21:00:10 <jreznik> #startmeeting F18 Alpha Go/No-Go meeting
21:00:10 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu Aug 30 21:00:10 2012 UTC.  The chair is jreznik. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
21:00:10 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic.
21:00:26 <jreznik> #meetingname F18 Alpha Go/No-Go meeting
21:00:26 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'f18_alpha_go/no-go_meeting'
21:00:39 <jreznik> #topic roll call
21:00:41 <nirik> morning everyone.
21:01:23 <jreznik> good night everyone (11 pm here ;-)
21:01:37 <jreznik> adamw, tflink: ping
21:01:50 <adamw> yo, i'm here
21:01:55 <adamw> tflink is probably away
21:02:05 <adamw> jreznik: owch! maybe we should adjust the scheduling
21:02:17 <jreznik> #chair nirik adamw
21:02:17 <zodbot> Current chairs: adamw jreznik nirik
21:02:32 <jreznik> adamw: time of the meeting? or scheduling as f18 schedule?
21:03:37 <adamw> time of meeting - we don't want you working at 11pm every release point!
21:04:09 <jreznik> adamw: yeah, would be great - I wanted to ask you tonight if we can move it :)
21:04:21 * nirik is fine with moving it earlier.
21:05:03 <nirik> 18-19utc is the fedora infra meeting. we could move it to 19 pretty easily I would think
21:05:12 <adamw> fine by me
21:05:30 <jreznik> 19 utc means 21 cest, it's definitely better :)
21:05:37 <nirik> still in the evening, but not as bad.
21:06:58 <jreznik> ah, it's going to be fun on this network...
21:07:11 <jreznik> so can we agree on 19:00 utc?
21:07:18 * nirik is fine with that.
21:08:11 <adamw> ok by qa
21:08:23 <jreznik> #agreed to move the go/no-go meetings little bit earlier - 19:00 utc
21:08:58 <jreznik> #topic Purpose of this meeting
21:08:59 <nirik> I mean it means less time for frantic/heroic efforts to make a no-go into a go... but really we don't want to have to do that anyhow. ;)
21:09:25 <jreznik> :)
21:09:36 <jreznik> #info Purpose of this meeting is to see whether or not F18 Alpha is ready for shipment, according to the release criteria.
21:09:51 <jreznik> #info This is determined in a few ways:
21:10:01 <adamw> oh right, that's why we made it later, before
21:10:06 <adamw> but that was when robyn was running the meeting
21:10:16 <adamw> and now we have a whole extra day.
21:10:45 <jreznik> yep, one more day... I know it was later (I tried to attend once and it was tooo late ;-)
21:10:49 <jreznik> #info No remaining blocker bugs
21:11:10 <jreznik> #info Test matrices for Alpha are fully completed
21:11:13 <jreznik> #link http://qa.fedoraproject.org/blockerbugs/current
21:11:19 <jreznik> #link http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_18_Alpha_Release_Criteria
21:11:38 <jreznik> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Test_Results:Current_Base_Test
21:11:38 <jreznik> #link http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Test_Results:Current_Installation_Test
21:11:47 <jreznik> #link http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Test_Results:Current_Desktop_Test
21:12:10 <jreznik> #topic agenda
21:12:28 <jreznik> newly proposed blocker bugs
21:12:56 <jreznik> fesco ticket #941
21:13:09 <nirik> .fesco 941
21:13:12 <jreznik> of course go/no-go decision...
21:13:13 <zodbot> nirik: #941 (Support for installation from live images will not be ready on F18 Alpha schedule: what to do?) – FESCo - https://fedorahosted.org/fesco/ticket/941
21:13:26 <jreznik> anything else to add? tc4 compose?
21:13:35 <nirik> There's been no votes there, but it's mostly been gathering info at this point.
21:14:19 <jreznik> #topic FESCo ticket #941
21:14:40 <adamw> so, we still need one important bit of input from wwoods here.
21:14:47 * nirik nods.
21:14:56 <jreznik> nirik: yep, we need an answer for adamw question - if they can make it by beta
21:14:56 <nirik> things are looking better than they could have...
