19:00:01 <nirik> #startmeeting Infrastructure (2011-05-05) 19:00:01 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu May 5 19:00:01 2011 UTC. The chair is nirik. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 19:00:01 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 19:00:01 <nirik> #meetingname infrastructure 19:00:01 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'infrastructure' 19:00:01 <nirik> #topic Robot Roll Call 19:00:01 <nirik> #chair goozbach smooge skvidal codeblock ricky nirik 19:00:01 <zodbot> Current chairs: codeblock goozbach nirik ricky skvidal smooge 19:00:47 * skvidal is here 19:00:52 <goozbach> present 19:01:09 * StylusEater_work is here 19:01:23 <smooge> here 19:01:49 <ranjibd> here 19:02:00 * nirik waits a few for folks to wander in. 19:02:07 <Solarstorm> here 19:02:15 <amelia> here 19:03:38 <nirik> ok, lets go ahead and get started. 19:04:07 <nirik> lets do new folks intros at the top of the meeting. :) I think that works best... 19:04:17 <nirik> #topic New folks introductions 19:04:30 <nirik> Any new folks want to say hi? Or others who are looking to get more involved? 19:04:40 <amelia> I'm new. 19:04:43 <Solarstorm> Hi :) 19:04:51 <StylusEater_work> hi solar 19:05:11 <goozbach> #info Solarstorm and amelia are new 19:05:14 <goozbach> welcome 19:05:27 <goozbach> have a look a the getting started SOP 19:05:33 * goozbach goes to dig up a link 19:05:50 <nirik> Feel free to chime in with any questions or areas you would be interested in helping out in... 19:05:57 <goozbach> http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Infrastructure/GettingStarted 19:06:29 <nirik> we also have a number of tickets out there: https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-infrastructure/report/1 and some easy tasks (marked with *) at: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Infrastructure_Cleanup_Tasks_2011 19:07:03 * skvidal needs to update that lisyt 19:07:07 <skvidal> since some of those are done 19:07:32 <nirik> yeah, really I think we might want to move them into tickets with more description/notes... 19:07:34 <goozbach> skvidal: that's an action item for you 19:07:41 <goozbach> :) 19:07:44 <goozbach> or anyone really 19:07:51 <smooge> does freeze start next monday? 19:08:07 <nirik> the 10th. 19:08:24 <goozbach> #action create cleanup task tickets (skvidal or other) 19:08:36 <nirik> which brings us to: 19:08:40 <nirik> #topic Upcoming Tasks/Items 19:09:00 <nirik> I have the following upcoming: 19:09:15 <nirik> 2011-05-05 cvs and talk can be decommissioned. ;) 19:10:03 <nirik> 2011-05-10 final freeze 19:10:15 <goozbach> #info http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Infrastructure/GettingStarted 19:10:18 <goozbach> doh 19:10:27 <goozbach> #info 2011-05-05 cvs and talk can be decommissioned. ;) 19:10:31 <nirik> http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Release_Infrastructure_SOP#Change_Freeze 19:10:48 <goozbach> #info 2011-05-10 final freeze 19:10:53 <nirik> 2011-05-10 pkgs01 branching change outage. 19:11:06 <nirik> I'd like to look at making / bigger on pkgs01 at the same time... 19:11:16 <goozbach> #info 2011-05-10 pkgs01 branching change outage. 19:11:20 <nirik> don't know how dangerous that will be, but it's low on space. 19:11:48 <goozbach> #action make / bigger on pkgs01 19:11:50 <nirik> 2011-05-25 - F15 release day 19:12:05 <nirik> we have some release tickets, but we can discuss them next week. 19:12:29 <StylusEater_work> nirik: do we have a release process doc for infrastructure? I forget. 