15:01:37 <adamw> #startmeeting Bugzappers 2010-07-06 15:01:37 <zodbot> Meeting started Tue Jul 6 15:01:37 2010 UTC. The chair is adamw. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:01:37 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 15:01:44 <adamw> #meetingname bugzappers 15:01:44 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'bugzappers' 15:01:46 * fenrus02 waves 15:01:50 <adamw> #topic gathering 15:01:53 <adamw> it's meet-y time 15:01:56 <adamw> mmmm...meet... 15:02:12 <dafrito> hola 15:02:15 <adamw> who's around? and who's physically here but mentally phoning it in from a beach somewhere? 15:02:18 * adamw joins category B 15:02:27 * jraber is here 15:02:35 <adamw> hey folks 15:02:45 <fenrus02> does it count if you have a different phone in each ear, plus an IM meeting? 15:03:07 <tajidinabd> im here 15:03:31 <adamw> fenrus02: sure, why not? :D 15:03:39 <adamw> hey taj, thanks for coming 15:03:46 <jraber> Anyone that has already looked a https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/User_talk:Jraber please look again, it has been updated (sorry for the last minute update) 15:03:47 <adamw> okay, gimme a minute to butter some toast... 15:05:11 <adamw> alrighty 15:05:15 <adamw> #topic triage metric update 15:05:18 <adamw> jraber: you're up 15:05:28 <jraber> Not much new. 15:05:46 <jraber> Added the "Who are the BugZappers" 15:05:49 <adamw> page is looking nice 15:06:05 <jraber> I have tried to make it a little nicer to look at 15:06:13 <adamw> we could probably start doing a semi-useful weekly mail based on what you have already, i'd say 15:06:21 * jeff_hann is here 15:06:53 <adamw> the last three 'pending' queries are kind of interesting; really, bugzappers _shouldn't_ close bugs, if everyone follows the procedures properly 15:06:54 <jraber> ok by me. 15:07:39 <jraber> Well, dups and WONTFIXES should make the list 15:07:46 <jraber> not sure what else 15:07:48 <adamw> oh, point 15:07:59 <adamw> i was thinking of fixed valid bugs 15:08:21 <jraber> But it does show that BugZappers are helping to eliminate the 'cruft' in BZ 15:08:53 <adamw> definitely looks like there's some valuable data on your page, and clearly some components that are 'covered' aren't really; obviously we have quite a few inactive folks 15:10:07 <adamw> so we could look at trying to talk to people listed on the bugzappers page who aren't on your list, and see what we can do to get them zapping again 15:10:10 <iarlyy> hey there 15:10:33 <tajidinabd> i was reading over that stuff you sent me adamw 15:10:54 <adamw> hey iarly 15:10:58 <adamw> tajidinabd: cool 15:11:29 <tajidinabd> i got the basic idea of zapping so not a problem 15:11:35 <tajidinabd> ;) 15:12:29 <jraber> I have made some changes to the python-bugzilla library to allow querying the Bug History data. (Getting close to brave being ready to send a patch to wwoods) 15:13:01 <jraber> So some of the other metrics should be available in the near future 15:13:27 <adamw> awesome, thanks jraber 15:13:50 <adamw> it definitely looks like you've given us some actual numbers that can be foundations for work right away, which is what we wanted in the first place, so thanks a lot! 15:14:13 <tajidinabd> but i will need a little help to find out which bugs need triaging 15:14:16 <tajidinabd> :) 15:14:29 <adamw> tajidinabd: theoretically, any newly-filed bug against a fedora component needs triaging 15:14:29 <jraber> It's a pleasure. I'm glad to be learning something :) (python + bugzilla) 15:14:38 <fenrus02> taj: any that have not been marked, no? 15:14:56 <tajidinabd> alright all the ones labeled new 15:14:59 <fenrus02> taj: one of those links emailed out has a project list that says "needs help" 15:15:00 <adamw> in practice, usually you pick a package from the list at https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/BugZappers/Components_and_Triagers and focus on bugs filed against that package 15:15:18 <fenrus02> thanks, that's the link i meant :) 15:15:18 <wwoods> jraber: I'll be happy to look at whatever code you might have 15:15:24 <tajidinabd> alright 15:15:57 <wwoods> I've got other stuff going on but I'm setting aside time for working on python-bugzilla at least once a week, so whenever you're ready 15:15:58 <jraber> wwoods: I will send it to you this evening. 