01:00:00 <inode0> #startmeeting FAmNA 01:00:00 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Jun 6 01:00:00 2012 UTC. The chair is inode0. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 01:00:00 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 01:00:02 <inode0> #meetingname FAmNA 01:00:02 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'famna' 01:00:10 <inode0> #chair rbergeron 01:00:10 <zodbot> Current chairs: inode0 rbergeron 01:00:18 <inode0> #topic Roll Call 01:00:22 * rbergeron is here 01:00:25 <award3535> evening everyone 01:00:44 * rbergeron rephrases: /me is here for a totally on-topic organized meeting! yay 01:00:50 * graphite6 says hi! waves! 01:01:09 <nb> hi 01:01:29 <inode0> #topic Announcements 01:01:42 <inode0> If you would like to vote do it soon ... 01:01:54 * dan408 waves 01:02:35 <inode0> #topic Tickets 01:03:03 <inode0> We have three topics for tonight, then we can discuss anything else 01:03:12 <inode0> .famnaticket 21 01:03:13 <zodbot> inode0: #21 (SouthEast LinuxFest 2012, Jun 8-10, Charlotte, NC) – FAmNA general trac - https://fedorahosted.org/famna/ticket/21 01:03:29 <inode0> #info #21 (SouthEast LinuxFest 2012, Jun 8-10, Charlotte, NC) – FAmNA general trac - https://fedorahosted.org/famna/ticket/21 01:03:42 <inode0> .famnaticket 32 01:03:43 <zodbot> inode0: #32 (SELF Brainstorming) – FAmNA general trac - https://fedorahosted.org/famna/ticket/32 01:03:56 <inode0> #info #32 (SELF Brainstorming) – FAmNA general trac - https://fedorahosted.org/famna/ticket/32 01:04:09 <inode0> Any last minute SELF business? 01:04:20 * inode0 knows there must be 01:04:30 <rbergeron> I don't have anything. I think I've noted it all in email and whatnot, but by all means, ask me about the things I forgot. :) 01:04:38 * rbergeron hopes everyone has figured out their rides and etc. 01:04:57 <rbergeron> kk4ewt: your sleeves for burning media are en route. are we doing a burning party somewhere friday night, or what's the plan? 01:05:01 * rbergeron didn't see anything about it on the wiki page 01:05:02 <award3535> I have no questions, just looking forward to meeting everyone 01:05:06 <inode0> Please do sign up for the possible FAD indicating your preference 01:05:33 * inode0 is still trying to contact the L&F lady - will try again tomorrow 01:05:39 <inode0> we should be good though 01:05:56 <kk4ewt> ok rbergeron me and nb are burning what we can before but yes a burning party is planned 01:06:03 <inode0> Do we have all the new swag for SELF yet? 01:06:09 <graphite6> Beefy Miracle buttons arrive here tomorrow :) 01:06:34 <suehle> Beefy Miracle stickers should arrive tomorrow. 01:06:34 <graphite6> Then I'll find a super lucky person in DC to transport them down to Charlotte 01:06:38 <inode0> And how are they getting from here tomorrow to SELF two days later? 01:06:44 <kk4ewt> graphite6: are you coming to SeLF 01:06:45 <inode0> ok 01:06:52 <rbergeron> graphite6: is that person stickster? 01:06:58 <suehle> stickster maybe? He's taking the train 01:06:59 * rbergeron thinks he's the only person from the area going down there 01:07:05 <graphite6> kk4ewt: no, I've got to go to a wedding in Dallas 01:07:17 <graphite6> yes, stickster is going 01:07:26 <rbergeron> is the plan to give buttons to people donating food? 01:07:44 <inode0> donating food or money for food 01:07:48 * rbergeron is going to blog about the food drive tomorrow to get some... additional... attention, hopefully 01:08:00 <suehle> Ooh, and Beefy standup has arrived for photo ops. :) 01:08:08 <graphite6> yeah! 01:08:27 <kk4ewt> i have had a couple people calling me about the VE Session and i told them to bring food for the food drive 01:09:13 <inode0> other regular swag? are we all set? 01:09:33 <rbergeron> I just got a giant box of stickers; I don't know if anyone else has. 01:09:38 <rbergeron> Regular stickers. 