update that to be closer to what is expected 02:17:13 <inode0> not going to be that much different 02:17:42 <herlo> inode0: please tell us what is not clear about the rooma. 02:17:43 <herlo> rooms 02:17:47 <masta> I like that right now it's under 3k 02:17:47 * vwbusguy updated the ticket 02:17:55 <inode0> So I think I understand most of the room business but it seems to me that 3 days should be billed to the FAD rather than here 02:18:22 <vwbusguy> inode0, if everyone is ok with possibly switching rooms after the first night 02:18:25 * herlo has no qualms with inode0's request 02:18:26 <inode0> Someone needs to make sure Ruth/Robyn know about this and can shuffle funds however are appropriate I think. 02:18:47 <vwbusguy> unless they ruth/robyn can keep it in one reservation 02:18:49 <masta> oh nice, I forgot about the FAD 02:19:13 <inode0> As long as someone does that we can go ahead ... 02:19:31 * vwbusguy notes it would only be 2.5 days/ saving 02:19:54 <vwbusguy> Paradoxguitarist is only in as half because he's brining a wife and that's why he's not sharing a room with douglax 02:19:55 <inode0> Roomsharing seems screwed up but I think I understand why 02:20:13 <inode0> it isn't about saving, it is about billing expenses to right places internally to Red Hat 02:20:26 <inode0> obviously it costs the same whichever way 02:20:35 <vwbusguy> right, but Paradoxguitarist is on the sheet for a half night the night before FAD 02:21:30 <vwbusguy> unless of course, inode0 is ok with covering the entirety of ParadoxGuitarists' room, which I have no problem with 02:21:40 <dan408---> outta sushi gotta run. ill try and hop on from home 02:21:53 <masta> so paradox is given one night stay? 02:21:59 <vwbusguy> masta, 1.5 02:22:04 <inode0> I'm not ok with us buying rooms that Red Hat would not buy for its employees - I think that is over the line. 02:22:10 <masta> .5 ? 02:22:11 <vwbusguy> masta, three night. 3/2 = 1.5 02:22:43 <masta> but hotels bill full nights... so I'm confused 02:22:59 <inode0> masta: we are paying for only half of his room since his wife is traveling with him 02:23:01 * vwbusguy doesn't know enough about RH's employee treatment, but my employer always allows private rooms, but that is another discussion 02:23:20 <masta> inode0: thanks for clarifying 02:23:31 <inode0> your employer isn't paying though (mine pays for private rooms too) 02:23:37 <vwbusguy> they are (for me) ;-) 02:23:58 <masta> RH is kinda cheap on hotels, but not like motel6 cheap 02:24:05 <vwbusguy> alright, back to budget 02:24:12 <vwbusguy> I've adjusted for the flight difference 02:24:22 <nb> hi 02:24:39 <vwbusguy> Shall I note that we're requesting 2.5 * hotel rate to be covered by FAD? 02:24:45 <masta> ok, well I'm glad we got to discuss, and I think I'm +1 02:24:51 <wrnash1> +1 02:25:02 <inode0> so we seem to be paying for herlo's full room? will your son be participating in Fedora stuff? 02:25:03 <vwbusguy> let's be sure what' we're +1'ing first 02:25:13 <vwbusguy> inode0, he has in the past, if that's helpful 02:25:30 <inode0> did herlo leave? 02:25:42 <masta> he had a 20 minute hard stop, so maybe 02:25:52 * masta notes 25 past the hour 02:26:24 <inode0> ok, well, what happened in the past doesn't help but with a commitment that he will be this year I'm ok with it with a little reluctance 02:26:49 <vwbusguy> ok 02:27:01 <inode0> given that herlo is the lead at the event 02:27:06 <masta> inode0: are you saying Herlo has no room mate? 02:27:12 <inode0> his son 02:27:13 <vwbusguy> so, witht he further that we're expecting 2.5x the hotel rate to be billed to FAD, can we approve the rest? 02:27:23 <vwbusguy> I'm +1 with that 02:27:34 <masta> hrm... 02:27:40 <inode0> douglasx has no roommate as a result of everyone else staying in singles with family 02:28:03 <inode0> so all the rooms are singles which isn't ideal 02:28:17 <chanchito> sorry im late folks, apologies! :-) 02:28:40 <vwbusguy> really, we're conspiring so we can get a block of rooms and open the connecting doors and throw a hell of an afterpratty 02:28:45 <masta> I would much prefer room mates, fully maximized or whatever... but I'm also going to give +1... but in the future I will make sure to understand better the room-mate thing. 