20:08:08 <suehle> #startmeeting 20:08:08 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu Nov 15 20:08:08 2012 UTC. The chair is suehle. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 20:08:08 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 20:08:14 <suehle> #meetingname Fedora Marketing team 20:08:14 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_marketing_team' 20:08:19 <suehle> #topic roll call 20:08:25 * jnalley is here 20:09:25 <suehle> Cozy meeting. :) 20:09:56 * jsmith lurks 20:10:18 * thunderbirdtr sit the corner 20:11:41 <suehle> Good thing I didn't have a lot of pressing matters. 20:12:27 <suehle> Not only that, the FUDcon subsidy meeting will overlap. Either/any of you have things that need to be discussed, or shall we call it a day? 20:12:57 <thunderbirdtr> suehle, ! (If you let me ) 20:14:23 <suehle> yeah, go ahead 20:14:40 <thunderbirdtr> I just wonder did fedora have any "sound" or "music" press on marketing or on wiki somehow 20:15:24 <suehle> Do you mean a)like a signature sound we use in videos, b)a stock library of audio, or c)press coverage of ... something sound-related? 20:15:37 <thunderbirdtr> uhm like a SPIN 20:15:43 <suehle> ah! 20:16:50 <thunderbirdtr> and can be "c" option 20:16:52 <thunderbirdtr> yes 20:16:56 <suehle> I'm pretty sure there's not a spin, but I'm checking to see if there's a remix. 20:17:43 <suehle> I don't see one on a quick search, but that doesn't mean it doesn't exist. 20:18:01 <suehle> There is this: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Audio_creation_spin_development?rd=AudioCreationSpinDevelopment 20:18:26 <suehle> It looks like it had lagged and may have had some steam, but there's no report about what the GSoC student did. Timeline says set for F18 release. 20:18:42 * rbergeron pokes in 20:18:54 <suehle> Welcome to our very quiet meeting! 20:19:00 <rbergeron> YARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR 20:19:17 <rbergeron> I came to liven tihngs up with the sounds of my coughing and snorting. 20:19:19 <thunderbirdtr> is it have some mean rbergeron ? 20:19:24 <suehle> Ooh, I can contribute to that symphony. 20:19:25 <jsmith> rbergeron: You got the plague too, eh? 20:19:28 <rbergeron> Yes. 20:19:35 * jsmith is getting over a sinus infection he got in Phoenix last week 20:19:50 <suehle> Although I've mostly descended to an occasional thunderous cough with a squeaky voice. 20:20:03 <suehle> Unless rbergeron has something, I think we can call the meeting dead. 20:20:26 <rbergeron> I've got nottalotta. Other than "can't wait to do a subsidy meeting" 20:20:35 <suehle> #endmeeting