19:00:49 <suehle> #startmeeting Marketing Team Meeting 19:00:49 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu Aug 23 19:00:49 2012 UTC. The chair is suehle. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 19:00:49 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 19:01:03 <suehle> #meetingname Fedora Marketing 19:01:03 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_marketing' 19:01:10 <suehle> #topic roll call 19:01:15 * EvilBob 19:01:59 <suehle> ping lh graphite6 jbrooks nirik 19:02:07 <lh> suehle, pong 19:02:09 * lh is here 19:02:13 <suehle> helloooo! :) 19:02:24 <lh> suehle, and good day to thee! 19:02:31 * nirik waves 19:02:32 <graphite6> is here 19:02:36 * jbrooks is here 19:02:43 <suehle> hey, it's a full on party 19:02:53 <graphite6> cake! 19:02:53 <suehle> #topic wiki cleanup 19:03:03 <suehle> I hope you brought enough for everybody. 19:03:11 <suehle> I started the page of things that need cleanup http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Marketing/WikiCleanup 19:03:14 <suehle> #link http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Marketing/WikiCleanup 19:03:28 <suehle> and realized along the way that to some extent it may be more productive to just do it as we put up new stuff for F18 19:04:35 <lh> suehle, that sounds very reasonable 19:04:46 <graphite6> agreed 19:04:49 <EvilBob> agreed 19:04:52 <suehle> feel free to add to the list as you come across things 19:05:07 <suehle> #topic New and improved collateral 19:05:22 <suehle> I started on some copy for a super-beginner-level brochure: http://rsuehle.fedorapeople.org/fedorabrochure.txt 19:05:25 <suehle> #link http://rsuehle.fedorapeople.org/fedorabrochure.txt 19:05:30 <suehle> I don't know why I can't remember to use a link tag. 19:06:15 <suehle> last week's action was for rbergeron to ask ambassadors what would be most useful for release collateral, but I think she missed the meeting en route to Venezuela, and I forgot to ask. 19:06:33 <suehle> graphite6: Have you started on the thank you card stationery? 19:06:46 <graphite6> yeah, we didn't bring it up and I totally forgot about it (the collateral part) 19:06:57 <suehle> there's always next week 19:07:13 <suehle> #action actually remember to ask the ambassadors what they want for release collateral 19:07:15 <graphite6> card: no I haven't and it will be a few weeks as I'm packing and then will be PTO all next week while we move 19:07:20 <suehle> np 19:07:26 <lh> suehle, is this one of those items that we should take to the mailing list? 19:07:30 <suehle> I don't think it's an emergency, just a good idea 19:07:34 * lh is still figuring out how things work 19:07:36 <suehle> lh: release collateral or... ? 19:07:49 <lh> suehle, the "what collateral would actually be useful" question 19:08:22 <suehle> I suppose we can ask anybody, but the ambassadors are the ones using it. Or do you mean the ambassadors list? That's probably a good idea. 19:08:27 <graphite6> I think it would be interesting to see what people this is interesting but it could also be a never ending conversation :) 19:08:35 <lh> suehle, yes, the ambassadors list, should have been more clear. 19:08:52 <suehle> lh, sorry, I'm not altogether all together this week :) 19:09:02 <lh> graphite6, what if we say "taking comments until <date>" then invoke Godwin's Law as needed to kill the thread? :) 19:09:09 <graphite6> suehle: I feel you 19:09:09 <lh> suehle, all good, nor am i :) 19:09:24 <graphite6> lh: I like that idea of a deadline 19:09:28 * suehle imagines lh writing, "HITLER! Thread over." *send* 19:09:46 <graphite6> lol 19:09:56 <lh> suehle, I would be gracious and not send it in all caps. :) 19:10:01 <EvilBob> Are ambassadors still asked to be on the marketing list? 19:10:02 <suehle> #action suehle email ambassador list instead of forgetting to ask in the next IRC meeting 19:10:16 <suehle> EvilBob: I don't think so, not specifically. 19:10:21 <graphite6> EvilBob: I don't think so 19:10:38 <suehle> Hmm... I halfway remember seeing that mentioned on the ambassador pages somewhere... 