16:01:36 <adamw> #startmeeting 2009-12-14 QA meeting 16:01:36 <zodbot> Meeting started Mon Dec 14 16:01:36 2009 UTC. The chair is adamw. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 16:01:36 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 16:01:58 * jlaska in read-only mode 16:02:20 <adamw> #topic gathering people 16:02:23 * kparal up and running 16:02:25 <adamw> who else is here? 16:02:42 * wwoods here! 16:03:21 <adamw> bueller? 16:04:12 <adamw> alrighty, guess that's it 16:04:17 <adamw> #topic previous meeting follow-up 16:04:33 <adamw> so, two entries here 16:04:50 <adamw> adamw to offer some guidance on how to handle hardware/local_configuration specific bugs - that's done, we included it into the blocker bug FAQ 16:04:58 <adamw> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Blocker_Bug_FAQ#What_about_hardware_and_local_configuration_dependent_issues.3F 16:05:17 <adamw> anyone got any comments / rotten fruit on that? 16:05:47 <jlaska> adamw: I like the bullet list at the end :) 16:05:51 <jlaska> you know I like lists! 16:06:07 * adamw puts jlaska's gag back on ;) 16:06:31 <jlaska> okay ... no more constructive feedback then! :P 16:06:33 <adamw> alright then 16:06:55 <adamw> second item - jlaska to post recommendations on F-12 QA retrospective 16:07:07 <adamw> listed as "INPROGRESS -- expect to have this cleaned up in the next day or so" 16:07:14 <adamw> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_12_QA_Retrospective#Recommendations 16:07:40 <adamw> anything to add, silentlaska? 16:08:02 * jlaska can't speak over the duct tape 16:08:29 <adamw> that's how we like it 16:08:35 <jlaska> hah 16:09:21 <adamw> alrighty then 16:09:38 <adamw> #topic enhancing release criteria 16:10:02 <adamw> #info as announced on the list, we completed the initial work on the criteria at FUDCon 16:10:07 <adamw> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_Release_Criteria 16:10:32 <adamw> jlaska asks 'what's next?' 16:11:03 <adamw> well, we received some feedback on possible changes, i merged some of that in 16:11:19 <adamw> anyone have anything else they'd like to add? 16:11:56 <jlaska> they look awesome, looking forward to referencing them during F-13 testing 16:12:12 <adamw> we didn't get any feedback from any spin SIGs yet 16:13:19 <adamw> welp, if we've got nothing to add then... 16:14:00 <adamw> #info no specific plans for further release criteria action 16:14:09 <adamw> #topic security policy / test plan 16:14:18 <adamw> jlaska provides: 16:14:23 <adamw> #link http://spot.livejournal.com/312216.html 16:14:35 <adamw> for a starting point, which is the same post we've looked at before. 16:15:01 <adamw> from my side the status on this is that i took it to the security team, as suggested, but haven't received much feedback 16:15:09 <adamw> so i will probably escalate it to fesco without a proposed policy 16:15:24 <adamw> does anyone else have any status on this? 16:16:19 <jlaska> no updates from me ... just wanted to check-in and see where it was and what (if anything) it needed to move forward 16:16:19 <wwoods> no, although there was some discussion at FUDCon about how to get autoqa tests to notice new builds that use consolehelper or have suid binaries 16:16:31 <adamw> that would be helpful indeed 16:16:33 <jlaska> ^^^ rpmguard? 16:16:43 <adamw> and we could throw a check for policykit files into rpmguard 16:16:55 <adamw> (added removed or changed) 16:16:58 <wwoods> yep - that was part of the answer, certainly 16:18:32 <adamw> alright then... 16:18:41 <adamw> #action adamw to escalate security policy issue to fesco 16:18:51 <adamw> #action wwoods to keep an eye on plans for autoqa tests 16:20:02 <adamw> the moment you've no doubt been waiting for: 16:20:05 <adamw> #topic autoqa update 16:20:18 <adamw> take it away! 16:20:54 <wwoods> so! for those who weren't there, I spent a good deal of FUDCon talking about AutoQA. Whee! 16:21:06 <wwoods> here's the slides from the presentation: http://wwoods.fedorapeople.org/files/AutoQA-FUDCon-Toronto-2009.odp 16:21:24 <wwoods> there are notes in the slide deck that explain the content further 16:21:55 <adamw> #link http://wwoods.fedorapeople.org/files/AutoQA-FUDCon-Toronto-2009.odp 16:22:42 <kparal> what the hot dog stands for? 16:22:55 <wwoods> I've got some good ideas for needed improvements to autoqa - distro labels for test machines, cleaner handling of 'noarch' tests like rpmlint/rpmguard, and future AMQP (messaging bus) support 16:23:12 <wwoods> kparal: the hot dog is everyone's new best friend 16:23:47 <kparal> certainy would like to have it near me 16:23:50 <wwoods> he was some artwork from an oooold version of anaconda that's been in the anaconda source tree for like.. almost 10 years 16:24:00 <kparal> i see 16:24:12 <wwoods> he keeps popping up in the generic (non-trademark) artwork and everyone loves him 16:24:15 <wwoods> see also: http://wwoods.fedorapeople.org/hot-dog/ 16:24:35 <kparal> nice! 16:25:08 <wwoods> anyway: not much actual *work* on autoqa, but plenty of good discussions. I expect we'll be writing up roadmaps and tickets and such for a while 16:25:28 <wwoods> the other major thing we talked about was the autoqa depcheck test 16:25:54 <wwoods> which already has a milestone: https://fedorahosted.org/autoqa/milestone/autoqa%20depcheck 16:26:05 <wwoods> again, not much work, but a lot of talk, and I have a much clearer idea of how that will work 16:26:30 <wwoods> but I wouldn't expect to see it finished before the new year. 16:28:33 <kparal> my turn? 16:28:51 <wwoods> go for it! 16:29:30 <skvidal> wwoods: I had a talk with the rpm folks about some of this stuff 16:29:37 <skvidal> wwoods: it's on my list to look at a way to speed up repoclosure 16:30:21 * kparal taking microphone 16:30:24 <kparal> alright, I have worked on the rpmguard integration into autoqa and I have posted the first results. it's in the public kparal/rpmguard-integration branch, you can try it (please do) 16:30:36 <wwoods> skvidal: cool, we'll talk later/elsewhere 16:30:40 <kparal> I have posted announcement here: https://fedorahosted.org/pipermail/autoqa-devel/2009-December/000047.html 16:30:40 <skvidal> cool 16:30:43 <skvidal> kparal: sorry 16:30:45 <wwoods> kparal: oh nice! 16:31:03 <kparal> there is an example output in the link, click on that and have a look 16:31:18 <kparal> wwoods: if you think the output format should be different, please let me know 16:31:35 <wwoods> nice. we might want to work out a way to merge the results when it's the same for each arch 16:31:55 <kparal> yes, that would certainly be good to consider 16:32:05 * kparal filing a ticket in his head 16:32:58 <kparal> so, that's from me. I hope I gather some feedback on the list :) 16:33:10 <adamw> ah, HeadTrac, that sturdy workhorse of an issue tracking system =) 16:33:21 <wwoods> kparal: awesome work. I'm really excited about this! 16:33:45 <adamw> anything else on autoqa? 16:34:01 <jlaska> I just wanted to point out some of the efforts liam and rhe have been working on 16:34:03 <wwoods> at some point we'll need to decide on QA policy about which changes are just warnings and which mean TEST FAILURE 16:34:16 <jlaska> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Is_anaconda_broken_proposal 16:34:23 <wwoods> now that rpmguard is apparently up and running that'll be very soon. 16:35:34 <jlaska> Liam and Hurry are putting the finishing touches on the 'problem description' 16:35:55 <jlaska> I've got a few comments to add to it later today, but the next step will be to coordinate test plan changes for F-13 16:36:31 <jlaska> I know adamw's got some good thoughts, as do Liam and Hurry ... so I'd like to setup a time for the group (and anyone else interested) to hash through it online 16:36:50 <jlaska> that's it from me 16:37:02 <adamw> alright 16:37:12 <adamw> #action jlaska to set up a meeting to co-ordinate test plan changes for F13 16:37:30 <adamw> we also need to get on top of the test day schedule - start sending out emails asking people to request test days 16:37:33 <adamw> set up some of our recurring ones 16:37:57 <jlaska> let's set that up as check-in for next week's meeting? 16:38:02 <adamw> yeah 16:38:18 <adamw> #action adamw and jlaska to look at setting up f13 test day process 16:39:14 <adamw> anything else? 16:39:39 * jlaska puts duct tape on 16:40:32 <adamw> diddly-doo, diddly-doo, diddly-doo, doo! 16:40:49 <adamw> thanks everyone for coming 16:40:50 <adamw> #endmeeting