16:00:20 <jlaska> #startmeeting Fedora QA Meeting 16:00:20 <zodbot> Meeting started Mon Nov 30 16:00:20 2009 UTC. The chair is jlaska. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 16:00:20 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 16:00:27 <jlaska> #meetingname qa 16:00:27 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'qa' 16:00:44 <jlaska> #topic Gathering in the lobby 16:00:50 <adamw> yo 16:01:00 * kparal 16:01:04 * tk009 is kinda here 16:01:21 <jlaska> adamw: kparal: tk009 Howdy folks 16:01:39 <tk009> good morning 16:02:07 * jlaska notes ... folks in the US might still be a bit sleepy from consuming too much turkey 16:03:37 <jlaska> wwoods should be around, might just be gathering a few breadths after a near-miss of a system failure 16:04:05 * wwoods is indeed around 16:04:24 <jlaska> anyone else ... Viking-Ice: poelcat: Oxf13? 16:04:47 * poelcat here 16:05:01 <jlaska> poelcat: greetings 16:05:09 <poelcat> hi, thanks for the reminder 16:05:15 <jlaska> okay, let's dive in ... don't want to go too long (for a change) 16:05:27 <jlaska> #link https://www.redhat.com/archives/fedora-test-list/2009-November/msg01223.html 16:05:33 <jlaska> ^^^ the proposed agenda for today 16:05:41 <jlaska> #topic Previous meeting follow-up 16:05:52 <jlaska> * adamw - initiate security policy discussion on fedora-{devel,security}-list (see http://spot.livejournal.com/312216.html) 16:06:02 <jlaska> that's a [X], that's for kicking that off adamw 16:06:05 <adamw> so, i did it 16:06:16 <jlaska> I've got a spot in the agenda to talk about progress there 16:06:22 <adamw> ok 16:06:39 <jlaska> anything else high-level to discuss there? 16:07:01 <jlaska> * jlaska to send request for retrospective feedback to fedora-test-list@ 16:07:20 <jlaska> same for me ... this was sent, folks have contributed already (thank you) ... and will do a status updates later in the meeting 16:07:29 <jlaska> that's all I have from last week's action items 16:07:39 <jlaska> anything I missed? 16:08:36 <jlaska> okay ... let's move on then 16:08:42 <jlaska> #topic Enhancing release criteria 16:09:09 <jlaska> poelcat introduced this topic and we discussed it from a high-level last week 16:09:26 <poelcat> thanks to everyone who gave feedback on the list and talk pages 16:09:41 * jlaska notes ... poelcat beat me too it :) 16:10:03 <poelcat> what do you think of next step of taking all that feedback and working it into the pages 16:10:22 <poelcat> and then send another reminder to the list by say tomorrow 16:10:25 <adamw> i think it would be a great job for someone whose irc nick is poelcat ;) 16:10:46 <poelcat> and then do an in person review/finalize this weekend! 16:10:52 <poelcat> at FUDCon :) 16:10:52 <jlaska> I've been adjusting the pages for the Talk feedback so far 16:11:08 <poelcat> jlaska: excellent 16:11:24 <jlaska> A hackfest session @ FUDCon? 16:11:27 <poelcat> i'll touch base w/ you after the meeting to see if there are any holes 16:11:40 <poelcat> jlaska: that was my thought 16:11:43 <jlaska> I'm still unclear on how best to account for what adamw raised 16:11:50 <poelcat> seems too specialized for barcamp 16:12:05 <poelcat> jlaska: what is that? 16:12:08 <adamw> which bit? 16:12:10 <jlaska> the impact on severity of hardware and local configuration issues 16:12:21 <jlaska> we all know it exists, but unclear on how best to put that into words 16:12:50 <adamw> i can write up a paragraph for that if you like 16:13:22 <jlaska> no objections here ... it's better than the empty string I've got 16:13:23 * poelcat wonders if there is still a possiblity of some quantificapability? 16:13:34 <jlaska> infrastructuralization? 16:13:35 <jlaska> :) 16:13:39 <poelcat> e.g. "5 or more systems" ? 16:13:51 * Viking-Ice joins late inn.. 16:13:56 <jlaska> Viking-Ice: welcome! 16:13:59 <adamw> poelcat: it's hard to do even that 16:14:13 <poelcat> adamw: true 16:14:29 <jlaska> we definitely want bugs filed ... but perhaps this data is used to facilitate the blocker bug decision 16:14:30 * poelcat was thinking of the easy cases 16:14:43 <adamw> poelcat: you could find five systems that hit virtually any kernel bug, from kerneloops.org 16:14:44 <poelcat> we can move on 16:14:56 <jlaska> yeah sorry, rat hole 16:15:01 <adamw> on the contrary, there are some issues you might be hard-pressed to get five reporters for in beta stage but which many would hit in final 16:15:06 <adamw> so, yeah, i'd prefer to keep it general. 