01:09:43 <suehle> I also have a bajillion and 3 stickers I can bring more easily than you can. 01:09:54 <rbergeron> But i'm not sure if ben needs anything in the event box specifically. 01:09:57 <kk4ewt> inode0: as far as i can tell, i have pens stickers some case badges and ballons and shirts 01:10:00 * nb got no stickers (yet at least) 01:10:11 <rbergeron> okay, sounds like we're as good as it gets. 01:10:26 <rbergeron> and the hot dog vendor is coming saturday to feed peeps. 01:10:38 <inode0> 12:30 to ? 01:10:46 <nb> rbergeron, i need to send you receipts, i have sleeves that i got today 01:10:55 <nb> rbergeron, s/receipts/receipt/ 01:11:03 <rbergeron> nb: okay 01:11:11 <rbergeron> nb: make a ticket plz :) 01:11:25 <rbergeron> suehle: do we know how long they'll be there or is it just "until hot dogs are byebye" 01:11:34 <inode0> I plan to invite people to the dogcart Sat morning so I'll need details about when it will be there 01:11:56 <suehle> rbergeron: She didn't say she was leaving at a specific time, and I know they didn't have any other obligations that afternoon. Lunch break is 12:30-1:30 01:12:09 <suehle> But I'd tell them to go towards 12:30 just in case of dog-running-out 01:12:52 * Markdude_ can help get attention if needed :) 01:12:53 <suehle> It might help to have someone volunteer to stand in front of the hotel directing, "hey, over there" 01:13:03 <rbergeron> suehle: like, with a giant hot dog sign? 01:13:19 <inode0> pointing in the direction of the dogcart? 01:13:20 <suehle> rbergeron: As long as it doesn't rain! Although he's plastic...he'd probably be fine. 01:13:25 <kk4ewt> do we have a costume 01:13:31 <suehle> Yeah, the dog cart will be across the street in the park. 01:13:35 <rbergeron> of course he owuld be, he's a miracle! 01:13:51 <rbergeron> kk4ewt: spot is bringing his tux costume 01:13:54 <suehle> He delighted the entire office today. And possibly scared one or two. 01:14:01 <kk4ewt> i have a junior ambassador to handle that 01:14:35 <kk4ewt> we definitely need pics with tux and the BM 01:15:12 <rbergeron> suehle: and the fliers? 01:15:23 <rbergeron> we don't know if we can sneak them into the bags or not, I think we'll be able to though. 01:15:32 <suehle> rbergeron: Shipping them in the morning to get stuffed in the bags 01:15:40 * suehle is a problem solver 01:16:26 <suehle> I'll also make some extras to have around the table. 01:16:28 <rbergeron> suehle: you're also awesome 01:17:07 <suehle> awww Beefy love! 01:17:45 <inode0> silny cud! 01:17:53 * inode0 couldn't resist 01:18:18 <inode0> we don't vet translations 01:18:50 <rbergeron> :) 01:19:19 <inode0> ok, sounds like we are happy and ready to get to Charlotte 01:19:36 <inode0> shall we move on? 01:19:49 <kk4ewt> please 01:19:52 <inode0> .famnaticket 22 01:19:54 <zodbot> inode0: #22 (Red Hat Summit / JBossWorld 2012, Jun 26-29, Boston, MA) – FAmNA general trac - https://fedorahosted.org/famna/ticket/22 01:19:54 <rbergeron> yes. 01:20:02 <inode0> #info #22 (Red Hat Summit / JBossWorld 2012, Jun 26-29, Boston, MA) – FAmNA general trac - https://fedorahosted.org/famna/ticket/22 01:20:02 <rbergeron> oh look 01:20:12 <rbergeron> things i didn't prepare much to talk about! 