15:00:15 <jlaska> #startmeeting Fedora QA Meeting 15:00:15 <zodbot> Meeting started Mon Jun 14 15:00:15 2010 UTC. The chair is jlaska. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:00:15 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 15:00:20 <jlaska> #meetingname fedora-qa 15:00:20 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora-qa' 15:00:32 <adamw> yo 15:00:40 <jlaska> #topic Gathering critical mass 15:00:42 <jlaska> adamw: howdy 15:01:26 <hicham> i wan't to talk about drafting mozilla addons packaging guidelines 15:01:32 <hicham> there are none for the moment 15:01:35 <jlaska> we'll be without wwoods today 15:02:10 * kparal waves 15:02:10 * jskladan is here! 15:02:15 <jlaska> hicham: You're welcome to discuss that topic in the open floor. But just a heads up, this is the quality assurance meeting, you probably want to raise that topic with the package reviewers? 15:02:22 <jlaska> howdy kparal jskladan 15:02:38 <jlaska> wwoods is on PTO today, and hopefully public holiday for Liam and Rhe 15:02:41 <hicham> jlaska : is there another meeting for that ? 15:02:52 <adamw> i think that'd be devel group stuff? is there an official devel group meeting? 15:03:35 <jlaska> I was going to suggest sending your questions to https://admin.fedoraproject.org/mailman/listinfo/packaging 15:03:47 <jlaska> I've seen a lot of similar discussion topics there. 15:03:57 <jlaska> adamw: would you suggest the devel mailing list? 15:04:19 <jlaska> hicham: http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/PackageMaintainers/Join#Join_the_important_Mailing_Lists 15:04:49 <jlaska> hicham: specifically, I think you might be looking for http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Packaging/Committee#Guideline_Change_Procedure 15:04:50 <adamw> no, you seem right with packaging list. 15:05:04 <jlaska> alright, let's get started 15:05:06 * adamw feels like a Kafka character 15:05:18 <jlaska> #topic Previous meeting follow-up 15:06:04 <jlaska> #info jlaska will discuss CommonBugs entry for RHBZ #552423 with halfline 15:06:12 <jlaska> #info Completed, see https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Common_F13_bugs#gnome-panel-crash 15:06:18 <adamw> i believe you should take your issue to Committee 493, Subcommittee 2398-A 15:06:28 <jlaska> adamw: :) 15:06:55 <jlaska> #info adamw will propose a document 'What do proventesters test for?' 15:07:14 <adamw> done! 15:07:21 <adamw> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/User:Adamwill/Draft_proventesters_instructions 15:07:24 <jlaska> saweeet! 15:07:47 <adamw> it's mostly just talking points for now 15:07:51 <adamw> i'm not happy with how word-y it is 15:08:04 <adamw> but if people think it's going in the right direction, i'll make it tighter with a second draft 15:08:19 <jlaska> adamw: awesome, thanks for drafting. I'll queue up for a post-meeting read 15:08:40 <adamw> i'll post it to the ml after the meeting 15:08:45 <jlaska> thanks 15:08:54 <kparal> with quick read it sounds good 15:09:18 <jlaska> #info jlaska to check-in with lmacken on the status of https://fedorahosted.org/bodhi/ticket/424 15:09:27 <adamw> thanks kparal 15:09:41 <jlaska> I've sufficiently annoyed lmacken by email, so I'll wait to hear back. 15:09:54 <jlaska> Unless anyone else has updates on when bodhi karma will be re-enabled for critpath updates 15:10:09 <adamw> nup. 15:10:14 <lmacken> jlaska: sorry, i'm teaching professors all week.. I'll get back to you soon :) 15:10:30 <jlaska> lmacken: no worries, you're always quick to respond ... so I assumed you were swamped 15:10:55 <jlaska> lmacken: I'll turn off *annoy* mode for now! :D 15:10:57 <adamw> or velociraptored 15:11:06 <jlaska> heh 15:11:21 <jlaska> this next item was really a follow-up to the above 15:11:23 <jlaska> #info Someone needs to check with bodhi on when 'proventester' karma is required for critpath packages 15:11:24 * lmacken on a conference call with the NY State senate now... 230 conference call with Yahoo!... just hired 2 co-ops that we're mentoring today, and teaching RIT profs all week... a little busy :) 15:11:31 * Viking-Ice sneaks in a bit late as usual.. 