20:00:02 <sesivany> #startmeeting EMEA ambassadors 2013-05-08
20:00:02 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed May  8 20:00:02 2013 UTC.  The chair is sesivany. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
20:00:02 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic.
20:00:07 <sesivany> #meetingname emea ambassadors
20:00:07 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'emea_ambassadors'
20:00:14 <sesivany> #topic Roll call
20:00:22 <sesivany> .fas eischmann
20:00:25 <cmpahar> .fas cmpahar
20:00:25 <zodbot> sesivany: eischmann 'Jiri Eischmann' <eischmann@redhat.com>
20:00:26 <gnokii> .fas gnokii
20:00:32 <zodbot> cmpahar: cmpahar 'Christos Bacharakis' <cmpahar@gmail.com>
20:00:33 <puiterwijk> .fas puiterwijk
20:00:35 <zodbot> gnokii: gnokii 'Sirko Kemter' <buergermeister@karl-tux-stadt.de>
20:00:41 <zodbot> puiterwijk: puiterwijk 'Patrick Uiterwijk' <puiterwijk@gmail.com>
20:00:44 <rgeri77> .fas rgeri77
20:00:47 <biker> .fas rugebiker
20:00:47 <zodbot> rgeri77: rgeri77 'Rákosi Gergely' <rakosi.gergely@gmail.com>
20:00:50 <zodbot> biker: rugebiker 'Ruben Guerra Marin' <rguerra.marin@gmail.com>
20:00:52 <mhroncok> .fas churchyard
20:00:53 <zodbot> mhroncok: churchyard 'Miro Hrončok' <mhroncok@redhat.com>
20:01:02 <nehardido> nehardido 'nehar oussama'<nehardido@gmail.com>
20:01:17 <robyduck> .fas robyduck
20:01:18 <zodbot> robyduck: robyduck 'Robert Mayr' <robyduck@gmail.com>
20:01:50 <sesivany> welcome, everyone. We have a national holiday in CZ, but the show must go on :)
20:02:18 <cmpahar> happy holidays! We had the same yesterday in Greece :)
20:02:19 <sesivany> let's wait a couple more minutes...
20:02:32 <nehardido> happy holiday sir
20:02:34 <thunderbirdtr> .fas thunderbirdtr
20:02:35 <zodbot> thunderbirdtr: thunderbirdtr 'Onuralp SEZER' <thunderbirdtr@gmail.com>
20:02:39 <thunderbirdtr> Welcome everyone
20:02:54 <thunderbirdtr> sesivany: happy holiday :))
20:03:25 <sesivany> nehardido: welcome! greetings to Algeria!
20:03:35 <rgeri77> Ahoy to everyone!
20:03:41 <nehardido> thanks sir
20:04:09 <thunderbirdtr> rgeri77: Hello :))
20:04:16 <nehardido> sesivany: thanks sir
20:04:37 <gnokii> rgeri77: did u get ur laptop back?
20:05:06 <sesivany> btw nehardido is undergoing mentoship, on his way to become a Fedora ambassador, too.
20:05:49 <rgeri77> hi gnokii: of course, i need that laptop to my work. So, the next day i went to lake Velence with my family, and had a nice afternoon
20:06:11 <sesivany> ok, let's start.
20:06:23 <sesivany> #topic Announcements
20:06:31 <gnokii> rgeri77: thx to god ur head is fixed to ur body otherwise u would forget him :D
20:06:44 <sesivany> before I start with mine, does anyone have an announcement?
20:07:27 <rgeri77> gnokii : :-)
20:07:50 <sesivany> ok, if no one has anything, I'll start...
20:08:02 <biker> ill wait till open floor (:
20:08:31 <sesivany> The new Fedora contributor conference - Flock - has been officially announced.
20:08:55 <sesivany> there is a website: http://flocktofedora.org
20:09:06 <sesivany> and the call for papers is on.
20:09:36 <sesivany> #info Flock, the new Fedora contributor conference, has been announced, the call for papers is on.
20:09:52 <sesivany> #link http://flocktofedora.org
20:10:17 <gnokii> hopefully they fix the loading time I get timeouts
20:10:49 <sesivany> the bad news is that it's replacing FUDCon NA and EMEA, so we're losing our FUDCon, the good news is that it will be held in EMEA next year.
20:11:20 <biker> sesivany: do we have the exact place for next year?
20:11:37 <nehardido> where ?
20:12:01 <sesivany> biker: no, not yet. It's still quite far away and they've got a lot to work on with this year's Flock.