19:11:06 <EvilBob> suehle: I know initially when ambassadors was created it was 19:11:33 <graphite6> suehle: if you want to make sure it gets asked in the amb. meeting make it a trac ticket and milestone it as meeting 19:11:53 <graphite6> then either John or I will pull it up next week 19:11:53 <suehle> the current steps perusing the wiki seem to suggest joining mailing lists of interest to you 19:12:07 <suehle> will do graphite6 19:12:26 <suehle> although if the mailing list discussion is productive, we might not need to waste meeting time on it 19:12:32 <EvilBob> An email to the ambassadors list suggesting they join the marketing list might help us a lot as we move forward 19:13:08 <graphite6> suehle: very true - maybe only do a ticket if not getting any feedback/interest 19:13:08 <suehle> EvilBob: I'll include a note to that effect 19:13:18 <graphite6> EvilBob: +1 19:13:52 * suehle hunted down my mentor's "here's what you have to do" email, and there was no mention of mktg list there either 19:14:08 <suehle> for other evils google may have, gmail has killer searchability 19:14:27 <EvilBob> suehle: Yeah this goes back many years 19:14:40 <suehle> ok... I think that takes care of where we were on collateral? 19:14:56 * EvilBob nods 19:15:01 <suehle> #topic Press tracking 19:15:09 <rbergeron> hey a meeting :) 19:15:16 <EvilBob> Hey rbergeron 19:15:18 <suehle> jbrooks, you here? I take it your awesome plan of dumping a Google Alert didn't go as well as planned? 19:15:26 <suehle> hey, it's a robyn with a stable connection 19:15:37 <rbergeron> suehle: i am directly pluggged in with ethernets 19:15:47 <jbrooks> suehle, I'm in stage one 19:16:02 <jbrooks> http://venus1-jeb.rhcloud.com/ 19:16:14 <jbrooks> Collecting some data for a bit to see the quality 19:16:27 <suehle> rock on with your aggregating self 19:16:27 <mojavelinux> jbrooks: good man 19:16:36 <graphite6> awesome 19:16:38 <rbergeron> LOL 19:16:39 <suehle> #link http://venus1-jeb.rhcloud.com/ 19:16:41 <jbrooks> This includes many languages, but they're all separate feeds, so we don't have to use them all 19:17:23 <lh> jbrooks, this is really great and i bet we can ask for help from folks to curate language specific feeds 19:17:44 <mojavelinux> "Fedora 18 Linux Set To Package Spherical Cow Load of Features" <- that's going to be one fat cow :) 19:17:59 <rbergeron> Udderly awesome. 19:18:03 <mojavelinux> jbrooks: you totally anticipated my first request, rock on 19:18:05 <suehle> I like to moooove it moooove it 19:18:45 * graphite6 suddenly wants icecream...More moooo 19:18:46 <mojavelinux> my first complaint with feeds is always intermixing languages, so nice to see them divided out so that you can focus on what you can understand 19:19:03 <jbrooks> So I figure I'll let this run a bit and gauge what further vetting or what have you would be needed 19:19:10 <rbergeron> moooove over beefy miracle, there's a new kind of meat in town 19:19:57 <suehle> which is a nice segue to... 19:20:03 <suehle> #topic F18 to-do list 19:20:17 <suehle> #link http://jreznik.fedorapeople.org/schedules/f-18/f-18-marketing-tasks.html 19:20:24 <rbergeron> I se someone has been busily hacking on the alpha announcement. 19:20:33 <suehle> bcotton and I were working on that yesterday 19:20:34 * rbergeron tips her cow hats to bcotton and suehle 19:20:53 <suehle> beefing up the meat puns and all :D 19:21:06 * lh realizes she's going to need to buy some cowgirl boots 19:21:08 <suehle> talking points, however, a little behind 19:21:10 <suehle> #link http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_18_talking_points 19:21:18 * rbergeron has one thing of note there; we usually (and by that I mean, I) take that and send it to whoever is doing the actual announcemetn on the lists (dennis gilmore) 19:21:35 <rbergeron> in a more... readable/friendly format for mail, before he needs to send it. 19:21:47 <suehle> rbergeron: the alpha announcement or the talking points? 19:21:54 <rbergeron> suehle: alpha announcement. 19:22:10 <suehle> it still needs work anyway. Like, you know, some mention of features 19:22:12 <rbergeron> The talking points are mostly used by ambassadors - to have a more readable version of what's in the release. 