19:59:47 <mmcgrath> #startmeeting Infrastructure 19:59:47 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu Aug 12 19:59:47 2010 UTC. The chair is mmcgrath. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 19:59:47 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 19:59:50 <mmcgrath> #meetingname infrastructure 19:59:50 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'infrastructure' 19:59:53 <mmcgrath> #topic Who's here? 19:59:55 * skvidal is here 20:00:03 * sijis is around 20:00:22 * nirik is lurking 20:00:39 <smooge> here 20:00:54 <mmcgrath> sijis: welcome 20:00:58 <mmcgrath> ok, lets get started 20:01:06 <mmcgrath> #topic - F14 Alpha release 20:01:15 <mmcgrath> So the release slipped by a week so we have more time to do all this 20:01:23 <mmcgrath> #link https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-infrastructure/report/9 20:01:27 <mmcgrath> .ticket 2312 20:01:28 <zodbot> mmcgrath: #2312 (Verify mirror space) - Fedora Infrastructure - Trac - https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-infrastructure/ticket/2312 20:01:43 <mmcgrath> smooge: you're still good here? I guess they haven't spun the alpha yet to know how big they are 20:01:45 * lmacken rolls in 20:02:47 <smooge> ok I expect it will be f13 in size 20:02:57 <mmcgrath> well, the alpha won't be 20:03:15 <mmcgrath> might not be. I never make an assumption on that because it seems to chagne a lot :) 20:03:21 <mmcgrath> we'll have to ask dgilmore for an estimate 20:03:33 <mmcgrath> the pre-release sizes are always difference then the final release size 20:03:56 <mmcgrath> anywho, I think it might be a bit before we even know 20:04:00 <mmcgrath> .ticket 2313 20:04:01 <zodbot> mmcgrath: #2313 (Verify with rel-eng permissions on content are right on the mirrors. Don't leak.) - Fedora Infrastructure - Trac - https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-infrastructure/ticket/2313 20:04:14 <mmcgrath> smooge: this one's you too. Probably not much to do until they stage :) 20:04:23 <mmcgrath> so 20:04:24 <smooge> yeah 20:04:26 <mmcgrath> .ticket 2314 20:04:27 <zodbot> mmcgrath: #2314 (Add MirrorManager repository redirects.) - Fedora Infrastructure - Trac - https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-infrastructure/ticket/2314 20:04:39 <smooge> mdomsch did it already I think 20:04:44 <mmcgrath> mdomsch did this one and it's closed 20:04:46 <mmcgrath> .ticket 2315 20:04:47 <zodbot> mmcgrath: #2315 (New website from the websites team (Alpha)) - Fedora Infrastructure - Trac - https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-infrastructure/ticket/2315 20:04:55 <mmcgrath> sijis: who's doing this one? 20:05:12 * dgilmore is here 20:05:36 <sijis> mmcgrath: i'll be taking care of it 20:05:44 <mmcgrath> sijis: mind accepting that ticket? 20:05:51 <sijis> sure, no prob 20:06:06 <mmcgrath> .ticket 2317 20:06:07 <zodbot> mmcgrath: #2317 (Re-review Lessons Learned from previous releases) - Fedora Infrastructure - Trac - https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-infrastructure/ticket/2317 20:06:16 <mmcgrath> I'll get this one, nothing to do untila fter the release 20:06:19 <mmcgrath> .ticket 2333 20:06:19 <zodbot> mmcgrath: #2333 (Infrastructure Freeze) - Fedora Infrastructure - Trac - https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-infrastructure/ticket/2333 20:06:28 <mmcgrath> This one's already in place. 20:07:11 <mmcgrath> #topic Meeting Tickets 20:07:14 <mmcgrath> .ticket 2275 20:07:15 <zodbot> mmcgrath: #2275 (Upgrade Nagios) - Fedora Infrastructure - Trac - https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-infrastructure/ticket/2275 20:07:21 <mmcgrath> So nagios is upgraded external 20:07:23 <mmcgrath> CodeBlock: you around? 20:07:29 <CodeBlock> oh... hi 20:07:31 * mmcgrath wonders when the internal one will be ready 20:07:45 * CodeBlock completely forgot about the meeting, sorry 20:08:02 <CodeBlock> mmcgrath: I think smooge was going to package it, wasn't he? 20:08:03 <mmcgrath> CodeBlock: that's ok 20:08:20 <mmcgrath> I'd assumed we would just upgrade noc1 to RHEL6 too 20:08:26 <mmcgrath> can we officially destroy noc02 now? 20:08:38 <CodeBlock> as far as I know 20:09:02 <mmcgrath> next time you get some free time lets work on that 20:09:04 <CodeBlock> mmcgrath: I'll go through it and make sure nothing else is on it 20:09:11 <mmcgrath> sounds good 20:09:16 <mmcgrath> Any other questions on that? 20:09:24 <CodeBlock> not from me 20:09:27 <mmcgrath> .ticket 2277 20:09:29 <zodbot> mmcgrath: #2277 (Figure out how to upgrade transifex on a regular schedule) - Fedora Infrastructure - Trac - https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-infrastructure/ticket/2277 20:09:31 <smooge> sorry did I need to do something with Nagios? 