19:12:43 <nirik> sometime after f15, we have noc01 upgrading ( CodeBlock ) 19:13:08 <nirik> and also in there, we need to upgrade puppet1 and app01 19:13:22 <nirik> StylusEater_work: yeah, the freeze sop above has some of that info 19:13:47 <nirik> so, anyone have other items they would like to schedule? 19:14:37 <goozbach> #info 2011-05-25 - F15 release day 19:14:37 <nirik> smooge is working on nameserver fun, but that will be done whenever 19:14:58 <goozbach> #info upgrading noc01 (CodeBlock) 19:15:10 <goozbach> #info upgrade puppet1 and app01 19:15:50 <nirik> ok, anything else upcoming? if not, we can move on. 19:16:20 <smooge> ok ns02 has been updated 19:16:33 <smooge> I need to deal with some iscsi disk issues 19:16:40 <herlo> nirik: I am not sure if it's relevant here, but the fpaste.org move is imminent 19:16:51 <smooge> I have secondary02 read if I can get virthost01 and virthost02 to see their disks 19:17:04 <smooge> herlo, it is but how 19:17:20 <herlo> smooge: dns changes and server setup to move it into FI 19:17:23 <smooge> is there a project plan (and I am stepping over nirik's line sorry) 19:17:24 <nirik> herlo: cool. We have the domain? 19:17:34 <nirik> smooge: just was about to ask that. ;) 19:17:54 <herlo> nirik: that's the part we're working on. smooge I could totally get a plan in place, didn't even consider that :/ 19:18:08 <herlo> nirik: we have the dns control for sure. 19:18:38 <herlo> I'll write up a plan this week and that will take care of any questions, I hope 19:18:40 <nirik> herlo: cool. I think there is a ticket for this, perhaps update that with a plan and we can go from there? 19:18:45 <nirik> sounds good. 19:18:48 <herlo> nirik: yup 19:19:51 <nirik> ok, moving on to a fun topic... 19:19:55 <nirik> #topic Outages 19:20:06 <nirik> so, we are currently having a outage of fedorapeople.org. ;( 19:20:15 <skvidal> and it is FUN! 19:20:18 <skvidal> so much fun! 19:20:22 <nirik> barrel-o-fun. ;) 19:20:23 <StylusEater_work> with fire! 19:20:35 <skvidal> anyway 19:20:40 <skvidal> bu had a power failure last night 19:20:42 <nirik> anyhow, the site it's at lost power. Power was restored and the host it's on won't come back up. 19:20:52 * skvidal will stop talking 19:20:55 <skvidal> nirik: your floor :) 19:21:09 <nirik> either way. I think thats about the size of it. 19:21:24 <nirik> we are looking at bringing up a new host with data from a backup now. 19:22:13 <goozbach> #info fpaste.org move 19:22:21 <herlo> how old is the backup? 19:22:48 <smooge> 6 years 19:22:58 <nirik> herlo: it's from 2011-05-03... it was running a backup for 2011-05-04 when it died, so data from that day is lost. 19:23:08 <herlo> nirik: not bad 19:23:17 <skvidal> IF we can't get the data back from people01 19:23:32 <skvidal> oh and jkeating.fedorapeople.org is back now 19:23:38 <skvidal> so people can use fedpkg again 19:23:42 <herlo> yay 19:23:52 <skvidal> and jlk has been appropriately admonished for his transgressions 19:24:09 <jlk> *mutter* 19:25:30 <nirik> ok, not sure what else we could do on this... I guess if we had moved it before it died that would have been great, but oh well. ;) 19:25:49 <skvidal> nirik: if you want to blame me for not having moved it before it died I can accept that 19:26:06 <skvidal> but to be fair the box was in progress - I just got off onto something else 19:26:14 <nirik> yeah. 19:26:21 <nirik> the old one sensed that it was going to be replaced. ;) 19:26:26 <smooge> they do that 19:26:30 <skvidal> and I'm not sure how clairvoyant I am supposed to be 19:26:31 <skvidal> but <shrug> 19:26:40 <smooge> actually it was on my thursday list of help skvidal 19:26:52 <skvidal> smooge: ah, so it is your fault. I see 19:26:55 <skvidal> :) 19:27:20 <smooge> yep 19:27:25 <smooge> here is my sword 19:27:26 <goozbach> #info fedorapeople being restored from backup 2011-05-03 19:27:45 <skvidal> goozbach: and if we can get to the disks of people01 19:27:52 <skvidal> it will be restored from when it died 19:27:53 <skvidal> actually. 