02:28:57 <vwbusguy> Yeah, we've roomed at least some together in the past. It's an odd year 02:29:05 <chanchito> +1 for room mates 02:29:14 <vwbusguy> chanchito, show me how in this case 02:29:56 <chanchito> book double rooms, at a less expensive chain, and double up the occupants 02:30:15 * vwbusguy thinks chanchito needs to read the context that's he's missing here 02:30:22 <chanchito> good point 02:30:30 <inode0> I think I'll say I'm +1 with the request that Ruth is ok with it - I suspect it is ok this time but we don't want this to be the norm 02:30:32 <chanchito> i'm only seeing the last 15 lines 02:30:46 * vwbusguy understands 02:31:06 * vwbusguy also agrees 02:31:10 <masta> vwbusguy: at this stage I'm kinda disappointed, and almost would say lets have somebody else go and be your room mate... but already costs are on the higher end for this event, so .... 02:31:12 <chanchito> apologies folks! i assumed we were voting for sharing rooms, a.k.a room mates versus single occupancy 02:31:24 <vwbusguy> vwbusguy, I'm not on Fedora's dime this year 02:31:49 <vwbusguy> masta, if you're intention is to save money, you're not making the point ;-) 02:31:53 <chanchito> same here, i book myself, my dime too 02:32:20 <nb> +1 02:32:23 <inode0> the only option here is really to not pay for 1/2 of herlo's room but if his son is going to be involved I'm ok with paying for all of it 02:32:24 <vwbusguy> chanchito, nope, we're talking about a budget for a specific event 02:32:34 <masta> +1 02:32:41 <chanchito> got'cha, let me go back and re-read the ticket first 02:32:46 <masta> I believe we have a quorum 02:32:47 <chanchito> one minute and then i can vote as well 02:33:08 * masta gives chanchito the chance to vote 02:33:24 * inode0 would like to make one comment about sponsorship but not to pick on scale 02:33:36 <masta> inode0: go ahead 02:34:13 <chanchito> ok i remember this one, the SCALE event in socal 02:34:16 <inode0> We get only a small return on sponsorships given a week before the events happen so please try to request sponsorship as early as possible so we can pay it way in advance. 02:34:16 <chanchito> +1 02:34:18 <chanchito> im on board 02:34:43 <inode0> Be listed as a sponsor from the very beginning. 02:35:11 <inode0> Actually help the event by providing the funds in time for them to use them. 02:35:51 <vwbusguy> inode0, good point 02:35:53 * vwbusguy notes it 02:36:39 <chanchito> doesn't seem expensive to me, from my perspective, will the return/exposure/interest justify the travel costs? if so, rock and roll 02:36:44 <vwbusguy> Please see the comment I added in the ticket regarding amount to request from FAD budget 02:37:44 * vwbusguy strums some wild air guitar @ chanchito 02:37:54 <dan408__> sup people, back 02:38:10 <vwbusguy> masta, are we resolved for this item for now? 02:38:22 <chanchito> hey dan! 02:38:24 <masta> yes! 02:38:29 <vwbusguy> cool 02:38:51 * vwbusguy hands the reins back to herlo for SCaLE now going forward 02:38:57 <chanchito> yay! 02:39:02 <masta> #agree Motion to fund SCaLE passes 02:39:17 <masta> ok, moving on 02:39:18 <chanchito> LA in february, way better than new england, that's for sure! 02:39:41 <vwbusguy> L.A. is nicer weather than New England almost any time of year 02:39:44 <masta> inode0: shall we rehash ticket 69? 02:40:05 <wrnash1> what else can we say about that ticket? 02:40:15 <masta> wrnash1: =) 02:40:20 <masta> ok I'm heading for open floor 02:40:24 <inode0> no 02:40:36 <masta> ack 02:40:53 <wrnash1> can we close it 02:40:56 <masta> #topic === FAmNA: Open Floor === 02:41:17 <inode0> it isn't resolved is it? 02:41:29 * vwbusguy thought we closed it last week 02:41:35 <chanchito> the Texas event funding is bright and early, way in advance, i'm familiar with the event, and i think its a win-win, i'm in favor of sponsoring 02:41:44 <vwbusguy> oh, wrong ticket 02:41:56 <chanchito> ticket 69 right? 02:42:07 <chanchito> ok closed, i see 02:42:11 <chanchito> open floor, 02:42:13 <dan408__> inode0, any news/plans on redhat summit? 