20:09:38 <mmcgrath> smooge: don't think so. 20:09:49 <mmcgrath> I still haven't really heard back from anyone on the translations team about thsi. 20:09:52 <mmcgrath> abadger1999: have you? 20:10:00 <abadger1999> mmcgrath: Nope. 20:10:20 <smooge> I was working on mediawiki RPMS 20:11:09 <mmcgrath> so where does that leave us? 20:11:12 <abadger1999> And like I said last meeting, we can close this if you like -- it was to aid us (infra) when we're asked to upgrade to tx-7.50 and we have to figure out how to get there from here. 20:11:38 <mmcgrath> I'd rather figure out what to do now then before we have some 2 day away deadline you know? 20:11:51 <abadger1999> yep -- that's why I opened the ticket :-) 20:11:56 <mmcgrath> but at the same time if no one from translations is willing to even discuss it with us I'm not sure what else we can do 20:12:25 <mmcgrath> I'll send a cattle call to the translations list explaining whats up and see if anything comes of it. 20:12:41 <abadger1999> raven said please upgrade in a ticket. diegobz said don't do it in the same ticket. 20:12:47 <abadger1999> No replied to our email. 20:13:04 <mmcgrath> #action mmcgrath will follow up with translations team, maybe at their next meeting if they have them. 20:13:31 <mmcgrath> anyone have any other questions or comments on that? 20:13:32 <abadger1999> mmcgrath: Do you know that ticket or should I add a link to it to this ticket? 20:13:50 <mmcgrath> abadger1999: I've seen it but I'd have to go searching for it again, add it to this one if you wouldn't mind for easy reference 20:13:57 <abadger1999> will do. 20:14:15 <mmcgrath> #topic RHEL6 virtualization 20:14:32 <mmcgrath> so I've been working to convert our xen-host scripts (probably kvm hosts now :) and getting xen13 converted. 20:14:40 <mmcgrath> there's a lot of new features, lots of different workflow, etc. 20:15:11 <mmcgrath> I'm trying to get it setup so we build physical and virtual machines in about the same way and via a menu but I know some people will still like the CLI modes. 20:15:13 <smooge> xm list and virsh list are not 1:1 20:15:22 <mmcgrath> they aren't 20:15:38 <mmcgrath> smooge: and I learned something interesting today, using xm create and virsh start gives the guest a completely different security context in selinux. 20:15:39 <smooge> i like cobbler myself :) 20:15:53 <smooge> oh I didn't know that 20:16:05 <smooge> I wonder which one was 'right' 20:16:14 <mmcgrath> except cobbler doesn't provide console access nor actually create guests and we already have kickstart scripts and install trees avaialble :) 20:16:17 <mmcgrath> virsh start is right 20:16:31 <mmcgrath> I looked into it because xm create prompts you with grub first, virsh goes straight into booting. 20:16:44 <mmcgrath> which would be a problem in RHEL6 if you needed to alter a grub config to boot it. 20:17:07 <dgilmore> mmcgrath: virsh start <domain> --console should give you grub 20:17:07 <mmcgrath> but I think it won't be a problem, just done differently in RHEL6 then xen paravirt. 20:17:13 <mmcgrath> dgilmore: on RHEL5 it doesn't 20:17:18 <dgilmore> as long as grub is configured for serial port 20:17:19 <mmcgrath> because virsh doesn't run pygrub 20:17:29 <mmcgrath> that works with hvm but not pvm 20:17:35 <mmcgrath> it's designed that way 20:17:40 <dgilmore> mmcgrath: hrrm it does for me 20:17:46 <mmcgrath> no it doesn't :) 20:17:51 <mmcgrath> not if you're using xen 20:17:52 <dgilmore> i use kvm though not xen 20:18:03 <mmcgrath> yeah, that's the difference 20:18:21 <mmcgrath> not a problem on RHEL5 since we have xen, not a problem on RHEL6 since it's using KVM it was just odd. 20:18:30 <mmcgrath> anyway, I'm hoping to have some docs updated and an easier build process. 