01:20:30 <irejaul> hi everybody 01:20:44 <dan408> hello irejaul 01:20:51 <rbergeron> I haven't planned a dinner yet. 01:20:54 * rbergeron looks for the link 01:20:59 <irejaul> hi dan 01:21:10 <rbergeron> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Red_Hat_Summit_2012 01:21:18 <irejaul> hw r u all 01:21:22 <kk4ewt> rbergeron: since we have suehle here shall we discuss the event box and banners 01:21:27 <inode0> we have never had a dinner that I recall due to all the fun evening activities including food 01:21:31 <rbergeron> inode0: yeah, i know 01:21:39 <inode0> irejaul: we are in the middle of a meeting now 01:21:45 <rbergeron> suehle: do you have room in your car to take eventbox back to rdu and ship it to summit from there? 01:21:58 <kk4ewt> and vbanners 01:22:04 <rbergeron> or do we just want to ship it from .. charlotte and figure that out 01:22:27 * rbergeron pokes suehle 01:22:30 <suehle> rbergeron: I should... I'll make sure I can send it home with my dad/kids since we're going on vacay after SELF 01:22:32 <irejaul> what is the topic? 01:22:42 <rbergeron> suehle: okay. 01:22:54 <rbergeron> suehle: yeah, i recollected something like that. 01:23:24 <rbergeron> kk4ewt: okay, so we'll plan on shpiping it with ruth's car. and then we'll just need to coordinate labels to send it on its way after summit. 01:23:44 <kk4ewt> rbergeron: no problem 01:23:51 <rbergeron> and the beefy miracle standup. 01:23:53 <Markdude_> its a meeting irejaul 01:24:14 * rbergeron has to take care of a child-disaster, i will be back in like, 2 minutes 01:24:32 <graphite6> :D 01:25:03 * inode0 isn't sure if there is more Summit stuff to talk about 01:25:33 <inode0> let's come back to it if there is 01:25:45 <inode0> .famnaticket 36 01:25:46 <zodbot> inode0: #36 (Fedora Ambassador Day North America (FADNA)) – FAmNA general trac - https://fedorahosted.org/famna/ticket/36 01:25:51 <suehle> Beefy has his own box we shall protect. It's about $20-25 to ship. 01:26:02 <inode0> #info #36 (Fedora Ambassador Day North America (FADNA)) – FAmNA general trac - https://fedorahosted.org/famna/ticket/36 01:26:22 <nb> suehle, do you need shipping label to get it to SELF? or are you taking a car and taking it with you? 01:26:25 <Markdude_> +1 01:26:44 <inode0> it is in good hands 01:27:00 <inode0> FADNA 2012/2013 01:27:31 <inode0> So let's get some concrete agenda items in the queue for this, we need a well defined agenda to make it happen 01:27:41 <suehle> nb: Car 01:27:45 <nb> inode0, finance 01:27:46 <nb> finance 01:27:48 <nb> and more finance 01:27:54 <nb> and some budget, but htat is finance 01:28:07 <inode0> I don't mean here in the meeting, I mean in the ticket really :) 01:28:28 <nb> oh ok 01:28:57 <kk4ewt> yep we have to come up with the goal we want to achive 01:29:00 * rbergeron notes she also suggested maybe having a get-together at SELF to solidify this topic (or $anothertopic, if people are interested) 01:29:04 <inode0> although there might be a mini-fad at SELF dealing with organizing FADNA too - which I'll be sure we transcribe the information from to the ticket if that happens 01:29:24 <award3535> Sounds great 01:29:36 <suehle> We have the room at SELF all day on Sunday, so multiple topics is also an option. 01:29:41 <award3535> I would be up for a mini FAD at self 01:29:44 <inode0> that won't trump what we plan together, just likely would give it a good jump start 01:29:46 <chanchito> sorry I'm late folks, apologies, got home late from work, greetings! :-) 01:29:54 <nb> the only time i know of that the room is in use is 10-1 01:29:57 <nb> so any othe rtime would work 01:30:20 * inode0 is now confused 01:30:35 <inode0> 10-1 whacks most of Sunday for those flying out 01:30:36 <kk4ewt> yep 10-1 is the VE Test Session 01:31:04 <nb> suehle, is the room used by anyone else on friday or saturday? 