14:17:46 <gbraad> #startmeeting FAmSCo 14:17:46 <zodbot> Meeting started Sat Jun 25 14:17:46 2011 UTC. The chair is gbraad. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:17:46 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 14:18:03 <gbraad> #chair kaio yn1v igrorps 14:18:03 <zodbot> Current chairs: gbraad igrorps kaio yn1v 14:18:10 <gbraad> #chair igorps 14:18:10 <zodbot> Current chairs: gbraad igorps igrorps kaio yn1v 14:18:24 <kaio> .fas kaio 14:18:26 <zodbot> kaio: kaio 'Caius Chance (かいお)' <me@kaio.net> 14:18:32 <igorps> .fas igorps 14:18:32 <zodbot> igorps: igor 'Igor Pires Soares' <igor@projetofedora.org> 14:18:37 <yn1v> .fas yn1v 14:18:37 <zodbot> yn1v: yn1v 'Neville A. Cross' <neville@taygon.com> 14:18:41 <gbraad> Thanks for going, agenda is on: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FAmSCo_agenda 14:18:49 <gbraad> .fas gbraad 14:18:50 <zodbot> gbraad: gbraad 'Gerard Braad (吉拉德)' <fedora@gbraad.nl> 14:19:10 <kaio> igorps, I may be the chair assistant today 14:19:25 <gbraad> No new topics, but we will cast our vote for the FUDCon APAC bid 14:19:38 <gbraad> #topic Current action items 14:20:15 <gbraad> Bidding for FUDCon APAC has closed last Thursday. 14:20:35 <gbraad> thanks to the Chinese members for filling the information on the chinese page 14:21:00 <gbraad> I have nothing to add to the remaining topics as the bid had priority 14:21:12 <gbraad> so moving on (will cast votes later) 14:21:48 <gbraad> Pierros is not here, so ufortunately no feedback on the F16 schedule. Sorry rbergeron 14:21:49 <liknus> hey all 14:21:56 <igorps> he is, now :) 14:21:57 <gbraad> Ah1 14:22:07 <gbraad> #chair liknus 14:22:07 <zodbot> Current chairs: gbraad igorps igrorps kaio liknus yn1v 14:22:13 <liknus> I am in Jordan, Amman and the connection is really bad here :( 14:22:34 <gbraad> we just started the current items and ended on yours 14:22:35 <liknus> gbraad: please continue 14:22:48 <gbraad> do you have anything to add? 14:22:55 <liknus> mine are pretty much stuck... 14:23:05 <liknus> we got the release party competition going 14:23:15 <liknus> and I still have to finish the swag proposal :( 14:23:27 <liknus> and also meet with rbergeron about the F16 schedule 14:23:37 <liknus> (we need to restructure it a bit after F15) 14:23:50 <gbraad> ok, as soon as FUDCon bid is cast, I am sure the SWAG will be an issue 14:23:51 <liknus> gbraad: can you start a thread about that on the mailing list? 14:23:58 <liknus> yeap 14:24:13 <liknus> we are going to discuss FAmSCo bid on next meeting? 14:24:19 <gbraad> liknus: swtart a thread about the F16 release schedule? ok 14:24:37 <igorps> liknus, we are willing to discuss it today 14:24:41 <gbraad> liknus, we would like to do it today. Mind and mether's vote are knopwn 14:24:50 <liknus> ok nice 14:25:04 <liknus> what are your votes/rationale? 14:25:06 * gbraad hates the connection from Beijing to Netherlands :-s 14:25:24 <gbraad> liknus, first the current items? 14:25:37 <liknus> ok yeap 14:25:52 <gbraad> you have anything to add to your items? 14:26:10 <mether> i am here but I am on a call 14:26:16 <mether> I will follow along 14:26:21 <gbraad> ok, great[6~ 14:26:37 <gbraad> moving on to Igor 14:27:16 <igorps> airfare and accommodation for FISL has been take care 14:27:33 <igorps> Thanks to the new community credit cards and yn1v's help 14:27:50 <igorps> the event will be on next week 14:28:15 <igorps> I hope everyone have fun there :) 14:28:20 * yn1v needs to report the expenses 14:28:46 <igorps> yn1v, when you have a final number please let me know 14:28:55 <rbergeron> ? 