14:12:34 <liknus> #startmeeting FAmSCo 2011-04-30 14:12:34 <zodbot> Meeting started Sat Apr 30 14:12:34 2011 UTC. The chair is liknus. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:12:34 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 14:12:58 <liknus> #chair igorps kaio gbraad 14:12:58 <zodbot> Current chairs: gbraad igorps kaio liknus 14:13:04 <liknus> #topic RollCall 14:13:15 <liknus> .fas ppapadeas 14:13:15 <zodbot> liknus: ppapadeas 'Papadeas Pierros' <ppapadeas@gmail.com> 14:13:17 <gbraad> .fas gbraad 14:13:19 <zodbot> gbraad: gbraad 'Gerard Braad (吉拉德)' <fedora@gbraad.nl> 14:13:25 <liknus> #meetingname famsco 14:13:25 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'famsco' 14:13:26 <igorps> .fas igorps 14:13:29 <zodbot> igorps: igor 'Igor Pires Soares' <igor@projetofedora.org> 14:13:34 <liknus> #topic Agenda 14:13:52 <liknus> Welcome all to our todays meeting 14:13:54 <kaio> .fas kaio 14:13:55 <zodbot> kaio: kaio 'Caius Chance (かいお)' <me@kaio.net> 14:13:57 <liknus> agenda can be found here : 14:14:03 <liknus> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FAmSCo_agenda 14:14:13 <liknus> lets start: 14:14:24 <liknus> #topic Event in China 14:14:27 <liknus> gbraad: on this 14:14:28 <liknus> ? 14:14:55 <gbraad> We will have a small co-op planned for the 10th of May. Not much planning from our side, 14:15:21 <gbraad> but it will be the first event on which Fedora will be mentioned as a co-op 14:15:47 <gbraad> after this we will work together on getting more about working together on topics, like 14:15:53 <liknus> thats nice :) so after that we can be heading for a joined event (FUDCon on our side?) 14:16:12 <gbraad> TOSW (Open Source Way, /cc: quaid) 14:16:27 <liknus> any help that I can give? (and on Mozilla side..) 14:16:34 <gbraad> exactly. for this I am also talking what can be done with JUDCon for Asia 14:17:29 <gbraad> I will email you about this, but I have suggested Rachel (from Mozilla China), that it would be wise to have contact with more members of FAmSCO and you in particular as Assistand Comm. Manager for Mozilla ;-) 14:17:56 <liknus> ok nice 14:17:56 <gbraad> grr, typo: Assistant 14:18:16 <liknus> write me an email when needed and I can help all the ways that I can 14:18:23 <gbraad> for the 10th I will provide our logos and hope it can be included in time. 14:18:42 <gbraad> maybe we will also have some reimbursement needs later, but I do not expect too much 14:18:43 <liknus> ok nice 14:18:54 <liknus> we can definitely cover that 14:19:12 <liknus> open the appropriate tickets and we will take care of it 14:19:57 <gbraad> A link about the meeting: http://mozilla.com.cn/event/special/2011-mdc/ 14:20:04 <liknus> anything else on that? 14:20:05 <gbraad> Fedora members are invited to register 14:20:18 <gbraad> that is it for now 14:20:21 <liknus> ok nice! 14:20:28 <liknus> #topic Release Dinners 14:20:44 <liknus> thats a carry-over.. I still need to write it (honestly i forgot it :P ) 14:20:53 <liknus> #topic Events Page 14:20:58 <liknus> nirik: any news on that? 14:21:01 <liknus> (wiki update) 14:21:09 <VileGent> ? 14:21:45 <igorps> just for the record: ticket 2563 14:21:51 <igorps> #link https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-infrastructure/ticket/2563 14:22:34 <liknus> VileGent: I am sorry you are also working on that? 14:22:52 <VileGent> no i have a question 14:23:06 <liknus> VileGent: go ahead@ 14:23:14 <liknus> yn1v: we already started :) 14:23:16 <liknus> welcome 14:23:17 <VileGent> in the last meeting i saw your comment that something wrong with the events page 14:23:23 <igorps> Kevin updated the ticket after our last meeting but no news since then 14:23:30 <yn1v> hello, a was stuck on traffic :( 14:23:36 <liknus> no worries yn1v 14:23:36 <igorps> yn1v: hello! 14:23:38 <VileGent> what exactly is wrong with the page in your mind 14:23:59 <liknus> VileGent: we need to apply {{hidden}} tags so we can focus on current time periods 14:24:15 <liknus> that will help us *a LOT* to navigate through the page 14:24:43 <liknus> and also we need to start working on the idea of SemanticWiki .. as it will automate the table creations etc 14:25:15 <liknus> makes sense VileGent ? 