01:00:48 <masta> #startmeeting FAmNA 01:00:48 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Sep 5 01:00:48 2012 UTC. The chair is masta. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 01:00:48 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 01:00:50 <masta> #meetingname FAmNA 01:00:50 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'famna' 01:01:02 <masta> #chair rbergeron inode0 masta 01:01:02 <zodbot> Current chairs: inode0 masta rbergeron 01:01:09 <masta> #topic Roll Call 01:01:14 * inode0 waves 01:01:39 <farmerrob> Good evening all 01:02:00 <wrnash> Hi Everyone 01:02:02 <masta> hey farmerrob 01:02:08 <farmerrob> Hello 01:02:52 <masta> *wait a few for the later ones* 01:03:16 <inode0> award3535 will be late tonight 01:03:26 * inode0 high fives chanchito 01:03:35 <chanchito> hey hey everybody! 01:03:47 <chanchito> greetings and salutations all the way around! :-) 01:04:17 <masta> greets! 01:04:46 <masta> #topic Announcements? 01:04:54 <masta> #info Masta is guest host tonight 01:05:05 <inode0> #info FUDCon Lawrence Pre-registration is open 01:05:12 <inode0> #link http://fudconlawrence-ianweller.rhcloud.com/ 01:05:12 * masta looks menacing at inode0 01:05:32 <masta> oh that's open now, great 01:05:33 <ianweller> also note that if you register and mark yourself as requesting funding, it will ask you to open a ticket 01:05:36 <ianweller> but you can't yet 01:05:37 <ianweller> i'm working on it 01:05:39 <ianweller> :) 01:06:22 <masta> are we having the activity day in Lawrence ? 01:06:54 <inode0> we should settle that soon but not this minute probably 01:06:54 <dan408> hi 01:06:59 <dan408> sorry im late 01:07:00 <dan408> but here 01:07:10 <inode0> ianweller: what is the deal on having FADNA in Lawrence? 01:07:10 * graphite6 is here 01:07:14 <masta> glad you can make it dan408, graphite6 01:07:27 <inode0> Could we get good facilities for one extra day at the beginning? 01:07:32 <masta> any more announcements? 01:07:59 <ianweller> inode0: define "good facilities" -- hotel conference room? 01:08:22 <inode0> somewhere suitable for 10 people to meet and work for one day 01:09:05 <inode0> Is there a poolhall? 01:09:30 * nb responds to roll call now 01:09:54 <ianweller> inode0: i'm sure there is one. i have not been to any in the couple of years i've been here (shame on me) 01:10:31 <masta> #chair farmerrob wrnash chanchito nb ianweller graphite6 dan408 01:10:31 <zodbot> Current chairs: chanchito dan408 farmerrob graphite6 ianweller inode0 masta nb rbergeron wrnash 01:10:39 <masta> ok great 01:10:56 <masta> #topic FamNa meeting topics 01:11:07 <masta> I'll go first 01:11:09 <ianweller> inode0: i don't know how soon you want FADNA planned. i know we don't have enough about fudcon planned as of yet (oops) to really suggest anything yet. 01:11:13 * ianweller shuts up 01:11:19 <masta> #info Dallas Software Freedom Day - Dallas Maker space 01:11:29 <masta> #link https://fedorahosted.org/famna/ticket/40 01:11:38 <masta> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/SFD-DFW_2012 01:11:52 <masta> Ok so this is about two weeks out 01:12:03 <inode0> .famnaticket 40 01:12:05 <zodbot> inode0: #40 (SFD-DFW_2012) – FAmNA general trac - https://fedorahosted.org/famna/ticket/40 01:12:24 <masta> we have three ambassadors, myself, asinine, and wrnash 01:12:31 * inode0 drops a hint 01:12:35 <masta> so far we have recieved the verticle banners 01:12:44 <masta> thx inode0 01:13:01 <nb> masta, the swag will ship tomorrow or thursday 01:13:10 <masta> nb: thanks so much 01:13:11 <nb> ts the thing on 9/15 right? 