14:28:58 * gbraad thinks no action item is needed for this. 14:29:02 <igorps> so I can update the wiki and the spreadsheet properly 14:29:15 <yn1v> igorps, okey 14:29:17 <gbraad> rbergeron: please 14:29:43 <igorps> gbraad, Indeed, we figured most things out this week 14:29:47 * rbergeron notes that an $1100 ticket got bought for Lenno, and he's not listed on the wiki page as an attendee, or what he's doing. It would be helpful come expense-report time when someone (max) files this... 14:29:54 <rbergeron> to have that info as a reference, preferably on the wiki page. 14:30:20 <yn1v> +1 14:30:23 <rbergeron> (And also for transparency purposes and so forth, so poeple know why there's an $1100 ticket for someone not listed as an attendee. ;)) 14:30:31 <igorps> rbergeron, he signed on the wrong wiki page 14:30:34 <rbergeron> (But mostly so poeple get their money back. :D) 14:30:40 <igorps> I'll ping him about this 14:31:26 <rbergeron> coolio. thx 14:31:33 <gbraad> #action igorps will inform Lenno about the expenses and attendencee (needs to be in sync for expenses reporting) 14:31:40 * rbergeron just happened to catch it and was just thinking about it when you guys were discussing 14:31:57 <igorps> rbergeron, thank you! 14:32:13 <yn1v> I double check with jmisth about this air fare, just to be sure. I have to confess that hesitated to start using community funds on a expensive air ticket. 14:33:11 <igorps> If we had bought it sooner it would be a lot cheaper 14:33:22 <igorps> but we just got the community credit cards 14:33:24 <yn1v> I know 14:33:38 <gbraad> #action yn1v will doublecheck about the airfare with jsmith 14:33:53 <igorps> fortunately we are able to do it sooner next time now 14:34:02 <gbraad> indication the budget issue is bothering us? 14:34:07 <yn1v> I have already double checked before buying 14:34:15 <gbraad> #undo 14:34:15 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: <MeetBot.items.Action object at 0x10ef83ac> 14:34:40 <yn1v> thanks rbergeron for your input 14:35:07 <igorps> specially for people who live far from the event place buying tickets as soon as possible is a saving money practice :) 14:35:13 <gbraad> I have not seen any folow-ups on our previous discussions about he budget issue; besides the swag wrangler. is everything now ok? 14:35:43 <igorps> Media for Brazil is still stuck 14:36:07 <gbraad> payment related? 14:36:17 <yn1v> there was any news about RedHat paying for that media ? 14:36:40 <igorps> yn1v, nop, I don't believe they are going to do it 14:36:57 <igorps> PayPal is the best solution I think 14:37:03 <yn1v> when is last day to order? 14:37:13 <yn1v> order media for FISL ? 14:37:24 <yn1v> or we are already late? 14:37:47 <igorps> We already missed that for FISL, but jsmith-away will bring usb keys so we are good 14:38:03 <igorps> but we need to keep working on that 14:38:10 <gbraad> ok, please add a agenda item 14:38:14 <igorps> as well as on media for other countries for LATAM 14:38:14 <gbraad> we need to move on 14:38:26 <igorps> gbraad, I will do that 14:38:34 <gbraad> the Media Wrangler needs to be a topic for discussion 14:39:00 <gbraad> #action regional Media Wrangler issue. needs to be added as agenda topic 14:39:05 <igorps> gbraad, indeed 14:39:14 <gbraad> ok, moving on. Neville 14:39:27 <gbraad> The town halls were... well... :-s 14:39:34 <yn1v> :( 14:40:12 <yn1v> We discused over the mailing list about making this a open meeting, we all 14:40:19 <gbraad> improvement has been suggested on list by Joerg AFAIR 14:40:28 <yn1v> agreed to it, but there was no invitation 14:40:49 <yn1v> well, at least there was nobody against 14:41:02 <igorps> probably this is the best way to do it 14:41:29 <gbraad> #action invitation needs to be send about the FAmSCo meeting being open (instead of mentor townhalls) 14:41:32 <gbraad> +1 14:41:36 <igorps> we just have to communicate it and say that we'll be open to questions 14:41:45 <yn1v> +1 14:42:00 <gbraad> the same goes ofr the usage of the irc channel #fdora-famsco 14:42:06 * gbraad typo 14:42:25 <gbraad> if we do not promote it, there will be no usage 14:42:33 <igorps> gbraad, +1 14:42:45 <gbraad> can anyone send an email about this to the ambassador list? 14:42:56 <kaio> ++ 14:43:24 <igorps> first we need to decide when it will be 14:43:29 <igorps> next meeting? 