16:15:27 <jlaska> #info next step ... of taking all that feedback and working it into the pages 16:15:34 <jlaska> #info send another reminder to the list by say tomorrow 16:15:38 <adamw> can you #action me? 16:15:49 <jlaska> #info hackfest session at FUDCon to finalize 16:16:11 <jlaska> #action adamw to offer some guidance on how to handle hardware/local_configuration specific bugs 16:16:27 <jlaska> poelcat: thanks for the update, anything else? 16:16:41 <poelcat> jlaska: that's all 16:17:00 <jlaska> #topic Security Policy/Test_Plan 16:17:17 <jlaska> adamw: do you have a few minutes to talk about where that stands, issues/roadblocks etc... ? 16:17:33 <jlaska> #link https://www.redhat.com/archives/fedora-devel-list/2009-November/msg01745.html 16:18:18 <adamw> well 16:18:27 <adamw> the discussion has done a classic fedora peter-out 16:19:01 <adamw> it seems like there's vague consensus that we should have package defaults that are 'very secure' and then per-spin customization for less security (if desired) 16:19:11 <adamw> though that would seem to have lots of holes in it as an idea 16:19:22 <adamw> no-one has really stepped up and said 'yeah there's a plan and we're doing it here' 16:19:30 <adamw> so i may need to give it another poke 16:19:53 <poelcat> adamw: is FESCo tracking this issue? 16:20:01 <adamw> poelcat: I don't know. 16:20:11 * poelcat would hope/think they have a ticket open and are discussing 16:20:29 <adamw> we could ask... 16:20:42 <adamw> nirik: ping? 16:20:48 <Oxf13> hey, I'm here, just running late. 16:20:59 <Oxf13> kid decided to wake up at 5am and have a meltdown. 16:21:02 <nirik> adamw: whats up? 16:21:07 <jlaska> Oxf13: welcome! 16:21:13 <adamw> nirik: is FESco tracking the security policy question? 16:21:25 <adamw> nirik: see discussion about (since xx:17:17) 16:21:28 <adamw> s/about/above/ 16:21:48 <skvidal> adamw: I wrote a draft of the significant change policy 16:21:55 <skvidal> and I sent it to the fesco mailing list last week 16:21:56 * nirik was just typing that... 16:22:02 <skvidal> I've, as yet, received no comment At all 16:22:10 <skvidal> which makes me sad 16:22:22 <skvidal> I can send it to fedora-devel-list if that would help conversation 16:22:35 <nirik> skvidal: sorry, I was busy friday and didn't feel like answering over the weekend. It's in my mailbox to reply to today... 16:22:52 <skvidal> nirik: so folks did GET it 16:22:54 <skvidal> that's good 16:23:01 <nirik> yes, I got it. Just haven't had a chance to reply yet 16:23:03 <jlaska> #info there's vague consensus that we should have package defaults that are 'very secure' and then per-spin customization for less security (if desired) 16:23:06 <skvidal> b/c I couldn't tell if it had been held for approval or something 16:23:17 <jlaska> #info no-one has really stepped up and said 'yeah there's a plan and we're doing it here' 16:23:26 <nirik> with thanksgiving and the long weekend, I suspect many people were away from email. 16:23:26 <adamw> skvidal: do you think the 'significant change policy' is going to be enough to act as a 'security policy'? 16:23:37 <Viking-Ice> One question is there any security certification we can get on Fedora ( some one mentioned something NIST/DISA thingy ) if so is that something we would like to have ( for example a security certified workstation/server spin ) 16:23:42 <jlaska> #info skvidal drafted a change policy and sent to fesco mailing list last week 16:23:43 <skvidal> adamw: no - but it should help us not get caught out in the cold on changes 16:24:39 <nirik> We may want to also look at a 'secure by default, spins/etc can relax for their needs' policy... (since we don't have such a thing right now) 16:24:47 <adamw> that's kinda what I thought. i still feel like there's a need for security policy (policies) / packaging guidelines. so fesco doesn't have anything going on that front? 16:25:31 <nirik> adamw: not currently, but concrete proposals welcome. 16:25:36 <adamw> nirik: that involves defining what 'secure' means, also runs into the 'desktop spin' border issue, and at least one security team member has posted to the thread that he isn't happy with the idea of spin SIGs having complete control over security policy in their spins. 