17:01:18 <cwickert> #startmeeting FAmSCo 2012-10-22 17:01:18 <zodbot> Meeting started Mon Oct 22 17:01:18 2012 UTC. The chair is cwickert. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 17:01:18 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 17:01:27 <cwickert> #meetingname famsco 17:01:27 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'famsco' 17:01:51 <cwickert> #chair aeperezt cwickert 17:01:51 <zodbot> Current chairs: aeperezt cwickert 17:01:57 <cwickert> #chair nb 17:01:57 <zodbot> Current chairs: aeperezt cwickert nb 17:02:05 <aeperezt> .fas aeperezt 17:02:05 <zodbot> aeperezt: aeperezt 'Alejandro Perez' <alejandro.perez.torres@gmail.com> 17:02:20 <cwickert> #chair Sesivany 17:02:20 <zodbot> Current chairs: Sesivany aeperezt cwickert nb 17:03:01 * cwickert looks for dbruno, herlo and dckurera 17:03:06 <cwickert> erm, bckurera 17:03:12 <cwickert> #topic Roll call 17:03:18 <cwickert> .fas cwickert 17:03:18 <zodbot> cwickert: cwickert 'Christoph Wickert' <christoph.wickert@googlemail.com> 17:03:44 <Sesivany> Im connected from my cell phone, couldnt make it to the computer today, so Ill be rather passive. 17:03:55 <Sesivany> .fas eischmann 17:03:55 <zodbot> Sesivany: eischmann 'Jiri Eischmann' <eischmann@redhat.com> 17:04:27 <cwickert> #chair herlo 17:04:27 <zodbot> Current chairs: Sesivany aeperezt cwickert herlo nb 17:04:35 <herlo> hello all 17:05:24 <cwickert> anybody else here? 17:06:03 <aeperezt> hello all 17:06:12 <nb> hi 17:07:19 <cwickert> #info present: aeperezt, cwickert, herlo, Sesivany and nb; dbruno and bckurera are not 17:07:40 <cwickert> ok, lets start 17:07:53 <cwickert> the meeting agenda is at https://fedorahosted.org/famsco/report/9 17:08:02 <cwickert> lets deal with the easy tickets first 17:08:10 <cwickert> that is the approval of new mentors 17:08:29 <cwickert> #topic EMEA Mentor Nomination: Zoltan Hoppar (zoltanh721) 17:08:31 <cwickert> .fas 321 17:08:31 <zodbot> cwickert: nishantnik321 'Nishant Singh' <piklunishant@gmail.com> - lumpster321 'gary bump' <garybump47@gmail.com> - prash4321 'Prashant Singh Genda' <prash4321@gmail.com> - coolashu321 'Ashutosh Gupta' <coolashu321@gmail.com> - roylinux 'roy jesse' <aragon673212@aol.com> - nuero 'zhulu' <371132139@qq.com> - xyz321 '' <xy.ziemba@gmail.com> - vishalsingh321 'Vishal Singh' <vishal.singh321@gmail.com> - jimw54321 'Jim (5 more messages) 17:08:40 <herlo> cwickert: I wanted to ask one question on this before we start down the list 17:08:41 <cwickert> oops 17:08:46 <herlo> lol 17:08:50 <cwickert> .famsco 321 17:08:50 <zodbot> https://fedorahosted.org/famsco/ticket/321 17:08:54 <cwickert> herlo: shoot 17:09:08 <herlo> specifically, how many mentors do you have currently in EMEA? 17:09:28 <cwickert> herlo: you are FAMA, aren't you= 17:09:29 <cwickert> ? 17:09:40 <herlo> cwickert: lol, yes. But I don't have that information. 17:09:52 * herlo is still new, so he maybe is supposed to know this, but doesn't 17:10:29 <herlo> cwickert: I'm asking because I'm mostly interested in why the need to have so many additional mentors. 17:10:31 <cwickert> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Ambassadors_Join_choose_a_mentor 17:10:36 * herlo notes he's not necessarily opposed. 17:10:40 <cwickert> because we only have 1,5 atm 17:10:56 <herlo> cwickert: k, I knew it was there. I should have looked there! :/ 17:11:10 <herlo> okay, good enough. just wanted to document the need 17:11:11 <cwickert> one is rsc, the other is fab, but he is only partly available (that's 0,5) ;) 17:11:26 <herlo> cwickert: let's move forward 17:11:47 <cwickert> ok, any objections against zoltanh721? 