01:13:19 <masta> nb: yes sir 01:13:33 <masta> nb: famnarequest #300 plz 01:13:46 <nb> ok 01:14:13 <masta> #action nb to ship swag famnarequest #300 01:14:16 <nb> how many peoples are you expecting? 01:14:44 <masta> the ambassador from the prior two years says 150 people come and go, only 50 stay for the event start to finish 01:15:03 <dan408> ianweller: did you know you prereg page for fudcon was down? 01:15:43 <dan408> nm it's back up now 01:15:46 <masta> open floor will be in a few more minutes :) 01:16:02 <masta> ok, moving on 01:16:11 <masta> #info Ohio LinuxFest 2012 01:16:28 <masta> .famnaticket 26 01:16:29 <graphite6> that would be me 01:16:32 <zodbot> masta: #26 (Ohio LinuxFest 2012, Sep 28-30, Columbus, OH) – FAmNA general trac - https://fedorahosted.org/famna/ticket/26 01:16:47 <graphite6> Is Ben here? 01:16:57 * inode0 hasn't seen him yet 01:17:08 <nb> me either 01:17:29 <dan408> people have been busy lately 01:17:35 <graphite6> I was wondering if he has a monitor with HDMI he could bring up and then I could hook up my pi at the booth for demo 01:17:44 <graphite6> I'll catch him later then 01:17:48 <dan408> email maybe 01:18:02 <graphite6> next, who has Beefy? 01:18:11 <graphite6> or where is Beefy? 01:18:14 <dan408> not uss 01:18:18 <graphite6> lol 01:18:36 <inode0> award3535 last I knew unless he shipped it somewhere post-TXLF 01:18:36 <dan408> i was supposed to get a picture with beefy 01:18:46 <graphite6> b/c I'd like to have him come to OFL 01:19:00 <inode0> actually I think Ben got him back 01:19:12 <graphite6> #action track down the Beefy Miracle and make sure he gets to OLF 01:19:51 <graphite6> also is anyone else here coming to OLF? thinking of coming to OLF? 01:20:06 * masta wishes he could go 01:20:16 <inode0> how many do you have now? 01:20:47 * inode0 is guessing there will be a lot of Fedora folks there 01:20:58 <graphite6> I know there are some fedora folks giving talks, I'm going to reach out to them personally and lure them in :D 01:21:31 <graphite6> I know herlo and makfinsky will be there on Fri 01:22:02 <graphite6> anyway, I think that is all I have for the moment about OLF so we can move to the next ticket 01:22:10 <inode0> bpepple will surely be there 01:22:21 <masta> #info Norfolk, VA Maker Fair 01:22:22 <masta> .famnaticket 41 01:22:24 <zodbot> masta: #41 (Norfolk, VA Maker Fair) – FAmNA general trac - https://fedorahosted.org/famna/ticket/41 01:22:25 <inode0> Ben and Jamie 01:22:49 * masta tickles jduncan 01:23:04 <jduncan> good morning! 01:23:09 <jduncan> sorry. lost a window there 01:24:25 <jduncan> yes. ticket 41. 01:24:39 <jduncan> sorry i missed last week. was in a training class for work 01:25:00 <masta> jduncan: sry if we caught you off by surprise - any updates? 01:25:46 <jduncan> masta - no worries. my only questions at this point - with the higher than originally thought attendance (1k+ vs. a couple hundred) should I get the event box shipped in or not? 01:26:34 <masta> jduncan: that is a good number 01:26:38 <inode0> If it will have 1k people I would 01:26:52 <inode0> assuming you can get one filled up 01:27:04 <jduncan> it's the first of it's kind in VA, but the organizing group means business, to be sure. 01:27:26 <jduncan> that also brought in the question of swag, of course. 01:27:30 <masta> jduncan: get a famnarequest ticket going asap - https://fedorahosted.org/famnarequests/ 01:27:41 <jduncan> masta - will get it in tonight 01:28:10 <masta> great 01:28:32 <masta> jduncan: try to find some other fedora folks in yoru area to help out 01:28:44 <masta> s/yoru/your/ 01:28:48 <jduncan> my current plan is to tap the local LUG and hackerspace for resources. 