20:03:19 <poelcat> #startmeeting Fedora 12 Release Readiness Meeting 20:03:19 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Nov 11 20:03:19 2009 UTC. The chair is poelcat. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 20:03:19 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 20:03:36 <poelcat> who is here? 20:03:39 * ricky 20:03:51 * rbergeron is here for mchua / marketing 20:04:08 * glezos is here 20:04:17 * mmcgrath is 20:04:37 * skvidal is here 20:04:51 * jlaska 20:05:01 <poelcat> hi everyone! 20:05:06 <poelcat> Oxf13: pingaling 20:05:24 <poelcat> glezos: can you cover for translation? 20:05:37 <glezos> poelcat: yes. 20:05:38 <poelcat> oops, i see you already responded 20:05:47 <Oxf13> oh, yeah that's now isn't it. 20:06:24 <poelcat> let's get started 20:06:49 <smooge> here 20:06:50 <poelcat> #info we're meeting today to cross-coordinate between teams to make sure we're ready for release day on 2009-11-17 20:07:04 <poelcat> i'll try to keep things moving 20:07:18 <poelcat> so if i move on too quickly let me know :) 20:07:39 <poelcat> i'll call out each team by name to get their status/info/bits to be coordinated 20:07:47 <poelcat> any questions/suggestions before we jump in? 20:08:35 <poelcat> we always start with the the more technical teams so I thought we'd go in the opposite direction this time 20:08:40 <poelcat> #topic web sites 20:08:53 <poelcat> ricky: how are things looking and what should we know? 20:08:58 <ricky> Much appreciated :-) 20:09:20 <ricky> We're pretty good now, thanks to the awsome efforts of sijis, hiemanshu, and others 20:09:37 <ricky> Yesterday, I emailed the art team to get the big banner, and I also see that the small release banner is ready 20:10:32 <ricky> One last issue that came up is that some docs index pages went missing recently (like http://docs.fedoraproject.org/install-guide/f11/), and we'll need to get index pages or redirects up for those - I just emailed docs list about that 20:11:01 <poelcat> ricky: excellent; anything else? 20:11:15 <poelcat> anyone have issues they need to discuss w/ the web team? 20:11:25 <mmcgrath> ricky: yeah lets break the freeze to fix that. 20:11:37 <ricky> One infrastructure-related thing - right now, spins.fp.o assumes that all spin torrent files live under http://torrent.fedoraproject.org/spins/ 20:11:57 <ricky> But that's not true for the KDE spin - thought I'd mention that while Oxf13 and skvidal are around 20:12:08 <skvidal> ricky: ? 20:12:13 <skvidal> it doesn't live in there? 20:12:49 <ricky> I think right now, the KDE torrents are in /torrents/ instead of /spins/ (or at least they were for the betas and F11) 20:12:56 <skvidal> ah , I see 20:13:20 <skvidal> I don't know why kde should not be in the spins subdir 20:13:27 <skvidal> Oxf13: you have any problems chucking it there? 20:13:53 <Oxf13> well, KDE and the Desktop Live image are not "Spins" 20:14:04 <skvidal> ah, well there you go 20:14:07 <skvidal> Oxf13: thanks 20:14:17 <glezos> ricky: about the string: do we have the string in question in an older page? Maybe we could pull it from there or sth. 20:14:27 <Oxf13> they're the official live mages we publish, and we put them on the mirror too in the Live/ directory 20:14:39 <ricky> Hmm, but the plan is still for the KDE spin to be downloadable at spins.fp.o - should we just hardcode that difference in somewhere then? 20:14:56 <glezos> ricky: skip that -- we an talk it together. No need to keep all people busy for this, otherwise the meeting will take ages. 20:15:09 <ricky> glezos: If we did a string freeze break, we'd replace links to http://docs.fedoraproject.org/release-notes/f12/ with http://docs.fedoraproject.org/release-notes/f12/language-code/html, and make that a new translatable string 20:15:15 <ricky> Yeah, sure thing 20:15:25 <ricky> I was thinking of a redirect to the docs.fp.o index though 20:15:45 <Oxf13> ricky: I'm really not sure given the new web pages for spins 20:15:56 <Oxf13> ricky: it would be a demotion to put KDE on spins.fp.o as opposed to torrent.fp.o 20:16:36 * ricky isn't sure what the board said about that WRT to the spins.fp.o requirements, but I got the impression that the KDE spin would be downloadable there and also have its own page where the KDE team could put its own blurbs and screenshots and stuff 20:16:57 <mmcgrath> oof, it's pretty late to be having this discussion :( 20:17:05 <ricky> mizmo: Does that sound right to you? 20:18:16 * poelcat wonders if we can close on this topic outside of this meeting 20:18:35 <skvidal> how about this 20:18:39 <skvidal> we symlink it to both places 20:18:41 <skvidal> on torrent 20:18:46 <skvidal> and let kde show up on torrent AND on spins 20:18:57 <skvidal> I can take it as an action item to make sure of that 20:19:03 <ricky> Fine with me, as long as the link works somehow :-) 20:19:17 <skvidal> Oxf13: that okay w/you? 20:19:29 <poelcat> #action skvidal to setup symlinks for kde to show up on torrent AND on spins 20:19:30 <Oxf13> fine wit me 20:19:34 <Oxf13> fine with me. 20:19:36 <skvidal> okay. 20:19:38 <skvidal> great 20:19:44 <ricky> Note that http://fedoraproject.org/get-fedora-kde is totally not going away for the F12 website 20:19:58 <ricky> It'll just be obtainable at another place too for the time being 20:20:08 <poelcat> we need to move on 20:20:14 <ricky> Yup, sorry about that 20:20:17 <skvidal> ricky: all I'm going to do is symlink the .torrent files, that's it 20:20:21 <poelcat> #topic translation update 20:20:31 <poelcat> glezos: talk to us 20:20:56 <glezos> Not many things from L10n, AFAICT 20:21:19 <glezos> Websites are being translated, and Docs are continuing for the zero-date release 20:21:37 <glezos> Software have long been frozen, which is the important bits. 20:21:45 <poelcat> glezos: great, sounds like things are going soothly 20:21:48 <glezos> yup. 20:21:58 <poelcat> any questions for the translation team from others? 20:22:01 <glezos> Unless someone has anything else from L10n, I'm EOF. 20:23:11 <poelcat> #topic marketing update 20:23:24 <poelcat> rbergeron: how are things going? 20:23:35 <rbergeron> one-page release notes are done. ready to go to design for layout 20:23:39 <rbergeron> (per mchua) 20:24:04 <rbergeron> in-depth feature profiles are 2/3 done and out on red hat's press blog, the third (virtualization) is just about wrapped up. 20:24:26 <rbergeron> screenshots are "done", and by done i mean the important stuff is in the can, but is still open for anyone who feels inspired to make more. 20:24:51 * rbergeron is not sure if there is anything else to cover here, but that's what mchua sent me with so feel free to ask about anything else :) 20:25:19 <poelcat> anyone have questions for rbergeron? 20:26:11 <poelcat> rbergeron: thanks 20:26:15 <rbergeron> :) 20:26:20 <poelcat> #topic Release Engineering 20:26:24 <poelcat> Oxf13: how's the bits? 20:26:39 <Oxf13> bits are good, still assembling everything 20:26:47 <Oxf13> Hopefully I can have the trees staged today 20:27:21 <poelcat> Oxf13: cool, that's a day early! have we dont that before? 20:27:24 <smooge> updates seem to be working. I got told of updates just now 20:28:01 <Oxf13> poelcat: not for a while. 20:28:57 * mizmo is here now 20:28:59 <poelcat> Oxf13: anything else? 20:29:54 <poelcat> Oxf13: thanks 20:29:59 <poelcat> #topic Design 20:30:03 <Oxf13> there is one known booboo with the fedora-release package 20:30:29 <poelcat> Oxf13: go ahead 20:30:41 <Oxf13> teh GPG key path for updates-testing is wrong 20:30:53 <Oxf13> so if users enable updates-testing, and don't already have the key imported, they'll get an error 20:31:08 <Oxf13> there is a fedora-release update pending to go into stable to correct this 20:31:17 <notting> that's the same key that's used for final and updates, right? 