16:25:39 <adamw> nirik: OK, thanks. 16:26:00 * nirik nods. 16:26:09 <Viking-Ice> Well I do belive we should allow spins to have complete control over their own security 16:26:17 <adamw> Viking-Ice: we don't really need to debate it here 16:26:20 <adamw> Viking-Ice: just flagging up the issues 16:26:33 <adamw> it's not qa group's job to decide the answers 16:26:44 <Viking-Ice> They just need to document how the deviate from the uber secure policy ;) 16:27:05 <adamw> skvidal: um, where is the fesco mailing list? is it private? it doesn't seem to be listed on the fesco wiki page 16:27:06 <Oxf13> if anything, it'd be QAs job to ensure the security policy as defined by the project and/or the spin matches reality 16:27:12 <adamw> Oxf13: right. 16:27:21 <skvidal> adamw: 'fedora-extras-steering' 16:27:30 <skvidal> adamw: it's private, I believe 16:27:30 <adamw> Oxf13: that's where we came into this issue: if we want to do testing we need a policy to test against. 16:27:37 <adamw> skvidal: ah, k. 16:27:39 <skvidal> adamw: it's mostly so we can talk trash about you. :) 16:27:52 <adamw> skvidal: that's what i figured =) 16:27:54 <jlaska> okay, so help me capture next steps here 16:28:05 <jlaska> is profit one of them yet? 16:28:10 <adamw> i guess i should file a ticket with fesco 16:28:13 <adamw> and profit is ALWAYS one of the steps 16:28:26 <nirik> yeah, a ticket with a proposed policy would be great. 16:28:46 <nirik> or a post to devel with it, wait for flames to subside, then a ticket. ;) 16:29:16 <adamw> i'm not sure i'm the guy to propose a policy 16:29:19 <poelcat> nirik: fesco is expecting someone else to propose a policy? 16:29:23 <adamw> given that i have precisely zero security qualifications 16:29:34 <nirik> poelcat: expecting? probibly not, just hoping. ;) 16:29:36 <adamw> i was thinking more along the lines of a ticket asking fesco to look into the issue, flagging up the problematic areas 16:29:41 <jlaska> adamw: nirik: and the ticket is to just get this on FESCO's radar? 16:29:44 * nirik can try and do something if nothing appears soon. 16:29:51 <nirik> adamw: thats fine too. 16:29:59 <adamw> if it'd be preferred, i could ask the security team to work with me to come up with a proposed policy 16:30:10 <Viking-Ice> +1 16:30:30 * poelcat hoping to say this is the nicest way, but would expect that creating/reviewing/make sure a security policy happens is FESCo's job 16:30:57 * poelcat realizes we are off topic for this meeting 16:31:03 <Viking-Ice> I do believe having the sec xperts on board and preferable defining the sec policy is the way to go.. . 16:31:47 <jlaska> #info next step ... file a FESCO ticket asking fesco to look into the issue and help us move towards a security policy 16:31:48 <nirik> poelcat: sure, agreed. 16:31:52 <Oxf13> poelcat: while that is true, you don't have to be in FESCo to create the policy or any proposal. 16:31:55 <adamw> just #action me to do a fesco ticket and i'll figure it out 16:32:14 <Oxf13> poelcat: in fact, a subject matter expert may be a better choice to create such a policy, rather than the members of FESCo 16:32:48 * adamw is talking to security team now 16:32:53 <jlaska> #action adamw will reach out to FESCO for guidance on defining a security policy 16:33:24 <poelcat> Oxf13: yep, that is part of "make sure a security policy happens" 16:33:32 <jlaska> adamw: okay ... anything else I missed or need to capture? 16:34:06 <Oxf13> poelcat: that also assumes that FESCo or the Fedora Board has determined that a security policy is even necessary. 16:34:27 <poelcat> we're off topic, let's move on :) 16:34:38 <adamw> jlaska: i think that's okay. 16:34:58 <jlaska> adamw: alright, thank you 16:35:05 <jlaska> #topic F-12 QA retrospective 16:35:12 <jlaska> #link https://www.redhat.com/archives/fedora-test-list/2009-November/msg01126.html 16:35:28 <jlaska> lots of good feedback on the wiki and mailing list already, so thanks to all who contributed so far 16:35:56 <jlaska> I'm still migrating mailing list feedback into the wiki page, I expect to wrap that up today 16:36:11 <jlaska> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_12_QA_Retrospective 16:37:02 <jlaska> As for next steps ... I plan to organize