20:18:50 <mmcgrath> for those of you in sysadmin-main it should be much easier to actually get virsh access, you won't need to actually log into hosts and sudo and all that. 20:19:06 <mmcgrath> which is good for security and auditing and scripting and and and. so we'll see how that goes 20:19:09 <mmcgrath> any questions / comments on that? 20:19:30 <mmcgrath> allrighty 20:19:35 <mmcgrath> #topic Calendaring 20:19:45 <mmcgrath> so I'm sure some of you saw my commits going through about zarafa 20:19:59 <mmcgrath> https://admin.stg.fedoraproject.org/zarafa/ is actually up and running 20:20:06 <mmcgrath> you should be able to log in with your fas username and password 20:20:17 <mmcgrath> though fas in staging hasn't been updated in a bit so it might be an older username or password for you. 20:20:47 <mmcgrath> I haven't announced a trial or anything because I'm still working through some things but the actual web interface should work and you should be able to create calendar items. 20:20:54 <mmcgrath> no email though (staging doesn't let you send email) 20:21:06 <mmcgrath> so feel free to poke around, let me know how it goes. 20:21:10 <mmcgrath> any questions / comments on that? 20:21:25 <sijis> the purpose is just for calendars? 20:21:43 <mmcgrath> at the very least for the first iteration, yes 20:22:11 <sijis> ok, gotcha. 20:22:20 <mmcgrath> it should support ical and all that 20:22:23 <sijis> its looks just like outlook webmail 20:22:29 <mmcgrath> though I don't have that setup quite yet. 20:22:33 <mmcgrath> sijis: I think that's by design. 20:22:38 <mmcgrath> :) 20:22:45 <mmcgrath> Ok, if nothing else we'll move on 20:22:58 <smooge> not me 20:23:18 <mmcgrath> I think there might be an outage this weekend impacting us, I'm going to verify that in a moment. 20:23:23 <mmcgrath> it should "solve" our hairpinning problem. 20:23:31 <mmcgrath> Keep an eye out for outage notifications if that's the case. 20:23:40 <mmcgrath> alrighy 20:23:43 <mmcgrath> #topic Open Floor 20:23:48 <mmcgrath> anyone have anything they'd like to discuss? 20:24:03 <skvidal> got a question about the updates process 20:24:11 <mmcgrath> hit it 20:24:15 <skvidal> all the updates ended up being applied, right? 20:24:24 <mmcgrath> I think so 20:24:27 <mmcgrath> smooge: is that correct? 20:24:32 <skvidal> did func-yum work out or was the other intervention required? 20:24:34 <mmcgrath> I think we had a conflict here or there on the pt servers. 20:24:45 <mmcgrath> but func-yum was used for everything that was updated AFAIK 20:24:48 <smooge> yes 20:24:54 <smooge> func-yum worked for most systems 20:24:58 <smooge> remove did not work yet 20:25:07 <skvidal> smooge: ? 20:25:11 <smooge> so I used func-command 'yum remove' when I needed it 20:25:17 <skvidal> ah I see 20:25:19 <skvidal> you can do 20:25:27 <skvidal> func-yum custom "remove -y some shit" 20:25:33 <smooge> ah 20:25:38 <skvidal> custom is for any special crap you wanna pass into func-yum 20:25:42 <skvidal> like --enablerepo=foo 20:25:46 <skvidal> or --exclude=something 20:25:51 <smooge> the custom part sounded like I needed to write some code for it... so I went with what I knew worked 20:25:57 <smooge> but getinfo etc worked fine 20:26:38 <skvidal> okay 20:26:47 <skvidal> smooge: if you run into that again yell at me 20:26:50 <skvidal> I'm sorry 20:27:01 <skvidal> I've got 'remove' and 'install' on my todo list with some other items 20:27:10 <smooge> ah ok 20:27:13 <skvidal> I need to document up some steps too 20:27:18 <smooge> should be coming up in September 20:27:24 <skvidal> okay 20:27:25 <smooge> basically I do a getinfo 20:27:47 <smooge> then I do a update on the ones that I know can be done (eg skip some pt boxes and stg hosts) 20:28:08 <smooge> and then status keeps track of what I got and what I didn't 20:28:12 <smooge> sped things up quite a bit 20:28:35 <skvidal> okay 20:28:45 <skvidal> all update calls should also do a getinfo 20:28:50 <skvidal> after the update completes 20:29:01 <skvidal> but that helps me know what else I need to work on there 20:29:02 <skvidal> thanks 20:29:36 <mmcgrath> cool 20:29:47 <mmcgrath> ok, anyone have anything else to discuss? If not we'll close in 10 20:30:00 <smooge> asterisk 20:30:08 <smooge> asterisk02 has been rebuilt as EL-6 20:30:20 <mmcgrath> smooge: how's that going? 20:30:24 <smooge> I need it checked out and I need someone to test that it actually works 20:30:36 <smooge> been a long ugly haul but I think I am 'mostly' done 20:31:10 <smooge> I need to upload a 200MB src.rpm to bastion and then rebuild inside of koji 20:31:18 <smooge> as doing it from my home was not going well 20:31:26 <mmcgrath> fun 20:31:46 <smooge> but currently puppet does not make ANY complaints on asterisk02 which is a new one 20:32:14 <mmcgrath> hey hey 20:32:17 <mmcgrath> well good work 20:32:27 <mmcgrath> anyone have anything else? If not we'll close a little early in 30 20:32:34 <smooge> np 20:33:06 <mmcgrath> #endmeeting