19:22:18 <suehle> we didn't get much further than puns 19:22:24 <rbergeron> suehle: mooooooooore features 19:23:44 <rbergeron> I'll go plug in what I think seem reasonable. It's not really a science, it's kind of a ... here's what looks aawesome, looking at what press has seen and picked up on as well. 19:23:47 <suehle> I'd link to said alpha announcement, but for some reason I can't find the thing again 19:23:55 <suehle> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/F18_Alpha_release_announcement 19:23:56 <rbergeron> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/F18_Alpha_release_announcement 19:24:01 <suehle> easiest way to find something is to say yo ucan't find it 19:24:34 <rbergeron> distromootion. Holy jesus. 19:25:16 <suehle> It's meaty! 19:25:27 <suehle> there are even physics puns. We're well-rounded 19:25:47 <suehle> I'd really like to work in a "It's going to be legend... wait for it... dairy," but only if we can get Neil Patrick Harris to do a release video. 19:25:58 <suehle> anything else we need to cover about F18 readiness? 19:26:30 <suehle> heh. same discussion happening in #fedora-meeting-1 19:26:34 <mojavelinux> is publicizing the test days better in the scope of marketing? 19:26:34 <suehle> #topic open floor 19:26:35 <rbergeron> Not really. I'm adding in some feature names now, they need tro be fleshed out a bit. :) 19:26:54 <rbergeron> suehle: you got invited to that meeting, right? :) 19:26:54 <suehle> groovy. mooovy? 19:27:07 <suehle> rbergeron: define "invited"? 19:27:27 <rbergeron> suehle: "you saw the announcement for th ereadiness meeting and that marketing is in that list of people invited" 19:27:47 * rbergeron wonders if suehle is going to milk this release of all puns 19:28:03 <suehle> yah, I saw it 19:28:07 <suehle> it'll be udderly fabulous 19:29:04 <suehle> although technically that invitation inviter-ed you on behalf of marketing ;) 19:29:13 <lh> Does this mean we shall be serving pies now instead of hotdogs at events? 19:29:33 <suehle> Mrs. Lovett's meat pies 19:29:50 <rbergeron> suehle: yeah, i'll ask jaroslav to update it :) 19:30:15 * EvilBob is starting to hope for a global outbreak of mad cow disease 19:30:53 <suehle> Anything else, floor of openness? Or shall you all have 30 minutes back in your days to market the wonders of the Fedora? 19:31:01 <mojavelinux> is publicizing the test days better in the scope of marketing? 19:31:03 <lh> suehle, ^5 oh yeah 19:31:06 <rbergeron> I think .. yeah that 19:31:10 <jreznik> rbergeron: jaroslav hears! I was wondering if it should be you or suehle 19:31:44 <rbergeron> jreznik: you run the meetings, suehle is now attending formarketing. 19:31:45 <suehle> mojavelinux: well, I think it's a matter of audience. You want the people who are going to test to know about the testing days, but have a different target come actual release 19:31:49 * rbergeron does a little dance 19:32:02 <suehle> a square dance? 19:32:04 <rbergeron> mojavelinux: I tihnk it would be helpful to at least see if it helps a bit :) 19:32:07 <suehle> a barn dance? 19:32:08 <lh> barn dance. 19:32:18 <mojavelinux> rbergeron: that's what I'm thinking 19:32:30 <rbergeron> it's the electric ... cowww 19:32:40 <graphite6> oh goodness 19:32:45 <jreznik> rbergeron: ack 19:33:01 <graphite6> funky cow 19:33:30 * lh thinks this release needs it's own dance 19:34:28 <jreznik> :) 19:34:58 <mojavelinux> what I see missing from the test day announcements is a) very clear instructions of what exactly a person (esp a new person) is supposed to do to participate and b) reach of the message...the list isn't reaching far enough out IMO 19:35:25 <mojavelinux> i've also seen the same with package review requests...it's like "everyone please test" 19:35:26 <EvilBob> Fedora™ already has it's own dance, it's called the "electric slip" It's a lot like the Electric Slide... 19:35:28 <suehle> I think that's a fair note. 19:35:30 <jbrooks> mojavelinux, b is part of the issue -- I haven't been knowing 19:35:31 <rbergeron> mojavelinux: I think mayve some suggestions there might work if you work with QA - and we can make sure to add that info in social media spots 19:35:32 <mojavelinux> what? how? what commands to I type 19:35:34 <rbergeron> evilbob: LOL 19:35:51 <suehle> even a wiki page on How To Test 19:35:54 <suehle> does that exist? 