19:02:48 <suehle> #startmeeting 19:02:48 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu Sep 20 19:02:48 2012 UTC. The chair is suehle. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 19:02:48 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 19:03:23 <suehle> #meetingname Fedora Marketing 19:03:23 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_marketing' 19:03:26 <suehle> #topic Roll call 19:04:17 * graphite6 is here 19:04:23 <suehle> oh hai! 19:04:39 <graphite6> and I've injected coffee, so somewhat coherent 19:04:41 <AnnaE> Anna Eusebio :) 19:04:55 <graphite6> hi Anna! 19:05:18 <graphite6> holler suehle 19:05:22 <suehle> I did iced coffee this morning when I should have been wearing a sweatshirt. I've got it all upside down. 19:05:27 <AnnaE> I have a new desk with lots of space now that they moved us over to V1 building 19:05:42 <suehle> yay desks! 19:05:51 <graphite6> sweet! 19:05:56 * niteshnarayanlal is here 19:05:58 * suehle continues to wfb (work from bed), and there's something to be said for that too :D 19:06:08 <graphite6> :D 19:06:14 <AnnaE> +1 19:06:16 <suehle> #topic Stationery 19:06:18 <graphite6> heya niteshnarayanlal 19:06:32 <suehle> graphite6, I think we left this without an actual action item. Were you going to find some possibilities for ordering, or was I or... ? 19:06:35 <niteshnarayanlal> hi all 19:06:44 <suehle> hallo :)) 19:06:48 <graphite6> got the graphic, got the paper, have to unpack the printer to make sure the design is centered 19:07:02 <suehle> Oh, you're just printing it right up yourself. Fancy pants! 19:07:11 <niteshnarayanlal> ! 19:07:18 <graphite6> ahh, I can look into ordering possibilites, but have also done one that people can print at home 19:07:34 <suehle> Cool 19:07:49 <suehle> We should probably also give them instructions on where to obtain the paper if we're going to post it as a DIY 19:07:52 <graphite6> should I look at approved vendors for when people want to order bulk 19:08:03 <suehle> Yeah, definitely 19:08:24 <graphite6> gotcha, and +1 to directions for do it yourselfers 19:08:33 <graphite6> hey, niteshnarayanlal you can just jump in 19:08:45 <niteshnarayanlal> ah sure 19:09:10 <niteshnarayanlal> as probably few of u will be knowing there is a Fedora Video Contest going on 19:09:19 <niteshnarayanlal> and its going to end on 5th October 19:09:28 <niteshnarayanlal> we need to publicize it more 19:09:34 <suehle> #topic Fedora Video Contest 19:09:37 <niteshnarayanlal> so that more folks send there entries for the contest 19:09:42 <niteshnarayanlal> as of now 19:09:49 <niteshnarayanlal> I had posted it on the blogs 19:09:53 <niteshnarayanlal> and social networking websites 19:09:57 <suehle> We have a crapton of events coming up. We could make a little table tent for the booths to advertise it. 19:10:10 <niteshnarayanlal> that will be awesome 19:10:34 <niteshnarayanlal> I think that will surely help 19:10:36 <suehle> graphite6, do you have time to design something? 19:10:42 <niteshnarayanlal> I was wondering what else we can do 19:11:08 <niteshnarayanlal> I mean mizmo helped me by putting the info about it in the #fedora-design topic 19:11:11 <suehle> Is this the first one we've done? 19:11:12 <graphite6> lol, ummmm I could do something basic, but that's probably about all I'd have time for 19:12:11 <graphite6> and I don't know if I could have it done and off to Robyn for Puppet 19:12:50 <graphite6> so actually it might be better if we could tap someone else, but worse case, I could have something by OLF 19:14:56 <niteshnarayanlal> graphite6, cann't we just put a table tent for the booths with the Fedora Video logo :P 19:16:10 <graphite6> sure, I'll take that and copy the contest info onto a sheet 19:16:41 <niteshnarayanlal> that will be awesome 19:16:53 <niteshnarayanlal> graphite6,in bw when is it ? 