14:25:35 <yn1v> I found out that Nushio's ideas of a event calendar web app got sponsored for Google Summer of Code. 14:25:49 <VileGent> ok i thought the complaint might be because certain regions have not archived older data, but we use that in region for forward palnning 14:25:54 <liknus> yn1v: a key thing on that is the wiki intergration 14:26:07 <VileGent> planning 14:26:11 <liknus> VileGent: no it was not about that :) 14:27:41 <liknus> ok anything more on that? 14:27:58 <liknus> #topic FAmSCo survey 14:28:04 <liknus> igorps: on that? 14:28:26 <igorps> I updated the infra ticket this week 14:28:41 <igorps> reinforcing the need to get limesurvey on 14:28:50 <liknus> thats great 14:28:51 <liknus> link? 14:29:12 <igorps> I'll look into it! 14:29:19 <liknus> ok no worries :) 14:29:28 <igorps> I'll add to the agenda 14:29:41 <liknus> anything more on that? I think the draft with the questions is more or less ok to start with 14:29:46 <liknus> are we all ok with it? 14:29:47 <yn1v> I have been busy, so I haven´ t make any improvements on the draft. I haven't get any feedback. 14:29:56 <liknus> yn1v: kaio gbraad ? 14:29:58 <igorps> but in the short term we will have to use limeservice.com anyway 14:30:23 <igorps> when the draft is done I guess we'll be good to start 14:30:43 <liknus> for me I would say it is ready 14:30:46 <igorps> and look into how many additional questions we need to pay 14:30:56 <liknus> any other views people? 14:31:05 <igorps> It looks great to me too 14:31:21 <gbraad> liknus: about questions? 14:31:59 <gbraad> seems ok to me 14:32:12 <yn1v> I will get the prices and make a suggestion about how many questions. I will use the number of ambassadors as part of the input 14:32:18 <igorps> Draft is here: 14:32:21 <igorps> #link http://yn1v.fedorapeople.org/Documents/draft_ambassadors_survey.odt 14:32:25 <liknus> ok yn1v ! 14:32:31 <liknus> thanks igorps ! 14:32:48 <yn1v> but I already know that ambassadors number is the upper limit as not all will be answering 14:32:59 <liknus> yeap that right 14:33:08 <liknus> I guess half of them is the target number 14:33:17 <igorps> sounds good 14:33:23 <yn1v> I was thinking the same 14:33:39 <liknus> ok coo 14:33:40 <liknus> cool 14:33:46 <liknus> any other actions on that? 14:34:31 <liknus> ok people 14:34:35 <liknus> moving on: 14:35:01 <liknus> #topic LibreBus 14:35:08 <liknus> yn1v: any updates? 14:35:24 <liknus> I edit the ticket about the travelling of our Ambassador 14:35:28 <liknus> it is now approved 14:35:35 <liknus> anything more we can do? 14:36:25 <yn1v> I got Magjogui saying that he doesn't have to pay the ticket upfront and be reimbursed later. paypal will take about 15 days to cash. 14:36:46 <liknus> ? 14:36:55 <liknus> so what we can do? 14:36:56 <yn1v> I am looking on paying that and and settle balances on fudcon panama 14:37:20 <liknus> ok that would be great 14:37:28 <liknus> please edit the ticket accordingly 14:37:32 <yn1v> At least is cool that he can get cash form paypal on 15 days, as I can not get any. 14:37:42 <liknus> #action yn1v edits the liberbus travelling ticket 14:37:57 <liknus> ok? 14:38:10 <yn1v> I edited the ticket to reflect prices for materials 14:38:32 <liknus> ok great 14:38:33 <yn1v> I have alredy order stickers as those take longer to produce 14:38:50 <yn1v> and we can use it any time. 14:38:59 <liknus> btw send an email on the list about that so we can have a reference price point on those 14:39:23 <yn1v> okey 14:39:50 <liknus> what about our sponorship? 14:39:54 <yn1v> I haven't ordered any leaflet or media as that will not make sense if the rest of the budget is not approved 14:40:38 <yn1v> the sponsorship has not officialy voted 14:40:48 <liknus> on board you mean? 14:41:03 <yn1v> by fasmco 14:41:23 <liknus> not yet ? on our last meeting? 14:41:26 <igorps> I remember we agreed on a amount last meeting 14:41:27 <liknus> I do not remember... 