15:11:38 <jlaska> lmacken: no kidding, very cool! 15:11:41 <jlaska> Welcome Viking-Ice :) 15:11:50 <jlaska> next ... 15:11:53 <jlaska> #info jlaska to update https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/QA/Join to include link to proventester page 15:12:00 <jlaska> well, adamw did this for me already! 15:12:10 <adamw> oh, i thought that was on my list =) 15:12:15 <adamw> yeah, i've updated various places in the wiki 15:12:18 <jlaska> I was going to ask about some thoughts on cleaning up the [[QA/Join]] page 15:12:23 <jlaska> but adamw went to town on this 15:12:38 <adamw> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/QA , https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/QA/Join , https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/QA/Updates_Testing are all updated 15:12:45 <jlaska> adamw: awesome, thank you :) 15:13:00 <adamw> i noticed on the way through we should probably update https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Critical_Path_Packages_Proposal too 15:13:09 <adamw> currently it talks about 15:13:16 <jlaska> I'll send some thoughts I had on cleaning up QA/Join to the mailing list 15:13:16 <adamw> 'qa/releng' doing the testing 15:13:25 <jlaska> adamw: ah, good catch 15:14:22 <jlaska> should we keep the 'proposal unchanged' and move stuff to https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Critical_Path_Packages ? 15:15:07 <jlaska> anyway, we can talk about that further post-meeting 15:15:15 <kparal> we should link rather to final page than to proposal 15:15:26 <kparal> which we do not :) https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Special:WhatLinksHere/Critical_Path_Packages_Proposal 15:15:34 <jlaska> yeah, that was my sense 15:16:02 <adamw> the thing is, the 'final' page is completely different 15:16:04 <adamw> and has nothing useful on it 15:16:11 <adamw> all the interesting stuff is on the 'proposal' page 15:16:18 <jlaska> right, it needs to mature quite a bit 15:16:22 <kparal> yes, it should be redone 15:16:45 <jlaska> I'll be happy to take a stab at cleaning that up ... unless anyone else is anxious to have it 15:17:11 <jlaska> #action Clean-up [[critical path packages]] wiki to be a suitable home for critpath information 15:17:16 <adamw> mostly the 'final' page just links to bits of the 'proposal' page :) 15:17:28 <jlaska> yeah, that was my quick'n'dirty page a while back 15:17:31 <jlaska> I can do better 15:17:46 <adamw> ahh, okay, i thought it was the releng team i was subtly slagging off there ;) 15:18:00 <jlaska> nope, it's cranes maska 15:18:03 <jlaska> ;) 15:18:12 <jlaska> alright, 2 more on the list ... 15:18:15 <jlaska> #info adamw to forward wwoods a good explanation of the nss-softokn problem scenario to ensure autoqa catches it in future 15:18:31 <jlaska> not sure if we still need to track that ... and wwoods is out today 15:19:04 <adamw> oh yikes, i forgot to transfer that to my todo list so i didn't do it 15:19:21 <adamw> queued up for this week 15:19:27 <jlaska> adamw: cool, can you send it to the autoqa-devel@ list too? 15:19:48 <jlaska> while wwoods is out, a group of us were going to try and test post-bodhi-update in his absence 15:19:58 <jlaska> I don't know if we'll get to depcheck, but who knows 15:20:12 <jlaska> #info jlaska to add autoqa FIXME links for a wiki page describing how to update repoinfo.conf when branched release is available, linked from the existing branched SOP pages 15:20:22 <adamw> okay 15:20:40 <jlaska> I created https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/How_to_update_AutoQA_repoinfo.conf to discuss how to update the autoqa repoinfo.conf file ... will send to autoqa-devel list 15:21:02 <jlaska> okay, anything else from last week that I missed? 