19:17:52 <graphite6> I think PuppetConf is 26-27, OLF is 28-29 and there are some other events going on in the US during that weekend 19:18:05 <graphite6> as for other ways we could publicize it 19:18:20 <niteshnarayanlal> do we need to extend the closing dates of the contest ? 19:18:31 <graphite6> we could get a post on the fedora G+ page, some tweets 19:19:33 <graphite6> extending the closing date would be up to the video team, if you let me know by this weekend if you've changed it, I could still adjust the booth tent/flyer in time 19:19:48 <niteshnarayanlal> sure thing I can do that 19:20:12 <graphite6> #action graphite6 will create flyer/booth tent for the video contest for PuppetConf, OLF, and other events 19:20:27 <suehle1> thanks! I see we've resumed the grand tradition of my wifi dropping during this meeting 19:20:34 <niteshnarayanlal> :P 19:20:48 <graphite6> #action graphite6 will post the flyer by this weekend so everyone can print copies where needed 19:20:51 <suehle1> I don't even know if this message went through -- what have we done in the past? Are there significantly fewer entries this time? 19:21:15 <graphite6> suehle1: I don't know if something like this has been done in the past 19:21:59 <graphite6> suehle1: and to recap for you, I'll pull together a flyer for the booth 19:22:20 <graphite6> suehle1: what about getting a post on Fedora's G+ page, and maybe a few tweets? 19:23:02 <rbergeron> oh hey a meetin' 19:23:09 <graphite6> hey Robyn 19:23:26 <suehle> Yeah, we haven't really worked out that social media thing yet, have we? 19:23:40 <suehle> niteshnarayanlal, didn't you say you'd posted it on some of those things? 19:24:12 <niteshnarayanlal> suehle, I had posted it on the facebook pages 19:24:22 <niteshnarayanlal> and put it in my tweets 19:24:49 <niteshnarayanlal> although I was thinking to put info about it on some of the facebook pages like vlc 19:24:54 <niteshnarayanlal> but then I realized 19:25:02 <niteshnarayanlal> that might not be a very good idea 19:25:19 <niteshnarayanlal> hey rbergeron hi again :) 19:25:29 <suehle> I'd send a message to the people with the other Fedora social networks and tell them what you'd like them to post: http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Marketing_social_networks 19:25:35 * rbergeron has a question after this topic ;) 19:26:01 <niteshnarayanlal> suehle, that will really help 19:26:23 <suehle> OK, so that gets you a little more exposure! 19:26:29 <suehle> #topic Robyn has a question! 19:27:07 <niteshnarayanlal> I had one random thought that I would like to discuss once rbergeron is done with her question 19:27:08 <suehle> rbergeron? 19:27:10 <rbergeron> hey. so, the flyer: what's a good way to get that printed, and do we have that, like, on the internets somewhere? or only in email 19:27:21 <rbergeron> suehle: was typing ;) 19:27:25 <suehle> "the" flyer... could you be more specific? 19:27:39 <rbergeron> http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Marketing_Fedora_flyer <-- the new one that is not the one i just linked 19:27:50 <rbergeron> that mo had mocked up for us at some point 19:27:58 <suehle> I saw no link before that... does the internet hate me today? 19:28:30 <suehle> Depends on how fast you need them. Super fast, I'd say get somebody to print it at an office for you. 19:28:50 <suehle> We could also send it through that FedEx pickup thing and it won't cost a fortune if you don't want it in five minutes. 19:29:04 <rbergeron> no, i was just thinking maybe on tuesday to take to puppetconf. 19:29:17 <suehle> where is puppetconf? 19:29:31 <graphite6> the land of fog and trolleys 19:29:33 <suehle> and how many? 19:29:51 <rbergeron> downtown SF... maybe 200? I figured maybe it would be a good place to do a "trial run" with them 19:30:03 * suehle doing a quick quote 19:30:06 <graphite6> is this a flyer that should be at OLF too? 19:30:08 <rbergeron> hotel is le meridien if you are needing that specific of info 19:30:24 <rbergeron> graphite6: it could be in theory 19:31:26 <niteshnarayanlal> one more question rbergeron graphite6 suehle 19:31:51 <rbergeron> niteshnarayanlal: sure 19:32:18 <niteshnarayanlal> as we just discussed that it will be good if we can extend the closing date of the contest 19:32:53 <niteshnarayanlal> so just wanted to know ur opinion about by how much date should it be extended 19:33:02 <niteshnarayanlal> Oct 15 or 20th 19:33:07 <niteshnarayanlal> is this looks ok ? 