01:28:55 <jduncan> the local college LUG as well 01:28:57 <inode0> we don't quite know what swag would work best at that event - an ordinary linux community conference a number for attendees is about all we need 01:29:16 <jduncan> i'm all for breaking new ground. :) 01:29:17 <chanchito> hey ben! 01:29:19 <inode0> ask for a full event box :) 01:29:30 <farmerrob> hELLO 01:30:13 <masta> jduncan: let us know if you need any help 01:30:34 <masta> jduncan: can we move on, or do you have anything more to cover? 01:30:42 <jduncan> masta - will keep everyone posted. right now it's all arranged. space is approved. we're taking equipment. please, move on. :) 01:30:55 <masta> ok - thx 01:31:08 <dan408> hello farmerrob 01:31:12 <masta> .famnaticket 25 01:31:14 <zodbot> masta: #25 (LinuxCon North America 2012, Aug 29-31, San Diego, CA) – FAmNA general trac - https://fedorahosted.org/famna/ticket/25 01:31:19 <farmerrob> Hello Dan 01:31:26 <masta> inode0: did anybody go to linuxcon/plumbers? 01:31:37 <masta> inode0: should we close that ticket, or wait for reports? 01:31:42 <inode0> yes, but I don't think that is on the agenda 01:31:49 <masta> :) 01:32:01 <inode0> the owner should close it eventually, who is that? 01:32:09 <masta> inode0: you 01:32:17 <masta> ;) 01:32:33 * inode0 needs to get his bearing back 01:32:53 <masta> that was revenge for making me host this meeting 01:32:58 <masta> ok - moving on 01:33:02 <nb> robyn went i think? 01:33:05 <inode0> I don't believe Fedora funded anyone so event reports are not required for us but they are still nice. 01:33:06 <nb> and lh 01:33:22 <masta> I think herlo said was going 01:33:23 <nb> maybe they can make a short comment on how it went 01:33:47 <inode0> robyn is away for the evening so we can't bother her now 01:34:11 <nb> ok 01:34:17 <masta> .famnaticket 39 01:34:20 <zodbot> masta: #39 (To open the Canadian Regional mailing list) – FAmNA general trac - https://fedorahosted.org/famna/ticket/39 01:34:29 <masta> ok folk, blame Canada ticket 01:34:42 <inode0> are there any Canadians in the house? 01:34:48 <masta> oh, and Canada has bad beer! 01:34:55 * masta hides 01:35:03 <dan408> didn't we -1 this already? 01:35:13 * inode0 wants a Moosehead now 01:35:20 <dan408> yeah 01:35:24 <dan408> nirik brought this up 2 weeks ago 01:35:27 <dan408> -1 01:35:29 <dan408> please close the ticket 01:35:43 * inode0 thought we were waiting for someone from Canada to show up 01:35:49 <dan408> no 01:35:51 <masta> dan408: the ticket still exists, so I'm covering it.... I'd hope a Canadian would join to at least talk about the ticket we have open for them. 01:35:51 <dan408> we all voted 01:36:04 <masta> ok my bad 01:36:04 <dan408> and decided we dont get enough traffic on the main list to warrant another list 01:36:20 <dan408> kk4ewt was present 01:36:21 <inode0> well, our voting doesn't matter, they can do what they want if infra obliges 01:36:30 <dan408> infra didnt oblige 01:36:38 <dan408> err 01:36:40 <dan408> object 01:36:44 <dan408> infra brought it up in open floor 01:36:49 <inode0> yes 01:36:55 * kk4ewt present 01:36:56 <masta> ok, so how do we deal with the ticket? 01:37:00 <dan408> and then we discussed and -1'd it 01:37:23 <inode0> well, no one updated the ticket 01:37:31 <dan408> masta: i can close it or someone else if needed 01:37:40 <inode0> my recollection is we wanted someone from Canada to come 01:37:54 <dan408> get adamw 01:37:57 <dan408> he's in vancouver 01:37:59 <dan408> or something 01:38:10 <inode0> someone who is an interested party, not a random Canadian 01:38:18 <dan408> he's not a random Canadian! 