19:29:38 <sesivany> #startmeeting EMEA ambassadors 2013-07-31
19:29:38 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Jul 31 19:29:38 2013 UTC.  The chair is sesivany. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
19:29:38 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic.
19:29:40 <sesivany> #meetingname emea ambassadors
19:29:40 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'emea_ambassadors'
19:29:46 <sesivany> #topic Roll call
19:29:50 <sesivany> .fas eischmann
19:29:50 <zodbot> sesivany: eischmann 'Jiri Eischmann' <eischmann@redhat.com>
19:29:52 <smittix> .fas smittix
19:29:54 <zodbot> smittix: smittix 'James Smith' <smittix64@gmail.com>
19:29:54 <robyduck> .fas robyduck
19:29:56 <MooDoo> .fas paulmellors
19:29:56 <giannisk> .fas giannisk
19:29:56 <zodbot> robyduck: robyduck 'Robert Mayr' <robyduck@gmail.com>
19:29:57 <Prometheas> .fas misaakidis
19:29:57 <mhroncok> .fas churchyard
19:29:59 <zodbot> MooDoo: paulmellors 'Paul Mellors' <prjmellors@gmail.com>
19:30:02 <zodbot> giannisk: giannisk 'Giannis Konstantinidis' <giankonstantinidis@gmail.com>
19:30:03 <mailga> .fas mailga
19:30:04 <cwickert> sesivany: hey, you are not supposed to be here! :-P
19:30:06 <zodbot> Prometheas: misaakidis 'Marios Isaakidis' <misaakidis@yahoo.gr>
19:30:09 <zodbot> mhroncok: churchyard 'Miro Hrončok' <mhroncok@redhat.com>
19:30:09 <cwickert> .fas cwickert
19:30:12 <zodbot> mailga: mailga 'Gabriele Trombini' <mailga@fedoraonline.it>
19:30:13 <cmpahar> .fas cmpahar
19:30:13 <jamielinux> .fas jamielinux
19:30:15 <zodbot> cwickert: cwickert 'Christoph Wickert' <christoph.wickert@googlemail.com>
19:30:18 <zodbot> cmpahar: cmpahar 'Christos Bacharakis' <cmpahar@gmail.com>
19:30:22 <zodbot> jamielinux: jamielinux 'Jamie Nguyen' <j@jamielinux.com>
19:30:25 <sesivany> cmpahar: I'm dead tired, but I wouldn't sleep well without the regular ambassador meeting :-)
19:30:26 <Affix> .fas affix
19:30:31 <zodbot> Affix: pyrox 'Keiran Smith' <jan@fedoraproject.org> - affix 'Keiran Smith' <fedora@affix.me>
19:30:54 <sesivany> quite a nice number of ppl for the middle of summer...
19:30:56 <jamielinux> Wow great turn out today :)
19:31:01 <cwickert> sesivany: don't worry, you'll get used to it. I've done the meetings for a while and I can sleep very well now, even during the meetings. ;-)
19:31:03 <heffer> .fas heffer
19:31:04 <zodbot> heffer: heffer 'Felix Kaechele' <felix@fetzig.org> - oaad 'oaad sheffer' <ohad.sheffer@gmail.com>
19:31:14 * MooDoo snores
19:31:50 <jamielinux> Did someone offer treats for turning up today? It's getting crowded.
19:32:02 * cwickert pinged people by name
19:32:03 <fabian_a> .fas fab
19:32:04 <mhroncok> :)
19:32:04 <zodbot> fabian_a: fabient 'Fabien THOMAS' <fabien.thomas@netasq.com> - fabianfiori 'Fabian Fiori' <fabian_uy@hotmail.com> - nmardones 'Néstor Eduardo Mardones Fabre' <nmardones.fabre.21@gmail.com> - frobin 'FABRICE ROBIN' <robin.fabrice@gmail.com> - dabel 'dabel fabian alvarenga' <dabel32@gmaill.com> - romano 'Fabio Romano Gonzalez' <romano_es@msn.com> - fmeneghe 'fabio meneghetti' <meneghetti.fabio@gmail.com> - fabritux (24 more messages)
19:32:08 <smittix> MooDoo's giving out free hugs.
19:32:20 <MooDoo> :)
19:32:21 <sesivany> jamielinux: yeah, I'm glad I'm not missing the meeting :)
19:32:26 <Affix> Nice to see the Fedora-UK Admins kicking around :)
19:32:30 <smittix> :)
19:32:35 <sesivany> let's wait a few more minutes for others...