01:31:09 <award3535> I am driving out about 4pm, but can leave later if necessary 01:31:10 <nb> where we could do a mini-fad one of those days? 01:31:13 <inode0> well, we can always find a place 01:31:23 <suehle> nb: I assume so, but I don't know. 01:31:28 <nb> I can get with Jeremy and tryto arrange a space 01:31:29 <kk4ewt> friday night at the burning party 01:31:41 <suehle> I thought GTswagger had said we had Fedora room all day on Sunday. 01:31:49 <rbergeron> suehle: that was my understanding. 01:32:02 <irejaul> Finance is the time value of money, how investors allocate their assets over time under conditions of certainty and uncertainty. 01:32:03 <inode0> sounds like the hams are using it part of the day 01:32:10 <nb> suehle, we do have it all day 01:32:14 <inode0> irejaul: please 01:32:15 <kk4ewt> and i think the Fedora Ham exam session is part of that time 01:32:25 <nb> suehle, but we already planned the test session ran by Fedora Amateur Radio SIG from 10-1 01:32:28 <rbergeron> is it *in* the Fedora room? 01:32:36 <rbergeron> or in another room? 01:32:40 <nb> rbergeron, I would assume so, Fedora is sponsoring it 01:32:45 <nb> sponsoring the tests 01:33:10 * nb can get with Jeremy and attempt to arrange a time on Friday or Saturday if that would work better for us 01:33:13 * inode0 thinks this is a minor detail we can work around 01:33:23 <nb> inode0, yeah 01:33:26 <suehle> It's not on the PDF schedule, so that doesn't help. 01:33:27 <rbergeron> yeah, i think we just need to talk to jeremy to figure out ... wtf the plan is 01:33:29 <nb> we can find somewhere 01:33:40 <rbergeron> if he has one, or if he's just like "there's a room and after that i don't care" 01:33:41 <award3535> although I wont be able to go on friday, I arrive Sat morning 01:34:15 <rbergeron> inode0: yes, i think we can work around it 01:34:24 <rbergeron> we'll get it sorted, i don't think we need to start sweating 01:34:31 <rbergeron> worst case is "fad in the pool cabana" or something 01:34:36 <inode0> So for those here who haven't been to a Fedora Ambassador Day it is a day or two or three when some ambassadors get together to work on things in a place where there aren't too many distractions 01:34:40 <irejaul> Can I join https://www.redhatsummit2012.com/Login.aspx 01:34:48 * suehle votes for cabana FAD 01:35:06 <inode0> irejaul: please wait until we have the open floor section - we are trying to discuss something else 01:35:07 <kk4ewt> well 2 of us will be in the VE Session 01:35:40 <irejaul> ok 01:35:46 <irejaul> thanks 01:35:46 <rbergeron> well, i am pretty sure that we can keep plugging away if you guys are out for a few hours - hence the light focus 01:36:05 <rbergeron> but i don't want to avoid doing anything just because 2 people are unavailable, since technically most of the north american folks and the rest of the planet are also unavailable :) 01:36:13 <kk4ewt> and then the table is open till 1 as well on sunday 01:36:30 <nb> what about some time saturday evening? 01:36:36 <inode0> Planning well ahead of time which major events we want to attend and who will be responsible for them is one common activity 01:36:36 <nb> when does the booth close? 01:36:43 <rbergeron> nb: i will be woefully unavailable on saturday night. 01:36:48 <nb> oh 01:36:58 <nb> friday evening? 01:37:08 <rbergeron> nb: but you can do it without me, too. ;) 01:37:09 <nb> i know award3535 can't be there, but not sure about the rest of us 01:37:28 * rbergeron notes that this was the purpose of the wiki page i made, so people could say "totally can't do it at such and such a time" 01:37:32 <rbergeron> or "i don't care about these topics" :) 01:37:37 <rbergeron> inode0: yes. 01:37:46 <rbergeron> inode0: and what swag to go along with them. 01:37:53 <nb> oh 01:37:55 <award3535> Dont worry about me, I can get filled in later, I have to work on Friday until 4pm 01:37:57 <rbergeron> inode0: maybe the link from the last fad we did would be useful to share? 