the feedback into related groups to make it easier to see trends/problem_areas 16:37:37 <jlaska> I'd like to then see some discussion around what the group wants to focus on for F-13 testing 16:38:03 <jlaska> I'm still uncertain on the most effective forum for that ... I'm guessing a mix of mailing list and a FUDCon break-out 16:38:39 <jlaska> this shouldn't be anything new ... we informally did this for F-12 16:39:21 <jlaska> all I'm trying to do now is make this process a bit more repeatable+transparent ... and hopefully help interested participants take part in our objectives for F-13 16:39:57 <jlaska> #info Next steps ... I plan to organize the feedback into related groups to make it easier to see trends/problem_areas 16:40:12 <jlaska> anyone else have questions or concerns on this topic? 16:41:06 <adamw> nothing really 16:41:36 <Oxf13> nope 16:41:38 * Viking-Ice nothing from me.. 16:41:42 <jlaska> alrighty ... let's move on then 16:41:49 <jlaska> #topic AutoQA Updates 16:42:17 <jlaska> Just our usual check-in to see how things are progressing on the wwoods and kparal autoqa front 16:42:21 <jlaska> who wants to go first? 16:42:44 <kparal> ok, a few words from me :) 16:42:45 <wwoods> er, I'll go real quick 16:42:48 <kparal> heh 16:42:49 <wwoods> or.. yes 16:42:54 <wwoods> kparal: you go first 16:43:04 <kparal> alright 16:43:12 <jlaska> hehe, sorry guys ... I'll pick one of you first to avoid confusion next time 16:43:34 <kparal> there are a few patches in the autoqa mailing from me, maybe you have seen them 16:43:51 <kparal> the purpose is to make test development even easier 16:44:05 <wwoods> kparal: ooh, I didn't see the optparse patch for the watchers 16:44:17 <kparal> so all the watchers should have now (after accepting the patches) --help and --dry-run standardized 16:44:49 * wwoods was out of the office and off the VPN Nov. 25 until now, still catching up 16:44:54 <kparal> so now it could improve the expectations that people have when trying out the code 16:45:24 <kparal> I will start documenting the 'Getting started' stuff after it's in master 16:45:32 <jlaska> #info kparal has a few autoqa patches out for review - adding --help and --dry-run options to all watchers 16:45:51 <kparal> and I also worked a little bit on integrating rpmguard into autoqa, but not finished yet 16:46:03 <jlaska> #info kparal plans to contribute to the 'Getting started' use case once changes are in 16:46:18 * jlaska going crazy with meetbot tags ... sorry for annoyance 16:46:49 <kparal> wwoods, you may go on now :) 16:47:06 <wwoods> heh - thanks, kparal 16:47:24 <jlaska> #info kparal some progress on integrating rpmguard, more work remains 16:47:37 <wwoods> So last week I adapted kparal's patch for the autoqa harness to add the --local flag 16:47:47 <wwoods> so tests can be launched on your local system, to help with test development 16:48:02 <wwoods> it also supports the --dry-run flag, like the watchers 16:48:11 <kparal> already tried that, works perfect 16:48:16 <wwoods> kparal: great! 16:49:18 <wwoods> let's see - there were some fixes to the watchers 16:49:30 <jlaska> #info Wwoods accepted kparal's local autoqa harness patch ... tests can now be launched on your local system to facilitate test development/integration 16:49:47 <wwoods> they should be running autoqa only once for each repo/build that's updated, regardless of which (or how many) arches the build/tree/repo is available for 16:50:20 <wwoods> this is going to be important when we start working with more 'noarch' tests - tests like rpmlint, which don't need to run on the same arch as the target package/tree 16:51:04 <wwoods> also watch-repos.py was running tests too often, that was fixed 16:51:16 <wwoods> and I updated repoinfo to reflect the fact that there's no ppc rawhide anymore 16:51:24 * jlaska makes a note to ensure we're tracking the documentation needed for autotest system tagging 16:51:30 <wwoods> with the new repoinfo library that's just a simple config file change, so that's nice 16:52:12 <wwoods> in preparation for FUDCon I'm planning to write up some notes on AutoQA for Fedora developers 16:52:18 * jlaska was impressed with the repoinfo config file 16:52:33 <wwoods> and hopefully I'll be helping kparal get rpmguard running and sending emails and stuff 16:53:18 <wwoods> that's all from me. 16:53:28 <jlaska> wwoods: great stuff 16:53:31 * jlaska info's ... 