17:11:59 * herlo votes for zoltanh721 17:12:07 <Sesivany> not from me 17:12:12 <Sesivany> +1 17:12:13 <cwickert> for the minutes: lets make zoltanh721 a mentor 17:12:14 <cwickert> +1 17:12:19 <aeperezt> +1 17:12:22 <Sesivany> +1 17:12:35 <Southern_Gentlem> ? 17:12:40 <herlo> that's 5 +1s, motion carries 17:12:45 <cwickert> erm? 17:12:54 * cwickert counts only 4 17:13:05 <herlo> cwickert: I said I vote for, that's a +1 17:13:13 <cwickert> what about nb? 17:13:25 <Southern_Gentlem> mentors are suppose to be nominated by mentors and i did not see a =1 from Fab who is a mentor? 17:13:30 <Southern_Gentlem> +1 17:13:41 <cwickert> Southern_Gentlem: hold on 17:13:50 <herlo> Southern_Gentlem: there was an email on that, actually. 17:13:53 <cwickert> you are not supposed to vote, are you? 17:13:55 * herlo goes to find it... 17:14:01 <herlo> cwickert: he's pointing out policy 17:14:10 <Southern_Gentlem> i didnt vote i am pointing out policy 17:14:43 <cwickert> AFAIK the policy says the proposal must come from FAMA, right? 17:14:50 <Southern_Gentlem> no 17:14:59 <Southern_Gentlem> propsals come from mentors 17:15:07 <Southern_Gentlem> to FAMSCO for approval 17:15:09 <herlo> cwickert: mentors nominate mentors 17:15:14 * herlo didn't nominate these folks 17:15:33 <Southern_Gentlem> now if fab had +1 in the ticket i would have no issue 17:15:38 <cwickert> guys, this sucks 17:15:43 <herlo> cwickert: hang on 17:15:44 <cwickert> he did +1 in the ticket 17:15:45 <Southern_Gentlem> but we are going to follow our rules 17:16:01 <cwickert> where are the rules? 17:16:03 <herlo> I think fab technically did nominate 17:16:12 <herlo> cwickert: on the same page you pointed me to earlier 17:16:17 <nb> +1 to the new mentors 17:16:23 <cwickert> herlo: no they are not 17:16:41 <Southern_Gentlem> cwickert, show me in that ticket that fab +1 17:16:51 <herlo> Southern_Gentlem: it's there 17:16:54 <Southern_Gentlem> the ticket shows that fab took ownership 17:16:55 <cwickert> Southern_Gentlem: read the backlog 17:17:13 <herlo> cwickert: yes it is 17:17:14 <herlo> "Regional Ambassador Mentors are a group of people - selected, proposed and appointed by people - not by a leveling system - based on trust (and a lot of soft facts), Prospective mentors are nominated by existing Mentors and confirmed by FAmSCo - [1]. If you want to be a mentor for the Ambassador group, be a good ambassador and if asked, volunteer to help, when needed. One great way to prepare is, to be a good mentor for the project as a whole." 17:17:20 <herlo> that's on http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Ambassadors_Join_choose_a_mentor#Regional_Ambassador_Mentors 17:17:48 * herlo argues that fab did indeed nominate these prospective mentors 17:17:55 <cwickert> we are dealing with two different problems 17:18:02 <cwickert> 1. lack of documentation 17:18:16 <nb> comment:2 Changed 8 hours ago by fab 17:18:17 <nb> This ticket is open for a week now. Are there any objections? 17:18:25 <herlo> cwickert: it's documented 17:18:26 * nb interprets that as fab supporting the proposal 17:18:28 <herlo> as I showed above 17:18:42 <Southern_Gentlem> herlo i see where fab assigned the ticket to himself but i dont see a +1 from him 17:18:43 <cwickert> herlo you had an action item to document the stuff from https://fedorahosted.org/fama/wiki/mentoring in the wiki 17:18:50 <herlo> as for the nomination, http://lists.fedoraproject.org/pipermail/ambassadors/2012-October/020378.html 17:19:02 <herlo> cwickert: it's documented 17:19:05 <herlo> I keep saying this 17:19:15 <herlo> it doesn't need to be on *that* page specifically 17:19:28 <cwickert> ok, what are we talking about now? the individual nomination or the process? 