13:23:03 <igorps> #startmeeting famsco 13:23:03 <zodbot> Meeting started Sat Oct 8 13:23:03 2011 UTC. The chair is igorps. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 13:23:03 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 13:23:10 <kaio> .fas kaio 13:23:11 <zodbot> kaio: kaio 'Caius Chance (かいお)' <me@kaio.net> 13:23:14 <igorps> #topic Roll Call 13:23:19 <igorps> .fas igorps 13:23:20 <zodbot> igorps: igor 'Igor Pires Soares' <igor@projetofedora.org> 13:23:22 <gbraad> .fas gbraad 13:23:24 <yn1v> .fas yn1v 13:23:24 <zodbot> gbraad: gbraad 'Gerard Braad (吉拉德)' <fedora@gbraad.nl> 13:23:28 <zodbot> yn1v: yn1v 'Neville A. Cross' <neville@taygon.com> 13:23:47 <igorps> Today's agenda is here: 13:23:49 <igorps> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FAmSCo_agenda 13:23:59 <gbraad> .fas kaio 13:24:00 <zodbot> gbraad: kaio 'Caius Chance (かいお)' <me@kaio.net> 13:24:30 <igorps> #topic Chinese domain 13:24:44 <igorps> gbraad, kaio any news about that? 13:25:05 <gbraad> this has been granted. kaio has more details 13:25:39 <igorps> wow. glad to know! 13:26:06 <kaio> gbraad, cn is granted 13:26:11 <kaio> zh will be pointed to cn 13:26:38 <kaio> zht or sth elase will be used to cover tw, hk and all chinese traditional area 13:26:48 <igorps> sounds a good solution to me 13:26:50 <kaio> no further tech details yet 13:26:58 <kaio> need to chase up 13:27:23 <gbraad> we are dealing with this 13:27:25 <gbraad> :-) 13:27:35 <igorps> kaio, ok, please keep us informed when you have more details 13:27:49 <kaio> the web services from community will be handled along the progress 13:27:51 <yn1v> good to know that is moving forward, at least one step forward 13:28:12 <kaio> such as blog, forum/bbs, planet, microblog/twitter/weibo/blah. 13:28:34 <gbraad> weibo is now shared with Tommy (lovenemesis) 13:28:52 <kaio> gbraad, got that news 13:28:54 <igorps> Do you guys know who will pay for the hosting services? 13:29:12 <gbraad> currently paid by the community members 13:29:15 <kaio> I personally hope fedora can support. 13:29:50 <igorps> Make sure that the people responsible for that are well defined 13:29:58 <gbraad> I once asked to have community hosting from Fedora, however infra is already overloaded 13:30:03 <igorps> in order to avoid future problems 13:30:14 <kaio> ++ 13:30:18 <gbraad> igorps: we are aware of this issue and still looking for a good solution 13:30:21 <gbraad> +1 13:30:42 <igorps> gbraad, good to know 13:30:51 <kaio> btw, the ownership of #fedora-{zh,tw,cn,hk} should be back to infra. 13:31:20 <igorps> kaio, really nice! 13:31:51 <gbraad> anything else to add? 13:31:52 <igorps> kaio, the channels will be integrated or will continue separated? 13:32:00 <gbraad> combined i presume 13:32:14 <gbraad> for the moment the community is too small to split 13:32:28 <kaio> dont mind someone who take responsibilities, but need it not over-centralized in admin 13:33:01 <kaio> its almost impossible to OP an user w/o the founder of a channel online 13:33:25 <igorps> IMHO combine them is the best approach. We did something similar in LATAM. 13:33:34 <yn1v> +1 13:33:36 <gbraad> igorps: +1 I also believe so 13:34:04 <kaio> similarly, currently admin of forum/bbs, blog, planet are not easy/effective. 13:34:33 <gbraad> who owns LATAM's infra? 13:35:05 <igorps> kaio, I believe it will take some time now for you guys to figure it all out 13:35:11 <kaio> need to be sorted out, otherwise things wont move 13:35:39 <kaio> igorps, will discuss more w/ gbraad and the community 13:36:07 <igorps> gbraad, most infra services are paid by local RH now 13:36:24 <gbraad> and who takes care of support? 13:37:15 <igorps> gbraad, this was part of the work of our former community manager 13:37:41 <igorps> unfortunately he is not working for RH anymore 13:37:56 <gbraad> Paul also wanted the same for China with me and kaio 13:38:06 <gbraad> however, we were too young a community 13:38:20 <gbraad> (you mean spevack) 13:39:11 <kaio> I feel difficult to serve the infra services. 13:39:23 <igorps> we set all this when the LATAM community was young too 13:39:32 <igorps> so I believe it is possible 13:39:48 <gbraad> ok, let's discuss this later 13:40:00 <gbraad> interesting to drop this on the famsco list 13:40:08 <igorps> but it started with community members paying for it 13:40:14 <igorps> gbraad ok 13:40:16 <gbraad> can we move on? 13:40:18 <igorps> let's move on 13:40:25 <kaio> ++ 13:41:05 <igorps> I will leave the FUDCon discussion to the end of the meeting 13:41:17 <igorps> #topic Tickets 13:41:34 <igorps> any tickets, folks? 13:41:40 <gbraad> 222 13:41:48 <igorps> https://fedorahosted.org/famsco/ticket/222 13:41:57 <gbraad> thanks 13:42:21 <igorps> gbraad, are you considering PayPal taxes on the amount you have requested? 