14:43:39 <gbraad> ASAP, sounds good +1 14:43:55 <yn1v> +1 14:44:00 <igorps> sound good to me as well 14:44:01 <igorps> +1 14:44:02 <kaio> ++ 14:44:28 <gbraad> #action gbraad will send the invitation about the open meeting of famsco 14:44:40 <gbraad> you get the point 14:44:48 <gbraad> anything else? 14:44:56 <yn1v> survey 14:45:15 <yn1v> I opened a ticket for reimbursement on the expenses for the survey 14:45:40 <yn1v> it is $22 and the tickets is https://fedorahosted.org/famsco/ticket/198 14:45:45 <gbraad> I saw, $22 AFAIR 14:45:54 <liknus> +1 14:46:07 <liknus> (terrible lag here sorry) 14:46:07 <gbraad> should not be a problem 14:46:13 <gbraad> same here 14:46:13 <yn1v> there are 77 responses, 57 completed, 20 partial ... same as last week :( 14:46:38 <gbraad> do we need to send out another email? or leave it at this? 14:47:00 <igorps> I think we can send one more mail and a blog post 14:47:01 <yn1v> # yn1v will send an email about been last week for survey 14:47:10 <rbergeron> yn1v: can someone just log in and pay it? 14:47:11 <igorps> and be close it after that 14:47:15 <rbergeron> or do they need to reimburse you 14:47:59 <yn1v> What I think is that I need the ping code for the credit card so I can withdraw the money at a ATM 14:48:28 <yn1v> I tis is mostly, to keep things transparent about the use of the community credit card 14:48:59 <gbraad> yn1v, that is something spevack probably have to deal with. 14:50:06 <yn1v> probably, but Ipay for that on may, and forgot to open a ticket.., so I am opening to be ready whenever 14:50:27 <yn1v> can be reibursed, not really in a hurry. 14:50:53 <gbraad> ok, the ticket will be dealt with. let's discuss on the ticket how to deal with the payment 14:51:30 <yn1v> there is also https://fedorahosted.org/famsco/ticket/190 for about $350 that was media and swag for managua release party. 14:51:59 <gbraad> igorps, you want to send another email? if so, let's have a deadlne for the survey. ASAP. so we can have the results 14:52:11 <yn1v> # yn1v will ping max and Jeanine (redhat) about the possibility of having a pin code for the credit card 14:52:25 <gbraad> ok 14:52:27 <gbraad> thanks 14:53:03 <gbraad> today's meeting is already long. anyone mind moving on to the fudcon bid? 14:53:10 <yn1v> I think that I have no other items for this meeting 14:53:33 <gbraad> #topic New items 14:54:34 <gbraad> recently jsmith announced there was budget for an APAC fudcon. Last Thursday (23rd) the bidding closed and he asked several stakeholders to give input on preference 14:54:44 <gbraad> as FAmSCo we will also do so. 14:54:52 <gbraad> The options are India and China 14:54:55 <gbraad> #link http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FUDCon:Bid_for_Beijing_2011 14:54:56 <gbraad> #link http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FUDCon:India_2011 14:55:25 <gbraad> Both mether and I will remain from voting? Our votes are known ;-) 14:55:48 <gbraad> mether, you have anything to add? 14:57:18 <gbraad> ouch, liknus just dropped off the line 14:57:47 <yn1v> I like both. India can be largest fudcon ever, there is a lot of support and probably the community deserves recognition. China is looking to opportunities to foster further development, and this is one big opportunity. 14:58:20 <igorps> gbraad, in China it would be in a Red Hat facility, right? 14:58:24 <yn1v> For me it is difficult to choose one 14:58:54 <gbraad> China will be in a location near theRed Hat facility 14:59:18 <yn1v> gbraad, there will be a Great Wall tour ? :D 14:59:21 <gbraad> we have good relations with the universities nearby. the options we favor are specified. 14:59:27 <rbergeron> ? 14:59:51 <gbraad> If needed the Friday is reserved for activities. (arival day) 14:59:55 <gbraad> rbergeron: please 15:00:00 <rbergeron> I see that there are costs listed for conference room sizes... how many people are we expecting, and do those facilities have room for more than 100 people? 15:00:17 <gbraad> rbrgeron: yes we have 15:00:36 <gbraad> at the moment we have no indication of the amount we expect. 15:01:12 <gbraad> this is related to the moment the big announcement was made and the confusion that India would host the fudcon already 15:01:46 <rbergeron> But for option #1 - if just 2 rooms, which is probably not enough, that would be 2x990 x 2 days - $4k? 15:02:43 <rbergeron> i'd certainly expect more than 100 people, would be my guess. 15:02:44 <gbraad> rbergeron the pricing is per type of room. not the maximum amount we are offered 15:02:53 <igorps> gbraad, do you guys have a total cost estimate? 