17:19:30 <herlo> it just needs to be on the wiki and it is. Plus, I haven't had time to get to that. 17:19:35 <herlo> the process 17:19:55 <cwickert> ok, where is the authoritative source for the process? 17:19:57 <Southern_Gentlem> cwickert, in this case the nomination 17:20:16 <herlo> cwickert: the process is on the page I noted above. 17:20:21 <herlo> it's clear 17:20:36 <Southern_Gentlem> i have no opinion on the candidate just want the policy followed is all 17:20:36 <herlo> Prospective mentors are nominated by existing Mentors and confirmed by FAmSCo - [1] 17:21:03 <Southern_Gentlem> so if it is the consenus that fab made the nomination so be it 17:21:18 <herlo> cwickert: it was agreed to here: http://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-meeting/2010-01-07/fedora-meeting.2010-01-07-18.06.html 17:21:32 <herlo> item 'h' under 4. Rules for FAMSCO elections 17:22:05 <cwickert> herlo: some mailing list post is hard to find, that's why should have it properly in the wiki 17:22:11 <herlo> cwickert: ?? 17:22:18 <herlo> it is documented in the wiki properly 17:22:36 <herlo> it may not be on the page you want it on, but it is documented 17:22:42 <Southern_Gentlem> so the vote is legal and should stand 17:22:47 <cwickert> hold on 17:22:52 <cwickert> one thing at a time 17:23:02 <herlo> Southern_Gentlem: yes, please hold on 17:23:10 <cwickert> herlo: I think the documentation is a little sparse 17:23:26 <herlo> cwickert: that's fine. When I have time, I will codify it in a more central place. 17:23:41 <cwickert> it should be documented in the wiki properly and we should consolidate the info from https://fedorahosted.org/fama/wiki/mentoring into one page 17:24:10 <cwickert> #action herlo to add the info from https://fedorahosted.org/fama/wiki/mentoring to http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Ambassadors_Join_choose_a_mentor#Regional_Ambassador_Mentors 17:24:11 <herlo> cwickert: that has been discussed and agreed previously. I'm not debating this with you. 17:24:18 <Southern_Gentlem> cwickert, 1) it is on the wiki and it was approved by this committee as pointed out in the meeting minutes of this committee 17:24:21 <herlo> cwickert: we don't need another action item 17:24:29 <herlo> it's on a previous one and I know about it 17:24:35 <cwickert> ok, sorry about it 17:24:40 <herlo> #undo 17:24:40 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: <MeetBot.items.Action object at 0x2678d090> 17:24:51 <herlo> let's move back to the task at hand 17:25:15 <cwickert> herlo: FYI: I just received a mail today and somebody asked me how to become a mentor, so obviously this is not clear 17:25:21 <herlo> now, are we are clear that fab nominated the folks? 17:25:30 <herlo> cwickert: or they didn't read 17:25:52 <herlo> are we clear that fab nominated the potential Mentors? 17:26:13 <cwickert> as for the nominations in trac 17:26:25 <cwickert> these come from a session at FUDCon 17:26:36 <Southern_Gentlem> herlo, for what it is worth i will nominate zoltanh721 as a mentor 17:26:41 <herlo> cwickert: that, and the mailing list post above makes it clear to me. Everyone else agree? 