18:00:14 <phsmoura> #startmeeting Fedora Infrastructure Ops Daily Standup Meeting
18:00:14 <zodbot_> Meeting started Wed Aug 17 18:00:14 2022 UTC.
18:00:14 <zodbot_> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location.
18:00:14 <zodbot_> The chair is phsmoura. Information about MeetBot at https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Zodbot#Meeting_Functions.
18:00:14 <zodbot_> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic.
18:00:14 <zodbot_> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_infrastructure_ops_daily_standup_meeting'
18:00:14 <phsmoura> #chair nirik mobrien aheath1992 smooge
18:00:14 <phsmoura> #meetingname fedora_infrastructure_ops_daily_standup_meeting
18:00:14 <phsmoura> #info meeting is 30 minutes MAX. At the end of 30, its stops
18:00:15 <phsmoura> #info agenda is at https://board.net/p/fedora-infra-daily
18:00:15 <zodbot_> Current chairs: aheath1992 mobrien nirik phsmoura smooge
18:00:15 <zodbot_> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_infrastructure_ops_daily_standup_meeting'
18:00:36 <phsmoura> #info reminder: speak up if you want to work on a ticket!
18:00:36 <phsmoura> #topic Tickets needing review
18:00:41 <smooge> mello
18:00:44 <nirik> morning
18:00:50 <phsmoura> morning
18:00:59 <phsmoura> #info https://pagure.io/fedora-infrastructure/issues?status=Open&priority=1
18:01:23 <phsmoura> we dont have new infra tickets today
18:01:38 <phsmoura> #info https://pagure.io/releng/issues?status=Open
18:01:53 <phsmoura> .releng 10975
18:02:48 <smooge> i am not sure zodbot is able to do various things
18:03:21 <smooge> it seems to ignore various dot commands
18:03:26 <smooge> and not others
18:04:08 <phsmoura> it was a bit slow in the beginning of the meeting
18:05:09 * nirik checks its log
18:06:33 <nirik> zodbot_: part #ansible-community
18:06:50 <nirik> zodbot_: whoami
18:07:19 <nirik> it's trying to change it''s nick, but that channel doesnt let it...
18:07:33 <nirik> I guess I can just restart it... or we can finish this meeting first
18:07:49 <nirik> https://pagure.io/releng/issue/10975
18:08:04 <nirik> low low ops... ?
18:11:09 <nirik> uh oh, we lost phsmoura...
18:12:31 <nirik> I marked that ticket.
18:13:22 <nirik> #topic work plans / upcoming tasks
18:13:22 <nirik> #info everyone should note what things they are hoping to work on over the next day / week
18:13:35 <nirik> mass update/reboot outage later today.
18:13:40 <nirik> (in about 45min)
18:13:46 <nirik> I didn't have anything else?
18:13:56 <nirik> anyone else have anything they want to talk about?
18:14:27 <aheath1992> im waiting till after the reboots to make my changes
18:16:13 <nirik> hey phsmoura. welcome back
18:16:32 <phsmoura> Sorry, my internet crashed
18:16:52 <phsmoura> I wont complain about zodbot ever again :)
18:18:01 <phsmoura> I see you tagged the issue already nirik
18:18:16 <phsmoura> still discussing it or are we in open floor?
18:18:27 <nirik> on to open floor. ;)
18:18:30 <nirik> have anything to discuss?
18:19:10 <phsmoura> nothing new, working on fedora planet readme
18:19:54 <nirik> cool.
18:20:03 <nirik> ok, nothing more from me... we can close out
18:20:10 * nirik wants to get lunch before the outage. ;)
18:20:30 <phsmoura> thank you all :)
18:20:40 <phsmoura> #endmeeting