13:42:37 <gbraad> haven't done so 13:42:50 <gbraad> it is a budget request for FAD China 13:43:36 <igorps> At least for the transactions that yn1v has been making to LATAM PayPal is taxing them in about 7,5% 13:44:00 <gbraad> wow! that is quite a lot 13:44:39 <gbraad> does anyone see problems with it? 13:44:51 <igorps> So it's good to check that out before transferring the money 13:45:03 <igorps> gbraad, not at all 13:45:23 <igorps> +1 13:45:36 <igorps> kaio, yn1v? 13:45:43 <kaio> its important to make sure how much will arrive after-fee 13:46:22 <yn1v> yes, but sometimes you have to try to find out how much will be moving the money 13:46:24 <kaio> no one wants to see a reimbursement under the expense amount 13:46:31 <gbraad> I do not mind a little skew in the amount, as I already need to pay it in CNY 13:47:03 <kaio> for china as long as gbraad can be the helper things are easier 13:47:19 <yn1v> It also depends on how much will be as an absolute value. 13:47:37 <kaio> and there should be resolved for other apac countries 13:47:45 <igorps> gbraad, I suggest you to do this one as a experience, and figure out how things work on PayPal in China 13:48:05 <gbraad> paypal in China does not exist (it does, but is a different system) 13:48:08 <kaio> also the banks in china will charge the second time seems 13:48:19 <gbraad> harish and I have done it before, and so did Tommy 13:49:01 <yn1v> I think we should focus on the request 13:49:02 <gbraad> I just make sure I can pay for it from my own account (either bank or alipay) and make sure of the conversion on the day rate 13:49:02 <igorps> gbraad, so I believe there's no problem then 13:49:45 <gbraad> ok, thanks 13:49:46 <yn1v> there is only budget for food and meeting room. 13:50:06 <igorps> +1 13:50:10 <gbraad> other costs have been filed by Tommy as separate tickets 13:50:13 <yn1v> there will be no extras? like renting equipment? 13:50:24 <gbraad> travel seems to be only one person at the moment 13:50:37 <gbraad> projector and such is provided with the room rent 13:51:17 <igorps> gbraad, good 13:51:41 <igorps> any objections? 13:51:48 <yn1v> I don't see problems here. 13:51:50 <yn1v> +1 13:51:56 <igorps> +1 13:52:20 <gbraad> thanks 13:52:35 <igorps> I have one ticket as well 13:52:47 <igorps> https://fedorahosted.org/famsco/ticket/220 13:53:15 <igorps> Sorry for the formatting. I messed the links up. 13:54:11 <igorps> The event is will start on Oct. 19 13:54:23 <igorps> So we need to take action on this 13:55:41 <gbraad> trying to open it... slow internet 13:55:58 <gbraad> ah, travel costs 13:56:19 <igorps> liknus posted about it on mailing list 13:57:14 <igorps> yn1v, any thoughts on that? 13:57:18 <yn1v> This is something that is over 1K 13:57:45 <yn1v> I know that is one of the biggest events on south america 13:58:08 <yn1v> I would like to support this. 13:58:09 <gbraad> what is your opinion on this? 13:58:38 <igorps> unfortunately Valentin hit problems with his documentation 13:58:42 <gbraad> tickets have not been booked, so the prices can still be different 13:59:07 <gbraad> I do not see a problem with granting this 13:59:21 <yn1v> but we have looked for confirmation from budget before actually doing decisions for over 1K 13:59:23 <igorps> so the costs rised from ~700 to ~1000 since he will need to travel by plane now 14:00:07 <igorps> yn1v, most important thing now is to purchase the airfare since the event is a few days away 14:00:13 <yn1v> I am fully +1 on this 14:00:31 <igorps> hotel expenses we can work with reimbursement next month, no problem 14:01:51 <igorps> It will cheaper to buy the airfare directly, so we bypass reimbursement with PayPal 14:02:01 <gbraad> +1 14:02:04 <yn1v> let's do that... work with airfare 14:02:16 <yn1v> and later work with hotel payment 14:02:41 <igorps> yn1v, ok. I will contact you off meeting so we can work on this 14:02:59 <yn1v> I hope that I can manage to actually buy the ticket as last time we run into a lot a problems 14:03:25 <igorps> #agreed Budget for FAD China approved (Ticket #222) 14:03:35 <yn1v> Yes, let work out this after meeting 14:03:53 <igorps> #agreed Budget for Latinoware approved (Ticket #220) 14:04:20 <igorps> ok, let's move on 14:04:45 <igorps> yn1v, anything you would like to add to your topics? 