19:32:37 <delhage> .fas delhage
19:32:37 <zodbot> delhage: delhage 'Lars Delhage' <delhage@gmail.com>
19:32:57 <Affix> sesivany: Got Hotel costs sorted for LinuxCon
19:33:25 <sesivany> Affix: great, let's talk about it more in the Events topic.
19:33:34 <sesivany> ok, let's start.
19:33:41 <sesivany> #topic Announcements
19:33:50 <sesivany> any announcements?
19:34:20 <sesivany> I've got one...
19:34:30 <smittix> Shoot!
19:34:33 <Affix> Fedora-UK is growing nicely and We have the other 2 admins here now sesivany
19:34:39 <sesivany> Flock starts next week.
19:35:17 <sesivany> #info Affix: Fedora-UK is growing nicely and We have the other 2 admins here now
19:35:26 <MooDoo> flocktofedora.org if people don't know what it is
19:35:46 <sesivany> #info Flock, a new annual Fedora contributor conference, starts next week - flocktofedora.org
19:35:53 <MooDoo> Aug 9th to 12th :D
19:35:54 <fabian_a> .fas fabian_a
19:35:54 <zodbot> fabian_a: fab 'Fabian Affolter' <mail@fabian-affolter.ch>
19:36:03 <smittix> Also sesivany with your advice made contact with Jon Archer and shortly jamielinux :)
19:36:43 <MooDoo> sesivany: has there been a lot of interest in flock then?
19:37:23 <sesivany> MooDoo: I have no idea. I'm a speaker there and that's it. I'm too busy with GUADEC now.
19:37:54 <MooDoo> The schedule certainly looks busy :D
19:38:15 <cwickert> !
19:38:20 <sesivany> cwickert: go ahead
19:38:46 <cwickert> #info Deadline for submitting FLOCK slides is tomorrow. If you give a talk, please send your slides to flock-staff@fedoraproject.org
19:38:49 <cwickert> eof
19:39:05 * cwickert hasn't submitted his yet
19:39:12 <delhage> ?
19:39:13 <sesivany> cwickert: thank you for reminding that. I'm actually one of those who haven't sent slides.
19:39:22 <MooDoo> you've got till tomorrow ;)
19:39:26 <sesivany> delhage: shoot
19:39:26 <cwickert> sesivany: I don't even have them finished
19:39:37 <cwickert> !
19:39:38 <delhage> is flock replacing the old fudcon format?
19:39:47 <sesivany> delhage: party
19:39:54 <delhage> PARTY!
19:39:56 <delhage> ;)
19:39:57 <mhroncok> party, where?
19:39:57 <cwickert> :)
19:40:01 <MooDoo> delhage: according to the website yes
19:40:02 <Affix> lol
19:40:03 <sesivany> delhage: it's replacing NA and EMEA :)
19:40:08 <cwickert> part*l*y
19:40:08 <delhage> ok
19:40:11 <MooDoo> http://flocktofedora.org/about/
19:40:32 <sesivany> yeah, partLy, I'm too tired today :)
19:40:51 <MooDoo> so this goes back to no FUDCON for the EMEA any more?
19:40:52 <sesivany> and just returned from a GUADEC welcoming party :)
19:41:10 <sesivany> MooDoo: there will be Flock in EMEA next year.
19:41:19 <MooDoo> sesivany: ah ok
19:41:51 <sesivany> cwickert: you asked for word. Do you have anything else to say?
19:42:03 * mhroncok saw how sesivany steels a TV from Red Hat office
19:42:10 <cwickert> yes
19:43:25 * sesivany actually "stole" a lot of stuff from the office: tapes, badges,... all you need to organize a conference :)
19:43:45 <Affix> sesivany: you thief you better bring some of those goodies to LinuxCon :P
19:44:05 <cwickert> #info there are still some spare hotel rooms for FLOCK. ib54003 still has one spare bed and quaid has one complete room. Please contact rsuehle or one of them directly if you still need a room.
19:44:07 <cwickert> eof
19:44:38 <mhroncok> ?
19:44:41 <cwickert> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Flock:Roommates
19:45:03 <cwickert> and last but not least
19:45:35 <sesivany> mhroncok: shoot
19:45:50 <mhroncok> should I say Flock related stuff now or in Events?