01:38:23 <inode0> yes he is 01:38:52 <inode0> I'll update the ticket, give them until next week before closing it? 01:38:53 <dan408> :( 01:39:02 <dan408> who requested it? 01:39:17 <inode0> rashadul 01:39:19 <kk4ewt> inode0 that was the action i remember 01:39:51 <kk4ewt> but it doesnt look like the ticket was ever updated to ask for that 01:39:53 <dan408> so this issue was brought up by "rashadul" who is not even canadian 01:40:08 <inode0> he isn't? 01:40:09 <kk4ewt> dan408: how do you know 01:41:01 <masta> .fasino rashadul 01:41:08 <masta> oops 01:41:12 <masta> .fasinfo rashadul 01:41:13 <zodbot> masta: User: rashadul, Name: Rashadul Islam, email: irashadul@gmail.com, Creation: 2007-10-16, IRC Nick: rislam, Timezone: US/Eastern, Locale: en, GPG key ID: 5557BFAC, Status: active 01:41:16 <zodbot> masta: Approved Groups: cla_fedora cla_done ambassadors docs cla_fpca 01:41:44 <masta> he's in the eastern time zone, so he is plausibly in Canada 01:41:48 <kk4ewt> looks like he is in NA 01:42:03 <inode0> I'll ping him - he is in Canada and has been for as long as I've known him 01:42:20 <masta> ok, so lets table this one another week 01:42:22 <kk4ewt> motion to table till next week 01:42:28 <jduncan> +1 01:42:30 * inode0 will update the ticket now 01:42:31 <graphite6> +1 01:42:32 <masta> +1 01:42:36 <wrnash> +1 01:42:37 <kk4ewt> +1 01:42:56 <masta> ok great - moving on 01:43:18 <masta> #topic Open Floor 01:43:49 <masta> any open items? 01:43:56 <inode0> Please remove "meeting" tags from tickets so other people don't need to clean them up :) 01:43:58 <dan408> so i emailed the list about CES2013 01:44:10 <dan408> spoke with inode0 01:44:17 <inode0> Please also suggest any further "orientation" topics 01:44:17 <dan408> i need to inquire about pricing for a booth 01:44:29 <dan408> but that is mega exposure for fedora 01:45:09 <dan408> #link http://www.cesweb.org/For-Exhibitors.aspx 01:46:14 <masta> CES is expensive, and this would likely go all the way up to Famsco for consideration. 01:46:20 <dan408> question was how much is a booth and how much space do we need 01:46:31 <dan408> and how much swag do we need 01:46:33 <masta> My thinking is if that other distro is there, we should consider goign also. 01:46:35 <dan408> and is it worth it 01:46:41 <dan408> masta: you got it. 01:46:52 <dan408> and i will be attending most likely anyways 01:46:56 <dan408> my brother lives in Vegas 01:46:56 <inode0> worth it is relative 01:47:19 <dan408> i can probably get my brother to cover flight/hotel 01:47:26 <inode0> the booth is going to cost $2k to $3k most likely for something about 8'x8' 01:47:30 <dan408> it's an hour flight from here 01:47:36 <masta> I'd like to see how much of a discount we can get for being a community project. 01:47:46 <dan408> me too masta. 01:47:46 <inode0> which alone makes it pretty much outside our budget authority 01:47:46 <masta> dan408: did you speak with sales? 01:47:53 <dan408> i haven't had a chance 01:47:55 <dan408> i just tried to call 01:48:01 <dan408> and today has been a busy day at work 01:48:07 <dan408> with the long weekend 01:48:13 <dan408> im still AT work 01:48:24 <inode0> if CES gives discounts to community project I am going to have to pick my jaw up from the floor :) 01:48:58 <dan408> i bet ubuntu gets a discount 01:48:59 <masta> #info the CES booth costs ~ $70 per square foot 01:49:05 <dan408> wrong 01:49:12 <dan408> 48 per square foot as of 2012 non members 01:49:15 <dan408> and it was cheaper for members 01:49:33 <masta> is there wa way to undo the last info ? 