19:36:03 <mojavelinux> rbergeron: sounds like a good plan...I have been dropping into the QA channel to warm up a bit, they are certainly very helpful, esp adam 19:36:54 <mojavelinux> the wiki page may exist, and in the announcement it just isn't being linked in a clear enough way...I sort of understood the TC3 announcement, but sort of had to fish around for awhile to find exactly what I needed 19:36:59 <mojavelinux> so I've got some ideas there 19:37:30 <rbergeron> mojavelinux: adamw and tflink are heroes :) and so is pretty much everyone in QA - lots of coverage around the clock in that channel 19:37:42 <mojavelinux> yep, I'm a huge QA fan in general :) 19:38:04 <jreznik> rbergeron: indeed, it's amazing to work with them! 19:40:47 <mojavelinux> at the very least, for (b), jason I and I can start to experiment with test day announcements on social networks, such as Google+, since we are posting constantly anyway :) we'll see if we can find what works 19:40:57 <jbrooks> mojavelinux, +1 19:41:07 <lh> EvilBob, where can i find the moves for the electric slip? 19:41:28 <adamw> mojavelinux: hum, i thought the test day SOP had an example/template for the announce mail but it looks like it doesn'tt 19:41:38 <adamw> mojavelinux: that would certainly be an improvement if you wanted to come up with one, thanks! 19:42:00 <adamw> it seems there's some confusion between Test Days and release validation, though 19:42:25 <adamw> please do note that the TC/RC testing is a separate thing, i think of that as the 'release validation process'; it's its own thing, different from test days 19:42:39 <mojavelinux> adamw: exactly what I had in mind. i'll see what I can come up with 19:42:47 <mojavelinux> got it 19:42:59 <adamw> we actually keep the TC/RC announces reasonably restricted on purpose: we don't actually want to spread them around very far 19:43:03 <EvilBob> lh: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=86oajgI1L8o 19:43:08 <rbergeron> adamw: thanks for piping in. just trying to help out a bit there to see if we can get you guys more action, without totally disrupting you guys at the same time 19:43:10 <adamw> but for test days - at least most test days - we do want a lot of publicity 19:43:17 <lh> EvilBob, thanks 19:43:27 <mojavelinux> got it. i'll focus on those mostly then 19:43:46 <lh> EvilBob, Oh, I know the electric slide, i meant the fedora version. 19:43:51 <lh> you said electric slip. 19:43:59 <mojavelinux> i'll look back through previous announcements, see if there are any clarifications that I think would be effective, then also think about how to broadcasat that message in the most concise way 19:44:15 <adamw> if you have ideas for *clarifying* the TC/RC announcements, though, that'd be great too - the SOP for the tc/rc announcements is https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/QA/SOP_Release_Validation_Test_Event , and that one does have an 'example' mail. if you have any ideas for improving that, it'd be great to have those, as a draft to test@ maybe 19:44:25 <mojavelinux> publicity: ask you shall receive :) 19:44:48 <adamw> mojavelinux: test day announcements we have no template/example for, so yeah, i guess the best thing is to look back at various announces sent by various people and see if you can come up with a good synthesis 19:45:04 <mojavelinux> excellent 19:46:55 <mojavelinux> #action mojavelinux will review the TC/RC announcements and propose clarifications if necessary 19:47:18 <mojavelinux> #action mojavelinux will try to synthesize a template/example for test days, which require the most publicity 19:47:56 <adamw> awesome, thank you 19:50:31 <graphite6> plus, Dan <3 testing :D 19:51:58 <suehle> Anything else? 19:52:26 <suehle> what is it about the last five minutes of this meeting that makes my internet drop? 19:52:36 <suehle> are we ready for endmeeting? 19:52:44 * EvilBob nods 19:52:50 <suehle> #endmeeting