15:03:00 <gbraad> we expect around 160 15:03:22 <gbraad> at the moment we do not have a full overview 15:04:02 <rbergeron> gbraad: I guess I'm trying to estimate what costs might be. If we need multiple rooms over multiple days, and usually fudcon is not all day ine one room but rather multiple rooms (though you guys are free to do things as you wish, of course) -- that cost could be a big chunk of your budget. 15:04:26 <gbraad> rbergeron we know. 15:04:40 <gbraad> that is why the redhat office is also available as alternative venue 15:05:23 <rbergeron> okay. you might consider listing that as an option on the wiki page. ;) 15:05:32 <gbraad> we have done so 15:05:38 <igorps> gbraad, how many rooms do we have available there? 15:05:55 * rbergeron just sees "two options for hosting this event" on the bid page 15:06:02 <gbraad> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FUDCon:Bid_for_Beijing_2011#Alternate_Venues_for_Meeting_.28not_in_a_hotel.29 15:07:03 <rbergeron> gbraad: you might just list that under options, rather than "alternate venues" -- it's not entirely obvious to someone just looking at the "two options" that there is a third. or at least make a link to the third, and point it to the alternate venue. helpful for those making decisions. ;) 15:07:04 <gbraad> Grace and I agreed on not specifying data twice as this might confuse more 15:07:10 <rbergeron> or making recommendations, i suppose 15:07:19 <rbergeron> okay 15:07:32 * rbergeron just thinks if it's an option, it's an option, and probably would fit with the other options 15:07:35 <rbergeron> but your call ;) 15:08:00 <gbraad> after the bid closed we did not alter the page, I would also like to add we have support from Fabricatorz. but this is infor,mation that came after the bid closed 15:08:21 <gbraad> if no problem with this, I can alter this 15:08:51 <rbergeron> I don't tihnk there should be a problem with adding more information about a bid after bidding has closed. That's different from someone popping in with an additional bid. ;) 15:09:10 <yn1v> in another line of thinking ... I think that will be usefull to state how much a subway ticket and taxi fare cost. As there many references to public transportation. 15:09:18 <gbraad> igorps we have several smaller rooms also available at the office. small meeting size (4 - 8people) 15:09:40 <mether> ok. I am back. If anyone has any questions, feel free to ask 15:09:48 <gbraad> subway is 2Yuan (less than a dollar) 15:10:12 <igorps> gbraad, probably you'll need a auditorium as well 15:10:17 <gbraad> taxi far is usually max 10 dollars. if more, you are cheated 15:10:19 <yn1v> I agree with rbergeron, I think it will be good for everybody to keep update the information 15:10:33 <gbraad> ok, will be done 15:10:53 <rbergeron> mether: is there any additional information about average costs of travel if within india? 15:11:09 <igorps> mether, what does COPE stand for? 15:11:24 <mether> COEP = College of Engineering, Pune 15:11:34 <mether> rbergeron, the google spreadsheet has detailed information 15:11:49 <rbergeron> ah 15:13:34 <rbergeron> yeah, it might be helpful to list it on the wiki (since others are there too, and not everyone goes to look at the budget spreadsheet) 15:14:35 <mether> we wanted to be able to adjust the numbers and calculate it easily. My colleague Amit Shah suggested this and we went with that 15:14:43 <mether> we can copy numbers back into the wiki if that is helpful 15:15:13 <yn1v> I feel that Pune bid needs a bit more information about hotels and locations. Like having one hotel as example for daily travels to COEP 15:15:16 <rbergeron> mether: it's just nice to have the average travel cost. esp. for people who aren't necessarily sponsored ,but may want to go - seeing that rough estimate may help them out. 15:15:39 <rbergeron> becuase those folks don't really care about our budget, but they do care about their own budget :) 15:15:49 <yn1v> +1 15:16:09 <rbergeron> mether: can i gather that the travel costs in here for airfare/travel ... are only for speakers? is that correct? 15:16:13 <mether> rbergeron, we assumed that as organizers we will taking care of the ground travel cost 15:16:18 <mether> rbergeron, yes 15:16:40 <rbergeron> so fedora contributors who aren't speaking wouldn't get sponsored? 