20:00:03 <sesivany> #startmeeting EMEA ambassadors 2013-07-03
20:00:03 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Jul  3 20:00:03 2013 UTC.  The chair is sesivany. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
20:00:03 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic.
20:00:05 <sesivany> #meetingname emea ambassadors
20:00:05 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'emea_ambassadors'
20:00:14 <sesivany> #topic Roll call
20:00:20 <sesivany> .fas eischmann
20:00:21 <zodbot> sesivany: eischmann 'Jiri Eischmann' <eischmann@redhat.com>
20:00:45 <Prometheas> .fas misaakidis
20:00:46 <zodbot> Prometheas: misaakidis 'Marios Isaakidis' <misaakidis@yahoo.gr>
20:01:11 <nehardido> nehardido; nehardido 'Oussama Kheireddine Nehar'
20:01:25 <robyduck> .fas robyduck
20:01:25 <zodbot> robyduck: robyduck 'Robert Mayr' <robyduck@gmail.com>
20:01:37 <rgeri77> .fas rgeri77
20:01:38 <zodbot> rgeri77: rgeri77 'Rákosi Gergely' <rakosi.gergely@gmail.com>
20:01:39 <jamielinux> .fas jamielinux
20:01:41 <zodbot> jamielinux: jamielinux 'Jamie Nguyen' <j@jamielinux.com>
20:02:02 <sesivany> ah finally, I thought there would be just 3 people today :-)
20:02:48 <sesivany> let's wait a couple more minutes for others as usually
20:04:30 <sesivany> looks like no one else is going to show up...
20:04:51 <t2hot|vision> ah, the meeting is on
20:05:24 <sesivany> maybe many of us are still hungover after the F19 celebrations :)
20:05:27 * t2hot|vision is switching to laptop in a moment
20:05:35 <sesivany> ok, let's start.
20:05:44 <sesivany> #topic Announcements
20:06:07 <sesivany> ok, I've got one huge announcement... :-)
20:06:18 <sesivany> Fedora 19 has been released!!!
20:06:49 <nehardido> yes & right on time
20:06:50 <sesivany> #info Fedora 19 has been released. Spread the word!
20:07:27 <sesivany> and we also have results of F20 elections.
20:07:45 <sesivany> let me congratulate robyduck!
20:07:57 <sesivany> a new FAmSCo member
20:08:03 <robyduck> Oh thanks sesivany
20:08:06 <robyduck> :)
20:08:18 <nehardido> good luck ! man
20:08:18 <sesivany> the EMEA regions will have 3 seats in FAmSCo for the next year.
20:08:24 <robyduck> Congrats also for re-election to cwickert and sesivany ;)
20:08:31 <robyduck> nehardido: thx
20:09:03 <sesivany> #info The F20 elections are over. EMEA will have three seats in FAmSCo for the next year: sesivany, cwickert, robyduck.
20:09:08 <nehardido> congrats Mr, Jiri
20:09:27 <sesivany> nehardido: thanks
20:09:36 <sesivany> any other announcements?
20:09:49 <gnokii> .fas gnokii
20:09:50 <zodbot> gnokii: gnokii 'Sirko Kemter' <buergermeister@karl-tux-stadt.de>
20:10:34 <sesivany> if not, let's move on.
20:10:47 <sesivany> #topic Requests
20:10:59 * sesivany is checking the trac, mnt...
20:12:45 <sesivany> I don't see any we have to vote about.
20:13:23 <bookwar> .fas bookwar
20:13:23 <zodbot> bookwar: bookwar '' <alpha@bookwar.info>
20:13:36 <sesivany> nehardido:  have you received the package?
20:13:43 <nehardido> no
20:13:53 <nehardido> i dont think it will be here in time
20:14:05 <nehardido> i have to roll without it
20:14:26 <sesivany> nehardido: that's a bad news :-/
20:14:50 <twohot> .fas twohot
20:14:51 <zodbot> twohot: twohot 'Onyeibo Oku' <twohotis@gmail.com>
20:14:54 <sesivany> nehardido: please check your local postal office, it might be there.
