16:00:39 <dtometzki> #startmeeting Infrastructure (2022-08-18)
16:00:39 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu Aug 18 16:00:39 2022 UTC.
16:00:39 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location.
16:00:39 <zodbot> The chair is dtometzki. Information about MeetBot at
16:00:39 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic.
16:00:39 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'infrastructure_(2022-08-18)'
16:00:39 <dtometzki> #meetingname infrastructure
16:00:39 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'infrastructure'
16:00:39 <dtometzki> #chair nirik siddharthvipul mobrien zlopez bodanel dtometzki jnsamyak computerkid
16:00:39 <zodbot> Current chairs: bodanel computerkid dtometzki jnsamyak mobrien nirik siddharthvipul zlopez
16:00:39 <dtometzki> #info Agenda is at:
16:00:39 <dtometzki> #info About our team:
16:00:40 <dtometzki> #info Fedora Infra documentation:
16:00:42 <dtometzki> #topic greetings!
16:00:54 <dtometzki> .hi
16:00:55 <zodbot> dtometzki: dtometzki 'Damian Tometzki' <>
16:00:58 <nirik> morning everyone
16:00:59 <dtometzki> hello
16:01:07 <petebuffon> .hello petebuffon
16:01:08 <zodbot> petebuffon: petebuffon 'Peter Buffon' <>
16:01:53 <phsmoura> .hi
16:01:54 <zodbot> phsmoura: phsmoura 'Pedro Moura' <>
16:02:01 <mobrien> .hi
16:02:02 <zodbot> mobrien: mobrien 'Mark O'Brien' <>
16:02:16 <dtometzki> hello together
16:03:02 <mkonecny> .hello zlopez
16:03:03 <zodbot> mkonecny: zlopez 'Michal Konecny' <>
16:03:57 <dtometzki> hello and let us go to the next topic
16:04:02 <dtometzki> #topic New folks introductions
16:04:02 <dtometzki> #info This is a place where people who are interested in Fedora Infrastructure can introduce themselves
16:04:02 <dtometzki> #info Getting Started Guide:
16:04:32 <dtometzki> are there new folks around? feel free to introduce yourselves ?
16:06:10 <dtometzki> seems there arent. Then we go forward
16:06:18 <dtometzki> #topic Next chair
16:06:18 <dtometzki> #info magic eight ball says:
16:06:18 <dtometzki> #info chair 2022-08-25 - nirik
16:06:18 <dtometzki> #info chair 2022-09-01 - EddieJenningsJr[
16:06:18 <dtometzki> #info chair 2022-09-08 - ???
16:06:18 <jonathanspw> .hi
16:06:19 <zodbot> jonathanspw: jonathanspw 'Jonathan Wright' <>
16:06:46 <dtometzki> is anyone available for 09-08 ?
16:06:59 <mkonecny> I can take it
16:07:06 <dtometzki> thankk
16:07:24 <dtometzki> #info chair 2022-09-08 - mkonecny
16:07:28 * EddieJenningsJr[ is in training at work and lost track of time.
16:08:04 <dtometzki> ok then
16:08:09 <dtometzki> #topic announcements and information
16:08:09 <dtometzki> #info CPE Infra&Releng EU-hours team has a Monday through Thursday 30 minute meeting going through tickets at 1030 Europe/paris in #centos-meeting
16:08:09 <dtometzki> #info CPE Infra&Releng NA-hours team has a Monday through Thursday 30 minute meeting going through tickets at 1800 UTC in #fedora-meeting-3
16:08:09 <dtometzki> #info If your team wants support from the Fedora Program Management Team, file an isssue:
16:08:11 <dtometzki> #info please help us with improving contribution to fedora infra
16:08:14 <dtometzki> #info oncall should also handling #fedora-releng pings if possible
16:08:40 <dtometzki> any other news or announcements ?