21:15:01 <adamw> as far as liveinst goes, anaconda team seems reasonably optimistic that we can hit it with only one more week slip (which, spoiler alert, is going to happen.)
21:15:23 <jreznik> adamw: yep, from liveinst perspective it looks much more better
21:15:27 <adamw> so i feel like they make me look like an idiot for filing the ticket, but i'll take looking like an idiot if it means we get liveinst faster =)
21:15:35 <nirik> adamw: you mean this 1 week (2 total), or one more after this one (3 total)?
21:15:49 <jreznik> adamw: definitely clever move to file the report!
21:15:50 <adamw> just the slip we're going to do at this meeting.
21:16:02 * jreznik hopes so
21:16:09 <nirik> ok, that puts us in thanksgiving week for release, but oh well. ;)
21:16:19 <jreznik> #info anaconda team seems reasonably optimistic that we can hit it with only one more week slip
21:16:23 <nirik> I think the ticket has been very good to collect info.
21:16:33 <jreznik> nirik: hey, there's beta, final...
21:16:46 <nirik> details, details.
21:17:04 <jreznik> nirik: indeed, also some other channels were used but it was a good point for the info
21:17:28 <adamw> good thing about a slip, i guess, is it gets us synced better with GNOME...
21:17:49 <jreznik> without that beta estimate for upgrades we can't do anything right now, so probably we can move on
21:18:01 <nirik> it's messing up my FAD planning. oh well. ;)
21:18:02 <jreznik> adamw: I expect it can help gnome guys
21:18:27 <adamw> jreznik: unless wwoods wants to give us the estimate now
21:18:32 <adamw> wwoods: *hint hint*
21:18:41 <jreznik> hey, is he around? would be great :)
21:19:03 <adamw> he's in the channel and not marked as away. what that means of course depends on his irc use...
21:19:23 <jreznik> ok, so let's wait if he appears or not
21:19:37 <jreznik> now blocker bugs...
21:19:52 <jreznik> without the estimate it does not make sense to do a decision
21:20:05 <jreznik> what scares me it's completely new approach for upgrades but...
21:20:26 <adamw> yeah.
21:20:28 <adamw> me too.
21:20:33 * nirik nods.
21:21:03 <rbergeron> yikes. sorry
21:21:05 <rbergeron> wireless fail
21:21:09 <jreznik> #info we need wwood's expectation for upgrades
21:21:23 * rbergeron reads backwards
21:21:24 <jreznik> rbergeron: no problem, my wireless sucks too... it's 2012...
21:21:52 <jreznik> rbergeron: if you have something for #941 FESCo ticket or a hint how to proceed, /me is listening :)
21:22:05 <jreznik> also we moved go/no-go to earlier time
21:22:34 * rbergeron looks at 941 to ensure it is what she is thinking of
21:22:50 <jreznik> rbergeron: the latest post are relevant now
21:22:54 <jreznik> posts
21:24:21 * rbergeron isn't sure she has anything relevant to add to 941. my only concerns are whether or not we're going to have the same mysterious stuff come beta
21:24:37 <jreznik> same here
21:24:46 <rbergeron> "one to three weeks" or etc. 941 covers a lot of different things, are you just referring to "is it important for alpha enough" or .... ???
21:25:05 <nirik> right, we want to know up front if things are done or still need writing, etc.
21:25:19 <jreznik> especially upgrades
21:25:33 <jreznik> live installer should be "ready"
21:25:42 <jreznik> (for alpha)
21:26:21 <jreznik> so it's messy thread but contains quite a good info about current anaconda state
21:26:26 <rbergeron> so maybe making a specific list of "we are concerned about the ability to meet these criteria on time" for alpha/beta/final, or maybe the specific concerns and if they'll be ready or when they expect them to be ready....
21:26:39 <rbergeron> yeah, i just haven't read the updates of the past 24 hours
21:26:49 <rbergeron> but i have heard things like "3 weeks" yesterday and "one week" today
21:26:58 <adamw> rbergeron: already done
21:27:09 <jreznik> rbergeron: for alpha we believe it's one week
21:27:21 <rbergeron> but how do you guys feel about beta?