20:14:54 <nehardido> kind of ...but it's okay
20:15:12 <nehardido> i will rechek tomorrow
20:15:18 <rgeri77> .fas rgeri77
20:15:19 <zodbot> rgeri77: rgeri77 'Rákosi Gergely' <rakosi.gergely@gmail.com>
20:15:35 <sesivany> nehardido: or it might have gotten stuck at customs, it happens quite often when we ship packages to Africa.
20:16:01 <sesivany> nehardido: I declared zero price, but you never know. It was a quite large package.
20:16:02 <nehardido> sesivany : yes ther might be some
20:16:17 <nehardido> sesivany : what was in it
20:16:52 <sesivany> nehardido: two t-shirts, several baseball caps and mugs, stickers and buttons.
20:17:48 * twohot hopes mine doesn't get stuck.  Will be disaster
20:17:54 <sesivany> nehardido: unfortunately the tracking ends where they handed the package to the Algerian side, so I can't check where it is.
20:18:25 <biker> sorry im late
20:18:28 <biker> .fas rugebiker
20:18:29 <zodbot> biker: rugebiker 'Ruben Guerra Marin' <rguerra.marin@gmail.com>
20:18:34 <nehardido> sesivany : the tracking ended when the package left Czech
20:19:03 <rgeri77> hello everyone
20:19:17 <nehardido> sesivany : i hope i will find it tomorrow in the post office
20:19:35 <sesivany> nehardido: nevertheless, I hope it will arrive, just make sure it's not at the post office, I told them to keep it there for 15 days.
20:19:48 <sesivany> nehardido: then they will probably send it back.
20:20:51 <nehardido> sesivany : okay
20:21:00 <sesivany> ok, all other requests are pending on F19 media.
20:21:16 <sesivany> we sent them to production on Monday, a day before the official release.
20:21:24 <sesivany> they should be ready next week.
20:22:16 <sesivany> #info F19 media are in production, will be delivered next week. If you want some for the release cycle, please file a request in the EMEA trac.
20:23:42 <pandaconstantin> hello everyone
20:23:47 <sesivany> speaking of requests, we finally closed the Q1 budget...
20:23:55 <sesivany> #link http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Ambassadors/EMEA/Budget#Q1_.28March_-_May_2013.29
20:24:18 <sesivany> there is one more expense to add, the French guys sent me the info today.
20:25:30 <sesivany> we saved around $800 which I'd like to use for something else. More swag or maybe also shipping because our shipping budget is very tight.
20:26:27 <robyduck> nice
20:27:20 <sesivany> #info The Q1 budget is closed. We saved around $800 which can be used for something else in this quarter. More swag and bigger shipping budget will probably be needed.
20:28:06 <sesivany> ok, can we move forward?
20:28:14 <nehardido> yes
20:28:19 <pandaconstantin> yes
20:28:44 <sesivany> #topic Ambassadors Schedule
20:29:08 * sesivany is looking at it...
20:29:15 <sesivany> #link http://fedorapeople.org/groups/schedule/f-19/f-19-ambassadors-tasks.html
20:29:18 <rgeri7712> .fas rgeri77
20:29:19 <zodbot> rgeri7712: rgeri77 'Rákosi Gergely' <rakosi.gergely@gmail.com>
20:29:56 <sesivany> so now it's all about release parties! promotion, promotion, promotion. It's our time :)
20:29:59 <zoltanh7211> .fas zoltanh721
20:30:00 <zodbot> zoltanh7211: zoltanh721 'Hoppár Zoltán' <hopparz@gmail.com>
20:31:01 <sesivany> after you have release party, please write a report on your blog because otherwise others won't know you're doing such a great job ;)
20:31:35 <sesivany> ok, let's move to Events.