16:08:44 <mkonecny> #info F37 Beta freeze starting next week
16:08:46 <nirik> #info F37 beta freeze starts next tuesday
16:08:49 <nirik> ha. ;)
16:08:53 <mobrien> beat me to it Zlopez
16:09:19 <mkonecny> First :-D
16:09:20 <dtometzki> great
16:10:15 <dtometzki> no more information then we go to next topic
16:10:19 <EddieJenningsJr[> Yay!  Though my home lab hypervisor is still F35 :P
16:10:20 <dtometzki> #topic Oncall
16:10:20 <dtometzki> #info
16:10:20 <dtometzki> #info
16:10:20 <dtometzki> ## .oncalltakeeu .oncalltakeus
16:10:20 <dtometzki> #info mobrien is on call from 2022-08-12 to 2022-08-18
16:10:21 <dtometzki> #info dtometzki is on call from 2022-08-19 to 2022-08-25
16:10:23 <dtometzki> #info EddieJenningsJr[ is on call from 2022-08-26 to 2022-09-01
16:10:25 <dtometzki> #info phsmoura is on call from 2022-09-02 to 2022-09-08
16:10:27 <dtometzki> #info Summary of last week: (from current oncall )
16:11:07 <dtometzki> mobrien any info from last week ?
16:12:14 <mobrien> I got no pings
16:12:26 <mobrien> There was some ddos on pagure today
16:12:54 <dtometzki> ok
16:12:59 <mobrien> but otherwise nothing to note
16:13:40 <dtometzki> thank you
16:13:47 <dtometzki> #topic Monitoring discussion [nirik]
16:13:47 <dtometzki> #info
16:13:47 <dtometzki> #info Go over existing out items and fix
16:13:56 <nirik> lets see...
16:14:21 <nirik> we have a power9 box still down waiting for a full power cycle at the DC...
16:15:01 <nirik> otherwise the normal small things.
16:15:18 <nirik> Our big alerts these days seems to be badges backend getting stuck. ;(
16:15:45 <nirik> so nothing too big to note... we can move on
16:16:07 <dtometzki> ok then we go to the backlog
16:16:12 <dtometzki> #topic Revisit blocked tickets
16:16:12 <dtometzki> #info Check if any blocked ticket is unblocked
16:16:12 <dtometzki> #link
16:17:14 <dtometzki> .tcket 10372
16:17:20 <dtometzki> .ticket 10372
16:17:21 <zodbot> dtometzki: Issue #10372: [proposal] Move Pagure ( and src.fp.o) to use OIDC for web login - fedora-infrastructure - -
16:17:47 <dtometzki> is the first in the list
16:17:50 <nirik> lets not go thru these one by one.
16:18:00 <nirik> lets just look over and if anyone thinks one is unblocked we can look at it.
16:18:09 <dtometzki> ok
16:18:25 * nirik waits for pagure
16:18:34 <dtometzki> then let us check
16:19:56 <nirik> ok. I think all those are still mostly stalled.
16:20:13 <nirik> abompard has been working on 8291 some... but it's not done.
16:20:23 <nirik> actually we can probibly mark it unblocked
16:21:00 <dtometzki> nirik can you update the ticket ?
16:21:22 <nirik> yep.
16:21:27 <dtometzki> thnaks
16:21:49 <mobrien> for 8455
16:21:57 <nirik> oh, I misread, this is the one thats blocked by another one adding the perms.
16:22:21 <mobrien> Do we need to do that? Could we use a vanilla installation of mailman on openshift?
16:22:46 <nirik> mobrien: in theory we could, but would need someone to investigate/prove it can work
16:22:48 <mobrien> I've done no research into it just wondering if there is an obvious blocker
16:23:43 <mobrien> ok let me see if I can gather some momentum for arc work on that
16:23:51 <nirik> ok.
16:24:01 <dtometzki> good
16:24:07 <nirik> so I guess we could go on to the normal backlog now?
16:24:16 <dtometzki> yeah
16:24:21 <dtometzki> #topic Fedora Infra backlog refinement
16:24:22 <dtometzki> #info Refine oldest tickets on Fedora Infra tracker
16:24:22 <dtometzki> #link
16:24:45 <dtometzki> any updates about any of those?
16:25:23 <nirik> we can go thru these one by one. ;)
16:25:32 <dtometzki> .ticket 9852
16:25:33 <zodbot> dtometzki: Issue #9852: DNS Mini-initiative - fedora-infrastructure - -
16:25:47 <nirik> so... lets see here.
16:26:54 <nirik> one of the dns servers is on rhel9 now.