21:27:30 <adamw> rbergeron: see https://fedorahosted.org/fesco/ticket/941#comment:24 , https://fedorahosted.org/fesco/ticket/941#comment:34 , https://fedorahosted.org/fesco/ticket/941#comment:36
21:27:36 <jreznik> rbergeron: that's the question adamw raised
21:27:39 <rbergeron> i mean if it's one week, that's not going to kill us. if it's 3 now, 3 in a few weeks, plus any other slips for other reasons...
21:27:55 <adamw> rbergeron: the major outstanding issue is upgrades, basically
21:28:02 <adamw> the status on all the other points looks acceptable
21:28:08 <jreznik> rbergeron: we'd like to avoid 3, 3, and rest...
21:28:46 <rbergeron> adamw: so we just need to pin wwoods down? have you offered him beer or hot dogs? :)
21:28:49 <jreznik> so adamw asked if we slip alpha by more time, if it would help them not to repeat the alpha situation
21:29:04 <jreznik> beefy steaks!
21:29:13 <adamw> rbergeron: i've threatened to destroy his weird liquor collection.
21:29:50 <adamw> if he's busy, we just have to leave the issue open i guess
21:29:55 <nirik> right.
21:30:32 <rbergeron> yeah.
21:30:53 <jreznik> yep, so let's move on now and let's try to poke him every minute from now :)
21:31:11 <jreznik> #topic mini blockers review
21:31:31 <jreznik> adamw: could you lead this part as QA?
21:31:32 <rbergeron> if a blocker falls in the wwoods do you hear it?
21:31:35 * rbergeron coughs
21:31:39 <adamw> jreznik: sure
21:31:42 <adamw> we only have a few
21:33:29 <adamw> sorry, just started pasting things into my tflink privmsg window =)
21:33:31 <jreznik> adamw: thanks!
21:33:34 <adamw> #info 6 Proposed Blockers
21:33:38 <adamw> #info 1 Proposed NTH
21:33:42 <adamw> #topic (851212) error: cannot invoke setopt() - perform() is currently running
21:33:42 <adamw> #link https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=851212
21:33:42 <adamw> #info Proposed Blockers, MODIFIED
21:33:50 <tflink> punishment for being late?
21:34:07 <nirik> tflink: you must drink a weird liquor from wwoods's collection.
21:34:12 <adamw> you get to drink wwoods' weird liquor collection
21:34:13 <adamw> jinx!
21:34:33 <adamw> oh goody, bugzilla just went down.
21:34:34 <adamw> thanks, red hat.
21:34:44 <nirik> oh yeah, it's a scheduled outage. ;(
21:34:47 * nirik forgot about it.
21:34:51 <adamw> hah. d'oh.
21:34:55 <jreznik> oh no...
21:35:02 <tflink> I was hoping to get away with the privmsg spam :-/
21:35:12 <adamw> do we have an eta?
21:35:19 * nirik looks at the notice.
21:35:42 <nirik> Estimated Time Required:  2 Hours
21:35:50 <adamw> well, sheeeeeeeeeeeeeit.
21:36:10 <nirik> so, skip blocker review?
21:36:17 <adamw> it seems advised.
21:36:17 <jreznik> nirik: definitely
21:36:28 <adamw> #info blocker review impossible due to bugzilla outage
21:36:32 <nirik> sadly, there's lots of other accepted ones. ;(
21:37:03 <jreznik> just I believe #853048 is dupe of adamw's 852875 (opened in browser)
21:37:44 <jreznik> nirik: most are MODIFIED or ON_QA
21:37:51 <adamw> yup, they look the same.
21:38:02 <adamw> next agenda item?
21:38:09 <jreznik> tc4?
21:38:53 <adamw> we're still trying to get all ducks in a row, unfortunately
21:39:13 <tflink> we've been getting closer, though
21:39:21 <adamw> anaconda team encountered the mother of all matroshka bug collections in DVD install
21:39:22 <jreznik> #topic tc4 eta
21:39:58 <adamw> with all appendages crossed, i think we have an anaconda that's probably good enough for a tc4 now, but i believe we're still missing a dracut build and possibly lorax and systemd (there was vague mention of those earlier today)
21:39:59 <jreznik> we need it asap (but with all ducks in a row)
21:40:05 <adamw> i know :/
21:40:26 <robatino> bugzilla is back
21:40:32 <adamw> yeah
21:40:35 <adamw> that wasn't two hours.