15:21:57 <jlaska> alright, main agenda ... 15:22:03 <jlaska> #topic Fedora 13 QA Retrospective 15:22:33 <jlaska> I've compiled all the feedback in the retrospective and come up with a draft of recommendations 15:22:37 <jlaska> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_13_QA_Retrospective 15:22:52 <jlaska> I'm not ready to open to the list just yet, I'd like to clean it up a bit further 15:23:06 <jlaska> I plan to send this to the list for feedback by Wednesday of this week 15:23:07 <adamw> cool 15:23:52 <jlaska> so no action yet here, but I hope to have this out for consumption 15:24:07 <jlaska> and then we can go through what's next etc... 15:24:15 <jlaska> many of you are already working the next steps, which is good :) 15:24:28 <jlaska> and speaking of ... 15:24:35 <jlaska> #topic Proventester status 15:24:59 <adamw> we sorta covered this above, really? 15:25:02 <jlaska> adamw gave an update in the previous meeting follow-up, but I had this on as a standing item 15:25:19 <jlaska> adamw: right on 15:25:29 <jlaska> in terms of next steps ... I don't have any changes here 15:25:43 <adamw> me either, we're waiting on releng for the most important bit, and we're working on our process 15:25:48 <jlaska> #info review adamw's draft document guiding proventesters 15:26:11 <jlaska> #info waiting for re-enabling 'proventester' karma for critpath packages 15:26:28 <jlaska> I think that captures it, anything else? 15:26:37 <adamw> nup 15:26:58 <jlaska> adamw: kudos for tackling the QA/Join updates. I was struggling to figure out how best to incorporate the link 15:27:42 <jlaska> alright, moving on ... 15:27:49 <jlaska> #topic AutoQA initscripts test validation 15:27:56 <jlaska> jskladan: I left this on as a topic from last week 15:28:07 <jskladan> jlaska: sure thing 15:28:14 <adamw> see my comment on the change - ideally i wanted to incorporate it into the existing mention of updates-testing, but couldn't think of a good way. 15:28:14 <jlaska> jskladan: were there any updates you wanted to give, or next steps to discuss? 15:28:35 <jlaska> adamw: yeah, that's what I was struggling with too! 15:28:47 <jskladan> so as you all probably know, I created a document <https://fedorahosted.org/autoqa/wiki/initscripts> on how to review, and sent an email to fedora test list 15:28:57 <adamw> i keep meaning to mention this in a blog post, didn't get around to it yet - sorry! 15:29:34 <jskladan> for now, we have one new guy - Scott M Fergusson, who's working on the task 15:29:44 <jlaska> yay Scott, thanks for helping! 15:30:02 <adamw> awesome 15:30:21 <jskladan> and two more contacted me via email today, so there is a great possibility of extending the possible AutoQA contributors even further :) 15:30:41 <jlaska> moohahahaha 15:30:56 <jskladan> so it seems like it had some effect after all :) 15:31:03 <jlaska> nice work jskladan! 15:31:22 <jskladan> and might be a great starting point for new contributors/people interested in joining QA forces :-D 15:31:24 <adamw> that's great 15:31:27 <adamw> yep for sure 15:31:32 <adamw> thanks for backing the project 15:32:13 <jlaska> jskladan: how do you want to handle this topic going forward? Shall I take it off the agenda, or leave it on for weekly updates? 