20:12:27 <biker> oo ok thx (:
20:12:32 <robyduck> it's a pitty to have 2 events in NA in 2013 and none in EMEA...
20:12:41 <sesivany> but we can definitely look around if there is a good venue in your area to hold Flock.
20:13:17 <sesivany> robyduck: next year will be ours :)
20:13:30 <mhroncok> sesivany: when and where isthe right time and place to branstrom this? now, here?
20:13:36 <mhroncok> *brainstorm
20:13:52 <robyduck> sesivany: yes I know, was just thinking loudly ;)
20:14:08 <sesivany> robyduck: btw we're considering to add one more day just for Fedora to DevConf.cz, so it might serve as a gathering event in winter. And it's also in EMEA.
20:14:24 <robyduck> great :)
20:14:45 <sesivany> mhroncok: there is a mailing list: flock-planning, but as I said it's too early to talk about it.
20:15:38 <sesivany> #info if you want to help with Flock planning, subscribe to flock-planning mailing list.
20:16:20 <sesivany> any other announcements?
20:16:43 <sesivany> if not, let's move on to the next topic.
20:16:56 <sesivany> #topic Requests
20:16:56 <robyduck> GUADEC?
20:17:09 <sesivany> #undo
20:17:09 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: <MeetBot.items.Topic object at 0x254f7450>
20:17:34 <robyduck> sorry sesivany
20:17:38 <sesivany> robyduck: GUADEC 2013 will be in Brno... where else :D
20:17:56 <robyduck> yeah I know, from 1st to 8th august if I'm right
20:18:13 <sesivany> robyduck: yes
20:18:34 <robyduck> are we going to be present in some way?
20:18:37 <sesivany> #info GUADEC 2013, the GNOME conference, will be held in Brno from August 1st to 8th - https://www.guadec.org/
20:19:06 <sesivany> robyduck: I'm one of the main organizers, there are many redhatters and fedorans involved.
20:19:18 <sesivany> robyduck: we're considering to have a Fedora booth there.
20:19:22 <robyduck> oh nice
20:19:25 <robyduck> really?
20:19:41 <nehardido> nice ..
20:19:44 * robyduck takes notice
20:19:49 <robyduck> :)
20:20:11 <sesivany> robyduck: yeah, it depends on volunteers 'cause I'll be too busy organizing it.
20:20:40 <robyduck> will see if I can be there, why not...
20:20:59 <robyduck> thx sesivany, go on, I think there is a lot to say today
20:21:25 <sesivany> robyduck: if you need any additional info, just drop me an email ;)
20:21:31 <sesivany> ok, let's move on
20:21:34 <robyduck> ok
20:21:39 <sesivany> #topic Requests
20:21:52 * sesivany is looking at the EMEA trac.
20:22:38 <sesivany> there is only one more and it's mine :)
20:23:00 <sesivany> #link https://fedorahosted.org/emea-swag-tracking/ticket/240 - Production of Fedora Buttons
20:23:45 <sesivany> we have about $350 left for swag in this quarter and we have no Fedora buttons left, so I propose to produce some.
20:24:01 <sesivany> there are two questions to answer...
20:24:17 <mhroncok> +1 for 24mm, fedora, no shrodingers cat
20:24:36 <sesivany> do we want only the smaller one we have had so far or do we want a larger ones, too?
20:24:38 <LinuxCode> 350 for buttons ?
20:24:44 <LinuxCode> that is a lot of buttons
20:24:59 <robyduck> +1 smaller one
20:25:29 <sesivany> LinuxCode: it's 1000 buttons, the price should be $300, not $350.
20:25:42 <gnokii> aargh
20:26:00 <sesivany> gnokii: ?
20:26:02 <rgeri77> +1 larger
20:26:16 <LinuxCode> sesivany, what size ?
20:26:28 <gnokii> since they changed to openID login I cant login anymore sucks
20:26:38 <puiterwijk> gnokii: what is the problem?
20:26:52 <mhroncok> gnokii:
20:26:52 <mhroncok> The quotes are:
20:26:52 <mhroncok> 24mm buttons - 6 CZK ($.30) a piece
20:26:52 <mhroncok> 37mm buttons - 7.50 CZK ($.35) a piece
20:26:52 <mhroncok> plus some small amount for shipping
20:26:53 <mhroncok> We've always produced 24mm ones, but there has been a proposal to also produce a bigger ones. We can also produce some F19 special with Schrödinger's Cat. To fit in our budget, the total number should not exceed 1000 pieces.
