19:00:36 <phsmoura> #startmeeting Fedora Infrastructure Ops Daily Standup Meeting
19:00:36 <zodbot> Meeting started Tue Nov  8 19:00:36 2022 UTC.
19:00:36 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location.
19:00:36 <zodbot> The chair is phsmoura. Information about MeetBot at https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Zodbot#Meeting_Functions.
19:00:36 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic.
19:00:36 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_infrastructure_ops_daily_standup_meeting'
19:00:36 <phsmoura> #chair nirik mobrien aheath1992 smooge
19:00:36 <zodbot> Current chairs: aheath1992 mobrien nirik phsmoura smooge
19:00:36 <phsmoura> #meetingname fedora_infrastructure_ops_daily_standup_meeting
19:00:36 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_infrastructure_ops_daily_standup_meeting'
19:00:36 <phsmoura> #info meeting is 30 minutes MAX. At the end of 30, its stops
19:00:36 <phsmoura> #info agenda is at https://board.net/p/fedora-infra-daily
19:01:01 <leothecat1> .hello leo
19:01:02 <zodbot> leothecat1: leo 'Leo Puvilland' <leo@craftcat.dev>
19:01:06 <nirik> good morning
19:01:48 <phsmoura> morning
19:02:05 <leothecat1> kde decided to start putting my notifs in the middle of the screen
19:02:06 <leothecat1> kinda annoying
19:02:25 <nirik> it just wanted to make sure you see them. ;)
19:02:33 <leothecat1> indeed
19:06:11 <phsmoura> #info reminder: speak up if you want to work on a ticket!
19:06:11 <phsmoura> #topic Tickets needing review
19:06:23 <phsmoura> #info https://pagure.io/fedora-infrastructure/issues?status=Open&priority=1
19:06:42 <phsmoura> we dont have infra tickets today :)
19:06:47 <leothecat1> oh huh
19:06:55 <phsmoura> #info https://pagure.io/releng/issues?status=Open
19:07:06 <nirik> great
19:07:08 <phsmoura> nor releng tivkets
19:07:21 <nirik> more great. :)
19:07:29 <phsmoura> #topic Planning, Upcoming work and Open floor
19:07:37 <smooge> yeah there was a spam in the morning which was pretty easy to deal with
19:08:07 <smooge> i should have probably let someone else take it
19:08:33 <nirik> no biggie.
19:08:40 <nirik> there will be more spam I am sure. ;(
19:09:04 <nirik> I'm actually starting to get to the point where I am looking at my todo list again instead of reacting to incoming stuff. ;)
19:10:39 <nirik> so, I am going to try this week to: reinstall the storinator in rdu with rhel9, setup a new riscv koji hub in aws, say 'GO' as loud as I can on thursday for f37 release next week. ;)
19:11:16 <smooge> other item I have is I downloaded RHEL-8.7 and tomorrow the EPEL buildroots should update to it
19:11:22 <nirik> phsmoura: did you get those mgmt devices sorted out?
19:11:38 <phsmoura> About those mgmt machines, for some reason noc01 stops running my script. So I did some changes anf if it stops again it can continue from where it was
19:11:50 <nirik> huh, weird.
19:11:52 <phsmoura> the script is running now
19:12:15 <phsmoura> the machine reboots during the day?
19:12:35 <nirik> you could try running in a screen or tmux? those are programs that let you have a detachable session... ie, you run things disconnect from it, connect to it and everything is still there running
19:12:43 <nirik> no, shouldn't be any reboots. ;(
19:12:50 <nirik> might be network instability
19:13:43 <nirik> https://www.redhat.com/sysadmin/introduction-tmux-linux is a good intro...
19:13:50 <smooge> i would see about adding any error logging to the script also to see if it is failing for a specific reason
19:14:16 <phsmoura> ok, the changes I did if it stops its not going to be a big deal anymore. It was losing all the info and not writing the files
19:15:29 <nirik> ok. hopefully it finds everything. ;)
19:15:46 <nirik> I don't think I have anything else off hand
19:16:28 <smooge> me either
19:16:58 <smooge> i have to run to another meeting. thanks for running this phsmoura
19:17:52 <phsmoura> ok, just adding info about fedora planet
19:19:03 <nirik> oh yeah, hows that going? making any progress?
19:19:03 <phsmoura> I was having trouble to migrate html templates so pluto could use them. So the design team opened an issue about and seems they are going to help :)
19:19:15 <nirik> excellent.
19:19:56 <phsmoura> it has dockerfile and everything the problem are those templates :/ Im not very good at front end web dev
19:20:16 <nirik> yeah, me neither. :)
19:20:17 <phsmoura> Now im looking for something to do :)
19:20:47 <phsmoura> cool, thats all I got. should we close it?
19:21:05 <nirik> I'm sure we can find some things. :) sure, lets close out
19:21:30 <phsmoura> thanks everyone
19:21:36 <leothecat1> ty
19:21:46 <phsmoura> #endmeeting