20:31:39 <sesivany> #topic Events
20:32:14 <sesivany> as I said, now it's the release event time.
20:32:31 <sesivany> #link http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/F19_release_events#EMEA
20:32:54 <sesivany> we've got 9 registered release parties in EMEA which is not a bad number.
20:33:20 <rgeri7712> sesivany: we'll have F19 release party, here is the wiki page: http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Release_Party_F19_Budapest
20:33:29 <sesivany> unfortunately the timing is not great since universities are closed and students are home.
20:33:39 <pandaconstantin> The number will be increased   !
20:33:40 <sesivany> rgeri7712: please add it to the list.
20:33:48 <rgeri7712> sesivany: ok
20:33:51 <pandaconstantin> I planned with guys here in Burkina Faso too
20:33:59 <nehardido> sesivany : this is my release party https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Release_Party_F19_hassibahbah
20:35:02 <robyduck> nehardido: are there 2 Release Parties there?
20:35:16 <sesivany> we've got t-shirts for everyone who organizes a release party. But you have to create a wiki page, add the party to the list and write report afterwards.
20:35:39 <nehardido> sesivany : no the other algerian ambassador create by mistake i think
20:35:45 <biker> sesivany: just EMEA or other regions will receive also a shirt? :P
20:36:00 <twohot> ?
20:36:17 <nehardido> robyduck : no the other algerian ambassador create by mistake i think
20:36:20 <sesivany> #info if you organize a release party, please create its wiki page, add the party to the list and write a report afterwards.
20:36:35 <pandaconstantin> oki
20:36:48 <sesivany> biker: it's for all regions, but it's not handled by me.
20:36:56 <robyduck> nehardido: you should drop the wrong entry then if you're sure it's a mistake
20:37:06 <biker> oki doki (:
20:37:11 <nehardido> robyduck : okay
20:37:29 <sesivany> biker: the t-shirt distribution in general is handled by mailga, other regions will tell him who will get a t-shirt and I'll send them.
20:37:51 <sesivany> twohot: what's your question?
20:38:12 <biker> sesivany: okok thanks (:
20:38:19 <sesivany> and BTW the t-shirts are not only for ambassadors, we're offering it to all Fedora teams.
20:39:00 <twohot> wondering if t-shirts are exclusively for events tagged "Release Party" ... what happens to Ambassadors collaborating in events not so tagged?
20:39:12 <robyduck> sesivany: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/F19_release_tshirt
20:41:06 <sesivany> twohot: yes, this is a special initiative for contributors to F19 and ambassador's typical contribution to the release is holding a release party. Unfortunately we can't give a t-shirt for every contributors. In other teams, members will get them for things special to F19, not for random contributions.
20:42:08 <rgeri7712> sesivany: F19 release event added to wiki page now
20:42:16 <sesivany> rgeri7712: great, thank you.
20:42:54 <sesivany> twohot: btw do you have your ambassador's polo shirt?
20:43:47 <twohot> sesivany: yes, oversize and in need of overhaul atm
20:43:54 <sesivany> robyduck: yes, mailga is doing a great job.
20:44:17 <robyduck> sesivany: mailga told me that probably there will be some shirts left, intention is to give some also to the F19 heroes ;)
20:44:31 <robyduck> so, testing people
20:44:53 <sesivany> twohot: ok, I can send you a new one. Every ambassador who is active and organizes events is eligible to get one every 2 years. I think you easily meet the criteria.
20:45:02 <robyduck> FYI https://kparal.wordpress.com/2013/07/03/the-heroes-of-fedora-19-final-testing/
20:45:33 <robyduck> d'oh I'm still without a polo :(
20:45:39 <twohot> thanks
20:45:58 <sesivany> twohot: please file a ticket for the polo shirt in the track, include your size.
20:46:09 <rgeri7712> robyduck: i have in 2XL size may i send it to you :-)
20:46:32 <sesivany> robyduck: please also file a ticket.