01:49:40 <dan408> don't worry about it 01:49:41 <kk4ewt> #undo 01:49:50 <dan408> let's get a real price 01:49:51 <inode0> # bc <<<8*8*48 01:49:52 <inode0> 3072 01:49:55 <masta> kk4ewt: did that just undo it, or do I have to do that? 01:50:06 <inode0> that is just above our pay grade 01:50:07 <kk4ewt> you have to i dont have chair 01:50:12 <masta> #undo 01:50:12 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: <MeetBot.items.Info object at 0x1884cf10> 01:51:04 * inode0 suggests getting details and opening a ticket with FAmSCo 01:51:16 <masta> inode0: that is a large area 01:51:40 <masta> is it measured in table space or total area of the booth + standing space? 01:51:48 <inode0> who knows? 01:52:06 <inode0> I'm figuring they charge for every inch 01:52:32 <masta> ok so the booth costs more than many smaller events combined, not even to mention the ungodly amount of swag that would be required. 01:52:53 <masta> but... it would be nice to be there 01:52:56 <kk4ewt> plus booth creation + + + 01:53:51 <jduncan> don't even want to think about parking... 01:53:58 <chanchito> what's our goal at CES? is it to compete with Ubuntu for interest and exposure? is it to deliver swag to a new audience? is it to give talks and presentations? is it to reach a new audience? i think before people dicuss funding, you should discuss goals and have a quantitative/qualitative metric to measure by, if we do have that, i have yet to see it, other than deciding costs 01:54:03 * inode0 also suggests pushing this for the next cycle if it can't be done this time around - with planning before the budget is made we might be able to get $10k for it 01:54:28 <inode0> pulling $10k out of our meager budget is harder 01:54:50 <chanchito> we review tickets and gloss over the value or goals for the event, every event is different and has a different potential 01:55:07 <chanchito> it's up to ambassadors to figure out the potential, make a case and then get a decision 01:55:07 <masta> chanchito: well said sit 01:55:09 <dan408> chanchito: goals: 1) presence 2) show off how awesome spherical cow is 3) give out swag 4) generate attention and interest in Fedora. 01:55:19 <masta> s/sit/sir/ 01:55:35 <inode0> chanchito: please come to FADNA :) 01:55:43 <dan408> yes please! 01:56:05 <inode0> we need to plan longer term event and budget goals 01:56:16 <chanchito> when is it? i go back overseas on the 14th and won't be in the US until November 01:56:27 <dan408> January 8-11 2013 01:56:27 <chanchito> i have been on the road most of the year 01:56:30 <dan408> oh 01:56:31 <dan408> sorry 01:56:32 <dan408> fadna 01:56:33 <inode0> chanchito: probably early 2013 but not yet decided 01:56:36 <chanchito> ok i will be there for Lawrence 01:56:37 <dan408> around fudcon 01:56:48 <chanchito> i will do my best to be there John, Ben, 01:56:51 <dan408> lot of things happening in January it seems 01:57:18 <chanchito> i wonder why we choose January 01:57:21 <chanchito> so cold! 01:58:30 <dan408> cold is good 01:58:33 <dan408> is summer over yet? 01:58:48 <kk4ewt> chanchito: but i hate to say this best travel deals and places want the business 01:59:17 <chanchito> CES seems to be geared towards commercial vendors, which explains the price tag, generally, when we attend events like that, we are seated like the kids at thanksgiving dinner, at the little table, prominence is important too, 01:59:17 <dan408> oh is January the best month to fly? 01:59:25 * graphite6 drove through Kansas on Friday and waved to Ian from the highway as she passed the Lawrence exit 01:59:25 <masta> ok folks - will close the meeting on time today 01:59:32 <dan408> thx 01:59:32 <chanchito> yeah you're right ben, how true that is 01:59:37 <dan408> i can go home now and test tc6 02:00:23 <masta> have a great day all! 02:00:27 <masta> #endmeeting