14:41:36 <yn1v> we all agreed that is cool, but there has been not quorum and been defered 14:42:07 <liknus> we need to still have a solid numbe 14:42:27 <yn1v> those are on the ticket... lets me bring the link 14:42:38 <liknus> please send a mail to Max also so we can get approval from CommArch as the budget will be more than we can approve 14:43:00 <yn1v> https://fedorahosted.org/famsco/ticket/165 14:43:12 <liknus> #action yn1v notifies CommArch about budget approval 14:43:21 <liknus> I am ok with it as long as CommArch is ok 14:43:29 <yn1v> okey, I will do that 14:43:41 <liknus> gbraad: kaio igorps on that? 14:44:04 <gbraad> already agreed last meeting. but was concerned about the amount as it was not clear 14:44:17 <gbraad> but you have my vote for this 14:44:18 <igorps> I'm ok with that. Let's wait the feedback from Max 14:44:24 <gbraad> and I believe it should be done 14:44:39 <liknus> #agreed famsco is ok with funding librebus and will wait for CommArch approval 14:44:41 <liknus> ok all? 14:44:45 <igorps> +1 14:44:47 <gbraad> +1 14:44:53 <liknus> +1 for me :) 14:44:53 <kaio> ? 14:44:57 <liknus> kaio: 14:44:59 <kaio> + 14:45:07 <yn1v> great. 14:45:14 <liknus> ok nice 14:45:14 * gbraad helps kaio to nod yes 14:45:18 <liknus> lol 14:45:21 <liknus> moving on? 14:45:39 * kaio 's head was nodded by gbraad 14:46:53 <igorps> I also added a ticket for the Free Software International Forum in the agenda 14:47:14 <liknus> igorps: on that? 14:47:29 <igorps> this is ticket 161: 14:47:34 <igorps> https://fedorahosted.org/famsco/ticket/161 14:47:50 <igorps> I need to know how much we can fund for this event 14:48:17 <igorps> Slots for talks from Jared and Dennis were confirmed this week 14:48:22 <liknus> I guess because it is a major event we can go for 1500 at least 14:48:38 <liknus> also did you consider to have a FAD during that 14:48:39 <liknus> ? 14:48:49 <liknus> it will be much easier to fund people then 14:48:55 <igorps> Yes and also a release event 14:49:02 <liknus> igorps: thats great! 14:49:07 <igorps> more information here: 14:49:09 <igorps> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FISL12 14:49:18 <liknus> ok great 14:49:29 <igorps> FISL has a session called community event 14:49:38 <igorps> where we will hold our FAD 14:49:53 <liknus> initially I am OK with funding it full scale 14:50:03 <liknus> as it is an important event for our community 14:50:10 <igorps> and we also have another talks on the event schedule 14:50:11 <liknus> igorps: you will also be there right? 14:50:48 <igorps> I'm not able to go this time because I'll be graduating :) 14:51:00 <igorps> but Daniel, our mentor for Brazil, is going 14:51:35 <liknus> ok thats nice 14:51:52 <liknus> we will assess it and make our descision on the next meeting :) 14:51:53 <liknus> ok? 14:52:05 <yn1v> both thing nice... graduation and Daniel taking lead 14:52:19 <gbraad> ok. but still concerning librebus; do we have a deadline for the CommArch approval? I think yn1v needs time to prepare/know if he can get this. 14:52:28 <igorps> we are prioritizing folks who filed tickets for FudCon Panama but did not get funding 14:52:31 <igorps> liknus: ok! 14:52:33 <gbraad> sorry for going back 14:52:58 <igorps> liknus: we might also get feedback from CommArch 14:52:59 <liknus> depends on when yn1v will send the mail :) 14:53:13 <liknus> igorps: if it is for a FAD it will be ok 14:53:14 <yn1v> gbraad, thanks... yes there was the idea of branding and decoration of the bus is starting tuesday 14:53:40 <igorps> liknus: no problem then 14:54:03 <liknus> ok nice 14:54:06 <liknus> moving on people? 14:54:47 <gbraad> sorry for interrupting with a previous topic, but I do believe we need to have some info about schedule for librebus. 14:55:01 <liknus> gbraad: you are right 14:55:11 <liknus> hopefully it will be resolved within this week 14:55:23 <gbraad> can we make sure it will? 14:55:33 <liknus> yn1v: cc me on the mail and I will make sure 14:55:44 <yn1v> okey 14:55:50 <gbraad> thanks, exactly what I was thinking 14:56:11 <gbraad> ok, moving on 14:56:37 <liknus> #topic Schedule 14:56:50 <liknus> http://rbergero.fedorapeople.org/schedules/f-15/f-15-ambassadors-tasks.html 14:56:56 <liknus> http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/F15_release_events 14:57:10 <liknus> we are already full of events planned for F15 14:57:11 <liknus> :) 14:57:18 <liknus> good job people! 