14:04:47 <kaio> ++ 14:05:49 <yn1v> my topics are closed, but not erased from agenda 14:06:22 <igorps> This topic has been on the agenda for a while now: 14:06:32 <igorps> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/User:Jsimon/draft_community_credit_card_process 14:07:55 <igorps> yn1v, since you are one of holders of the community credit cards, could you please take a look at it? 14:08:01 <yn1v> every time that I see that flow chart I get dizzy :( to many arrows 14:08:53 <igorps> yn1v, hehe, me too, we might suggest a simplification 14:09:15 <yn1v> I think that there are different ways of doing this as regional/historical facts 14:09:57 <yn1v> Emea has a strong structure for dealing with acquisitions and everything work there 14:10:33 <igorps> The process itself seems clear to me, but I'm not sure if the flow chart helps other ambassadors to understand 14:10:33 <yn1v> but latam and emea has a lot of things to figure out to get something done 14:11:34 <yn1v> I am not sure they need to understand. I think it is great to have transparency, but some people need direction to do their part 14:12:10 <igorps> I think this is a good topic to an open meeting or a Town Hall 14:12:11 <yn1v> kind of making two sections, what an ambassador has to do, and what an card holder has to do. 14:12:44 <gbraad> yn1v: +1 14:12:49 <kaio> ++ 14:13:10 <igorps> #topic Community credit card process review 14:13:20 <yn1v> and I think what makes more complex is that you need multiple ways to deal with regional obstacles 14:13:36 <igorps> #idea Make two sections on the wiki page, what an ambassador has to do, and what an card holder has to do. 14:15:11 <yn1v> or... probably just leave out ambassadors... this is something for transparency and use of people involved in budget ... and make sure in ambassadors page you have instructions for making request 14:15:37 <gbraad> yn1v: this is a better approach 14:15:43 <gbraad> the ambassador part is general for all 14:16:02 <gbraad> and also prevent unnecessary duplication 14:16:14 <igorps> yn1v, for sure, most important thing is that we have all the information to take good decisions 14:16:15 <yn1v> two ideas, at least one is worth :) 14:16:49 <igorps> two good ideas! 14:16:53 <yn1v> I see value in transparency, that anybody can be accountable 14:17:30 <igorps> #idea Make sure in ambassadors page you have instructions for making requests 14:17:57 <yn1v> That anybody can know what I am doing with that credit card... and most important that anybody can take over this function 14:18:15 <yn1v> at this moment it has been a learning process. 14:18:22 <igorps> I'm sure that Joerg will find these ideas interesting 14:19:16 <igorps> yn1v, anything else you would like to add? 14:20:08 <yn1v> I am still afraid that I am doing things as they came out, I am not sure how this fits on the general budget to avoid me (or other card holder) overspending the budget 14:21:20 <gbraad> the budget should still be supervised by the regional manager, for apac this would be Harish. 14:21:25 <yn1v> probably it is my own fault for not be more pushy on asking questions. 14:21:31 <gbraad> I expect you are responsible for this 14:21:53 <igorps> yn1v, this is something that we really need to sort out. I generally use the community architecture page to see how much we have spent. 14:21:55 <gbraad> you need to provide this information 14:22:57 <igorps> I'll keep this in the meeting agenda, since it need further discussion 14:22:59 <yn1v> igorps, can you post a link for future reference on the budget page 14:23:28 <yn1v> budget/architecture page 14:23:57 <igorps> yn1v, a link pointing to what page? 14:24:31 <yn1v> the page of architecture where you check how much has been spent 14:25:21 <igorps> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Community_Architecture_expenses 14:25:29 <yn1v> thanks 14:25:57 <igorps> One thing that we need to keep in mind is that the budget is per fiscal year 14:26:15 <igorps> FAmSCo elections are before the end of fiscal year 14:26:47 <igorps> That basically means that we must not spend the whole money on our term 14:27:31 <yn1v> okey 14:27:42 <gbraad> okay 14:28:02 <kaio> ok 14:28:13 <gbraad> anything else? 14:28:16 <igorps> should we postpone the FUDCon LATAM recommendation for next meeting or you guys would like to do it now? 14:28:27 <gbraad> next meeting 14:28:42 <yn1v> I can go 10 or 15 more minutes 14:28:43 <igorps> unfortunately the bidders did not show up 14:28:48 <gbraad> have not prepared for this 14:29:05 <gbraad> next meeting, with a good announcement and bidders 14:29:41 <yn1v> #action yn1v to send mails inviting fudcon latam bidders for next meeting 14:29:51 <igorps> I'll leave the links on the minutes so you guys can prepare: 14:29:58 <igorps> http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FUDCon:Bid_for_Peru_2012 14:29:59 <gbraad> +1 14:30:01 <yn1v> great 14:30:08 <igorps> http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FUDCon:Bid_for_Venezuela_2012 14:30:28 <igorps> anything else, folks? 14:30:39 <gbraad> nope 14:31:10 <igorps> ending the meeting in 1 minute 14:32:13 <igorps> #endmeeting