01:38:01 <rbergeron> fadna 01:38:05 <nb> rbergeron, which wiki page is that? is it on the main SELF page? 01:38:30 <rbergeron> nb: i can't remember. it's the one i sent a mail about to the ambassadors list. 01:38:38 * rbergeron steers back on topic to "ideas for FADNA" 01:38:53 <rbergeron> is everyone pretty clear on what a FAD actually is? 01:39:05 <nb> rbergeron, oh ok 01:39:11 <rbergeron> (ie: it's not really a 'let's get together and tell others about fedora for a day', usually) 01:39:13 <chanchito> fedora activity day 01:39:14 <suehle> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FAD_at_SELF_2012 01:39:20 <graphite6> yup 01:39:30 * rbergeron tries to not mix up fad @ self and "plans for a FAD NA" 01:39:37 <Markdude_> yes. talked about at fudcon :) 01:39:52 <rbergeron> so if there are specific ambassador tasks 01:39:59 <rbergeron> that we want to accomplish at a ambassador fad 01:40:09 <rbergeron> put the;m in the ticket, so we can have them there 01:40:25 <rbergeron> we want to avoid being totally overloaded becacuse... shit never gets done if we try to get too much done :) 01:40:45 <chanchito> many hands lighten the load 01:40:49 * inode0 looks 01:41:15 <rbergeron> future plans for events, streamlining certain processes, organizing some sort of campaign, etc. 01:41:17 <inode0> #link http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_Ambassador_Day_North_America_2010 01:41:20 <rbergeron> how to track swag 01:41:22 <rbergeron> many things. 01:41:26 <rbergeron> inode0: thanks for that link :) 01:41:31 * rbergeron was typing and not hunting 01:42:33 <inode0> One thing I would like everyone to think about is where a good location might be for the next one 01:42:43 <inode0> Several factors to think about 01:42:54 <award3535> looks like a structured business meeting with several VPs 01:42:55 <chanchito> austin, tx 01:43:06 <inode0> travel costs - need to try to minimize those 01:43:32 <rbergeron> ie: close to an airport, free rooms, not in washington dc on the 4th of july :) 01:43:40 <inode0> free facilities that avoid too many distractions are good 01:43:46 <rbergeron> don't want to have to spend a fortune on cab rides, etc. 01:43:47 * rbergeron nods 01:43:54 * inode0 thinks the cornfield was ideal in that respect 01:43:55 <rbergeron> and not colocating it with $otherevent :) 01:44:11 <kk4ewt> +1 01:44:29 <kk4ewt> cornfield with baar b que sounds good to me 01:44:40 <chanchito> ohio 01:44:42 <award3535> What about Atlanta for the FAD 01:44:52 <award3535> even orlando 01:45:06 <inode0> well, we aren't going to decide - someone needs to do the organizing of things wherever it is 01:45:08 <kk4ewt> too many distractions 01:45:19 <rbergeron> orlando has distractions? 01:45:27 <inode0> so it is very likely to be where some ambassador lives 01:45:29 <award3535> Major hubs for airports are always good, less money on travel 01:45:53 <kk4ewt> in other words you are setting up a mini Fudcon 01:45:55 * rbergeron doesn't think orlando hs distractions, but agrees that we need to do it where someone lives 01:46:29 <kk4ewt> rbergeron: Disney world , Ruby MCGees etc 01:46:42 <rbergeron> kk4ewt: i don't think it's really distracting unless we're staing at the disneyland hotel 01:46:44 <inode0> it is a fair amount of work to host - but if you have access to facilities and are interested in hosting it let us know 01:46:53 * nb votes to do it at dennis' house 01:46:58 <nb> so