19:46:00 <cwickert> #info we are currently organizing transfer from and to Charleston airport. Please add your info to https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Flock:Rideshare
19:46:25 <cwickert> mhroncok: only if it's something to announce, not to discuss
19:46:46 <mhroncok> cwickert just said that
19:46:54 <sesivany> yes, please, we have to move on.
19:47:25 <sesivany> ok, let's move to Requests, shall we?
19:47:39 <Affix> Im fine with that
19:47:42 <sesivany> #topic Requests
19:48:31 <sesivany> all new tickers are related to Froscon...
19:48:50 <sesivany> cwickert:  is the ticket for Miro handled?
19:49:22 <sesivany> #link https://fedorahosted.org/emea-swag-tracking/ticket/271 - Miro's flight to Froscon
19:49:38 <cwickert> yes it is
19:49:41 <cwickert> it's booked
19:49:59 <cwickert> but it turned out more expensive, significantly more expensive
19:50:01 <sesivany> I approved this ticket on a peer review level, but it turned out to be more expensive. I hope everyone is still ok with that.
19:50:13 <cwickert> part of that is my fault :(
19:50:39 <sesivany> heffex: please update the budget.
19:50:48 <sesivany> I think we're still within the limits.
19:50:50 <heffer> will do
19:50:54 <cwickert> I clicked a wrong date and had to rebook
19:51:04 <cwickert> heffer: do you have access to the ticked?
19:51:19 <sesivany> #link https://fedorahosted.org/emea-swag-tracking/ticket/272 - Froscon budget
19:51:47 <cwickert> heffer: you should have access now, I added you CC
19:51:51 <heffer> okay thanks
19:52:04 <sesivany> please look at the budget and express by +1 if you're ok with that.
19:52:40 <sesivany> we decided it'd be more practical to approve events at once if they have an overall budget.
19:53:01 <sesivany> for me, it's +1
19:53:11 <robyduck> sesivany is it still within the planned budget for the event?
19:53:19 <heffer> the extra expenses bust the budget, actually
19:53:38 <heffer> but only by ~40€
19:54:17 <cwickert> +1
19:54:23 <mhroncok> +1
19:54:23 <robyduck> Ok then +1
19:54:32 <Prometheas> +1
19:54:39 <cmpahar> +1 from me too then
19:54:43 <fabian_a> +1
19:54:51 <cwickert> heffer: any more costs we forgot?
19:54:53 <heffer> +1 for me anyway :D
19:54:54 <sesivany> yeah, the budget is over limit a bit, but it's still ok. We've got some reserve to cover it.
19:55:01 <heffer> not that i'm aware of
19:55:08 <jamielinux> +1
19:55:08 <giannisk> +1
19:55:33 <heffer> it's a bit uncomfortable to know there's no room left for unplanned costs ;)
19:55:43 <heffer> but we'll be fine
19:56:00 <sesivany> #agreed The budget for Froscon was approved as it is in the ticket #272
19:56:17 <heffer> wait
19:56:29 <heffer> #272 currently does not reflect the extra costs for the flight
19:56:40 <sesivany> heffer: ok, let me fix the statement
19:56:45 <sesivany> #undo
19:56:46 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: <MeetBot.items.Agreed object at 0x1f32b750>
19:57:03 <heffer> i'll update the budget ticket right away
19:57:14 <sesivany> #agreed The budget for Froscon was approved as it is in the ticket #272 + extra money for Miro's ticket.
19:58:44 <sesivany> then there are to requests for promotional material to Greece. cmpahar, do you know if it's in a hurry?
19:59:04 <cmpahar> hey sesivany thank you
19:59:17 <cmpahar> We need them by the end of August
19:59:24 * giannisk confirms
19:59:34 <cmpahar> we are planning our release events by the end of August.
19:59:55 <cmpahar> sesivany, We could pick some at Flock if its easier for you eof
20:00:01 <cwickert> hahaha, *release* ;)
20:00:21 <Affix> cwickert: He means a lets get drunk and give out fedora stuff party
20:00:43 <sesivany> cmpahar: I won't be able to send them before Mon because I'll be at GUADEC venue. But there should still be enough time.