15:17:10 <mether> yes. thats how we have calculated now 15:17:42 <mether> i dont mind sponsoring more people. we just dont have the budget for that :-) 15:18:49 <rbergeron> okay 15:19:03 <rbergeron> just wanted to clarify, since we didn't have that additional requirement in NA 15:19:04 <mether> rbergeron, i can change the numbers depending on whether are sponsoring accommodation, local travel etc 15:19:13 <rbergeron> we expected poeople to be doing *something* 15:19:24 <rbergeron> (blogging, helping with registration/logistics, whatever) 15:19:27 <mether> something is fine by me 15:19:29 <rbergeron> but .. again, your call ;) 15:19:35 <igorps> I think it is a good idea to give some priority for folks who are going to speak or host a hackfest 15:20:01 <mether> rbergeron, everything who is taking care of those is also a speaker in my case 15:20:11 <mether> s/everything/ everyone 15:20:14 <yn1v> I think it is good either way, as long it is clear what are the sponsorship priorities 15:20:25 <igorps> yn1v, +1 15:21:44 <mether> rbergeron, when international speakers come from other areas, what is typically sponsored? 15:22:23 <yn1v> if fudcon team think that they need to sponsor speakers, then say so ... then will not surprise that hacking is not equally sponsored ... or any other priority. 15:22:35 <mether> here is how we have split things and let me know if anything doesnt make sense 15:22:58 <mether> 1) We assume Red Hat participants are sponsored by their managers for travel 15:23:14 <mether> 2) We assume we will only be sponsoring people who are presenting as speakers or participating in the hackest 15:23:44 <igorps> sound pretty reasonable to me 15:23:49 <mether> 2) The budget assumes we will be sponsoring accommodation, local travel and food for everyone 15:23:54 <mether> thats 3 15:23:57 <mether> i cant count apparently 15:24:12 <gbraad> +1. same for China 15:25:04 <mether> we have put up some budget for community volunteers, international as well as from other places in India where the assumption is that we are sponsoring everythig 15:25:25 <mether> we know the precise count of people participating within India 15:25:37 <yn1v> I may suggest to copy&paste that to wiki ? 15:25:47 <mether> International speakers will vary certainly but the projections are in the budget 15:25:53 <mether> yn1v, sure 15:27:29 <gbraad> any more questions? 15:27:42 <yn1v> some other fudcon only sponsor partially food. Like you get lunch during the day, but the rest is up to you. And there is freepub. But as rbergeron it you call. 15:28:00 <mether> yn1v, yes we are sponsoring food for three days 15:28:04 <yn1v> s/ you /your 15:28:16 <mether> lunch for 150 people as per the budget calculations now 15:28:17 <igorps> yn1v, good point. Any specific plans for FUDPub? 15:28:28 <mether> we have talked to a couple of places 15:28:52 <mether> nothing finalized yet obviously 15:29:24 <mether> I have planned for Sunday late evening 15:29:30 <mether> third day 15:29:33 <mether> which is for hackfests 15:29:43 <igorps> mether, any idea of how much it will cost, approximately? 15:30:05 <mether> roughly about 1000 dollars 15:30:24 <igorps> Sounds good 15:30:38 <igorps> gbraad, anything about this? 15:30:41 <mether> might be bit more or less depending on whether are sponsoring food and drinks completely or not 15:31:02 <mether> for about 1000, we can likely get the place exclusively for fudpub 15:31:11 <mether> 150 people again 15:31:56 <igorps> It's basically the same numbers we considered for FUDCon Panama 15:32:22 <gbraad> igorps at the moment not as discussions were delayed by a week. I did raise the topic quickly and want to see if something can be done with fabricatorz. 