21:40:36 <tflink> I imagine that it'll be intermittant
21:41:15 <jreznik> so let's go quickly through the bugzilla bugs :)
21:41:31 <jreznik> while it's online
21:41:41 * nirik isn't sure it will stay up or can be counted on to do so.
21:41:52 <tflink> if we start going through the blockers, it'll go down again
21:41:58 <adamw> maybe do the rest of the meeting then come back to blocker review
21:42:06 * tflink is a big believer in murphy's law
21:42:10 <adamw> we only need to do blocker review early if it's necessary to the go/no-go decision
21:42:15 <adamw> today it's...not.
21:42:17 <jreznik> ok, /me just wanted to use the sunny time :)
21:42:23 <jreznik> adamw: ok
21:42:48 <jreznik> so tc4 - anaconda seems ready, we need dracut and possiblyt lorax and systemd, right?
21:43:00 <adamw> yeah.
21:43:10 <adamw> dracut is a problem as haraldh appears to be MIA
21:43:14 <adamw> i'm guessing he's at plumber's
21:43:27 <jreznik> yep :(
21:43:38 <adamw> ideally we need someone with upstream commit privileges, but if i can't find someone soon i'll just throw the patch in downstream and do a build myself
21:43:48 <jreznik> #info anaconda seems to be ready, we need dracut and possiblyt lorax and systemd
21:44:19 <jreznik> adamw: or we can try to reach him on plumbers... but I guess it's going to  be difficult
21:44:50 <misc> adamw: I think coling, that you may remember from mdv, has commit priv
21:44:54 <adamw> misc: yeah he does
21:44:59 <adamw> i had him on my list of people to poke
21:45:46 <jreznik> ok, great
21:46:18 <jreznik> or I can try to find out harald's cell phone number
21:46:40 <adamw> i ain't gonna complain if you do =) might be in the rh directory.
21:47:15 <jreznik> :) but definitely not today, so if you can reach someone earlier, would be great /me is quite dead...
21:47:32 <jreznik> anything else for tc4?
21:47:58 <adamw> no, i think we're mostly there.
21:48:54 <jreznik> so any other topic? except trying the mini blocker review and go/no-go?
21:49:07 * jreznik is checking bz
21:49:32 * tflink is getting maintenance messages
21:49:40 <adamw> we can do the go/no-go call now
21:49:53 <jreznik> ok, stay tuned...
21:49:55 <jreznik> #topic go/no-go
21:50:30 <adamw> qa is no-go. current build is tc3 which is not releasable (as per last week), there is 0 chance of a releasable build in the next few hours
21:50:42 <adamw> test coverage is not complete, open blockers remain, it's no-go from every angle.
21:51:26 <jreznik> #info qa is no-go. current build is tc3 which is not releasable (as per last week), there is 0 chance of a releasable build in the next few hours
21:51:44 <jreznik> #info  test coverage is not complete, open blockers remain
21:52:04 * jreznik is no-go too looking on current status...
21:52:06 <nirik> yeah, such is the way it goes. ;(
21:52:54 * jreznik is going to announce slip and adjust schedules
21:52:59 <nirik> yep.
21:53:20 <jreznik> #action jreznik to announce slip and adjust schedules
21:53:22 * jreznik hopes we want one week now as we don't have data from anaconda
21:54:24 <jreznik> #info the next Go/No-Go meeting is in one week from today, two hours earlier, same channel - 19:00 utc
21:54:43 <jreznik> anything else I forgot?
21:56:45 <adamw> bugzilla's still trampolining, so nope
21:57:23 <jreznik> ok, thank you for coming!
21:57:33 <jreznik> countdown
21:57:38 <jreznik> 3
21:57:48 <jreznik> 2
21:58:04 <jreznik> 1
21:58:08 <jreznik> #endmeeting