19:34:06 <graphite6> I think so, that should give adequate time for people after Puppet, OLF and Makerfaire 19:34:35 <suehle> Looks like $305 for Kinko's to do 200 of them 19:35:19 <niteshnarayanlal> and do we need to announce the same I mean about extending the date on pages ? 19:35:31 <suehle> plus tax 19:35:36 <niteshnarayanlal> i personally think that's not a very good opinion 19:36:25 <rbergeron> niteshnarayanlal: I think either of those dates are fine. 19:36:33 <niteshnarayanlal> we should just start publicizing it more , as of now since we didn't received any entries so people actually don't know about it 19:36:46 <rbergeron> niteshnarayanlal: you could. I guess my curiosity is whether or not you think it will bring in more videos to begin with 19:37:22 <niteshnarayanlal> rbergeron, its just a start by which we are intended to get some good intro and outro template 19:37:28 <rbergeron> I think plenty of poeple have seen that there is a contest - I guess I wonder if people know how to make videos, or if they are concerned about quality 19:37:41 <rbergeron> niteshnarayanlal: I don't know that i know what you mean by intro and outro template :) 19:37:42 <suehle> My experience is that it's really hard to get people to submit to a video contest. 19:38:09 <niteshnarayanlal> I mean there are many videos related to Fedora lying here and there 19:38:16 <niteshnarayanlal> making difficulty in access 19:38:27 <niteshnarayanlal> so if we get some entries for contest 19:38:41 <niteshnarayanlal> we will use them to put together with those videos 19:38:56 <niteshnarayanlal> and finally we will put them at one place for users 19:39:09 <niteshnarayanlal> rbergeron, https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Videos/FedoraVideos_Contest_Intro/Outro/Draft 19:39:49 <niteshnarayanlal> suehle, true I am just hoping that we get some :P 19:40:22 <rbergeron> I think it may just be confsing to people that they aren't actually making a video, but rather making some sort of video intro, that is probably graphics. 19:40:43 <rbergeron> I suspect intro/outro isn't terminology that any non-video person understands :) 19:41:12 <suehle> I don't think you want a non-video person making what's essentially the branding for all of your videos. 19:42:20 <rbergeron> well, I don't htink there's any guarantee that whatever wins is taken as-is forever, either 19:42:36 <niteshnarayanlal> suehle, yeah that's why our focus is to the person who knows to make videos I guess :P 19:42:43 <rbergeron> niteshnarayanlal: maybe if people submit ideas or pictures of how they think it could look it would be more accessible 19:43:00 <rbergeron> I don't think hte "knows how to make videos" community is huge, esp. if it involves moving graphics or stuff like that. 19:43:31 <niteshnarayanlal> well I can not disagree with that point 19:43:39 <rbergeron> and i suspect the people in the fedora videos group are probably the people who do know that, and i don't know that non-project people will want to spend time on it? 19:43:54 <rbergeron> are the people in the videos group even entering or talking about making entries? 19:44:00 <suehle> yeah, ( ) <size of video-making community ()<size of motion graphics community 19:46:04 <rbergeron> niteshnarayanlal: maybe it's worth exploring if people have ideas, and then we can pursue someone actually making it? 19:46:34 <niteshnarayanlal> +1 from my side 19:47:07 * niteshnarayanlal wishes other video team members would also have been here 19:47:14 <rbergeron> i would suggest opening the contest up to ideas or storyboards or etc.... "my vision for an introduction" 19:48:21 <niteshnarayanlal> rbergeron, will it be possible if we can make it in two stages 19:48:34 <niteshnarayanlal> I mean in one stage contestant need to submit there ideas 19:48:40 <niteshnarayanlal> and vision etc . 