16:00:30 <dtometzki> #startmeeting Infrastructure (2022-04-07)
16:00:30 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu Apr  7 16:00:30 2022 UTC.
16:00:30 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location.
16:00:30 <zodbot> The chair is dtometzki. Information about MeetBot at
16:00:30 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic.
16:00:30 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'infrastructure_(2022-04-07)'
16:00:30 <dtometzki> #meetingname infrastructure
16:00:30 <dtometzki> #chair nirik siddharthvipul mobrien zlopez pingou bodanel dtometzki jnsamyak computerkid
16:00:30 <dtometzki> #info Agenda is at:
16:00:30 <dtometzki> #info About our team:
16:00:30 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'infrastructure'
16:00:30 <zodbot> Current chairs: bodanel computerkid dtometzki jnsamyak mobrien nirik pingou siddharthvipul zlopez
16:00:33 <dtometzki> #topic greetings!
16:00:43 <nirik> morning
16:00:44 <dtometzki> .hi
16:00:45 <zodbot> dtometzki: dtometzki 'Damian Tometzki' <>
16:00:52 <dtometzki> morning nirik
16:01:26 <eddiejennings> .hi
16:01:27 <zodbot> eddiejennings: eddiejennings 'Eddie Jennings' <>
16:01:37 <dtometzki> hello
16:01:58 <eddiejennings> petebuffon[m], Haven't forgotten you and the Tor stuff.  Very busy this week, E-mail will be coming to you this weekend.
16:03:02 <dtometzki> it is quiet today
16:03:30 <mkonecny> .hello zlopez
16:03:31 <zodbot> mkonecny: zlopez 'Michal Konecny' <>
16:03:40 <darknao> .hi
16:03:40 <zodbot> darknao: darknao 'Francois Andrieu' <>
16:03:47 <petebuffon> .hello petebuffon
16:03:48 <zodbot> petebuffon: petebuffon 'Peter Buffon' <>
16:03:56 <leothecat> .hello Leo
16:03:57 <zodbot> leothecat: leo 'Leo Puvilland' <>
16:04:22 <nirik> dtometzki: hopefully not too quiet. ;)
16:04:31 <dtometzki> yes
16:04:36 <dtometzki> then lets start
16:04:43 <dtometzki> #topic New folks introductions
16:04:43 <dtometzki> #info This is a place where people who are interested in Fedora Infrastructure can introduce themselves
16:04:43 <dtometzki> #info Getting Started Guide:
16:05:12 <lenkaseg> .hi
16:05:13 <zodbot> lenkaseg: lenkaseg 'Lenka Segura' <>
16:05:14 <dtometzki> any new people´s here ?
16:05:31 <dtometzki> please say hello
16:06:45 <dtometzki> i see no one then we go forward
16:06:49 <dtometzki> #topic Next chair
16:06:50 <dtometzki> #info magic eight ball says:
16:06:50 <dtometzki> ##info chair 2022-04-14 - eddiejennings
16:06:50 <dtometzki> ##info chair 2022-04-21 - ??
16:06:50 <dtometzki> ##info chair 2022-04-28 - ??
16:07:09 <eddiejennings> I am armed and operational for next week's chairing.
16:07:38 <dtometzki> anyone available for 04-21 or 04-28
16:08:47 <dtometzki> eddiejennings, which date do you prefer ?
16:09:04 <eddiejennings> I prefer 4/14 as I'll be chairing when on-call ends.
16:09:27 <eddiejennings> But if needed I can chair 4/21 as well if no one else takes it between now and then.
16:09:46 <dtometzki> #info chair 2022-04-28 - dtometzki
16:10:08 <dtometzki> #info chair 2022-04-21 - eddiejennings
16:10:17 <dtometzki> many thanks eddiejennings
16:10:27 <eddiejennings> :D
16:10:58 <dtometzki> #topic announcements and information
16:10:58 <dtometzki> #info CPE Infra&Releng EU-hours team has a Monday through Thursday 30 minute meeting going through tickets at 1030 Europe/paris in #centos-meeting
16:10:58 <dtometzki> #info CPE Infra&Releng NA-hours team has a Monday through Thursday 30 minute meeting going through tickets at 1800 UTC in #fedora-meeting-3
16:10:58 <dtometzki> #info If your team wants support from the Fedora Program Management Team, file an isssue:
16:11:00 <dtometzki> #info Fedora 36 Beta is out
16:11:04 <dtometzki> #info Fedora Final freeze starts on 5th April
16:11:06 <dtometzki> #info thread on fedoraplanet on infrastructure list, chime in if you have thoughts on it
16:11:08 <dtometzki> #info mass updates and reboots of Fedora Infrastructure may cause some outages
16:11:11 <dtometzki> any new news ?
