20:00:00 <sesivany> #startmeeting EMEA ambassadors 2013-06-19 20:00:00 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Jun 19 20:00:00 2013 UTC. The chair is sesivany. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 20:00:00 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 20:00:02 <sesivany> #meetingname emea ambassadors 20:00:02 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'emea_ambassadors' 20:00:08 <sesivany> #topic Roll call 20:00:10 <mhroncok> .fas churchyard 20:00:11 <zodbot> mhroncok: churchyard 'Miro Hrončok' <mhroncok@redhat.com> 20:00:19 <sesivany> .fas eischmann 20:00:20 <zodbot> sesivany: eischmann 'Jiri Eischmann' <eischmann@redhat.com> 20:00:25 <robyduck> .fas robyduck 20:00:26 <mailga> .fas mailga 20:00:26 <zodbot> robyduck: robyduck 'Robert Mayr' <robyduck@gmail.com> 20:00:29 <zodbot> mailga: mailga 'Gabriele Trombini' <mailga@fedoraonline.it> 20:00:34 <bookwar> .fas bookwar 20:00:34 <zodbot> bookwar: bookwar '' <alpha@bookwar.info> 20:00:51 <gnokii> .fas gnokii 20:00:52 <zodbot> gnokii: gnokii 'Sirko Kemter' <buergermeister@karl-tux-stadt.de> 20:01:47 <sesivany> welcome everyone. 20:02:07 <mhroncok> hi 20:02:08 * nirik has an item for some point, can wait for openfloor/whatever. 20:03:03 <eslammostafa> .fas eslammostafa 20:03:04 <zodbot> eslammostafa: eslammostafa 'Eslam Mostafa' <me@eslammostafa.com> 20:03:06 <biker> .fas rugebiker 20:03:07 <zodbot> biker: rugebiker 'Ruben Guerra Marin' <rguerra.marin@gmail.com> 20:03:12 <sesivany> nirik: ok, I'll try to not forget about openfloor at the end of the meeting. 20:03:36 <nirik> FYI, the hellomynameis thing is a bit better than 'fas' because it does a specific lookup on your name and not a wildcard on everything 20:03:45 <robyduck> sesivany: nirik: will keep in in mind too 20:04:00 <nirik> no biggie, just FYI. :) 20:04:45 <robyduck> sesivany: eslammostafa is here for the first time, he is an ongoing ambassador from Egypt 20:05:04 <sesivany> robyduck: good to know. 20:05:22 <sesivany> eslammostafa: welcome! 20:05:34 <robyduck> ;) 20:05:39 <sesivany> ok, let's start with announcements... 20:05:46 <sesivany> #topic Announcements 20:05:54 <sesivany> any announcements? 20:06:27 <sesivany> as usual, I've got some... 20:06:33 <eslammostafa> Thanks sesivany :-) 20:06:40 <sesivany> The F20 elections are on! 20:06:45 <eslammostafa> Thanks robyduck 20:06:51 <eslammostafa> I am glad to join you 20:07:04 <sesivany> we've got three candidates from EMEA: me, cwickert, and robyduck. 20:07:19 <sesivany> but of course, other candidates are also quality ;-) 20:07:56 <sesivany> #info F20 elections for FAmSCo, FESCo, and Board are on, please vote: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Elections 20:08:26 <sesivany> btw everyone who is at least in one non-CLA group can vote, so all ambassadors. 20:09:27 <sesivany> ok, anything else? 20:09:59 <sesivany> if not, let's move on... 20:10:17 <sesivany> #topic Requests 20:10:30 * sesivany is looking at the trac 20:11:11 * sesivany doesn't see anything that needs to be approved. 20:11:24 <sesivany> so only for your information: 20:12:15 <sesivany> I've sent packages with swag to Hungary and Algeria this week. 20:13:14 <sesivany> kital as a community credit card holder approved a ticket for travel funding to Tibetan L10n FAD. 20:13:32 <biker> since when will f19 DVDs be available? (: 20:13:49 <sesivany> the plan is to share the cost between EMEA and APAC. 20:14:07 <sesivany> we saved a few hundred in Q1, so we can afford it. 20:14:50 <sesivany> and it's a really nice project. People from EMEA are helping people in Tibet to start their own translation project and translate Fedora to Tibetan. 20:15:12 <mhroncok> wow, cool 20:15:29 <sesivany> biker: I'll get to that, wait please. 