14:57:19 <liknus> :) 14:57:43 <liknus> I will ask again to push the local meetings on hosting more release parties 14:57:53 <liknus> some major countries and communities are still missing 14:58:02 <gbraad> for China I believe cnblue can help out ;-) 14:58:09 <liknus> Also rbergeron was kind enough to update our schedule and we are back on track :) 14:58:15 <igorps> this week I pushed it on the LATAM meeting and yn1v sent an email to ml 14:58:21 <liknus> anything more on that? 14:58:24 <igorps> I'll reinforce it next week 14:58:26 <liknus> thansk igorps ~ 14:59:12 <igorps> nothing more from me 14:59:30 <gbraad> currently events in APAC are lacking 14:59:48 <liknus> ok I think we are done for today! 14:59:59 <cnblue> may I add idea? 15:00:04 <liknus> gbraad: make sure to remind everyone on your next meeting 15:00:13 <liknus> cnblue: go ahead :) 15:00:14 <gbraad> liknus, will do 15:00:18 <liknus> #topic Open Floor 15:00:57 <cnblue> thanks liknus: APAC area somehow lack of active ambassadors in this periods in my personal opinion 15:01:09 <gbraad> 说 15:01:24 <cnblue> I 've joined today's meeting for APAC, but just 5 people there 15:02:20 <cnblue> I am suggesting to improving ambassador work in APAC 15:02:22 <liknus> cnblue: possibly a nice email on the ml will get people back online? 15:02:36 <liknus> or changing the meeting time? 15:02:55 <gbraad> APAC is a 'difficult' area at the moment. I do believe presence is strong in a lot of countries in this area. Please, help out with getting other to participate or contribute 15:03:01 <cnblue> liknus: I am not sure if mail list could be effective, but in our China, I don't think so 15:03:07 <gbraad> for me personally the time of the APAC meeting is conflicting 15:03:49 <igorps> You might want to use http://whenisgood.net/ to find a better suitable time 15:04:01 <liknus> yeap thanks igorps ! 15:04:22 <cnblue> liknus: now promotion work, such as China, it is undergoing as a personal actioni,but not a team action 15:04:28 <liknus> gbraad: can you initiate a mail asking to re-evaluate the meeting time? 15:04:47 <gbraad> I can. currently most of the meetings are attended by kaio 15:05:16 <gbraad> #action re-evaluate timeslot for the APAC meeting (gbraad) 15:05:23 <cnblue> gbraad, today's APAC meeting we got no one from famsco 15:05:43 <kaio> I was there! XD 15:05:52 <liknus> hehe 15:05:54 <kaio> at the end... 15:06:03 <cnblue> kaio, you may just reading ? XD 15:06:51 <kaio> BTW, pls +1 to cnblue appointment app as mentor. 15:07:13 <gbraad> cnblue, I do have to say that your observations are based on recent re-entering of the community. 15:07:35 <gbraad> I do not mean that your opinion is wrong 15:07:51 <cnblue> gbraad,no worries 15:08:16 <gbraad> China, as you mention, has been a difficult nut to crack due to it's size and scattered community 15:08:49 <cnblue> goals for ambassador is to improve, not to complain. Am I right? 15:09:09 <yn1v> from the other side of the globe, I like what cnblue has been proposing but I do not see how an extra mentor will make the difference. Having said that, I have no objection to a new mentor. 15:09:28 <gbraad> I have to agree with yn1v on this matter 15:09:50 <gbraad> adding a new mentor does not solve the issue about 'lack of participation'. 15:09:50 <yn1v> But there is no link between improving the community and naming a new mentor. 15:09:58 <yn1v> there is lag on mentorship work? 15:10:18 <gbraad> there is lack of conveying the message of what Open Source means. 15:10:38 <liknus> (shall I end the meeting and discuss that off -meeting?) 15:10:38 <cnblue> +1, gbraad 15:10:40 <gbraad> this is where you, cnblue, can help with 15:11:18 <cnblue> gbraad,I am on the way 15:11:18 <gbraad> as an example, zhenxin and I are now talking to a company that took our Fedora MIPS port. however they never contributed their code back to us. 15:11:48 <gbraad> this is mostly related to lack of knowledge and understanding of what it means to work with a community 15:11:51 <liknus> I am ending this meeting so we can continue this discussion 15:11:57 <liknus> Thanks all people! 15:11:58 <liknus> :) 15:11:59 <gbraad> agree 15:12:02 <liknus> #endmeeting