20:26:58 <rgeri77> once i made buttons like this with the 4F words : http://kepeink.hu/main.php?g2_itemId=7899&g2_imageViewsIndex=1
20:27:46 <LinuxCode> I know everyone is going off on the next releases theme, but I would keep it to the simple Fedora logo
20:27:51 <sesivany> ok, let's go step by step....
20:27:56 <LinuxCode> 1000 buttons is quite a lot
20:28:04 <puiterwijk> gnokii: please PM me for openid support
20:28:08 <sesivany> first question:
20:28:36 <sesivany> do we want only the small ones, or half small ones and half larger ones?
20:28:46 <mhroncok> +1 only small ones
20:29:05 * LinuxCode measures the buttons he has
20:29:28 <puiterwijk> +1 for large ones
20:29:51 <LinuxCode> hmmm the larger ones have the tendency to bend
20:29:57 <LinuxCode> the pin on backpacks
20:29:59 <LinuxCode> etc..
20:30:06 <rgeri77> i have one Mozilla 35mm in my hand, and its Ok i think. +1 35mm or 37mm
20:30:19 <LinuxCode> I have some EFF 24mm ones
20:30:21 <mhroncok> small ones: https://www.dropbox.com/s/covifyehlvnsuld/2013-04-24%2022.45.03.jpg
20:30:26 <LinuxCode> they never bent the pins off
20:30:41 <LinuxCode> sesivany, go 50/50
20:30:44 <LinuxCode> ;-p
20:30:53 <rgeri77> LinuxCode: you right
20:31:05 <LinuxCode> if the manufacturer will allow it, without increased costings
20:31:06 <sesivany> looks like that's the consensus.
20:31:35 <rgeri77> 50/50 its ok
20:31:39 <sesivany> LinuxCode: the cost is a bit higher: $.30 vs $.35, but it's not such a big different.
20:31:43 <mhroncok> +1 50/50
20:31:48 <LinuxCode> no I meant, volume pricing
20:31:59 <LinuxCode> minimum order , per item price etc..
20:32:13 <sesivany> LinuxCode: the volume pricing is the same between 500 and 1000.
20:32:16 <LinuxCode> k
20:32:20 <LinuxCode> cool
20:32:32 <LinuxCode> then I would go 50/50
20:33:13 <sesivany> ok, the other question is: do we want just Fedora logo buttons or something else? Like 4Foundations or F19 Schrodinger's Cat or whatever?
20:33:39 <LinuxCode> dont forget, buttons are quite small
20:33:49 <mhroncok> 4F for 24mm would not be visible I think
20:34:01 <nehardido> sesivany: allow me sir to say i go with multi graphics pins
20:34:06 <gnokii> mhroncok: depends
20:34:20 <mhroncok> gnokii: I mean all four of them on one button
20:34:38 <LinuxCode> sesivany, doe the design team have a round version of schroedingers ?
20:35:09 <sesivany> LinuxCode: probably not, but we have gnokii :)
20:35:31 <LinuxCode> tbh, I would make Fedora standard logo ones
20:35:40 <LinuxCode> they are visible, it is a know brand
20:35:50 <LinuxCode> people can identify it from a distance
20:35:59 <LinuxCode> also, if you have 1000 to shift
20:36:07 <rgeri77> and they think its Facebook :-) (oh my)
20:36:19 <LinuxCode> rgeri77, then it is up to us, to educate them
20:36:39 <LinuxCode> in a way that is a positive
20:36:47 <LinuxCode> it starts a conversation
20:36:47 <rgeri77> I did it :-)......with a hammer :-)
20:36:48 <sesivany> LinuxCode: I've got similar opinion, people can hardly associate 4F with Fedora.
20:37:32 <sesivany> ok, should we go just with Fedora logo ones?
20:37:40 <mhroncok> +1 just fedora logo
20:37:45 <LinuxCode> +1
20:38:30 <sesivany> ok, +1 from me, too.
20:38:36 <rgeri77> 80% Fedora logo, 20% 4F, but its mean +1 Fedora logo
20:38:48 <LinuxCode> sesivany, when does this quarters billing cycle end again ?
20:39:22 <sesivany> LinuxCode: the deadline is around May 20th, so pretty close.