20:46:49 <robyduck> oh, I'm tall ok, but XL?
20:46:55 <robyduck> sesivany: sure
20:47:03 <robyduck> forgot it
20:47:10 <sesivany> robyduck: I will talk to Kamil Paral of Fedora QA who they will nominate for the t-shirts. It will most likely be based on the stats.
20:47:17 <twohot> sesivany: how do i determine the right size?  Size tags are confusing these days.  A 'Medium' may turn out extra-large
20:48:03 <twohot> sesivany: there's got to be a template from the manufacturers or something
20:48:04 <sesivany> twohot: we still use the vendor - Slazinger. So if your current polo shirt is too large, go for a smaller size.
20:49:03 <sesivany> twohot: http://store.slazenger.com/CustomerServices/OtherInformation/SizeGuide
20:49:27 <twohot> sesivany: just what i need.  Thanks
20:50:09 <sesivany> gnokii: any updates on Froscon?
20:50:17 <gnokii> yes
20:51:50 <sesivany> gnokii: and what are they? :)
20:51:50 <gnokii> heffer will book on saturday an apartment, for that he called for participants on the ambassador list, so the team did grow and we can move forward. We still have to prepare the program for the devroom
20:52:22 <sesivany> gnokii: mhroncok is still coming?
20:52:34 <gnokii> I hope so
20:52:57 <sesivany> gnokii: ok
20:53:21 <sesivany> one more important thing regarding events...
20:53:33 <gnokii> still some have to write there tickets for travel help
20:54:05 <bookwar> gnokii: yes, i will :)
20:54:16 <sesivany> we're still looking for locations to organize EMEA FAD - our get-together and planning event.
20:54:25 <sesivany> #link https://fedorahosted.org/emea-swag-tracking/ticket/249 - EMEA FAD
20:54:59 <sesivany> I'd like to find the location by the end of July, but we still have only one proposition... mine :-/
20:55:58 * jamielinux is happy enough with the current proposition
20:56:09 <sesivany> I'd be more than happy to host you in Brno, but I'd rather see more locations to choose from.
20:56:50 <sesivany> #action sesivany to write geroldKa about his proposition.
20:57:16 <nehardido> sesivany :  about the FrOSCon!
20:57:25 <sesivany> gerold has always organized FADs in Rheinfelden. I still hope he will come up with something.
20:58:20 <robyduck> sesivany: for the FAD we are quite happy with Rheinfelden, but if Gerold doesn't want to organize it this year we can take over and plan it in a nice location too
20:58:26 <jonar> .fas jfarcher
20:58:29 <zodbot> jonar: jfarcher 'Jonathan Archer' <jon@rosslug.org.uk>
20:58:39 <jonar> apologies for being late
20:58:46 <robyduck> first choice: Rheinfelden
20:58:48 <sesivany> jonar: no problem
20:59:41 <sesivany> robyduck: Rheinfelden was a really great place, we just need to order some food delivery on Saturday :D
21:00:19 <robyduck> ahah, yeah, sure
21:00:38 <sesivany> jonar: will you need some swag and media for your release parties?
21:00:47 <jonar> yes please...
21:01:09 <jonar> just the one party though... haven't been able to arrange the second venue at a suitable time
21:01:21 <sesivany> jonar: eh, I see the ticket now.
21:01:51 <sesivany> jonar: still waiting for media, they're still in production, but I think I'll be able to send the package next week.
21:02:11 <jonar> ok, the event is on the 27th so we have a bit of time
21:03:03 <sesivany> jonar: please also add your shirt size to the ticket. I'll send you an ambassador's polo shirt, too.
21:03:16 <jonar> ok thanks will do that now
21:04:06 <sesivany> ok, anything else to the events?
21:04:15 <sesivany> who's going to Flock?
21:04:52 <robyduck> uhmmm...