19:48:48 <niteshnarayanlal> then we will sort them out 19:49:00 <rbergeron> niteshnarayanlal: I think if you can get ideas, that's probably as close as we're going to get. And then maybe a team of folks can work on actually putting it together. 19:49:11 <niteshnarayanlal> and may be give few small swags to those who are shortlisted 19:49:12 <rbergeron> If we have anyone in the community who knows how to make video like that. 19:49:44 <niteshnarayanlal> and then ask him to implement 19:49:49 <niteshnarayanlal> but I guess the same thing 19:49:53 <niteshnarayanlal> will come again 19:50:02 <rbergeron> niteshnarayanlal: I don't know. swag is .. hard a lot of times to get to people, and ... yeah. I odn't know. it's up to you guys. 19:50:06 <suehle> Do we actually have any motion graphics people? 19:50:12 <rbergeron> If we don't have anyone around that can make video, then that's an issue. 19:50:24 <rbergeron> motion graphics, etc 19:50:26 <niteshnarayanlal> I think there quite a few in design team :P 19:50:39 <rbergeron> I don't know that there are. They can make graphics, not everyone knows how to do the motion part. 19:50:39 <niteshnarayanlal> *there are quite a few folks 19:51:26 <niteshnarayanlal> rbergeron, in that case don't you think we need those kind of folks :P 19:51:37 <rbergeron> niteshnarayanlal: I don't know that just having a contest is goin to bring them to us. 19:51:59 <rbergeron> It might be better to directly reach out to people at specific places or locations or in other oen source projects. 19:52:01 <niteshnarayanlal> rbergeron, yeah , although we had thought so :P 19:52:25 <rbergeron> People in open source generally have a lot of things competing for their time, things they are passionate about that they can work on. 19:52:40 <rbergeron> Are they going to make a video for fedora, or a video for the project they care about already? :) 19:53:18 <niteshnarayanlal> rbergeron, our plan was to first make a template and associate that with those videos 19:53:22 <rbergeron> I would work on getting a good vision out of people - and maybe we can start exploring where we can find someone to execute the vision / put it together :) 19:53:25 <niteshnarayanlal> which are lying here and there 19:53:36 <niteshnarayanlal> and keep them at one place such as archive.org 19:53:37 <rbergeron> s/video/motion graphics 19:54:30 <niteshnarayanlal> rbergeron, so I think we need to re frame the contest and our future strategies once again 19:55:24 <niteshnarayanlal> I should have thought these things earlier :( 19:55:43 <rbergeron> niteshnarayanlal: well, I don't think it hurts to try. you never know, someone could be working on it right now :) 19:56:17 <rbergeron> but when things are looking like they're not working as imagined sometimes it's better to just start over and see what went wrong instead of dragging it out forever 19:56:39 <niteshnarayanlal> true 19:57:56 <rbergeron> suehle: hey. 19:58:00 <rbergeron> so, anything else? 19:58:07 <suehle> #topic open floor 19:58:12 <suehle> I don't think so, but we'll give it a chance. 19:58:40 <niteshnarayanlal> rbergeron, although I once thought that if we can keep this contest alive till 10th October and by that time if we can re frame yet another contest which has a solid skeleton with a solid future plans for the video team 19:58:40 <niteshnarayanlal> contest with the theme u suggested 19:58:56 <rbergeron> niteshnarayanlal: that sounds like a plan to me 19:59:05 <niteshnarayanlal> sure thanks 19:59:15 * niteshnarayanlal needs help 19:59:30 <niteshnarayanlal> although everyone seem busy now days :P 19:59:45 <suehle> #endmeeting