16:11:35 <dtometzki> the mass update and reboots finished i think ?
16:11:43 <nirik> yep. can remove that one
16:11:55 <nirik> and we are in Final freeze now
16:13:32 <dtometzki> ok updated
16:13:45 <dtometzki> next topic
16:13:47 <dtometzki> #topic Oncall
16:13:48 <dtometzki> #info
16:13:48 <dtometzki> #info
16:13:48 <dtometzki> ## .oncalltakeeu .oncalltakeus
16:13:48 <dtometzki> #info petebuffon on call from 2022-04-01 to 2022-04-07
16:13:48 <dtometzki> #info mobrien on call from 2022-04-08 to 2022-04-14
16:13:50 <dtometzki> #info eddiejennings on call from 2022-04-15 to 2022-04-21
16:13:52 <dtometzki> #info ? on call from 2022-04-22 to 2022-04-28
16:13:54 <dtometzki> #info Summary of last week: (from current oncall )
16:14:08 <petebuffon> couple of pings, but they were out of my oncall work hours
16:14:25 <dtometzki> ahh ok
16:14:52 <dtometzki> anyone available from 2022-04-22 to 2022-04-28 ?
16:15:59 <dtometzki> when no lets go forward at the moment not an issue
16:16:09 <dtometzki> #topic Monitoring discussion [nirik]
16:16:09 <dtometzki> #info
16:16:09 <dtometzki> #info Go over existing out items and fix
16:16:18 <nirik> so, we are looking pretty good overall here...
16:16:19 <dtometzki> nirik, you time ?
16:16:33 <nirik> the f36-test instance needs love, but mobrien was going to look at that.
16:16:57 <nirik> The other 2 hosts showing down are mgmt iterfaces with the stupid networking bug thing where they can't talk to their gw...
16:17:13 <nirik> otherwise just the small stuff we have had for a while.
16:17:50 <dtometzki> ok thanks nirik for you update
16:17:56 <nirik> so, fine to me along...
16:18:29 <dtometzki> for today we have no learning topic so we will do
16:18:33 <dtometzki> #topic Fedora Infra backlog refinement
16:18:33 <dtometzki> #info Refine oldest tickets on Fedora Infra tracker
16:18:33 <dtometzki> #link
16:19:09 <dtometzki> .ticket 10632
16:19:15 <zodbot> dtometzki: Issue #10632: rhel9 adoption - fedora-infrastructure - -
16:19:51 <nirik> thats the newest ticket, you want them sorted the other way. ;)
16:20:24 <nirik> I think it should be 10458?
16:20:30 <dtometzki> sorry :-) it was a short test :-)
16:20:42 <dtometzki> .ticket 10458
16:20:43 <zodbot> dtometzki: Issue #10458: Help me move my discourse bots to production? - fedora-infrastructure - -
16:21:20 <nirik> so, these probibly would work ok in openshift (but we could ask)
16:21:49 <nirik> that would just require someone to write up the ansible to deploy them...
16:23:11 <nirik> I guess seddik expressed interest.
16:23:22 <nirik> I'll ask about openshift in the ticket and explain whats needed more.
16:23:29 <dtometzki> ok
16:24:08 <dtometzki> .ticket 10284
16:24:08 <zodbot> dtometzki: Issue #10284: Provide better metadata via meta tags for web applications we run - fedora-infrastructure - -
16:24:36 <nirik> I'm not sure what this entails actually...
16:24:53 <nirik> mkonecny: you have more info on what changes this actually needs made?
16:26:30 <nirik> The pagure one is definitely needed (as mentioned in the first comment)
16:26:37 <dtometzki> mkonecny ?