15:33:09 <gbraad> initial idea was to have a 2 day event, but the thirday got included for additional activitie and arrival. so FUDPub is an option but not concrete 15:33:32 * gbraad terible la 15:34:14 <igorps> having some sponsorship for the event might help as well 15:34:44 <gbraad> mozilla china might sponsor 15:35:06 <gbraad> but also offer talks as part of the fudcon 15:35:38 <igorps> gbraad, IMHO this is ok as long as made properly 15:35:54 <igorps> Dell sponsored FUDCon Panama and asked the same 15:36:09 * gbraad was not aware of this 15:36:34 <gbraad> (problem in their own marketing of that opportunity) ;-) 15:37:11 <igorps> They had kind of a booth there, and presented a couple of talks about virtualization 15:37:22 <igorps> gbraad, +1 15:37:49 <igorps> well, I have no further questions 15:37:57 <gbraad> anyone else? 15:38:01 <mether> we are speaking to Dell, Intel etc 15:38:10 <mether> for being co-sponsors 15:38:21 <mether> once the location is decided, we can talk to them more concretely 15:38:22 <igorps> mether, good to know 15:38:25 <yn1v> no more questions from me 15:38:35 <gbraad> kaio? 15:38:54 <mether> yn1v, i have added a link to the hotels in the same locality. we have others choice. sponsorship criteria added as well 15:39:54 <gbraad> ok, seems not everyone is here anymore. 15:40:05 <kaio> no question from me 15:40:21 <gbraad> liknus unfortunately is not here. 15:40:25 <yn1v> I see fudcon APAC as primarily community building opportunity, and both bids have strong points for achieving that. I don't feel right about saying no to one of those bids 15:40:53 <gbraad> ok, instead give preference 15:40:54 <yn1v> aqui tengo el disco de fedora 14 64bits 15:40:57 <igorps> Probably this is the hardest decision so far 15:42:05 * yn1v realizes that wrote in the wrong window :( 15:42:26 <gbraad> either way I am sure India will host a FAD instead round that date (or by a month) and China would move the bid to the netxt year and compete with Malaysia if not chosen. 15:42:38 <gbraad> seems like a hrd decision and I am glad I do not have to choose ;-) 15:42:53 <kaio> do I have to choose? 15:42:58 <gbraad> +1 15:43:02 <gbraad> ;-) 15:43:03 <igorps> +1 15:43:12 <igorps> So, last cast a vote on this? 15:43:22 <igorps> let's* 15:43:46 <gbraad> I know what liknus would vote, but unfortuantely he can not cast it 15:43:51 <gbraad> :-s 15:44:06 <mether> let him do that over the mailing list 15:44:11 <yn1v> yes, we are a bit short in people :( 15:44:33 <gbraad> I also thought so, but we have an uneven balance 15:44:51 <mether> shrug. then everyone offer opinions over mailing list? 15:45:00 <igorps> we can move this discussion to the mailing list and set a deadline for voting 15:45:10 <kaio> ++ 15:45:15 <igorps> let's say by Tuesday 15:45:18 <mether> My only request is to not delay too much 15:45:19 <kaio> dont want to make vote right now 15:45:20 <gbraad> +1, and also ask feedback from the regional meetings? 15:45:28 <igorps> just an idea, tough 15:46:05 <gbraad> jsmith had asked for Ambassadors opinion on this, so let's say we have it represented? 15:46:09 <gbraad> by Tuesday 15:46:22 <gbraad> since I am sure more people will feel this decision is difficult 15:46:32 <gbraad> and agree with mether, time is important 15:46:57 <yn1v> who is going to ask for feedback on mailing list? 15:47:04 <igorps> probably Jared will take a bit longer to get all the input he needs since he's going to FISL 15:47:10 <yn1v> ambassador mailing list? 15:47:36 <gbraad> #action FAmSCo will cast vote by Tuesday on FUDCon bid. 15:47:42 <igorps> gbraad, do you guys have a specific mailing list for APAC? 15:48:00 <gbraad> igorps, no 15:48:24 <igorps> so we can ask for feedback on the ambassador mailing list 15:48:31 <gbraad> so ask this in general on the amba list 15:48:42 <mether> I think that would be best 15:48:47 <gbraad> +1 15:49:05 <yn1v> +1 15:49:08 <igorps> Ok, I can send an email asking for feedback and opinions 15:49:11 <gbraad> also to prevent unnecessarycross-posts and side discussions 15:49:25 <gbraad> #action iforps sends email to Ambassador feedback on FUDCon bid 15:49:30 <gbraad> #undo 15:49:30 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: <MeetBot.items.Action object at 0x13a634ac> 15:49:46 <gbraad> #action igorps sends email to Ambassador feedback on FUDCon bid 15:50:15 <gbraad> still notok, but clear 15:50:26 <igorps> gbraad, that's ok 15:50:28 <gbraad> ok, so let's wrap up. 15:50:41 <gbraad> if no ore comments, I would like to close the meeting soon 15:51:22 <yn1v> I have no further comments, and I have to go to work... bye 15:51:28 <gbraad> #topic Open floor 15:51:34 <gbraad> no more topics 15:51:40 <igorps> nothing else from me too 15:51:54 <gbraad> ok, thank you all 15:52:02 <gbraad> #endmeeting