20:15:45 * biker waits (: 20:16:50 <sesivany> to the F19 media: we approved the ticket last time, I ordered the media and now I'm trying to get artwork for disks and sleeves from our design team. 20:17:39 <sesivany> Fedora 19 (hopefully) will be released on July 2nd... 20:18:06 <gnokii> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Artwork/MediaArt/F19 20:18:55 <sesivany> the ISO will be available on Fri June 28th and we have to test it and then get to the vendor which will be either on Fri or Mon. 20:19:45 <sesivany> then it usually takes a week to produce them and deliver to us, so in my office, they could be around July 8-9th. Then I can ship them. 20:20:19 <sesivany> so any events before the 15th are a bit risky if you want media. 20:20:58 <sesivany> gnokii: yeah, I know, but I need a few adjustments because the sleeves our vendor produces are on the same shape as the default artwork. 20:21:24 <sesivany> gnokii: rlech gave me a contact to a person who does the media artwork this time. 20:21:35 <gnokii> yes alexander 20:21:40 <robyduck> ! 20:21:52 <biker> so far,., it seems that f19 will not get delayed, right? (: 20:22:03 <sesivany> robyduck: go ahead 20:22:19 <robyduck> If I remember right every country should ask one package for DVD and swags (for RP and so on) 20:23:00 <sesivany> robyduck: yes, please. If you want media or swag for post-release events, please file a request. 20:23:01 <robyduck> Are you going to ship a standard package for everyone or should we open x awag tickets? 20:23:13 <robyduck> s/awag/swag 20:23:29 <sesivany> robyduck: file a ticket, it's very individual. 20:24:02 <robyduck> ok 20:24:22 <sesivany> #info if you need F19 media or swag for post-release events, please file a ticket in our trac: https://fedorahosted.org/emea-swag-tracking/ 20:24:31 <gnokii> ähm, if we would send packages for countries we would have later a problem, I like more the version create a ticket when there is an event otherwise we would spread the stuff and have later to recollect it 20:25:28 <sesivany> btw I still get requests via email. Please use the trac because this way, we keep it transparent. Everyone can see to whom I've sent a package and why. 20:26:12 <robyduck> gnokii: +1, but we did one shipment for all to save some budget, no? 20:26:36 <sesivany> gnokii: I still believe that the ambassadors can do their math and estimate what they need for this release cycle. I'd love to see packages for each event, but our shipping budget is tight :-/ 20:27:18 <sesivany> gnokii: moreover it's better for ambassadors to have always something in hand in case there is some unplanned event or someone asks them for media etc. 20:27:48 <sesivany> I'll try make best this year not to run out of swag. 20:28:23 <biker> i think it is better to run out of swag than to throw all the f19 away when f20 comes out 20:28:42 * biker saw how 100 f17 DVDs where thrown away at SCALE :( 20:29:15 <sesivany> biker is right, we had problems to get rid of left F18 media at LinuxTag, too. 20:29:25 <gnokii> woot 20:29:44 <sesivany> I think we won't have a problem to run out of media. Unfortunately, the demand for them is declining. 20:30:34 <sesivany> I wrote it wrong: we wont run out of media IMHO. 20:30:57 <sesivany> ok, anything else to requests? 20:31:17 <sesivany> I've got one more thing... 20:31:31 <robyduck> sesivany: what about the t-shirts? 20:32:17 <sesivany> we're currently running the initiative F19 t-shirts for people who have somehow significantly contributed to the release... 20:32:45 <sesivany> I have to thank mailga who has stepped into it and organizing it. 20:33:05 <robyduck> mailga: +1 20:33:13 <sesivany> the way how ambassadors can contribute to the release are release parties. 20:33:35 <sesivany> so we'd like to send a t-shirt to everyone who organizes a F19 release party. 20:34:26 <sesivany> but not only to them, mailga will contact other teams, too. All teams (packagers, designers, translators,...) will be included. 20:34:46 <sesivany> every team will have some criteria to choose candidates for the t-shirts. 20:35:03 <sesivany> I've already produced the t-shirts and I will take care of shipping. 