17:26:50 <cwickert> the only reason while I filed them instead of fab was that he was running the session 17:26:58 <herlo> Southern_Gentlem: sure, but we can just do this in one swath if we agree here. 17:27:12 <cwickert> I filed these tickets on behalf of fab, understood? 17:27:22 <cwickert> he was in the room and asked me to do it 17:27:32 <cwickert> and he already gave his +1 in the ticket 17:27:36 * pingou can testify 17:27:36 <herlo> let's get everyone else to agree, but I think it's a formality 17:27:40 <cwickert> by asking if there are any objections 17:27:47 <herlo> sure 17:27:51 <herlo> sounds good ot me 17:27:53 <cwickert> propsal: lets make zoltan721 a mentor 17:27:55 <cwickert> +q 17:27:57 <cwickert> +1 17:28:00 <cwickert> argh 17:28:06 <Sesivany> +1 17:28:13 <aeperezt> +1 17:28:17 <herlo> +1 17:28:26 <herlo> nb: ?? 17:28:56 <nb> +1 17:29:17 <cwickert> agreed: zoltan721 is a new mentor for the EMEA region 17:29:21 <cwickert> #agreed: zoltan721 is a new mentor for the EMEA region 17:29:41 <cwickert> #topic EMEA Mentor Nomination: Gerold Kassube (geroldka) 17:29:49 <cwickert> .famsco https://fedorahosted.org/famsco/ticket/322 17:29:49 <zodbot> https://fedorahosted.org/famsco/ticket/https://fedorahosted.org/famsco/ticket/322 17:30:02 <cwickert> propsal: lets make geroldka a mentor 17:30:05 <cwickert> +1 17:30:08 <nb> + 17:30:13 <nb> +1 17:30:13 <aeperezt> +1 17:30:17 <Sesivany> +1 17:30:21 * rbergeron pops in while she can 17:30:30 <herlo> +1 17:30:36 <cwickert> #agreed: geroldka is a new mentor for the EMEA region 17:30:46 * herlo likes the pace of this... :0 17:30:48 <cwickert> #topic EMEA Mentor Nomination: Kévin Raymond (shaiton) 17:30:54 <herlo> +1 17:30:56 <cwickert> .fasmsco https://fedorahosted.org/famsco/ticket/323 17:31:02 <Sesivany> +1 17:31:04 <cwickert> propsal: lets make shaiton a mentor 17:31:07 <cwickert> +1 17:31:18 <nb> +1 17:31:22 <cwickert> for France only btw 17:31:41 <herlo> how you determine the local region is not a concern imo 17:31:45 <cwickert> or preferably for France 17:31:59 <herlo> that's an EMEA discussion, fwiw 17:32:06 <cwickert> #agreed: shaiton is a new mentor for France 17:32:23 <cwickert> #topic EMEA Mentor Nomination: Jiri Eischmann (eischmann) 17:32:30 <nb> +1 17:32:30 <cwickert> .fasmsco https://fedorahosted.org/famsco/ticket/324 17:32:33 <cwickert> +1 17:32:35 <herlo> +1 17:32:41 <Sesivany> Im not voting :-) 17:32:48 <cwickert> :) 17:32:52 * herlo notes this is Sesivany 17:32:52 <thunderbirdtr> +1 :) 17:33:03 <cwickert> thunderbirdtr: you are not allowed to vote :) 17:33:04 <herlo> lol, thunderbirdtr you don't vote 17:33:13 <cwickert> aeperezt: what about you? 17:33:15 <herlo> thanks for the vote of confidence, however. 17:33:17 <thunderbirdtr> cwickert, herlo okey okey :) I will just sit 17:33:18 <aeperezt> +1 17:33:36 <cwickert> #agreed: eischmann is a new mentor for EMEA 17:33:41 <Sesivany> thunderbirdtr: thanks for your vote anyway ;-) 17:33:44 <cwickert> #topic EMEA Mentor Nomination: Christos Bacharakis (cmpahar) 17:33:51 <cwickert> .fasmsco https://fedorahosted.org/famsco/ticket/325 17:33:52 <cwickert> +1 17:33:53 <herlo> +1 17:33:57 <thunderbirdtr> Sesivany, you're welcome 17:34:09 <Sesivany> +1 17:34:28 <cwickert> aeperezt, nb: your votes please 17:34:34 <aeperezt> +1 17:35:04 * cwickert doesn't want to wait for nb 17:35:08 <nb> +1 17:35:08 <cwickert> #agreed: cmaphar is a new mentor for EMEA 17:35:11 <cwickert> :) 17:35:15 <herlo> lol 17:35:39 <cwickert> ok, as you can see things went pretty smooth once we agreed on the rules 17:35:55 <cwickert> one more reason to have them documented properly 17:36:16 <Sesivany> Ill be right back, switching to computer... 