he can make barbeque 01:47:11 <nb> i think it was him that did bbq for something 01:47:13 <kk4ewt> nb organize it 01:47:16 <award3535> Dallas FT worth is a good hub 01:47:18 <rbergeron> every city has some sort of attraction :) 01:47:30 <kk4ewt> or distraction 01:47:36 <award3535> Jacksonville Fl 01:47:53 <inode0> ok, I really don't want a long list tonight 01:47:54 <rbergeron> okay, inode0: i leave it to you to change topic and stop the bikeshedding :) 01:48:05 * nb likes painting the bikeshed 01:48:06 <nb> lol jk 01:48:11 <inode0> just if you are interested in hosting start thinking about it 01:48:51 <inode0> some of the location will also likely depend on where the people going to it are from 01:49:11 <inode0> the most important first step is the agenda 01:49:25 <rbergeron> no agenda == no money ;) 01:49:44 <inode0> for tonight I really just wanted to get this out on the table so everyone could begin thinking seriously about helping to make it happen 01:50:07 <inode0> #topic Open Floor 01:50:15 <inode0> 10 minutes left for random mayhem 01:50:23 * rbergeron runs around in circles 01:50:33 <graphite6> mayhem! mayhem! mayhem! 01:50:42 <award3535> I can give someone a ride to the airport upon leaving SELF 01:50:48 * nb wonders how SELF's interent will be 01:50:51 <nb> if it will block anything 01:51:04 <nb> award3535, when are you planning on leaving? 01:51:06 * graphite6 is hoping to move to Denver in the next few months so she can't be tagged for hosting anything 01:51:35 <inode0> right, like no one would want to go to Denver 01:51:57 <award3535> nb: I have no set time, its just a 5 hour drive for me, and no problem to help out 01:52:04 <graphite6> inode0: ssshhhhh :D 01:52:22 <nb> award3535, ok. I might take you up on it if you want to leave soemetime 4-ish on sunday 01:52:29 <nb> my flight is at 5something i think 01:52:51 <award3535> nb: that is about when I was planning on leaving anyway about 4is 01:53:27 <nb> actually its at 4:30 so i'd probably need to be at airport by 3 or so 01:53:32 * nb just checked 01:53:41 <nb> but we can talk outside of meeting 01:54:05 <award3535> nb: no problem, email me 01:55:29 <award3535> storms in my area, lights are flickering 01:56:49 <inode0> chanchito: we left the multitouch display on the back burner but getting it for the release of F18 might make sense as apps are developed to use it 01:57:03 <inode0> so let's not forget about it completely :) 01:57:58 <chanchito> OK! i have been scouting the factory outlets for pricing 01:57:58 <award3535> Everyone, seems like I am about to loose power, some powerful storms are rolling through. I will see you all there this weekend. 01:58:39 <inode0> chanchito: we sort of felt at this point only low level stuff has been added and without app support there wouldn't be much to show off 01:58:53 <kk4ewt> chanchito: and i am holding up bringing the pens south at the moment they may go somewhere else 01:59:16 <chanchito> thx ben! i was wondering why i didn't see a way bill in my email 01:59:32 <chanchito> i know dan wants the pens to go to frisco 01:59:39 <chanchito> so he sent me his info 01:59:45 * inode0 will end the meeting in about a minute but we can continue discussing stuff in #fedora-ambassadors until we run out of gas 01:59:54 <chanchito> excellent 01:59:59 <dan408> yessir 02:00:09 <dan408> thank you 02:00:21 <kk4ewt> chanchito: vwbusguy should be getting some pens to handle that event 02:00:27 <inode0> thanks everyone for you attention tonight 02:00:35 <chanchito> ok over to ambassadors 02:00:51 <nb> oh, i will be sending people case badges soon 02:00:57 <inode0> see you all next week 02:01:04 <inode0> #endmeeting