#fedora-meeting Meeting
Meeting started by rjune_wrk at 14:59:14 UTC.
full logs)
Meeting ended at 15:59:16 UTC.
full logs)
Action Items
- comphappy get the fas intigration working until next week, likely tonight, done for Triage Metrics
- arxs will update the list with requirements iformation for next meeting.
- adamw will update on collaboration with Ubuntu on debugging procedures.
Action Items, by person
- adamw
- adamw will update on collaboration with Ubuntu on debugging procedures.
- arxs
- arxs will update the list with requirements iformation for next meeting.
- comphappy
- comphappy get the fas intigration working until next week, likely tonight, done for Triage Metrics
- (none)
People Present (lines said):
- adamw (96)
- rjune_wrk (63)
- arxs (44)
- mcepl (38)
- LinuxCode (13)
- comphappy (13)
- SMParrish (9)
- poelcat (5)
- Viking-Ice (1)
- jlaska (1)
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