20:31:39 <skvidal> notting: but yum imports them per-repo - for repository signatures 20:31:58 <jwb> Oxf13, what was it listed as? 20:32:31 <Oxf13> gpgkey=file:///etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-fedora-test-$basearch 20:32:35 <Oxf13> as opposed to: 20:32:44 <Oxf13> gpgkey=file:///etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-fedora-$basearch 20:33:30 <poelcat> Oxf13: do we need to announce or release not this somwhere? 20:33:47 <poelcat> or will update take care of it seamlessly? 20:34:01 * adamw , who is not here, takes a note to stick it in commonbugs 20:34:01 <Oxf13> I think we should knownissues it 20:34:03 <skvidal> actually - how is fedora-releae fixing this? 20:34:11 <Oxf13> but yes, an update to things in stable updates will fix it 20:34:14 <skvidal> is it adding the file or is it changing the config? 20:34:19 <Oxf13> skvidal: changing the config 20:34:28 <skvidal> which will only work if their config has not changed, right? 20:34:32 <Oxf13> right 20:34:40 <skvidal> then definitely knownissues it 20:34:43 <adamw> and if they update before adding updates-testing repo 20:34:47 <skvidal> with an explanation of rpmsave/rpmnew files 20:35:07 <Oxf13> adamw: they have to A) enable updates-testing, and B) not already have the key imported IIRC 20:35:24 <adamw> k 20:35:27 * poelcat would prefer not to get into all the technical details of how to fix it in this meeting, but instead action key people to cover later 20:36:02 * adamw continues not being here 20:36:12 <poelcat> who is going to "known issue" this and where? 20:36:40 <jlaska> just add keyword:CommonBugs ... and it'll fall on our plates to document 20:36:50 <poelcat> Oxf13: is there a bug #? 20:36:56 <Oxf13> there is no bug number yet 20:37:14 <adamw> i have it on my list. 20:37:42 <poelcat> #action adamw will file bug for updates-testing key problem and add CommonBugs keyword 20:37:55 <poelcat> anything else from releng or questions to releng ? 20:38:52 <Oxf13> I don't think I have anything. 20:39:14 <poelcat> Oxf13: thanks 20:39:27 <poelcat> mizmo: how are things in Design? 20:39:43 <mizmo> poelcat: i think we're in good shape, i dont think there's any major concerns 20:39:47 <mizmo> well 20:39:52 <mizmo> one thing im a bit worried about is getting spins.fpo ready 20:40:07 <mizmo> and get.fpo ready 20:40:08 <poelcat> mizmo: we were discussing some of that earlier 20:40:15 <mizmo> i dont know if the html for get.fpo has really been started yet 20:40:21 <mizmo> i *think* it has 20:40:52 <ricky> The complete get.fp.o redesign isn't meant to happen with the f12 release though - we agreed to target just spins.fp.o in an earlier meeting 20:41:02 <mizmo> ricky: oh i didnt recall that 20:41:15 <ricky> (get.fp.o got lumped together with the big skin change too) 20:41:15 <mizmo> ricky: i thought the template is going to stay the same but the meat of the page is going to change 20:41:30 <mizmo> eg, the new mockups implemented in the new template 20:41:41 <mizmo> er 20:41:46 <mizmo> the new mockups implemented in the old/current template 20:42:35 <ricky> Oops, sorry about the mixup then. get-fedora has been pretty much frozen since the string freeze a few weeks back 20:42:42 <mizmo> :( 20:43:32 <ricky> The thought was that the new get.fp.o depended on spins.fp.o, so we had to choose that first :-( 20:44:48 <poelcat> what do we need to decide or figure out here today? 20:45:17 <mizmo> i guess we're dropping get.fpo's redesign 20:45:20 <mizmo> there isnt much choice 20:46:16 <poelcat> mizmo: okay, anything else to discuss from a design perspective? 20:46:25 <mizmo> i dont think so 20:46:27 <rbergeron> mizmo: the one-page release notes are ready to go to design for layout, per mchua. 