20:35:30 <mhroncok> sesivany: how do they look like, do we have photo or something? 20:35:34 <sesivany> so if you want to get a t-shirt, organize a release party ;-) 20:35:54 <sesivany> I've got a picture of fvollero wearing it :D 20:36:21 <sesivany> https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/1309518/f19shirt.jpg 20:36:25 <sesivany> he is a model :D 20:36:34 <mailga> Can I put that picture on the wikipage? 20:36:36 <mailga> :-) 20:36:54 <sesivany> mailga: yes, I think. 20:36:58 <biker> damn,., thats a cool tshirt :P 20:37:08 <sesivany> gnokii did the design btw. 20:37:13 <robyduck> mailga: with fvollero? :) 20:37:24 <biker> gnokii: +1 20:37:47 <mailga> robyduck, yes! Do you think he doesn't like the idea? 20:37:48 <robyduck> yeah, great design gnokii 20:38:13 <robyduck> mailga: no I'm aware of who looks at the page.... 20:38:28 <sesivany> mailga: you can ask him 20:38:30 * robyduck obviously is joking... 20:38:40 <sesivany> ok, can we move on? 20:38:49 <mailga> sesivany, yes, I'll do. 20:39:15 <sesivany> #topic Ambassador's Schedule 20:39:24 * sesivany is looking for the schedule... 20:39:35 <sesivany> #link http://fedorapeople.org/groups/schedule/f-19/f-19-ambassadors-tasks.html 20:40:31 <sesivany> as I said, we're getting nearer to the release. 20:42:02 <sesivany> I think we've discussed everything regarding our duties in the next weeks... 20:42:12 <sesivany> let's move on... 20:42:56 <sesivany> #topic Events 20:43:40 <sesivany> it's just release parties in July... 20:44:01 <sesivany> #link http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/F19_release_events#EMEA 20:44:31 <sesivany> there are just 7 release parties in EMEA so far. 20:44:57 <sesivany> I know the timing is not ideal because it's holidays at universities, but I'd love to see more. 20:45:54 <sesivany> and keep in mind you don't have to go large, you can co-host it with local user group meetups etc. 20:46:38 <sesivany> and if you're going to organize a release party, please add it to the list because if it's not there, it doesn't happen ;-) 20:47:17 <sesivany> only organizers of registered release parties will get swag, media, and the t-shirt, obviously. 20:47:41 * cwickert is late because he had to fight the water in his basement 20:48:04 <sesivany> bookwar: do you still have some swag for the release party in Moscow? 20:48:10 <sesivany> cwickert: flood? 20:48:30 <bookwar> sesivany: yes, i think it's enough for RP 20:48:58 <sesivany> bookwar: great 20:48:59 <biker> i wont be in europe until august =/ so i dont think id be able to do a RP 20:49:08 <cwickert> sesivany: heavy rain 20:49:27 <sesivany> biker: yeah, it'd be kinda late, save energy for F20 ;-) 20:50:07 * mhroncok would love a heavy rain here :( 20:50:29 <gnokii> no more rain please 20:50:40 <sesivany> yeah, some rain in Brno would be welcome, too. 20:51:04 <sesivany> btw we're still looking for locations for EMEA FAD... 20:51:21 <sesivany> #link https://fedorahosted.org/emea-swag-tracking/ticket/249 20:51:37 <sesivany> I've proposed Brno and I hope geroldka will make a bid for Rheinfelden again. 20:52:10 <sesivany> but more locations would be welcome, so that we have some selection to choose from. 20:52:22 <robyduck> sesivany: we hope gerold will place his bid too 20:52:58 <sesivany> EMEA FAD is a really important event for us, it's where we plan activities for the next year, budget etc. 20:53:01 <robyduck> otherwise we are ready to bring it to the Land of Pasta and Pizza (Gerold likes it) 20:53:21 <mhroncok> should I suggest Prague or it is too close to Brno? :) 20:53:48 <sesivany> mhroncok: Prague could work too. 20:54:13 <robyduck> sesivany: when do you want to have the location fixed? Is there a deadline for the ticket? 20:54:22 <sesivany> btw who is considering to come? it should take place in late Nov or early Dec. 20:54:23 * cwickert1 has a release party in Berlin 20:54:30 <cwickert1> need to add it to the list 20:54:58 * dan408 waves at cwickerts 20:55:11 <robyduck> :) 20:55:12 <sesivany> cwickert: can you please add it to the list of release events? 