20:00:51 <cmpahar> cwickert, ahahah yeah I know. The thing is that during the summer everyone is going to his home cities, villages etc
20:01:35 <cmpahar> Affix, dont mess the release parties with Flock :P
20:01:42 <Affix> lol
20:01:55 <cmpahar> sesivany, that would be awesome thanks
20:02:02 <sesivany> cmpahar: make sure to register the events so that you can get a F19. We've got enough of them, so we can give them even for such late parties.
20:02:10 <jonar> .fas jfarcher
20:02:11 <zodbot> jonar: jfarcher 'Jonathan Archer' <jon@rosslug.org.uk>
20:02:25 <jonar> Sorry I'm late folks
20:02:26 <cmpahar> sesivany, absolutely. We dont have dates yet but we have the place :) thanks
20:02:27 <dglaros> .fas dimitrisglaros
20:02:27 <zodbot> dglaros: dimitrisglaros 'Dimitris Glaros' <dimitrisglaros@gmail.com>
20:02:28 <MooDoo> evening jonar :)
20:02:34 <Affix> hey jonar
20:02:37 <smittix> Evening jonar
20:02:39 <sesivany> jonar: welcome, looks like the Fedora-UK is almost complete here :-)
20:02:57 <MooDoo> we're taking over the world
20:02:58 <dglaros> Hello and sorry for my delay
20:03:07 <Affix> hey dglaros
20:03:08 <sesivany> cmpahar: as I said, I'll send the package next week.
20:03:14 <sesivany> let's move on.
20:03:30 <cmpahar> sesivany, thank you for that
20:03:47 <jonar> moodoo: about time too, the empire has been gone too long ;)
20:03:58 <MooDoo> hehe
20:04:21 <sesivany> ok, let's move on...
20:04:36 <sesivany> #topic Ambassador's schedule
20:04:54 <sesivany> does anyone have a link to the F20 schedule for ambassadors?
20:05:00 * sesivany can't find it.
20:05:38 <Affix> sesivany: http://fedorapeople.org/groups/schedule/f-20/f-20-ambassadors-tasks.html
20:05:57 <MooDoo> beat me to it :d
20:06:07 <Affix> MooDoo: I had it open
20:06:26 <sesivany> #link http://fedorapeople.org/groups/schedule/f-20/f-20-ambassadors-tasks.html
20:07:02 <sesivany> nothing important in the next weeks... preparation time :)
20:07:18 <mhroncok> be prepared!
20:07:24 <Affix> nothing we need to do until alpha stage really :P
20:07:38 <sesivany> just if you don't know F20 should be released on Nov 12th.
20:07:50 <sesivany> you can already plan release events accordingly.
20:07:51 <Affix> nov 12th + 2 weeks usually lol
20:07:57 <jonar> :)
20:08:49 <sesivany> ok, if there is nothing else to the schedule, let's move on.
20:09:02 <sesivany> #topic Events
20:09:23 <sesivany> heffer: besides the schedule, everything is ok with Froscon?
20:09:39 <heffer> sesivany: yes. everything is on track
20:09:58 <heffer> we're currently straightening out the dev room schedule
20:10:06 <heffer> but everyone participating is informed
20:10:25 <heffer> thanks to sirko, who is supporting me a great deal
20:10:52 <sesivany> great
20:11:22 <sesivany> sirko is a veteran of open source conferences :)
20:11:54 <cwickert> ?
20:12:19 <cwickert> heffer: is there a chance for you to add me to the Fedora people?
20:12:20 <sesivany> cwickert: go ahead
20:12:26 <cwickert> or is the deadline due?
20:12:35 <heffer> cwickert: regarding a ticket?
20:12:39 <cwickert> yes
20:12:45 * cwickert is thinking about to come
20:13:06 <heffer> cwickert: should be still possible
20:13:11 <cwickert> please do
20:13:15 <cwickert> eof
20:13:45 <heffer> cwickert: done. it worked
20:13:51 <Affix> Anything else about Froscon?
20:14:01 <sesivany> cwickert: any response from gerold?
20:15:52 <sesivany> cwickert: ?
20:15:59 <cwickert> nope
20:16:05 <cwickert> my bad
20:16:23 * cwickert nags him again
20:16:26 <sesivany> cwickert: ok, we can wait a bit longer.
20:16:50 * sesivany can't take care of that till Sept anyway.
20:16:53 <cwickert> yes, I think so
20:16:56 <gnokii> cwickert: to the booth ppl yes, accmodation is harder
20:17:17 <cwickert> gnokii: I don't need accommodation
20:17:20 <heffer> gnokii: shouldn't be too much of a problem i guess
20:18:22 <sesivany> Affix: do you have updates about LinuxCon?