20:46:36 <mizmo> rbergeron: to pdf? 20:47:27 <rbergeron> "to layout" ... i can check with her. 20:47:32 <rbergeron> just delivering verbatims here :) 20:47:32 <mizmo> rbergeron: okay thanks 20:47:40 <mizmo> i think she probably meant pdf format 20:47:42 <rbergeron> i'l follow up and let you know. 20:47:51 <rbergeron> i think that is likely 20:48:52 <poelcat> #topic Quality update 20:49:01 <poelcat> jlaska: what do we need to know? 20:49:10 <jlaska> Hey folks .. I'm just planning to cut'n'paste the highlights here for meetbot 20:49:20 <jlaska> #info Installation testing - Liam announced completion of the F-12-RC4 install matrix and provided a summary at https://www.redhat.com/archives/fedora-test-list/2009-November/msg00585.html 20:49:26 <jlaska> #info Installation testing - Completed test matrix available for review https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Test_Results:Fedora_12_RC4_Install 20:50:01 <jlaska> This marks the first release with several regular install checkpoints for each major milestone (Alpha, Beta, RC) 20:50:43 <jlaska> I don't see any reason to be changing this for F-13 as it seems to have been fairly successful 20:50:49 <jlaska> next up ... 20:50:53 <jlaska> #info Common_F12_Bugs - Issues not fixed in F-12-RC4 are being be documented at https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Common_F12_bugs. The procedure for adding or requesting additions is documented on that page (see section 'My_bug_is_not_listed') 20:51:05 <jlaska> #info Common_F12_Bugs - The current list of bugs awaiting documentation is http://tinyurl.com/yldrrtu 20:51:32 <jlaska> Much to adamw's dismay ... I've been adding the CommonBugs keyword a bit too freely for issues that remain 20:52:00 <jlaska> So we'll be spending a fair bit of cycles working down that list of ~ 23 bugs that need to outlined for the Common_F12_Bugs wiki 20:52:11 <jlaska> next up ... 20:52:14 <jlaska> #info Open Issues - The QA team is tracking several open items. Most of which are already on the Common_F12_bugs list. Forum and mailing-list test feedback continues to roll in with a lot of heavy lifting from Adamw 20:52:42 <jlaska> I'd direct folks to the tinyurl above for the heavy hitters we are tracking 20:53:09 <jlaska> I've got a list of 6-7 issues that might be worth listing here briefly 20:53:13 <jlaska> unless there are objections 20:53:30 <jlaska> I don't plan to talk about or triage the issues ... but just make sure folks have a head up 20:53:59 <jlaska> Highlights on the list include (provided by adamw): * #533545 - Preupgrade to F12 destroys grub on /boot RAID * #530541 - Preupgrade free space check on /boot not thorough enough * #534066 - Anaconda does not assign correct root partition to boot windows * #533350 - Several issues related to file system shrink during install 20:54:04 <jlaska> * #533620 - [propritary nVidia driver] KDE Launcher causes desktop to freezer for ~10 seconds * #530896 - Password entry of an encrypted volume is broken in text mode 20:54:07 <jlaska> 20:54:11 <jlaska> okay, none of that pasted well :( 20:54:28 <jlaska> the summary from that is there are several preupgrade issues that are proving to be a challenge to solve cleanly 20:54:41 <jlaska> several RAID related issues have surfaced as well 20:55:00 <skvidal> so most of the issues are /boot size from what I've seen 20:55:08 <jlaska> skvidal: seems to be yeah 20:55:22 <jlaska> wwoods has been debugging the preupgrade issues and hopes to have an updated package available to help mitigate the problems 20:55:46 <jlaska> but there's just not a lot of room to play with in /boot ... so Common_F12_Bugs will have additional tips for the advanced user to workaround the problems 20:56:09 <jlaska> And the last point from QA is about the future ... 