16:27:03 <EddieJenningsJr[> That one's been around since I joined the project.
16:27:21 <dtometzki> :-)
16:27:22 <nirik> I'm inclined to just close it personally, but I might be missing something.
16:27:42 <dtometzki> last entry about 4 month
16:28:20 <dtometzki> cant we close it ?
16:28:21 <nirik> we sorted our our signatures. We need low TTL because we use it to add/remove proxies from our network
16:29:09 <nirik> it's anoying to clear our history every once in a while, but it's nice to distribute with git.
16:29:28 <dtometzki> it is mor the 1 year old
16:29:36 <dtometzki> it is more then 1 year old
16:30:15 <nirik> ok. let me comment on it and close it, and if anyone disagrees they can re-open it. ;)
16:30:37 <dtometzki> good
16:30:51 <dtometzki> .ticket 10241
16:30:52 <zodbot> dtometzki: Issue #10241: Port apps to OIDC - fedora-infrastructure - -
16:32:19 <nirik> mkonecny: any news on this one? probibly the same as before?
16:32:44 <mkonecny> Let me check
16:33:21 <mobrien> I would say this is a requirement in the FMN rewrite that is currently underway so thats one at least
16:33:32 <mkonecny> The FMN is being worked on, so the next version should be with OIDC
16:33:33 <mkonecny> Otherwise no change
16:34:25 <dtometzki> mkonecny would you update the ticket ?
16:34:38 <mkonecny> I will
16:34:59 <dtometzki> .ticket 9692
16:35:00 <zodbot> dtometzki: Issue #9692: STG: Move bvmhosts to new server - fedora-infrastructure - -
16:35:34 <nirik> still not done I don't think? mobrien was gonna, then I was gonna, then him...
16:35:44 <nirik> I can try and do them.
16:35:58 <mobrien> This has the same update as before, it takes time that we rarely have spare
16:36:18 <mobrien> one of us will get to it eventually I'm sure of it 🙂
16:36:21 <dtometzki> :-)
16:36:52 <dtometzki> .ticket 9863
16:36:53 <zodbot> dtometzki: Issue #9863: Cannot login to redhat bugzilla - fedora-infrastructure - -
16:37:25 <nirik> so, this one is poorly titled...
16:37:46 <nirik> basically it's 'we don't use bugzilla_email setting from account system anywhere, but we should'
16:38:18 <nirik> I think we are at the point where it needs to be updated in toddlers and we need to announce when we are enabling it?
16:38:33 <mkonecny> There is now a fasjson PR, that is being reviewed for this
16:38:43 <nirik> ah, I thought that was already in...
16:38:44 <mkonecny>
16:39:16 <nirik> ah, ok. you couldn't search on it?
16:39:29 <mkonecny> And the toddler one is ready as well
16:39:39 <mkonecny> But waiting for the fasjson
16:40:10 <nirik> mkonecny: cool! Do we know how much it might change? ie, can we do a dry run and see what it would change so we know how best to announce it?
16:41:15 <nirik> ie, how many maintainers email addres/bugzilla account will change? (hopefully as close to none as possible)
16:41:50 <mkonecny> In toddlers this will basically, just try to find user in FAS by bugzilla e-mail and if it can't find him, it will try to search Bugzilla e-mail field
16:41:51 <nirik> oh, and also we need to change ipsilon saml2 to log users in with bugzilla email / account instead of main email.
16:41:58 <mkonecny> I don't think much will change
16:42:31 <nirik> it should check bugzilla_email and then fallback to main email... since many/most people never set bugzilla_email probibly
16:44:11 <mkonecny> I think it doesn't matter, the e-mail is unique, so it will be either the main e-mail or bugzilla_email, but the toddlers will check both, the order is irrelevant
16:44:47 <nirik> hum...
16:45:16 <nirik> well, the idea is that you have different emails for main email and bugzilla_email and you want to use your bugzilla_email for all your bugzilla things.
16:45:38 <nirik> if you are a package maintainer you want your bugs assigned/cc'ed to your bugzilla_email if it exists right?
16:46:13 <mkonecny> Yes, I see where are you heading with this
16:46:15 <nirik> thats why I was wondering how much might change...
