16:00:49 <mkonecny> #startmeeting Infrastructure (2023-05-18)
16:00:49 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu May 18 16:00:49 2023 UTC.
16:00:49 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location.
16:00:49 <zodbot> The chair is mkonecny. Information about MeetBot at
16:00:49 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic.
16:00:49 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'infrastructure_(2023-05-18)'
16:00:49 <mkonecny> #meetingname infrastructure
16:00:49 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'infrastructure'
16:00:49 <mkonecny> #chair nirik zlopez nb bodanel dtometzki jnsamyak lenkaseg
16:00:49 <zodbot> Current chairs: bodanel dtometzki jnsamyak lenkaseg mkonecny nb nirik zlopez
16:00:54 <aheath1992> .hi
16:00:55 <zodbot> aheath1992: aheath1992 'Andrew Heath' <>
16:00:58 <mkonecny> #info Agenda is at:
16:00:58 <mkonecny> #info About our team:
16:00:58 <mkonecny> #info Fedora Infra documentation:
16:00:58 <mkonecny> #topic greetings!
16:01:04 <saibug[m]> .hi
16:01:04 <mkonecny> .hello zlopez
16:01:04 <zodbot> saibug[m]: Sorry, but user 'saibug [m]' does not exist
16:01:05 <darknao> .hi
16:01:07 <zodbot> mkonecny: zlopez 'Michal Konecny' <>
16:01:10 <zodbot> darknao: darknao 'Francois Andrieu' <>
16:01:12 <saibug[m]> .hi seddik
16:01:13 <smooge> hello
16:01:17 <leonkhan> Hi everyone
16:01:18 <zodbot> saibug[m]: Sorry, but user 'saibug [m]' does not exist
16:01:22 <mkonecny> Hi everyone, welcome to today's show
16:02:18 <nirik> morning
16:02:29 <leonkhan> morning
16:03:13 <mkonecny> Hope you are ready for agenda, we have plenty of things for you :-)
16:03:30 <mkonecny> Let's start with new faces
16:03:41 <mkonecny> #topic New folks introductions
16:03:41 <mkonecny> #info This is a place where people who are interested in Fedora Infrastructure can introduce themselves
16:03:41 <mkonecny> #info Getting Started Guide:
16:03:53 <mkonecny> Anybody new who wants to say hello
16:03:56 <mkonecny> ?
16:05:48 <lenkaseg> .hi
16:05:51 <zodbot> lenkaseg: lenkaseg 'Lenka Segura' <>
16:07:23 <mkonecny> It seems that no new faces today
16:07:46 <mkonecny> Let's look who will be a host of the next show
16:07:52 <mkonecny> #topic Next chair
16:07:53 <mkonecny> #info magic eight ball says:
16:07:53 <mkonecny> #info chair 2023-05-18 - mkonecny
16:07:53 <mkonecny> #info chair 2023-05-25 - dtometzki
16:08:01 <mkonecny> #info chair 2023-06-01 - lenkaseg
16:08:01 <mkonecny> #info chair 2023-06-08 - ???
16:08:18 <mkonecny> Do we have volunteers for 8th June?
16:08:30 <patrikp[m]> Good evening.
16:09:50 <mkonecny> If not, we are already packed for next two shows
16:10:03 <mkonecny> So let's look at the other thing on our agenda
16:10:09 <mkonecny> And that is ...
16:10:19 <mkonecny> #topic announcements and information
16:10:19 <mkonecny> #info CPE Infra&Releng EU-hours team has a Monday through Thursday 30 minute meeting going through tickets at 0730 UTC in #centos-meeting
16:10:19 <mkonecny> #info CPE Infra&Releng NA-hours team has a Monday through Thursday 30 minute meeting going through tickets at 1800 UTC in #fedora-meeting-3
16:11:00 <jnsamyak> .hello jnsamyak
16:11:01 <zodbot> jnsamyak: jnsamyak 'Samyak Jain' <>
16:11:25 <mkonecny> Any other anouncement?
16:11:28 <nirik> #info mass update/reboot cycle was completed yesterday, be on the lookout for any issues after that.
16:11:42 <nirik> (that includes a bunch of machines moved to f38)
16:11:49 <jnsamyak> F36 eol on may 16?