20:18:26 <Affix> yes I do
20:18:43 <Affix> I spoke with my Uncle and their hotel has no spaces through October and November
20:19:12 <Affix> I priced up a few and the cheapest is a Travelodge on Cowgate in the City Center
20:19:24 <Affix> Its £36 GBP Per night per room
20:19:25 <jonar> good old Travelodge
20:19:42 <Affix> Its a 20 Minute Walk from the Venue
20:19:46 <Affix> or a 5 minute Taxi
20:19:53 <Affix> its a straight road
20:19:57 * jamielinux still does not know availability for linuxcon, sorry
20:20:12 <sesivany> jamielinux: you start tomorrow?
20:20:14 <Affix> jamielinux: If you could let me know as soon as possible that would be fantastic
20:20:27 <jonar> I'm good for it BTW
20:20:44 <Affix> Good to know jonar I have you on the list
20:21:13 <jonar> Affix: I was just double checking with work and the wife
20:21:19 <sesivany> Affix: we need two rooms anyway. So if they accept reservations without having to pay in advance, just go ahead and book it.
20:21:35 <Affix> sesivany: you need to pay in advance unfortunately
20:22:05 <Affix> sesivany: I was thinking of 4 nights
20:22:06 <jamielinux> sesivany: Yes, starting tomorrow :)
20:22:11 <Affix> Friday - Monday
20:22:14 <jamielinux> Affix: Cool, when I know my rota and can plan my annual leave
20:22:23 <Affix> if everyone arrives on the friday night we can all go for a meal
20:22:37 <Affix> and discuss the booth shifts
20:22:50 <sesivany> Affix: do you have money to pay it from your pocket and get reimbursed later or do we have to ask jorg to pay it directly?
20:23:06 <Affix> sesivany: not right now Just started a business and money is really tight right now
20:23:22 <Affix> The hotel is Travelodge Edinburgh Center EH1 1TA
20:23:40 <Affix> For those Arriving by train Waverly Station Would be the closest
20:23:42 <NeatBasis> .fas sebastianmaki
20:23:42 <zodbot> NeatBasis: sebastianmaki 'Sebastian Maki' <sebastian.maki@gmail.com>
20:23:50 <mhroncok> NeatBasis: hi
20:23:51 <Affix> and for those arriving by Air would be Edinburgh Airport
20:24:06 <Affix> then either a Taxi or the number 35 Bus
20:24:09 <NeatBasis> Hi Miro
20:24:09 <jonar> Affix, you are booking Friday to Monday? or do you mean Monday to Friday?
20:24:10 <sesivany> Affix: please create a ticket with the quotes and let it approve. Then we can ask jorg to pay it with the community credit card directly.
20:24:13 <NeatBasis> Hi all
20:24:36 <sesivany> NeatBasis: hi
20:24:43 <Affix> jonar: I meant Sundat - Wednesday Night
20:24:57 <jonar> Affix, ahh cool
20:25:03 <Affix> sesivany: no problem I will do that tonight
20:25:13 <Affix> sesivany: do you have any updates on the booth size?
20:25:22 <jonar> Going to be a busy one for me, Oggcamp is 19th & 20th
20:25:40 <MooDoo> jonar: are you going?
20:25:41 <Affix> jonar: fun couple of weeks for you then :)
20:26:07 <Affix> MooDoo said he may be able to come if his company pays his ticket. not heard any updates on that yet
20:26:11 <jonar> Moodoo, definitely, plan to get train from Liverpool on the Sunday to Edinburgh
20:26:23 <sesivany> Affix: no, I will have to ask for them apparently, but won't have time until Sept.
20:26:34 <Affix> ok thats no problem sesivany
20:26:49 * mhroncok is getting closer to Prague, might disconnect soon without saying anything
20:27:52 <Affix> Thats all about LinuxCon for now. I will get the ticket sorted either tonight or tomorrow morning
20:28:10 <sesivany> Affix: the reservation should be from Sun to Thu.
20:28:25 <Affix> ok sesivany will make sure thats there
20:28:44 <Affix> at least 2 rooms yeah?
20:28:44 <sesivany> Affix: if someone wants to stay longer, he can, but Fedora should only cover the conference days.