19:27:59 <skvidal> at this point If I can contact dan 19:28:04 <skvidal> I might ask him just to mount it up and give us root 19:28:19 <nirik> skvidal: sounds reasonable. 19:28:54 <nirik> ok, anything else on people01 outage? 19:29:09 <skvidal> nnot from me 19:29:14 <smooge> nto form me 19:29:32 <smooge> man i type like crpa 19:29:37 <nirik> #topic Meeting tagged tickets: 19:29:37 <nirik> https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-infrastructure/query?status=new&status=assigned&status=reopened&group=milestone&keywords=~Meeting&order=priority 19:29:48 <nirik> any meeting tagged tickets people would like to discuss? 19:30:34 <StylusEater_work> nirik: I should have an update on the two I have now by next meeting 19:30:48 <nirik> oh nice. which ones? 19:30:58 <skvidal> mcpita is one - publictest minder 19:31:09 <StylusEater_work> skvidal: that's the third 19:31:27 <skvidal> ah 19:31:32 <StylusEater_work> nirik: https://fedorahosted.org/python-fedora/ticket/15 19:32:02 <nirik> oh cool. pkgdb stuff. ;) 19:32:02 <StylusEater_work> nirik: https://fedorahosted.org/fas/ticket/78 19:32:22 <StylusEater_work> and if folks have feedback on mcpita that'd be great 19:32:23 <nirik> and fas. excellent. 19:33:05 <goozbach> #info pkgdbstuff by StylusEater_work 19:33:12 <goozbach> #info fas stuff by StylusEater_work 19:33:18 <goozbach> #url https://fedorahosted.org/python-fedora/ticket/15 19:33:27 <goozbach> #url https://fedorahosted.org/fas/ticket/78 19:34:14 <StylusEater_work> skvidal: where is the mcpita ticket... misplaced it 19:34:37 <skvidal> 2747 19:34:47 <skvidal> https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-infrastructure/ticket/2747 19:34:54 <StylusEater_work> skvidal: thx 19:35:09 <nirik> cool. 19:35:20 <CodeBlock> here 19:35:28 <nirik> #topic Open Floor 19:35:35 <nirik> anyone have anything for open floor? 19:35:46 <goozbach> #info mcpita https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-infrastructure/ticket/2747 19:35:50 <goozbach> I have an item 19:35:55 <goozbach> well two related ones 19:35:57 <goozbach> 1) 19:36:06 <goozbach> how is the messy note taking working out? 19:36:09 <goozbach> is it a bother? 19:36:22 <goozbach> do people like the minutes it creates? 19:36:24 <goozbach> is it worth it? 19:36:35 <nirik> not sure. 19:36:37 <goozbach> and 2) 19:36:42 <nirik> I don't usually read the minutes because I'm here. 19:37:18 <goozbach> I will be writing up a "how to submit meeting agenda items" page and posting it 19:37:24 <nirik> sounds good. 19:37:26 <goozbach> so that we have something to point to 19:37:56 <goozbach> that is all I have 19:37:56 <StylusEater_work> nirik: when should new folks talk to skvidal about the mentor group on fas? 19:38:06 <skvidal> huh? 19:38:12 <skvidal> I thought the group exists 19:38:30 <nirik> thanks goozbach 19:38:39 <skvidal> and I think most of sysadmin-main can sponsor people to fi-apprentice 19:38:48 <smooge> I find it useful 19:38:49 <StylusEater_work> skvidal: it does ... yeah meant the apprentice ... 19:38:49 <nirik> yeah, the group exists. We can add people to it once they are planning on working on something. ;) 19:39:02 <smooge> to go over later in the week when I forget what I said Iwas going to do . so thanks goozbach 19:39:31 <goozbach> smooge: good to know 19:40:03 <nirik> ok, any other items for open floor? 19:41:01 <nirik> ok, I guess we will call it a meeting then... continue discussion in #fedora-admin and/or #fedora-noc. ;) 19:41:05 <nirik> Thanks for coming everyone. 19:41:13 <nirik> #endmeeting