16:12:35 <mkonecny> #info Fedora 36 is EOL on may 16th
16:14:10 <mkonecny> Anything else?
16:17:48 <eddiejenningsjr> .hello eddiejennings
16:17:49 <zodbot> eddiejenningsjr: eddiejennings 'Eddie Jennings' <>
16:18:23 <mkonecny> Let's move to your favorite item on agenda
16:18:25 <mkonecny> Oncall
16:18:36 <mkonecny> #topic Oncall
16:18:36 <mkonecny> #info
16:18:36 <mkonecny> #info
16:18:46 <mkonecny> #info darknao is on call from 2023-05-12 to 2023-05-18
16:18:46 <mkonecny> #info jednorozec is on call from 2023-05-19 to 2023-05-25
16:18:46 <mkonecny> #info ??? is on call from 2023-05-26 to 2023-06-01
16:18:46 <mkonecny> #info ??? is on call from 2023-06-02 to 2023-06-08
16:19:08 <mkonecny> Any volunteers for upcoming oncalls?
16:19:32 <eddiejenningsjr> Been busy with work lately. :(. Sign me up for 2023-06-02 oncall and 2023-06-08 chair
16:19:57 <eddiejenningsjr> I’m out of town again next week, so I can’t do oncall then.
16:20:11 <mkonecny> Sold
16:20:38 <mkonecny> #info eddiejennings is on call from 2023-06-02 to 2023-06-08
16:22:13 <mkonecny> Anybody for the week before?
16:24:32 <nirik> I can if no one else wants it
16:25:10 <mkonecny> nirik: It seems that it's yours
16:25:17 <eddiejenningsjr> I would take as I’ve been a ghost lately, but alas, someone would have to cover me from Wednesday - Saturday that week; thus …
16:25:41 <mkonecny> #info nirik is on call from 2023-05-26 to 2023-06-01
16:28:09 <mkonecny> Let's go to next item
16:28:16 <mkonecny> #info Summary of last week: (from current oncall )
16:28:31 <mkonecny> darknao: The floor is yours
16:28:35 <eddiejenningsjr> And with that I’m summoned to another work meeting. :(
16:28:44 <darknao> nothing to report, no call this week
16:30:18 <mkonecny> Let's continue with the show then
16:30:21 <mkonecny> #topic Monitoring discussion [nirik]
16:30:21 <mkonecny> #info
16:30:21 <mkonecny> #info Go over existing out items and fix
16:30:31 <nirik> lets see how things look after yesterday...
16:30:52 <nirik> not too bad...
16:31:06 <nirik> mostly all the stuff we had before. ;)
16:31:12 <nirik> With a few exceptions:
16:31:32 <nirik> koji02 is down, but this is because yesterday when I started it up, it took both itself and koji01 down...
16:31:46 <nirik> I am not fully sure why, and I will probibly try and restart it later today when things are more quiet.
16:33:09 <nirik> there's also a cert that needs renewing
16:33:09 <nirik> and notifs-backend01 has some notifications?
16:33:10 <nirik> and indeed I haven't gotten anything from it recently, so it;s likely not processing.
16:33:13 <mkonecny> I run the playbook today, so maybe I messed something up
16:33:22 <mkonecny> But only for staging
16:33:43 <nirik> yeah, I think it's unhappy after reboots.
16:33:46 <nirik> 0       138382  fmn.tasks.unprocessed_messages  running
16:33:51 <nirik> it's getting messages. ;)
16:34:44 <nirik> anyhow, we can look at that more out of meeting. ;)
16:34:50 <nirik> Thats it that I had from nagios
16:36:18 <mkonecny> OK
16:36:43 <mkonecny> We had a learning topic last week, so this week let's look at the tickets
16:36:53 <mkonecny> #topic Revisit blocked tickets
16:36:54 <mkonecny> #info Check if any blocked ticket is unblocked
16:36:54 <mkonecny> #link
16:37:08 * nirik looks
16:37:46 <nirik> mailman3 is back in fedora... and rhel9 is not far off, so thats moving, but not really unblocked yet.
16:38:16 <nirik> I'm not sure why 11319 is blocked?
16:38:44 <mkonecny> It's waiting on
16:39:08 <nirik> huh, ok, I mean, thats sort of related I guess...