15:32:37 <jskladan> i think you can leave it in the agenda 15:32:51 <jlaska> jskladan: okay, will do 15:32:59 <jskladan> we all like to hear about others joining and contributing, don't we? :) 15:33:04 * adamw does 15:33:06 <jlaska> YES! 15:33:08 <jlaska> :D 15:33:31 * kparal votes for 15:33:56 <jlaska> I wager Viking-Ice would vote for it as well 15:34:10 <adamw> or shoot an arrow at it 15:34:24 <jlaska> that counts as a positive vote, right 15:34:26 <jskladan> and i'm still thinking about approaching Ray Chen - i'll probably write him some "hey, i saw your blog <http://blog.chinaunix.net/u2/68938/showart.php?id=2250919> come join us" 15:34:30 <jskladan> or smt like that 15:35:00 <adamw> that's excellent, it's always a good idea to take a personal approach like that 15:35:01 <jlaska> jskladan: so 3 new leads, cool 15:35:59 <jskladan> so thats about it on initscripts review effort, if noone has anything more, i think we can go on with the agenda 15:36:11 <jlaska> alright, thanks for the update 15:36:26 <jlaska> similar theme, but different focus ... 15:36:29 <jlaska> #topic AutoQA 15:37:04 <jlaska> so Kamil led us through a priority discussion last week (https://fedorahosted.org/pipermail/autoqa-devel/2010-June/000668.html) and helped get things focused 15:37:47 <kparal> tried to :) 15:38:00 <jlaska> kparal: are you able to guide us through current tasks? 15:38:16 <kparal> alright 15:38:26 <kparal> so we decided our current priorities are: 15:39:00 <kparal> * testing and finishing the Bodhi hook, because it is essential for many of our test cases 15:39:36 <kparal> * having quick support of running selected test cases in virtual machines, because we start to have some test cases which we don't really believe they are absolutely safe 15:40:07 <kparal> * getting testing instance of autotest-server and clients, so we can play with it and test new features rather than breaking our stable server 15:40:14 * Viking-Ice shoots the vote high up in the air in stead of deep in the ground.. 15:40:33 <kparal> * getting publicly accessible machine for resultdb if possible 15:41:17 <kparal> * working on resultdb. We need to store the data and have some kind of simple form to explore it. that will allow larger audience to get familiar with our testing 15:41:47 <kparal> I think that's all. these tasks have the highest priority, everything else may wait a while 15:41:53 <jlaska> kparal: what happened to all the easy tasks! :) 15:42:24 <kparal> some of them are not so hard, but others consist of many subtasks, that's true :) 15:42:30 <jskladan> jlaska: you know the stuff, once you get to think about the simple tasks for a while, they become more complicated :-D 15:42:41 <jlaska> hehe, so true 15:42:42 <kparal> anyway, at least it helps us keep our focus 15:42:46 <adamw> i find not thinking about it helps 15:42:49 <jlaska> definitely, thanks kparal 15:43:40 <kparal> yrw 15:44:14 <jlaska> kparal: I should have an update on my action item for getting a new autotest-server shortly 15:44:33 <kparal> great 15:44:57 <jlaska> kparal: mmcgrath has been working hard to make available our 6 systems (and 1 virt guest (aka the autotest-server)). It appears to be mostly working, I just need to figure out how we'll use this for the time being 15:44:57 * kparal looks forward and hopes he will not break it immediately :) 15:45:26 <jlaska> kparal: anything else you'd like to track on this topic for next week? 15:45:41 <kparal> I don't think so 15:46:02 <jlaska> alright, thanks for the update kparal 15:46:06 <jlaska> who wants open floor time? 15:46:43 * adamw is good 15:46:44 <adamw> oh 15:46:46 <jlaska> #topic Open floor - <your topic here> 15:47:03 <adamw> i should just briefly mention i'm working on expanding desktop testing for f14 15:47:08 <adamw> to cover kde, xfce and lxde as well as gnome 15:47:18 <jlaska> #topic Open floor - adamw and F14 desktop testing 15:47:19 <adamw> in the early planning stages on that one, something should hit the mailing lists soon 15:47:48 <jlaska> #info i'm working on expanding desktop testing for f14 to cover kde, xfce and lxde as well as gnome 15:48:00 <jlaska> #info something should hit the mailing lists soon 15:48:15 * jlaska gets friendly with meetbot 15:48:58 <jlaska> adamw: nice, I gather that will be a welcome improvement 15:49:07 <adamw> i hope so 15:49:24 <jlaska> #topic Open floor - <your topic here> 15:49:48 <jlaska> any other thoughts/concerns/haiku? 