17:36:25 <Southern_Gentlem> cwickert, sorry but if you want to beat that horse its on the wiki so that is 17:36:28 <Southern_Gentlem> it 17:36:59 <cwickert> Southern_Gentlem: people come and go, you can hardly know anybody what was discussed in a meeting in 2012 17:37:20 <herlo> let's not repeat this discussion. I've already agreed to clean it up 17:37:47 <herlo> moving on 17:38:13 <cwickert> yeah, please make sure you do it when you find the time 17:38:24 <cwickert> lets move to our favorite 17:38:29 <herlo> :) 17:38:33 <cwickert> #topic Budget review guidelines 17:38:35 * herlo is ready for this 17:38:38 <cwickert> .famsco 281 17:38:38 <zodbot> https://fedorahosted.org/famsco/ticket/281 17:38:56 <cwickert> herlo: is there anything written from NA? 17:39:09 <herlo> yes 17:39:22 <herlo> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FAMNA_Reimbursement_Guidelines 17:39:50 <cwickert> thanks, awesome 17:39:53 * herlo notes this has not been discussed at FAMNA meetings yet. 17:40:04 <cwickert> however I am afraid that we have too much information now 17:40:16 <herlo> wha? 17:40:17 <cwickert> means, we have duplicated the info for all the regions 17:40:18 <aeperezt> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Ambassadors/LATAM/Reimbursement 17:40:32 <herlo> cwickert: I'm confused 17:40:51 <cwickert> I'm afraid we overengineered things 17:40:56 <cwickert> things like "Create a wiki page with information about your event (eg: Date and venue, purpose, tentative agenda, detailed budget break down ...) " 17:41:08 <cwickert> are not specific to a region 17:41:09 <herlo> cwickert: that is how it is done 17:41:20 <cwickert> sure, but globally 17:41:29 <herlo> cwickert: I don't think so 17:41:34 <herlo> that's specific to local events 17:41:37 <herlo> within the region 17:41:52 <herlo> but I'm happy to remove more, it's still a work in progress 17:41:56 <cwickert> no, we need a wiki page for every event we do, no matter in which region 17:42:17 <herlo> cwickert: sure, that has little to do with reimbursements though 17:42:20 <cwickert> but other than that I very much like the NA policy 17:42:26 <cwickert> herlo: right 17:42:30 <cwickert> my point exactly 17:42:45 <herlo> cwickert: but if you want to be reimbursed for an event, you *must* have an event page. This is what the policy states. 17:42:50 <cwickert> +1 17:42:57 <cwickert> I totally agree 17:43:02 <herlo> so what is the problem? 17:43:25 <gnokii_> ! 17:43:53 <herlo> gnokii_: just one moment 17:43:53 <cwickert> I think we should have as much as possible on one page, globally that is. the regional guidelines should only cover: how is the decision made, e.g. in what meeting and where to get the money from 17:44:03 <cwickert> because these infos are really regional infos 17:44:28 <Southern_Gentlem> ? 17:44:38 <herlo> Southern_Gentlem: please hold 17:44:54 <cwickert> APAC drafted a policy and it is way to restrictive. EMEA and LATAM copied it 17:44:59 <herlo> cwickert: the thing is, we can do that, but if we wish to override one of those 'global' guidelines. 17:45:22 <herlo> I think that's kind of where I'm going, plus I plan to remove more and clean it up to be more flexible. 17:45:28 <cwickert> +1 17:45:46 <cwickert> the APAC policy states that only ambassadors can receive money 17:45:49 <cwickert> that doesn't fly 17:45:51 <herlo> cwickert: so in my mind, that would be fine to have our own guidelines, even if they are the same as the global guidelines. 