16:46:49 <nirik> but I guess we don't need to figure this here... we could take it out of meeting. ;)
16:47:01 <dtometzki> ok
16:47:05 <nirik> But my understanding is that it would use bugzilla_email if you set one, but otherwise fallabck
16:47:49 <dtometzki> .ticket 10632
16:47:50 <zodbot> dtometzki: Issue #10632: rhel9 adoption - fedora-infrastructure - -
16:48:30 <mkonecny> nirik: Ok, I see that when retrieving bugzilla mails for user I'm looking for bugzilla mail first, but when trying to search for user by bugzilla mail, I'll first try the main email and then bugzilla_mail
16:48:40 <nirik> so I have moved some machines... I want to write up a plan on this one, so will update it soon.
16:49:21 <mkonecny> I can change that, if it would be a problem, but we can talk more about it outside the meeting
16:49:46 <dtometzki> great nirik
16:49:47 <nirik> mkonecny: hum, not sure. I guess I don't understand when you need to search for user by bugzilla email...
16:50:51 <dtometzki> .ticket 9746
16:50:52 <zodbot> dtometzki: Issue #9746: move fmn / notifs to python3 and supported os - fedora-infrastructure - -
16:51:18 <nirik> ah, our old friend.
16:51:29 <nirik> mkonecny: did you have a chance to look at email sending in staging?
16:51:34 <mkonecny> nirik: When you have the bugzilla ticket and want to check, if the user exists in FAS and has a specific group
16:52:20 <nirik> ahhhh... ok. Yeah, for that I guess it doesn't matter which order you do them in... but ideally if they set bugzilla_user that should be the one they use for all bugzilla things.
16:52:22 <mkonecny> nirik: The last time I checked it was the issue with debug backend there is still no mail?
16:52:41 <nirik> there's no email. I enabled * in my rules and I get no emails.
16:52:56 <nirik> I see it getting messages, it just never sends me anything. I have no idea why.
16:53:43 <mkonecny> I will check it tomorrow
16:53:46 <nirik> at this point I am kinda tempting to try turning on the prod one and see what happens. :)
16:53:53 <nirik> but I guess we should figure it out.
16:54:00 <mkonecny> Maybe I will be able to find something in logs
16:54:08 <nirik> I really really really really want to take fas2 / old openshift 3 cluster down.
16:54:38 <nirik> ok. Thanks.
16:55:03 <nirik> right now I should be the only one in staging enabled... but you can login and enable/verify an email yourself
16:55:33 <dtometzki> so that was for today the last one  lets go to the next
16:55:42 <dtometzki> #topic Upcoming learning topics
16:55:42 <dtometzki> #info TBD - zabbix [nirik]
16:55:42 <dtometzki> #info TBD - BTRFS 2 [eddiejennings]
16:55:55 <dtometzki> here we should find some dates ?
16:56:08 <mkonecny> nirik: I know, I already did that few times
16:56:09 <nirik> I hope to get more time to poke zabbix after freeze... but I don't want to set a date yet
16:56:28 <EddieJenningsJr[> Not ready yet :(  Too much on the list at home lab, but chipping away at it :)
16:56:40 <dtometzki> ok
16:56:45 <nirik> we could look for some new topics? anyone have anything they would like to learn about?
16:57:42 <petebuffon> Does Fedora use JWTs at all? Just curious been learning about them recently.
16:59:01 <dtometzki> i dont know
16:59:08 <nirik> not that I can think of..
16:59:25 <petebuffon> got it
16:59:50 <dtometzki> ok the time is running let us do 1 minute open floor
16:59:55 <dtometzki> #topic Open Floor
17:00:12 <dtometzki> anything ?
17:00:16 <nirik> good discussions today everyone. :)
17:00:29 <petebuffon> I've been wanting to learn more about prometheus, not sure if that's relevant
17:00:58 <nirik> we do have that built into our openshift clusters I think.
17:01:04 <mkonecny> We have it in our openshift, not sure how much projects are actually using it
17:01:37 <petebuffon> hmm. I've started deploying it in my homelab. Trying to figure it out gradually
17:01:42 <dtometzki> Many thanks for joining the meeting and have a nice day and rest of week
17:01:51 <dtometzki> #endmeeting