15:50:16 <jlaska> If no other topics, I'll close the meeting in 2 minutes 15:51:15 * adamw is short on poetic inspiration 15:51:41 <jlaska> #topic Open floor - AutoQA media kit sanity tests 15:51:59 <kparal> do we have robatino? 15:51:59 <jlaska> robatino asked about this, so it might be worth noting in case others are interested 15:52:23 <robatino> here 15:52:29 <jlaska> robatino: howdy 15:52:40 <jlaska> Liam has code in his private AutOQA branch to automate the mediakit sanity tests 15:53:01 <jlaska> The tests he is automating can be found at https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Category:Installer_Image_Sanity_Test_Cases 15:53:07 <robatino> i was wondering if a test should be added to compare the actual ISO size to the ISO header size 15:53:30 <adamw> oh, yeah, you found problems with that didn't you? 15:53:42 <robatino> the live and netinst images currently fail that 15:53:47 <jlaska> robatino: I don't know, to be honest. 15:53:56 <adamw> what's the impact of the problem again? 15:53:59 <robatino> not something to block, but just to track 15:54:15 <jlaska> robatino: sure ... if you have any script or code to help validate, please add to https://fedorahosted.org/autoqa/ticket/186 15:54:35 <robatino> besides being inconvenient, we don't really know whether the images are just oversized, or corrupted as well 15:55:04 <jlaska> robatino: did this first start with F-13 ISOs? 15:55:15 <robatino> F12 Alpha, I think 15:55:31 <jlaska> I think you have a bug tracking this already, right? 15:55:34 <robatino> https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=585006 15:55:55 <robatino> it's against livecd-tools because currently that's the only way i know to reproduce it 15:56:06 <robatino> it's probably a genisoimage bug though 15:56:41 <jlaska> huff: you own livecd-tools bugs now? 15:57:01 <robatino> someone good at python could probably throw in some test statements and track it to the source, then reassign to the correct component 15:57:35 <pjones> robatino: are the images larger or smaller than the size listed in the headers? 15:57:46 <robatino> larger 15:58:08 <pjones> that's potentially valid 15:58:14 <pjones> (though still an error) 15:58:33 <robatino> of course, without knowing the cause, it 15:58:38 <jlaska> pjones: do you know what writes out that ISO header? is that genisoimage as robatino suggests? 15:58:45 <robatino> it's possible they could be smaller as well 15:58:45 <pjones> that's genisoimage, yes 15:58:49 <jlaska> okay 15:59:31 <jlaska> well, sounds like more work is needed to pinpoint this 15:59:50 <adamw> seems like we have enough time we should be able to pinpoint it, though 15:59:55 <jlaska> right 16:00:35 <jlaska> not sure what else is needed, I think this just needs a subject matter expert to review 16:01:07 <adamw> this actually reminds me of something else, if we have a minute 16:01:16 <jlaska> adamw: new topic? 16:01:22 <adamw> yeah 16:01:28 <jlaska> to close out this ... 16:01:43 <jlaska> robatino: can you suggest the new test to Liam in the ticket 16:02:05 <jlaska> and we'll continue monitoring this bug, perhaps Oxf13 or pjones have ideas to further isolate 16:02:17 <jlaska> adamw: go for it 16:02:18 <robatino> yes, i was planning to mention that, and also to make sure to distinguish between SI and IEC units for different media 16:02:24 <Oxf13> I'm here. 16:02:26 <jlaska> robatino: cool, thanks 16:02:26 <Oxf13> what's the bug? 16:02:32 <jlaska> 585006 16:02:34 <jlaska> .bug 585006 16:02:35 <zodbot> jlaska: Bug 585006 livecd-creator creates i386 and x86_64 ISOs which are larger than indicated by the ISO header - https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=585006 16:02:50 <Oxf13> ah that. 16:03:05 <Oxf13> We were thinking about migrating over to libisofs to see if that changes anything, or if it's easier to work with 16:03:11 <Oxf13> shell execution within python is ugly 16:04:08 <jlaska> Oxf13: anything you can think of to help robatino further isolate the bug? 16:04:30 <Oxf13> not really. 