02:42:23 * inode0 is going to be there 02:42:35 <inode0> beyond that no 02:42:48 <chanchito> skip paul had asked me and a colleague to present our satellite/spacewalk cloud solution at the summit in frisco, but the committee shot us down 02:43:09 <dan408__> so i attended "Red Hat Forum North America" and I'm able to get the early early bird price until day of or something for the RH Summit 02:43:10 <chanchito> so i may not be attending, as originally planned 02:43:13 <dan408__> through our sale person 02:43:18 <dan408__> we got a discount or something 02:43:31 <dan408__> so I'll probably be attending 02:43:44 <chanchito> the summits are a blast 02:43:47 <dan408__> we should try and get a list of Fedora peeps attending 02:43:47 <chanchito> lots of fun 02:43:51 <dan408__> go out to dinner or something 02:44:07 <chanchito> yeah good idea 02:44:11 <inode0> dan408__: if you are a customer there are ways to get a $950 rate up until the event 02:44:22 <dan408__> inode0: Yeah that's what I got 02:44:25 <inode0> ok 02:44:30 <chanchito> or even less, depends on the customer 02:44:34 <inode0> yes 02:44:43 * inode0 is a little customer 02:44:46 <dan408__> inode0: Just trying to see if there's a way I could come as a "Fedora employee" instead, just less headache for me 02:44:54 <chanchito> aaah, i see 02:45:05 <dan408__> but also want to make some kind of plans 02:45:16 <dan408__> and see if there was anything we actually wanted to do a fedora booth or what 02:45:24 <inode0> dan408__: we got some passes last year but it varies from year to year 02:45:34 <dan408__> when do you usually find out about that? 02:45:37 <dan408__> like a week before ? 02:45:40 <inode0> only Ruth or Robyn or Spot would be able to find out about that 02:45:51 <dan408__> okay I'll contact Robyn 02:46:22 <dan408__> it would be silly to not have Fedora there for a day 02:46:43 <vwbusguy> or CentOS 02:46:45 <inode0> the passes are usually limited but cover some things 02:47:01 <dan408__> i see 02:47:14 <dan408__> maybe im just better off trying to get my company to pay the fee 02:47:21 <inode0> depends on whether we are in the expo or not 02:47:44 <inode0> if you want to really attend the summit do that if you can and help out a little during it 02:47:51 <vwbusguy> it would be a nice gesture on RH's part 02:48:03 <dan408__> np inode0 I'll see what Robyn has to say 02:48:41 <dan408__> that's it for me 02:48:51 <chanchito> i found its better to have your company pay the fee 02:49:00 * nb wonders who will own SELF 02:49:03 <inode0> Summit is in April so we should start planning it. 02:49:04 <chanchito> but im not high up the food chain either 02:49:17 <dan408__> yeah of course it's better, but you know how companies can be chanchito 02:49:27 <chanchito> true, cost cutting disease 02:49:28 <inode0> No one has mentioned SELF much. 02:49:28 <dan408__> nb: i think you just volunteered. ;) 02:49:45 <nb> dan408__, i would, but I'd have to leave on saturday 02:49:52 * nb can't stay until Sunday if i went 02:50:07 <dan408__> nb: I'm just messin, relax. Good to see ya on. 02:50:38 <inode0> I'm not sure I'm up for Firestone 600/TXLF/SELF on consecutive weekends 02:50:41 <dan408__> Didnt Robyn own self last year? 02:51:05 <nb> dan408__, its ok. I wouldn't mind owning it, but I have another commitment starting sunday (well, really monday, but i need to behome on sunday 02:51:15 <nb> dan408__, i thin kmaybe, usually her and suehle are there, and i think spot sometimes 02:51:30 <dan408__> im pretty sure that was a robyn even last year 02:51:34 <dan408__> event* 02:52:01 * vwbusguy trails off... 02:52:22 <nb> Oh, case badges 02:52:27 <nb> idk the status. po has been started 02:52:36 <nb> i emailed ruth tonight to ask her an update 02:53:47 <inode0> Ben & Andrew did SELF according to the events page 02:54:06 <inode0> lots of Red Hat people are always there 02:54:15 <dan408__> nb: not that I need any right now but never got live media. I'll let you know if something comes up and I do 02:54:35 <inode0> So that reminds me ... 02:54:55 <inode0> If ambassadors care about the existence of live media they should pay attention and speak up! 02:55:16 <dan408__> is this in reference to that spins thread on devel? 02:55:24 <inode0> When there are conversations about promoting Fedora.next speak up! 02:55:35 <inode0> Not exclusively 02:55:38 <dan408__> ah yes 02:56:09 <dan408__> i did speak up but more from a spins maintainer perspective and less an ambassador perspective. definitely a good point. I should have definitely also spoken as an ambassador as well. my bad on that one. 02:56:29 <dan408__> inode0: Don't ambassadors have a representative in the working groups? 