16:53:49 <jlaska> #info wwoods improved support for running 'noarch' tests - tests like rpmlint, which don't need to run on the same arch as the target package/tree 16:54:01 <jlaska> #info wwoods updated repoinfo to reflect the fact that there's no ppc rawhide anymore 16:54:42 <jlaska> #info wwoods plans ... some FUDCon prep work and helping kparal integrate rpmguard 16:54:53 <jlaska> I think that gets it ... shout if I've missed anything 16:54:55 <wwoods> to be fair, the current support for 'noarch' tests is kind of a gross hack 16:55:03 <jlaska> we like hacks 16:55:10 <wwoods> but I laid some of the groundwork to make it work sanely later 16:55:17 * jlaska makes a note to head to cafepress after meeting :) 16:55:22 <skvidal> wwoods: repoinfo is in autoqa? 16:55:29 <wwoods> skvidal: yes 16:55:36 <skvidal> wwoods: thanks 16:56:07 <jlaska> Just a few updates on some of my autoqa action items ... 16:56:40 <jlaska> #info thanks to help from abadger1999, autoqa-israwhidebroken is now packaged. I sent a link to the branch to autoqa-devel. If folks are happy, I can merge that into master 16:57:30 <jlaska> having this packaged highlighted a few next steps for having this service run as http://admin.fedoraproject.org/israwhidebroken 16:57:56 <jlaska> I don't think I'll be able to knock those out before FUDCon, so might look for guidance from abadger1999 and/or mmcgrath if they have the time 16:58:19 <jlaska> wwoods: kparal: anything else on the autoqa front? 16:58:36 <kparal> not from me 16:59:04 <jlaska> kparal: okay ... oh, wwoods said he was good earlier ... alright, next up ... 16:59:08 <jlaska> #topic Open Discussion - <your topic here> 16:59:30 <adamw> FINALLY time for the week's most important topic 16:59:31 <jlaska> any topics not yet mentioned people would like to discuss? 16:59:35 <jlaska> adamw: hit it! 16:59:39 <adamw> i move that glogg be adopted as the new official drink of QA 16:59:40 <adamw> http://loupgaroublond.blogspot.com/2009/11/glogg.html 16:59:58 <adamw> it involves wine, port and whiskey, and has an awesome name. i see no drawbacks. 17:00:07 <jlaska> #topic Open Discussion - Glögg as the official drink of QA 17:00:15 <wwoods> glogg!! 17:00:24 <wwoods> I have a bottle of that in my house right now 17:00:24 <jlaska> adamw: if we drink too much, side affects? 17:00:34 <Oxf13> adamw: I was thinking more 'Magic Hobo Gravy' http://hijinksensue.com/2009/11/27/the-special-sauce/ 17:00:34 <jlaska> "Best code I ever wrote!" 17:00:37 <kparal> I want pictures! :) 17:00:39 <adamw> i do not understand what you mean by 'too much' 17:00:47 <adamw> this seems a nonsensical concept 17:01:05 <jlaska> the first images.google.com result for grogg is not what I'd expect 17:01:08 <jlaska> adamw: :) 17:01:19 <jlaska> http://www.mostphotos.com/preview/150009/grogg-drink-ice-glas-red.jpg ? 17:01:30 <adamw> iced grogg? 17:01:42 <jlaska> http://www.drunkenblog.com/drunkenblog-archives/i/oh_glogg_youdevil.jpg 17:01:43 <Oxf13> jlaska: "grogg" vs "glogg" 17:01:57 <wwoods> yeah I think maybe Glögg and grog(g) are different things 17:01:59 <adamw> http://www.acatinthekitchen.com/photo/advent/glogg.jpg 17:02:13 <jlaska> indeed they are ... never trust "Maybe you meant grogg" :) 17:02:25 <jlaska> kparal: I've seen this a lot http://www.saturnus.se/images/produkter/glogg_export.jpg 17:02:48 <jlaska> okay ... anything else on the radar we need to discuss? 17:02:49 <kparal> never seen that in czech republic 17:03:09 <Oxf13> yeah, who is going to be on the bus? 17:03:12 <jlaska> kparal: You've got some of the best stuff on earth right in your back yard :) 17:03:36 <jlaska> #topic Open Discussion - FUDCon travel plans 17:04:45 <jlaska> #topic Open Discussion - FUDCon travel plans 17:04:51 <jlaska> nirik: thanks! 17:04:56 <wwoods> jlaska and I will be flying into Toronto on Friday. Remember yer passports, USians. 17:05:37 * jlaska wonders when the next EMEA FUDCon is 17:06:04 <jlaska> okay ... I'll close out the meeting in 2 minutes unless any urgent items come up 17:08:06 <jlaska> alright folks ... I think we can close it out 17:08:12 <jlaska> thanks for your time 17:08:23 <jlaska> As always, minutes will be sent to the list 17:08:26 <jlaska> #endmeeting