17:46:03 <herlo> cwickert: it could in APAC 17:46:09 <herlo> it may or may not in EMEA 17:46:26 <cwickert> herlo: that means a developer will not get money if he attends an event? 17:46:43 <herlo> oh, ambassadors. I misread that as contributor. Sorry 17:46:52 <herlo> yeah, good catch 17:46:52 <cwickert> contributors is fine with me 17:46:56 <herlo> right. 17:47:13 <cwickert> but the question is: do we need a definition of "contributor" then? like CLA+1? 17:47:23 <cwickert> I'd like to keep it as simple as possible 17:47:48 <herlo> cwickert: if so, that can be something on the global guideline. I am thinking most people understand what a fedora contributor is, but if you wish to clarify. 17:47:56 <cwickert> I want people to know where they can get money and not run in circles to and deal with red tape 17:48:39 <herlo> yeah, I think we're moving along nicely though. This isn't an easy thing to put in place. 17:48:51 <cwickert> I think for a start we should work with the NA policy and find out what applies globally and what is locally 17:49:08 <cwickert> let go through the list 17:49:13 <herlo> cwickert: sure, but when it's more refined. I don't think it's ready for that scrutiny yet 17:49:18 <cwickert> ok 17:49:30 <cwickert> then lets hear what gnokii_ and Southern_Gentlem have to tell 17:49:35 <gnokii_> plz keep in mind that filling a lot of stuff in the wiki can be boring, example I requested money from gnome I had to fill a lot in a wiki page, fun part such a wiki page already existed in the fd.o wiki 17:49:47 <gnokii_> eof 17:50:06 <cwickert> gnokii_: well, if you want money from us, then you need to have a wiki page in OUR wiki 17:50:12 <cwickert> and the same goes for GNOME I guess 17:50:25 <cwickert> both have legitimate reasons for that requirement 17:50:32 <Southern_Gentlem> 1) one i think it is up to the regional committees on how they spend their money 17:50:35 <cwickert> but you can just copy the wiki page, can't you? 17:50:40 <herlo> gnokii_: I would also suggest that making it simple you could link to one central doc for details and just give a minimal page in one or more places. 17:50:55 <cwickert> herlo: amen! 17:51:34 <Southern_Gentlem> if they want to send a developer to a conference that is up to them 2) i think it would be good to suggest they change ambassador to contributor 17:51:41 * herlo likes to think object oriented whenever he can :) 17:52:04 <Southern_Gentlem> but if they dont then thats up to that regional committee 17:53:02 <herlo> Southern_Gentlem: I don't disagree with your points. I think that's the goal of the guidelines. 17:53:04 <cwickert> Southern_Gentlem: we said we will review their drafts, that means we'll point out when we think something is wrong. the final decision is still up to the local community 17:53:27 <cwickert> Southern_Gentlem: more concerns? 17:53:41 * cwickert really wants to keep it as simple as possible 17:53:55 <Southern_Gentlem> well other than this committee is the end all of the money to the regions 17:54:19 * cwickert doesn't understand 17:54:22 <herlo> Southern_Gentlem: I think FAmSCo wants to give you the tools to get things done and get out of the way. 17:54:38 <Southern_Gentlem> so yes you can say there is a global policy and the regions have to follow 17:54:52 <cwickert> that's not what we said 17:54:54 <herlo> but there are restrictions that RH has placed upon us, so we must at least follow those minimal restrictions. 