02:56:52 <masta> spins are good for ambassadors 02:57:01 <inode0> only by accident in some of them and I doubt they are thinking like ambassadors for the most part since they are there for other reasons 02:57:16 <masta> dan408__: I think in most of the WGs, yea 02:57:26 <dan408__> who? 02:57:42 <masta> well Christolph is on workstation 02:57:47 <nb> dan408__, if you need some, let vwbusguy know is actually the process 02:57:56 <nb> well, and file a ticket on famnarequests 02:58:09 <dan408__> nb: for sure. 02:58:11 <inode0> lots of people are ambassadors but don't directly participate as ambassadors week to week 02:58:12 <nb> masta, yeah, i think they are good for ambassadors too 02:58:24 <masta> I think somebody on the serverWG, but I forgot who... 02:58:31 * masta is on BaseWG 02:58:35 <inode0> where is the list of who is on what? 02:59:07 <dan408__> I decided not to volunteer because the meetings are at terrible times for people in california and I didn't feel like I could dedicate the time anyway. 02:59:08 <kk4ewt> spins are important to showing new people fedora without having to install 02:59:41 <kk4ewt> i do updated spins to fix issues with install problems 03:00:03 <inode0> I do think the tide is turning but there was attempted violence against spins at the fesco meeting 03:00:03 <nb> +1 03:00:36 <dan408__> kk4ewt: Yeah but inode0's point was to speak up on the devel threads about it... which brings me to my next point 03:00:55 <masta> when I'm out at events, I ask folks... "what is your favorite DE"... that leads to handing them install media 03:00:58 <dan408__> Is it me or does is anyone else seeing a really huge disconnect between most of fesco and the end user? 03:01:02 <dan408__> -does 03:01:04 <inode0> and at fesco meetings where they are seriously discussing making them remixes 03:01:48 <masta> inode0: I may have to follow fesco then. 03:02:00 <inode0> the only thing we have handed out for years has been the multi live media 03:02:00 <dan408__> And even some board members are way out of touch with end users 03:02:31 <dan408__> The people that are coming up with these crazy decisions never spend a minute in #fedora 03:03:24 <masta> spins kinda complicate the fedora.next stuff... but honestly the complications is mostly in releng, and I can say that our big concern there is storage space... which is no big deal 03:03:25 <dan408__> I was sitting in #Fedora today and it was like a Gnome 3 hate fest on gnome 3... and it wasn't started by me at all 03:03:39 <kk4ewt> masta so how have you been handing out install media when all we have produced it lives 03:03:52 <inode0> not appreciating the real world view of GNOME is curious 03:04:04 <dan408__> inode0: yup 03:04:39 <inode0> but I think overall things are looking good :) 03:04:49 <masta> kk4ewt: I give the multi live 03:04:56 <dan408__> Yeah things are getting there slowly but surely 03:05:04 <inode0> there is a lot of focus on the workstation product which isn't really the new part 03:05:24 <masta> kk4ewt: sry... I always install fedora with live discs... to me they are ambiguous 03:05:37 <inode0> the excitement I have is for everything else coming into shape 03:06:04 <inode0> our desktop/workstation/whatever is just always going to be a big fight 03:06:07 <dan408__> im still skeptical on fedora.next 03:06:32 <dan408__> i dont really see that much changing 03:06:39 <dan408__> but I would love to be proven wrong 03:07:08 <inode0> just don't focus 100% on the workstation product 03:07:17 <dan408__> oh im not 03:07:20 <inode0> and I'm sure you will see some good things 03:07:25 <dan408__> the server plans look really good 03:07:52 <dan408__> sgallaghl and mizmo seemed pretty receptive to suggestions on the server list 03:08:08 <masta> in the Base WG we want to do janitorial work... clean the crazy BRs and stuff 03:08:37 <masta> beyond that I have no idea what is going on... but I'd hate to lose spins 03:09:12 <masta> ok folks... 03:09:18 * inode0 notes tuanta and mizmo are both ambassadors on the server group 03:09:36 <dan408__> well the main point here is to make sure to be vocal on the lists 03:09:41 <kk4ewt> ALL Updated F19 Live isos are located at http://tinyurl.com/Live-respins 03:10:25 <inode0> there are at least two on the cloud wg too 03:10:32 <tuanta> yup 03:10:40 <masta> we are 10 minutes past the end, because I forgot to end it before 03:10:42 <masta> my bad 03:10:51 <masta> so here we go into the count down 03:10:55 <masta> 9 03:10:56 <dan408__> no worries masta 03:10:56 <masta> 8 03:10:57 <masta> 7 03:10:59 <masta> 6 03:11:00 <masta> 5 03:11:00 <dan408__> thank you for hosting 03:11:01 <masta> 4 03:11:02 <masta> 3 03:11:03 <masta> 2 03:11:04 <masta> 1 03:11:09 <masta> #endmeetings 03:11:17 <dan408__> #endmeeting 03:11:18 <masta> #endmeeting