16:04:58 <jlaska> is this libisofs change, that's with livecd-tools or something else? 16:05:45 <jlaska> alright, let's move on ... we can talk further on this in the bug or in #fedora-qa 16:05:48 <jlaska> adamw: take it away 16:05:55 <adamw> okay 16:06:09 <jlaska> #topic Open floor - adamw 16:06:16 <adamw> so there's been a few forum threads where people have said they couldn't get a DVD burned from the f13 x86-64 ISO to boot, at all 16:06:33 <adamw> their systems actually don't see it as a bootable disc 16:06:44 <adamw> in each case, they could boot from the i686 DVD, or the x86-64 live 16:07:08 <adamw> threads - http://forums.fedoraforum.org/showthread.php?t=245321 , http://forums.fedoraforum.org/showthread.php?p=1364323 , http://forums.fedoraforum.org/showthread.php?t=245844 16:07:20 <adamw> but obviously in many cases the dvd does boot fine 16:07:34 <Oxf13> jlaska: mostly pjones and I were looking at it for anaconda buildinstall and pungi, but lessons learned there should carry over to livecd-tools 16:07:39 <adamw> i've no idea what could be causing this, the whole process by which a system identifies and boots from a bootable device is voodoo to me 16:07:45 <jlaska> Oxf13: okay 16:08:08 <adamw> just thought i'd mention it in case anyone knows more than me, or knows who could take a stab at figuring it out 16:08:27 <Southern_Gentlem> adamw, and to majority of those that came into #fedora hadnt verified the iso and had bad downloads or where burning incorrectly 16:08:50 <Oxf13> adamw: x86_64 doesn't boot, but i386 does... that tickles something in my brain 16:08:56 <adamw> there's also a bug report for this - https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=597283 16:09:00 <Oxf13> I wonder if we're putting EFI info on x86_64 media, but not i386 media. 16:09:06 <adamw> which oxf13 has commented on, so that may be the tickle point =) 16:09:12 <Oxf13> oh... 16:09:23 <adamw> would the efi info also be on x86-64 live in that case? 16:09:30 <adamw> the reporters say x86-64 live boots, iirc 16:09:37 <Oxf13> adamw: no, efi wouldn't be there. 16:10:08 <Oxf13> since it's DVD media, and that's my territory, I don't generally do anything with EFI so I don't think that's me 16:10:10 <Oxf13> or it 16:10:48 * adamw didn't quite parse that last line 16:11:54 <jlaska> comparing i386 and x86_64 "efi" files on the DVD's -- http://fpaste.org/fBu6/ 16:12:00 <jlaska> i386 has a # 16:12:05 <jlaska> /EFI/BOOT/BOOT.conf file, but x86_64 does not 16:12:33 <jlaska> anyhow, should we take the details to #fedora-qa 16:12:58 <adamw> or the bug report, sure 16:13:01 <jlaska> right on 16:13:14 <jlaska> adamw thanks for raising this topic ... has me perplexed :) 16:13:16 <Oxf13> adamw: pungi is what creates the DVD isos, and it's during that creation one would have to make them efi bootable or not IIRC. And since I don't do that in pungi, I don't think it could be EFI that is causing issues. 16:13:28 <adamw> Oxf13: ah, okay. 16:13:46 <jlaska> for the logs ... this is 16:13:48 <jlaska> .bug 597283 16:13:49 <zodbot> jlaska: Bug 597283 Fedora 13 x86_64 DVD does not boot in some computers - https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=597283 16:13:56 <jlaska> okay folks ... thanks for your time 16:14:02 <adamw> Southern_Gentlem: in the cases i'm looking at, the reporters have verified the burns and in some cases have actually booted the same disc successfully on other machines 16:14:19 <adamw> Southern_Gentlem: i'm painfully familiar with bad burns, this doesn't look like that =) 16:14:38 <jlaska> If folks want to continue, feel free to discuss on #fedora-qa or the mailing list 16:14:42 <jlaska> thanks all! 16:14:57 <jlaska> #endmeeting