21:05:13 <robyduck> hopefully me, yes
21:05:26 <sesivany> me too
21:05:37 <sesivany> I think gnokii is coming as well
21:05:38 <zoltanh7211> rgeri too
21:06:06 <gnokii> yes, I will be there esta granted, flight booked
21:06:09 * jamielinux wishes he could make it
21:06:12 <jonar> as much as I would like to, I won't be able to make it
21:06:17 <gnokii> yes and I will fly to flockwith rgeri
21:07:18 <sesivany> jamielinux: yeah, I read your email. Doctor's life is hard. But I hope you'll stay around at least a bit.
21:07:38 <sesivany> #topic Openfloor
21:07:46 <jamielinux> sesivany: Thanks. Yes I really do intend to make time for Fedora while on the job!
21:07:52 <jamielinux> sesivany: We'll see how it goes though..
21:10:10 <sesivany> jamielinux: I don't know how it works in the UK, but here doctors have long duty hours when they have to be standby at the hospital, but they actually don't have to work if there is no case. It might be a good contribution time :)
21:10:50 <puiterwijk> sesivany: I'm going to be there too. (sorry, came in too late...)
21:11:20 <puiterwijk> (re: flock)
21:11:45 <jamielinux> sesivany: Hehe yes we have long standby hours in UK too, perhaps you're onto something there :)
21:11:57 <sesivany> so EMEA will have a quite a lot of people there after all.
21:11:58 <rgeri77> .fas rgeri77
21:11:58 <zodbot> rgeri77: rgeri77 'Rákosi Gergely' <rakosi.gergely@gmail.com>
21:12:18 <puiterwijk> sesivany: I'm a speaker there, so will have to go ;)
21:12:30 <gnokii> sesivany: a lot?
21:12:32 <robyduck> sesivany: I wouldn't say "a lot"
21:12:35 <jamielinux> puiterwijk: Oh your talk got confirmed, nice!
21:12:43 <puiterwijk> jamielinux: yeah, both of them actually
21:12:47 <jamielinux> puiterwijk: :)
21:13:19 <sesivany> jamielinux: looks like we just found your contributor's sustainability model ;-)
21:14:16 <jamielinux> sesivany: Indeed! :)
21:14:21 <sesivany> robyduck, gnokii: well, several dozen people. Although it may be much better, it's not as bad as it looked at the beginning.
21:15:03 <gnokii> sesivany: if I compare how many europeans and how many ppl from LATAM.....
21:15:41 <robyduck> sure, but compared to the 80 people who came to FUDCon last year, but ok, it's in the US and we will have it next year
21:16:15 <sesivany> we should get some places for FUDCon LATAM then :)
21:16:30 <robyduck> we should try to bring as many people as possible to Flock
21:16:44 <robyduck> sesivany: :)
21:17:01 <sesivany> Cusco is actually a great location, very close to Macu Picchu.
21:17:12 <gnokii> yeah robyduck we have 800$ left form last quarter so lets bring0.5 person more there
21:17:32 <sesivany> if I hadn't already been there, I would definitely consider FUDCon LATAM for my vaccation.
21:17:35 <robyduck> ahah, yeah, let's bring just the legs
21:17:58 <jonar> :)
21:18:28 <sesivany> yes, saving any money from our budget to bring people to Flock doesn't make sense. We would have to cancel whole events to bring at least one person there.
21:18:36 <puiterwijk> robyduck: I guess the head is worth more :)
21:18:57 <robyduck> puiterwijk: your's?
21:19:10 <puiterwijk> robyduck: I meant more: instead of just the legs
21:19:22 <puiterwijk> but rather not mine, I need my head for a bit longer ;)
21:19:47 <robyduck> :)
21:21:19 <sesivany> ok, let's end the meeting.
21:21:47 * sesivany got up at 6am today, very tired by now.
21:22:46 <sesivany> thank you, everyone for coming tonight!
21:22:57 <zoltanh7211> we thx sesivany
21:23:19 <sesivany> #endmeeting