15:16:01 <fenrus02> you can add your fav. projects to an rss feeder too - then you can see new bugs pop up anytime you have a few mins 15:16:14 <wwoods> jraber: awesome - no rush, I'm just excited 15:16:14 <wwoods> heh 15:16:50 <jraber> I only hope you aren't disappointed. (Remember I am a new to python) 15:17:13 <adamw> don't worry, wwoods is easy to excite (rimshot) 15:17:23 <tajidinabd> alright i see one like for gtk2 15:17:32 <tajidinabd> that has no one assigned to triage that one 15:17:35 <adamw> tajidinabd: you might want to start out a bit smaller =) 15:17:38 <tajidinabd> lol 15:17:40 <adamw> but that's the idea, yup 15:17:42 <wwoods> jraber: nah don't worry about it - even if it's not a good fit for the main 'bugzilla' binary I'm happy to help people craft their own custom tools 15:17:47 <wwoods> (and learn a little python in the process) 15:20:15 <tajidinabd> so whats a good small one to start with 15:20:26 <fenrus02> wwoods: happen to have a quick one-liner to locate the bugs you've been cc'd on and not been touched in 30d ? 15:20:53 <wwoods> fenrus02: if you can make that search happen in the web interface, you can make python-bugzilla do it 15:20:57 <fenrus02> wwoods: as in, i've marked a few as 'needsinfo' and need to revisit them (close) in 30d if they have not been appended to 15:21:14 <wwoods> fenrus02: show me a search URL and I'll show you how to turn it into a query/commandline 15:21:23 <fenrus02> ok 15:22:06 <adamw> tajidinabd: just a sec 15:22:47 <jraber> Regarding 'mailing the metrics to the list' I happy to receive any suggestions in regards to how to format those metrics to make them less horrible to look at. 15:23:33 <adamw> tajidinabd: maybe something like compiz or gdm (sergey seems inactive atm) 15:23:50 <tajidinabd> alright ill take look around there 15:23:51 <adamw> jraber: yeah, i'll try and come up with something for that. right now i'm worrying more about proventesters, though :/ 15:24:04 <adamw> #agreed jraber's work looks great, thanks 15:24:15 <adamw> #action adamw to look at ways to format a regular weekly stats update 15:25:33 <adamw> #topic open floor 15:25:43 <adamw> we didn't have anything else on the agenda, anyone have questions / proposals / problems etc? 15:26:11 <tajidinabd> nothing here 15:27:14 <tajidinabd> the workflow chart was very simple to understand 15:27:33 <jraber> Last week I spent a little time and 'touched' a few of the the wiki pages. I saw "Triage Days are held each week immediately following the meeting in #fedora-bugzappers" and wonder if it was true. 15:27:33 <jraber> s/wonder/wondered 15:27:46 <adamw> tajidinabd: great! 15:28:01 <adamw> jraber: it's kinda outdated :/ we never really got the concept off the ground 15:28:05 <adamw> so we've stopped it lately 15:29:08 <jraber> Is it okay to remove it then? 15:29:24 <tajidinabd> well i have some knowledge on python myself 15:29:35 <jraber> I'd hate to have someone show-up and be disappointed 15:30:23 <jraber> tajidinabd: checkout the python-bugzilla package 15:30:46 <jraber> and maybe https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/User_talk:Jraber 15:31:12 <adamw> jraber: for now, sure. 15:35:32 <adamw> okey dokey, i guess we're done then! 15:35:34 <adamw> thanks for coming folks 15:35:57 <tajidinabd> have a goodafternoon over there 15:36:00 <tajidinabd> :) 15:36:11 <jraber> Have a great day everyone. 15:36:56 <adamw> hey tech33, we just finished =) 15:37:01 <adamw> Tech33: did you have anything to add? 15:37:05 <Tech33> that's fine with me :) 15:37:09 <Tech33> nope 15:37:49 <adamw> okey dokey 15:37:52 <adamw> #endmeetiong 15:37:54 <adamw> d'oh 15:38:01 * adamw puts the whisky bottle down 15:38:03 <adamw> #endmeeting