20:39:43 <LinuxCode> also it is quite a while yet before F19 release
20:39:51 <LinuxCode> so in the meantime, we could shift stuff
20:39:59 <LinuxCode> if it is plain
20:40:58 <sesivany> LinuxCode: yeah, it's my plan to get refilled for F19. Distribution is pending on media which will be available just before the release.
20:41:42 <LinuxCode> yeh
20:42:07 <sesivany> gnokii: we need an artwork for 37mm, the one available is just 24mm. Would you be able to do it?
20:42:22 <gnokii> until when?
20:42:40 <LinuxCode> sesivany, I have a 37mm button here with the logo on
20:42:49 <LinuxCode> should be available in the designs
20:43:01 <LinuxCode> if we are talking about the fedora logo
20:43:25 <sesivany> #agreed the ticket #240 was approved. We go for Fedora logo ones. Half 24mm ones, half 37mm ones.
20:43:54 <sesivany> I'm not sure. gnokii, is it available for different sizes?
20:44:09 <LinuxCode> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Marketing_collateral#Buttons
20:44:28 <gnokii> its available in 1.5
20:44:41 <LinuxCode> gnokii, Mo should be able to help here
20:45:12 <LinuxCode> ahh scribus source
20:45:14 <gnokii> i dont think she has the time now
20:45:30 <LinuxCode> gnokii, check the link, there is source for scribus
20:45:40 <gnokii> ^^
20:45:56 <sesivany> gnokii: if it's available for 1.5, we're OK, that's the larger size.
20:46:26 <gnokii> can resize that its not a big deal
20:47:14 <sesivany> gnokii: that'd be great.
20:48:08 <sesivany> gnokii: I'll talk to you about it privately. Again, time matters :-/
20:48:08 <mhroncok> do we need to discuss technical part of thing right now?
20:48:43 <sesivany> mhroncok: no, let's move on...
20:49:08 <sesivany> #topic Budget
20:49:39 <sesivany> #link http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Ambassadors/EMEA/Budget#Q1_.28March_-_May_2013.29
20:50:07 <sesivany> as we're very close to the end of the quarter, I'd like to talk a bit about the budget.
20:51:06 <sesivany> a lot of our expenses that are related to this quarter will land in RHT accounting the next quarter.
20:51:20 <jonar> .fas jfarcher
20:51:21 <zodbot> jonar: jfarcher 'Jonathan Archer' <jon@rosslug.org.uk>
20:51:25 <mhroncok> LinuxWochen other than Vienna, were they used?
20:51:31 <sesivany> it should not be a problem, we spoke with rsuehle about it.
20:52:14 <sesivany> mhroncok: no, some of it will be used for the Vienna one which was a bit more expensive than planned, the rest will be used to lower our budget to meet the annual limit.
20:52:43 <gnokii> mhroncok: no and there is only one left
20:52:57 <sesivany> cmpahar: do you know anything about Fosscomm? It has already taken place, right?
20:53:51 <sesivany> what I'd like to ask you for is to provide receipt and ask for reimbursement as soon as possible.
20:54:36 <sesivany> gnokii: any updates about others receipts for Vienna? The apartment?
20:54:48 <gnokii> ??
20:55:18 <sesivany> gnokii: was it cwickert who paid the apartment?
20:55:29 <gnokii> yes and he has the invoice
20:56:01 <sesivany> gnokii: he hasn't uploaded it yet, but it's later for this quarter anyway.
20:57:44 <sesivany> #info Provide receipts and ask for reimbursement as soon as possible. We need as many expenses as possible to land in RHT accounting in the same quarter.
20:58:01 <sesivany> ok, anything else to the budget?
20:58:07 <mhroncok> when's the deadline?
20:59:07 <sesivany> mhroncok: for reimbursements via community credit card, it's already too late. All payments made by the credit card in May will land in RHT accounting in June.
21:00:01 <mhroncok> I mean for my travel expenses mainly
21:00:15 <sesivany> for other payments that go to the RHT finances directly (e.g. when I buy buttons, media etc.), it's usually 10 days before the end of the quarter.
21:00:55 <sesivany> mhroncok: if you get reimbursed by Joerg Simon, it's via the community credit card.
21:01:32 <mhroncok> ok
21:01:39 <sesivany> ok, let's move on, shall we?
21:02:08 * jonar Apologies for being late
21:03:12 <sesivany> jonar: no problem, no one will tell on you ;-)
21:03:23 <jonar> :)
21:03:28 <sesivany> #topic Ambassador's Schedule
21:03:43 * sesivany is looking for the schedule...