20:28:55 <Affix> sesivany: Yes I understand that
20:29:03 <Affix> don't need to cover me though ;)
20:29:58 <sesivany> Affix: I've got tickets for 4 ppl, if you're from Edinburgh, then we need accommodation for 3.
20:30:05 <Affix> ok
20:30:18 <Affix> I know someone will definately come if one can't make it
20:30:21 <Affix> so 3 rooms
20:30:21 <sesivany> which is 2 rooms anyway unless they have 3-bed rooms.
20:30:29 <Affix> they are double rooms though
20:30:39 <mhroncok> bye
20:31:05 <sesivany> Affix: you mean double-bed room?
20:31:09 <Affix> yes
20:31:55 <Affix> sesivany: http://www.travelodge.co.uk/hotels/205/Edinburgh-Central-hotel
20:31:56 <sesivany> Affix: ok, let's figure out details later. Other don't have to read such detailed stuff.
20:31:58 <Affix> thats the hotel there
20:32:48 <sesivany> Affix: create the ticket, and let's discuss it there.
20:32:56 <Affix> ok
20:33:15 <sesivany> anything else to events?
20:33:42 <Affix> not from me
20:33:54 <smittix> me neither
20:33:57 <gnokii> yes dnt forget ticket 273 ;)
20:34:21 <sesivany> gnokii: oh yeah.
20:34:25 <jonar> nothing from me
20:34:55 <sesivany> gnokii: we approved the overall budget which includes this, but I'll mention it in the ticket.
20:35:28 <sesivany> #topic Openfloor
20:35:37 <gnokii> so it busts the budget only for 20€ because, I was enabled to book cheaper
20:35:59 * jonar hand up
20:37:02 <sesivany> gnokii: it actually comes in handy because Miro's ticket was twice more expensive in the end.
20:37:23 <gnokii> yeah for waiting to long :(
20:37:30 <mhroncok_mobile> Hi again
20:37:36 <jonar> Barcamp Blackpool happened on Saturday just gone
20:37:49 <sesivany> jonar: how was it?
20:38:05 <jonar> Fantastic... nearly 200 people in attendance
20:38:21 <jonar> had the Fedora stand all setup nicely
20:39:04 <jonar> had demo laptops, and a information screen which I ran an impress presentation on loop, I'll publish the presentation as soon as I get chance for others to use and abuse
20:39:22 <sesivany> jonar: was the event focused on FLOSS/Linux or something more general?
20:39:30 <jonar> ran several sessions with people who dropped by
20:40:11 <jonar> It was very Linux/FLOSS based, but also had stands from hackspaces and general community based groups
20:40:48 <jonar> A lot of interest around the stand so in all I'd say the day was very successful
20:41:41 <jonar> the majority of talks on the day were Linux/FLOSS focussed
20:42:07 <sesivany> jonar: great, I hope it was a rewarding experience. It's always great to see people interested in something you've been working on.
20:42:41 <jonar> even had someone visit the stand who attended the event purely on the even listings page on the wiki, which is always nice
20:43:02 <Affix> jonar: I was gonna pop down but never had the time
20:43:51 <jonar> affix: shame you couldn't make it
20:45:08 * sesivany is also at a cool event - GUADEC. Today, we met several really legendary hackers such as ajax (graphics drivers).
20:46:02 <jonar> sesivany: nice!
20:46:25 <cmpahar> sesivany, so jealous of you
20:46:44 <sesivany> I'm apologizing, but I'll have to end the meeting soon. I have to be back at the venue in 8 hours and need to get some sleep.
20:46:58 <cmpahar> sesivany, +1
20:47:16 <sesivany> anyway, thank you, all, for coming today!
20:47:24 <smittix> :)
20:47:25 <mhroncok_mobile2> Have fun on GUADEC, see you on Flock
20:47:28 <jamielinux> Thanks!
20:47:32 <cmpahar> thank you sesivany for made it and chaired the meeting
20:47:37 <jamielinux> Enjoy guadec and flock everyone that's going
20:47:46 <sesivany> it's great to see a growing number of ambassadors at meetings, especially from the UK ;)
20:47:47 <jonar> enjoy the rest of GUADEC
20:47:53 <NeatBasis> Have fun
20:47:58 <MooDoo> sesivany: it's good to be here :D
20:48:29 <jonar> :)
20:48:46 <sesivany> see you in 2 weeks!
20:48:51 <sesivany> #endmeeting