20:55:18 <cwickert> yes 20:55:30 <cwickert> sesivany: how are we looking from the QA side? will we be on time? 20:55:43 <cwickert> we want to do it on release day, but this is very risky 20:55:54 <cwickert> do you thing we have another week of delay? 20:56:08 <sesivany> cwickert: I think it's looking good. 20:56:14 <cwickert> yeah, I think si 20:56:15 <cwickert> so 20:56:35 <sesivany> cwickert: I'd actually bet some money on July 2nd, but with Fedora, you never know. 20:56:41 <cwickert> Nothing ventured, nothing gained. 20:56:43 <cwickert> :) 20:57:12 <cwickert> sesivany: do you have some swag left? I only have stickers and a banner 20:57:50 <cwickert> do you think you could send me 10 baseball caps or so? 20:58:04 <sesivany> cwickert: I have buttons (700), stickers (800) and very few pins. 20:58:29 <cwickert> ok, let me check what I have and then I'll file a ticket 20:58:30 <sesivany> and about 100 case badges, but I'm working on getting more. 20:58:35 <cwickert> and assign it to you directly 20:59:50 <sesivany> cwickert: media are also taken care of, but they will be available after July 12th I estimate. 21:01:04 <sesivany> ok, anything else to events? gnokii, what about froscon? 21:01:37 <cwickert1> that reminds me I need to introduce heffer to the mageia folks for the shared devroom 21:02:06 <cwickert1> but other than that I have nothing to do with FrOSCon this yea 21:02:10 <cwickert1> year* 21:02:14 <gnokii> spoken with heffer an hour ago, he has problem finding an hotel, its games con again, so now we look for an apartment, mhroncok and bookwar should create there tickets 21:02:15 <cwickert1> not even sure I am coming 21:03:16 <mhroncok> gnokii: still don't knwo how to get there :) 21:03:43 * mhroncok brb 21:04:57 <sesivany> ok, should we move to the openfloor or do you have anything else to event? 21:05:43 <robyduck> move on +1 21:06:16 <sesivany> #topic Openfloor 21:06:36 <sesivany> nirik, it's your time ;-) 21:07:06 <nirik> sorry, I mismeetinged. :) Meant to say that in the arm meeting. ;) 21:07:09 <nirik> so, nevermind. :) 21:07:58 <sesivany> nirik: no problem, I wondered what you wanted to say to EMEA ambassadors :) 21:08:14 <nirik> keep up the great work! :) 21:08:27 <bookwar> i'd like to organize fedora-ru mailing list (we had our own mailman server for russian fedora community but we want to close it and move to fedora mailman instead), who should i contact about it? 21:08:52 <sesivany> bookwar: nirik, probably? 21:08:55 <robyduck> bookwar: file a ticket in infra 21:09:01 <nirik> bookwar: just file a ticket in infrastructure trac and we will get it setup. :) 21:09:18 <bookwar> nirik: ok, thanks ) 21:10:04 <sesivany> btw is anyone coming to Flock, or at least considering it? 21:10:35 * robyduck is 21:10:42 <dan408> im coming but not from emea :) 21:10:56 * mhroncok is 21:11:51 <robyduck> dan408: so you will bring the beer? 21:12:30 <dan408> robyduck: any special requests? 21:12:45 <gnokii> mhroncok: what does it mean still dont know how to go? 21:12:46 <sesivany> dan408: Sam Adams, please :) 21:12:51 <robyduck> eheh 21:13:13 <mhroncok> gnokii: will talk about that later 21:13:19 <gnokii> ok 21:14:14 <dan408> sesivany: you can get that anywhere here! 21:14:37 <dan408> sesivany: i'll try and bring you guys some special california stuff 21:14:42 <cwickert> sesivany: I am going 21:14:50 <robyduck> dan408: +1 21:14:56 <cwickert> ! 21:15:15 <sesivany> cwickert: it's openfloor, just speak. 21:15:42 <cwickert> I think we need to look at our budget very closely now. AFAIK currently only speakers are funded for Flock 21:15:58 <sesivany> cwickert: seriously? 21:16:00 <cwickert> and we should look it we have any money left to support other people 21:16:02 <dan408> yeh whats up with that? 21:16:39 <cwickert> I have seen the schedule, it's almost finished 21:16:53 <mhroncok> cwickert: CFP is closed? 