16:39:31 <nirik> I'm hoping to try and setup the smtp auth part today (and anyone can do the dns part anytime)
16:40:05 <saibug[m]> nirik:  dns record ?? will try why not !
16:40:37 <nirik> well, you may need to be in a dns admin group to have access to the dns repo...
16:41:22 <saibug[m]> humm
16:41:22 <nirik> It might be interesting to move our dns repo to the same model we have for ansible, but thats not currently the case.
16:41:22 <saibug[m]> you can give me the access ?
16:41:38 <saibug[m]> or can i have* :)
16:42:24 <nirik> well, dns admin is pretty high priv... it can basically break everything we have.
16:42:46 <nirik> I'll ask others on it. ;)
16:43:02 <saibug[m]> yes sure !
16:43:22 <saibug[m]> it's on private repo ??
16:43:27 <saibug[m]> ansible private*
16:43:46 <smooge> as the person who has consistently had Fedora fall off the internet multiple times due to DNS changes.. it takes some work
16:43:47 <nirik> I don't mean to be a gatekeeper here, you are surely fine, but we typically ask people in those groups to approve new folks.
16:43:52 <nirik> it's not, it's a seperate repo.
16:44:19 <nirik>
16:44:57 <saibug[m]> nirik:  yes yes i trust you on this 🆒
16:45:29 <nirik> and thank you for working on things. ;) It's appreciated by me at least.
16:45:41 <nirik> anyhow, thats sidetracking... I think none of the blocked ones are unblocked?
16:45:45 <smooge> yes thanks saibug[m]
16:46:29 <mkonecny> I didn't noticed any that should be unblocked
16:46:40 <mkonecny> Let's go to look at the oldest tickets
16:46:52 <mkonecny> #topic Fedora Infra backlog refinement
16:46:52 <mkonecny> #info Refine oldest tickets on Fedora Infra tracker
16:46:52 <mkonecny> #link
16:47:13 <mkonecny> .ticket 10386
16:47:14 <zodbot> mkonecny: Issue #10386: Investigate moving registry.fp.o to - fedora-infrastructure - -
16:47:37 <nirik> still there, still on the backburner.
16:47:45 <nirik> too much unplanned work coming in for me to get to it.
16:48:51 <mkonecny> I understand, I have the same problem
16:49:38 <nirik> hopefully we will get some time... next!
16:50:05 <mkonecny> .ticket 8291
16:50:06 <zodbot> mkonecny: Issue #8291: Fedora messaging - Translation platform topics review - fedora-infrastructure - -
16:50:33 <nirik> I think this is blocked on the sending auth thing?
16:51:19 <nirik> I'm not fully sure why... I guess because it's a 3rd party app and we don't want it to be able to send wrong things.
16:51:37 <mkonecny> The last comment is from me, when I wanted Aurélien B to answer the questions
16:52:25 <nirik> ah, yeah...
16:52:44 <nirik> I guess ping again and reach out out of ticket to point to it?
16:53:39 <mkonecny> I will do that
16:54:42 <mkonecny> .ticket 10372
16:54:43 <zodbot> mkonecny: Issue #10372: [proposal] Move Pagure ( and src.fp.o) to use OIDC for web login - fedora-infrastructure - -
16:55:05 <nirik> this is waiting for ipsilon work... although we could move the non api part I think?
16:56:42 <mkonecny> We are getting out of time
16:56:48 <nirik> yeah
16:57:06 <mkonecny> #topic Open Floor
16:57:26 <mkonecny> So let's throw some idea for the learning topic
16:59:11 <nirik> I'm happy to pontificate on many subjects, just need to know what people want/will find interesting
16:59:11 <mkonecny> That would be nice to know
16:59:22 <mkonecny> So everyone, what would you like to hear about?
17:00:40 <saibug[m]> our CI ??
17:00:57 <mkonecny> That is a good topic
17:01:08 <nirik> Thats a good one... I don't personally know too much about it, but we could ask someone from ci to come talk to us?
17:01:17 <leonkhan> I am interested about system security I mean how fedora infra team deals with security of the system ?
17:01:25 <saibug[m]> dkirwan ? maybe
17:01:30 <mkonecny> We are at the end of our dedicated time, so thanks everybody for supporting this show today :-)
17:01:31 <mkonecny> #endmeeting