21:03:55 <sesivany> #link http://fedorapeople.org/groups/schedule/f-19/f-19-ambassadors-tasks.html
21:04:43 <sesivany> the call for release parties is getting nearer...
21:05:01 <sesivany> is anyone planning to organize a F19 release party?
21:05:08 <mhroncok> me
21:05:11 <puiterwijk> sesivany: yes, I am
21:05:25 <rgeri77> of course
21:05:27 <jonar> yes me too
21:05:43 <jonar> just waiting to hear back from someone on a venue to hold one
21:05:48 <nehardido> sesivany: no
21:06:03 <sesivany> mhroncok: Prague?
21:06:09 <mhroncok> yes
21:06:23 <sesivany> mhroncok: just don't rely on Bogo ;-)
21:06:47 <mhroncok> don't worry, won't do that again
21:07:25 <sesivany> I encourage everyone to organize a release party, it's an opportunity to show users the newest release of Fedora and it's usually a lot of fun, too :)
21:07:43 <robyduck> sesivany: we have the Lugano one, delayed from F18...but it's rather early now to confirm it
21:07:55 <robyduck> and also Ivrea
21:08:26 <sesivany> when the call is on, just don't forget to add it to the list and file a request for swag and media in our trac.
21:08:50 <robyduck> ok
21:09:07 <mhroncok> Release Event Funding Request Deadline	Fri 2013-07-12 ?
21:09:59 <sesivany> bear in mind that it usually takes 10 days to produce media, then some time for shipping, safe time to hold is is about 20 days after the release if you want to have media.
21:10:31 <nehardido> sesivany: i will contact the Djaloul Bouida ''the algerian fedora ambassador '' about the release party
21:11:12 <sesivany> mhroncok: it doesn't really apply to us since we have no money to fund release parties (except for providing swag and media) because of budget cuts.
21:11:53 <mhroncok> ok, we can discuss this later personaly
21:12:43 <sesivany> nehardido: it'd be great. You don't have to go large for the first time. You can make a smaller event for a few students at your university, gather some experience and make it bigger next time.
21:13:28 <sesivany> anything else to the schedule or release events?
21:13:44 <nehardido> sesivany:  okay i will try to ...
21:14:59 <sesivany> #topic Events
21:15:13 * sesivany looking at the list of Fedora events...
21:16:06 <sesivany> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Events?rd=FedoraEvents#FY14_Q1_.28March_2013_-_May_2013.29_2
21:16:12 <sesivany> but it's very outdated.
21:16:27 * sesivany hopes that it will be replaced by some working calendar soon.
21:17:39 <sesivany> anyway, gnokii, mhroncok, rgeri77: how was LinuxWochen?
21:18:00 <mhroncok> great breakfasts :D
21:18:04 <gnokii> :D
21:18:07 <rgeri77> :-)
21:18:34 <gnokii> the new building is bigger so exhibition was small compared to the room size, talks was good visited
21:18:51 <mhroncok> we were the only regular booth tehre
21:18:56 <gnokii> no
21:19:14 <gnokii> there was also wikimedia, debian, osm
21:19:14 <rgeri77> the booth takes 3 tables :-)
21:19:21 <sesivany> I've read gnokii's report and it seemed like a Fedora event. A lot of Fedora talks, great booth,...
21:19:22 <rgeri77> so its not regular :-)
21:20:18 <sesivany> mhroncok: on opensuse?
21:21:01 <mhroncok> opensuse had a booth with some posters, but I haven't seen there anyone
21:21:18 <sesivany> mhroncok: that's typical of them :)
21:21:36 <sesivany> anyway, the next event coming is LinuxTag.
21:21:59 <sesivany> mhroncok, gnokii: did you speak with cwickert about it in Vienna?
21:22:08 <mhroncok> a bit
21:22:38 <mhroncok> but from my point, nothing serious was discussed
21:22:48 * gnokii is not happy to be the man in the middle
21:22:49 <sesivany> I still haven't received any answer about accommodation, so I hope we won't sleep under a bridge :)
21:23:09 <mhroncok> we can sleep in the car
21:24:10 <sesivany> gnokii: is cwickert still using his fedoraproject.org email address? because I haven't received any reply to my emails for last month or more.
21:24:33 <mhroncok> sesivany: we can ping hi on Facebook or G+
21:25:06 <gnokii> I am sure he has something reserved and u will know it before u arrive in Berlin where it is, if not we all sleep at his place ;)
21:25:23 <sesivany> gnokii: :-)
21:26:16 <sesivany> ok, after LinuxTag, there is Solution Linux in Paris, another large event.