20:56:16 <skvidal> jlaska: and common bugs maybe could include a comment like: If your /boot has less than 100m FREE then you shouldn't even bother to run preupgrade 20:56:25 <jlaska> skvidal: *exactly* 20:56:26 <jlaska> #info F-13 Test Days - Planning for upcoming test days will begin soon. To suggest a topic ... https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/QA/Test_Days/Create 20:56:32 <wwoods> the problem is that preupgrade is designed for non-technical users, but it seems that the majority of users are going to run out of space on /boot 20:56:46 <wwoods> so advice for technical users leaves the non-technical ones kinda high and dry 20:57:02 <skvidal> wwoods: are you just doing a disk space test on /boot and exiting? 20:57:21 <skvidal> is that the mitigation plan? 20:57:27 <wwoods> the other choice is: script dangerous stuff like running tune2fs -r0 /dev/$BOOTDEV or removing old kernel packages. 20:57:33 <wwoods> I'm not keen on either option. 20:57:52 <skvidal> wwoods: I like 'you have insufficient space on /boot to do this, please upgrade via anaconda' 20:57:53 <wwoods> skvidal: disk space test on /boot, two available buttons are [check again] and [quit] 20:57:54 <skvidal> it fails EARLY 20:58:05 <skvidal> it fails cleanly and it does it before we download any other crap 20:58:09 <poelcat> jlaska: anything else? 20:58:17 <wwoods> skvidal: let's talk more about that elsewhere 20:58:24 <skvidal> ok 20:58:31 <jlaska> poelcat: that's all I have from QA ... any questions/comments/concerns? 20:58:42 <jlaska> wwoods: skvidal: thanks gents 20:58:45 <mether> is the /boot size in Fedora 12 still 200 MB? 20:58:54 <mether> by default 20:58:56 <wwoods> should be 250MB if memory serves? 20:59:09 <mether> is that sufficient for the purposes of preupgrade? 20:59:17 <poelcat> jlaska: thanks for all data points 20:59:23 <poelcat> #topic Infrastructure 20:59:29 <poelcat> mmcgrath: how are things going? 20:59:38 * poelcat hopes for more than mike's usual one liner ;-) 21:00:00 <mmcgrath> poelcat: pretty good, we have two outstanding issues, one of which is being taken care of right now (why torrent's down) 21:00:04 <mmcgrath> memory issues in that server. 21:00:22 <mmcgrath> the other is disk space on the mirror. We know we'll make it under the 1T limit we just aren't totally sure how close it'll be. 21:00:42 <mmcgrath> that's a policy limit though, not a technical one. 21:00:45 <mmcgrath> other then that we're all set. 21:01:13 <poelcat> mmcgrath: thanks 21:01:19 <poelcat> any questions for infrastructure? 21:01:59 <jlaska> none here 21:02:06 <poelcat> #topic FESCo 21:02:23 <poelcat> skvidal: i believe you're representing FESCo... anything to add/discuss? 21:02:33 <skvidal> jds2001 did not give me any items to add 21:02:51 <skvidal> afaik, we're clear - and given the subject matter of the last couple of meetings, we are 21:03:36 <skvidal> anyone else on fesco want to add to that ,you're welcome to - but that's all I have 21:04:30 <poelcat> skvidal: thanks 21:04:44 <poelcat> #topic Amabassaors or Docs? 21:04:55 <poelcat> is there anyone from docs or ambassadors present? 21:05:15 <mether> I can represent I guess. What is the question exactly 21:05:50 <poelcat> mether: what do all the other teams need to know about coordinating release day 21:05:56 <jjmcd> As far as I can tell, DOcs is ok 21:06:00 <mether> I think we are good 21:06:07 <poelcat> mether: or are there certain things you need from other teams 21:06:19 <jjmcd> Ricky asked for a redirect for some broken links but there already is a redirect it doesn't work 21:06:27 <jjmcd> I'm working on fixing that 21:06:42 <ricky> Ah, cool - I can probably drop that change request then, thanks! 21:06:59 <ricky> Let me know if you need a docs sync or anything 21:07:10 <jjmcd> Prolly I will 21:08:17 <poelcat> jjmcd mether thanks 21:08:19 <poelcat> #topic wrap up 21:08:29 <poelcat> any other topics to cover before we end?\ 21:09:33 * poelcat will wait 60 seconds and then end meeting 21:10:45 <poelcat> thanks everyone for your time and input! 21:10:47 <poelcat> #endmeeting