21:17:01 <cwickert> mrunge: long ago! 21:17:15 <cwickert> basically all talks were approved and whoever diving one, is also sponsored 21:17:22 <sesivany> cwickert: I'm afraid it will be difficult because every person is at least $2000 which is 10 % of our annual budget :-( And BTW we're still $2000 above the limit. 21:17:24 <cwickert> s/diving/giving 21:17:39 <mrunge> cwickert, hmm? 21:17:39 <cwickert> damn 21:17:49 <mhroncok> :) 21:18:09 <mrunge> ah, got it. 21:18:11 <cwickert> I don't want to cause any confusion now 21:18:23 <cwickert> I just want to say: make sure we get all the spending 21:18:27 <dan408> cwickert: how do i know if i was approved or not? 21:18:40 <cwickert> dan408: trust me 21:18:42 <cwickert> :) 21:18:49 <dan408> i trust you 21:18:50 <nirik> wait for the actual schedule? :) 21:18:50 <cwickert> and when we have the numbers, look if we can support more folks 21:19:09 <cwickert> really, if there is any money left, I want to spend it on people 21:19:13 <dan408> i just wondering if i was approved or not and trying to make travel arrangements 21:19:23 <cwickert> and not on swag at the end of the fiscal year 21:19:29 <dan408> i know i have nothing to do with emea but been kinda wondering about it 21:19:40 <robyduck> cwickert: +1 21:20:00 <cwickert> dan408: I have no idea how travel is going to be handled, if they book flights for us or if we have to book oursleves 21:20:06 <sesivany> cwickert: I understand, but from an annual budget of 23k for all activities in EMEA, it's difficult to sponsor people per $2000. I don't know about other regions. 21:20:20 <dan408> cwickert: ok thanks 21:20:30 <cwickert> I will book before prices go up again 21:20:34 <sesivany> cwickert: but APAC and LATAM have even smaller budgets. 21:20:50 <cwickert> and I think I can get a better price here than the flock team in the US 21:21:02 <cwickert> so lets try our best to support more people 21:21:16 <cwickert> but that requires that we have an overview of our spending so far 21:21:33 <cwickert> and a rough estimation how much we still need for the year 21:21:51 <cwickert> I will talk to the Flock team for more details in the meantime 21:22:01 <cwickert> EOF 21:23:10 <gnokii> difference for latam and apac is they still have there fudcon 21:23:25 <cwickert> yes, and we don't 21:23:35 <cwickert> we were not even asked 21:23:47 <sesivany> maybe offloading expenses to other quarters could help because OSAS has quarterly based budgets and anything we spend in other quarters could help them. 21:23:48 <cwickert> that's why I want as many EMEA people at Flock as possible 21:24:11 <cwickert> I am pretty sure we can get extra money if we run out of it 21:24:48 <sesivany> cwickert: let's wait what comes out of the Flock team. 21:24:58 <sesivany> but they take time, it's not so far away... 21:25:15 <cwickert> yes, the schedule is almost finished 21:25:23 <cwickert> and so is sponsoring 21:25:59 <cwickert> I think we should try so sponsor some extra people from EMEA, from EMEA budget and deal with it only in EMEA 21:26:07 <cwickert> but this is only the last resort 21:26:15 <cwickert> Flock budget is first choice 21:26:57 <cwickert> anyway, let me talk to the Flock team, lets do some maths and then see what we can do 21:26:59 <cwickert> EOF 21:27:33 <sesivany> cwickert: yeah, but frankly, even if we sponsor just one person, it' d be $2000 which means we'd be $4000 over the limit. Saving $4000 after all the cuts is just impossible. We have to find money somewhere else. 21:28:15 <cwickert> sure 21:28:44 <sesivany> ok, anything else to discuss? 21:29:06 <cwickert> lets get back to the beer question ;) 21:29:19 <sesivany> cwickert: good call :) 21:29:27 <cwickert> just kidding, lets end this meeting 21:29:56 <sesivany> ok, thank you, everyone, for attending tonight! 21:30:06 <cwickert> don't forget to vote! 21:30:29 <sesivany> cwickert: I mentioned that in announcements. 21:30:38 <sesivany> #endmeeting