21:26:36 <sesivany> but it's in hands of French guys
21:27:26 <sesivany> nothing else between now and the F19 release
21:27:59 <jonar> that really is straight after LinuxTag
21:28:27 <sesivany> no actions items from the previous meeting, so we can skip that...
21:28:40 <sesivany> #topic OpenFloor
21:28:47 <biker> !
21:28:53 <sesivany> biker: go ahead
21:29:12 <biker> well,., i dont think anyone here knows me,., and thats why im here,., to introduce myself
21:29:46 <biker> my name is Ruben,., i live in Tijuana, Mexico, as well as in San Diego, California, USA (same city with just a border in the middle)
21:29:56 <biker> so im an ambassador from LATAM and from FAMNA
21:30:06 <biker> but on august ill move to eindhoven, in the netherlands
21:30:26 <biker> so ill be part of emea then (:
21:30:48 <mhroncok> ultimate ambassador
21:30:49 <sesivany> biker: welcome on board ;)
21:31:09 <biker> thanks sesivany (:
21:31:19 <rgeri77> Welcome biker
21:31:20 <biker> so anything in what i can help,., im available from august (:
21:31:31 <sesivany> puiterwijk will be glad to have another Fedora mate in the Netherlands, right? ;)
21:31:43 <puiterwijk> sesivany: absolutely!
21:32:14 <puiterwijk> biker: too bbad you'll be too late for the release party I'm scheduling, but you'll be in time for the next one ;)
21:32:14 <biker> hehe nice :D
21:32:23 <biker> sure!
21:32:26 <biker> :p
21:32:41 <biker> we have to some big event over there ;)
21:32:42 <rgeri77> bye guys. my router disconnect me in seconds........
21:32:44 <gnokii> might interested in froscon as it is not far
21:32:47 <biker> to do *
21:32:58 <mhroncok> rgeri77: bye
21:33:24 <sesivany> biker: you can get in touch with other Fedora ambassadors in the Netherlands.
21:33:25 <puiterwijk> biker: yeah, I'm planning to do that, and it's nice to have another ambassador nearby :)
21:33:43 <biker> puiterwijk: ill help with whatever i can :D
21:33:51 <biker> sesivany: i though puiterwijk was the only one
21:33:59 <nehardido> sesivany: sir would you allow me to left the meeting ... i got quite a day tomorrow in the univ ! sorry
21:34:20 <puiterwijk> biker: no, I'm not the only one, but I believe i'm the only active one ;)
21:34:28 <biker> oo okok :p
21:34:59 <biker> well hope to meet you puiterwijk and all of you soon (:
21:35:08 <sesivany> puiterwijk: is pingou still in the Netherlands?
21:35:28 <puiterwijk> sesivany: yes, he is. but I believe he's not that active with FAm right now, because of his research?
21:36:02 <sesivany> nehardido: no problem, it's ending the meeting soon anyway. Glad to see you here!
21:36:09 <misc> yep, I think he plan to finish his thesis soon
21:36:19 <nehardido> sesivany: thank you sir
21:36:33 <nehardido> good night everyone & thanks you
21:36:35 <puiterwijk> misc: yeah, indeed.
21:36:41 <nehardido> thank you ...sorry
21:37:04 <sesivany> nehardido: good night!
21:37:48 <sesivany> ok, anything else to discuss?
21:38:57 <biker> thanks a lot (:
21:39:12 <jonar> !
21:39:25 <sesivany> jonar: go ahead
21:39:35 <jonar> just a quick question, is June the start of the next quarter for events etc
21:40:51 <jonar> Just so I know when to start arranging for the event in July
21:41:00 <sesivany> jonar: yes, but it matters only regarding the budget.
21:41:38 <sesivany> jonar: Fedora follows the fiscal year of Red Hat: March-May, June-Aug, Sept-Nov, Dec-Feb.
21:41:57 <jonar> OK fine, I'll mention the details of the event in the next meeting then. no point bringing it up too soon.... No budget needed for the event
21:42:20 <sesivany> jonar: ok
21:43:08 <jonar> thanks
21:44:33 <sesivany> if there is nothing else, let me thank you for attending the meeting tonight. We'll see if I can chair the meeting in two weeks because I'll be at LinuxTag.
21:45:16 <jonar> thank you.
21:45:23 <jonar> enjoy Linux Tag!
21:45:59 <sesivany> #endmeeting