17:55:21 <herlo> and thus the regions also. But overall, I think the decisions will continue to lie with the regions themselves. 17:55:34 <cwickert> in fact we are moving things more to the regions 17:55:50 <Southern_Gentlem> eof 17:56:04 <cwickert> in the past only NA has handled it's budget, although they never had an official mandate to do so 17:56:06 <sesivany> right, from EMEA's pespective, we're getting more rights than before. 17:56:22 <cwickert> what we want to do is give all the regions the freedom that NA had before 17:56:25 <herlo> cwickert: yes, I think Southern_Gentlem is only pointing out that NA already does this. And maybe he doesn't want more restrictions. I hope that the guideline we're writing has that in mind and those who are concerned about the guidelines come and help make it work. 17:57:11 <cwickert> Southern_Gentlem: from your POV it might look like we are making things more complicated, but what we are trying to do is have one common level of freedom for all regions 17:57:19 <cwickert> does this make sense? 17:57:28 <herlo> Southern_Gentlem: so I think we're all worked toward the concerns you have. If you see something out of sorts, please let us know. I'd like to make sure we're benefitting everyone. 17:57:30 <Southern_Gentlem> i can see from the aspect of this committee on trying to have a uniform global policy 17:57:36 <herlo> s/worked/working/ 17:57:38 <Southern_Gentlem> that work for all regions 17:57:50 <cwickert> I mean, are you really afraid we are taking away something from you? 17:57:54 <Southern_Gentlem> no 17:58:24 <cwickert> so we have a policy or at least a draft, based on what NA does 17:58:44 <herlo> it's still definitely raw 17:58:45 <Southern_Gentlem> but where the power are there can be abuse and i am only concerned about that 17:58:45 <cwickert> and we just want to figure out what parts could become global standard and what is specific to the region 17:58:55 * herlo notes he needs to step away in 2 minutes for another meeting 17:59:01 <cwickert> right 17:59:14 <cwickert> my proposal is: I will write something down 17:59:25 <cwickert> based upon the drafts by all regions 17:59:47 <nb> the NA draft doesn't seem to add peer review as a lower level, it just mentions asking the regional meeting 17:59:48 <cwickert> example: if all of them require to have a wiki page, we make this a golbal requirement 17:59:51 <cwickert> makes sense? 17:59:51 <Southern_Gentlem> cwickert, maybe the other regions can look at the famna draft and see if they will approve it 18:00:00 <nb> unless i missed it while reading the na draft 18:00:11 <cwickert> Southern_Gentlem: it's definitely better then the other drafts 18:00:34 <cwickert> so I can prepare something in the wiki and then we discuss it next week? 18:00:34 <Southern_Gentlem> ask the regions to consider the famna draft 18:00:41 <cwickert> I will 18:00:42 * herlo basically ripped stuff out 18:01:00 <sesivany> cwickert: some merger of what we in EMEA and what NA have would be nice. I think it's very similar. 18:01:09 * herlo needs to step away, will check back to see the rest of this meeting. 18:01:16 <sesivany> cwickert: APAC's draft is too complicated. 18:01:23 <cwickert> sesivany: yes and yes 18:01:31 <cwickert> ok, I suggest to end this meeting 18:01:34 * cwickert needs to go, too 18:01:44 <cwickert> #topic Open Floor 18:01:47 <cwickert> anything? 18:01:54 <sesivany> no 18:02:35 <cwickert> #action cwickert to draft some budget guidelines based upon the NA guidelines 18:02:38 <cwickert> ok then 18:02:41 <cwickert> #endmeeting