16:27:59 <dtometzki> so lets go to the next one
16:28:07 <nirik> ok
16:28:09 <dtometzki> .ticket 7361
16:28:10 <zodbot> dtometzki: Issue #7361: Signing infrastructure for aarch64 - fedora-infrastructure - -
16:28:27 <dtometzki> is open since 3 years
16:28:33 <dtometzki> is that right ?
16:28:44 <nirik> yep.
16:29:06 <nirik> I'll ping again on it... basically we need folks that setup signing to tell us what they need setup.
16:29:13 <dtometzki> ok is this relevant
16:30:01 <dtometzki> .ticket 10372
16:30:02 <zodbot> dtometzki: Issue #10372: [proposal] Move Pagure ( and src.fp.o) to use OIDC for web login - fedora-infrastructure - -
16:30:13 <mkonecny> Sorry for not responding, #10284 is for having better metadata in our web page headers, so the preview of the page looks better
16:30:33 <nirik> mkonecny: yeah, is that in the app? or in ansible? or ?
16:30:56 <mkonecny> Should be in each app
16:31:51 <mkonecny> #10372, this should be done in pagure, but I'm not sure if this is actually released or deployed
16:32:20 <dtometzki> and #10372 ?
16:33:52 <mkonecny> There is a PR on Pagure opened for this
16:34:25 <mkonecny> But this one is for API, not really for web login
16:34:45 <nirik> and we still need ipsilon changes I think?
16:34:53 <mkonecny> So it seems that pagure is still not moved to OIDC
16:35:11 <mkonecny> nirik:  That's true
16:36:42 <nirik> so, not sure what to update this one with. ;)
16:36:52 <nirik> that it's stalled I guess?
16:37:02 <mkonecny> Yeah, it seems like it
16:38:07 * nirik updates it
16:38:20 <dtometzki> great
16:38:42 <dtometzki> .ticket 10254
16:38:43 <zodbot> dtometzki: Issue #10254: retire fas2 - fedora-infrastructure - -
16:39:13 <nirik> so... this is still blocked by... notifs I think.
16:39:30 <dtometzki> who is notifs
16:40:10 <mkonecny> FMN -
16:40:22 <dtometzki> ahh
16:40:31 <nirik> fedora message notification... FMN... the thing that lets uses set prefs on what emails and irc notices they get for bus events
16:40:49 <nirik> hopefully we can soon roll out one that no longer needs fas
16:41:37 <dtometzki> ok
16:41:53 <dtometzki> .ticket 9464
16:41:54 <zodbot> dtometzki: Issue #9464: move resultsdb off fedora-31 - fedora-infrastructure - -
16:44:03 <nirik> this one is waiting on moving resultsdb to openshift... we almost have the new one deployed in stg... lrossett has been working on this.
16:44:28 <nirik> I think perhaps we should try and schedule a specific time to work on it to move it forward.
16:44:31 <nirik> will suggest that
16:44:56 <mkonecny> Good idea
16:45:04 <dtometzki> yep
16:45:18 <nirik> updated. suggested.
16:45:37 <dtometzki> so the last one for today
16:45:44 <dtometzki> .ticket 9681
16:45:45 <zodbot> dtometzki: Issue #9681: Install Openshift on AWS for Fedora CI - fedora-infrastructure - -
16:46:20 <nirik> I heard that this might no longer be needed, but not sure. I'll ask in the ticket.
16:48:10 <nirik> updated
16:48:17 <dtometzki> so ok now go to the last topic
16:48:22 <dtometzki> #topic Open Floor
16:49:08 <dtometzki> i dont know was the online meeting done in the last weeks ?
16:49:47 <dtometzki> or we need to find a date ?
16:51:16 <dtometzki> i couldnt join the meetings in the last weeks
16:51:49 <nirik> oh no, we haven't done it...
16:52:34 <dtometzki> shoud we define a date ?
16:52:39 <nirik> how about on the 21st?
16:52:51 <nirik> next week I have a meeting right after this one.
16:54:20 <dtometzki> yeah it is ok before eastern
16:54:59 <nirik> so the 21st, just after this meeting ok with everyone?
16:55:45 <dtometzki> +1
16:56:30 <eddiejennings> Assuming I don't have a work conflict, that's fine :)
16:56:49 <nirik> dtometzki: can you add it to the board?
16:57:06 <dtometzki> yes i will update it
16:57:41 <dtometzki> so when no more points then we will close a little bit earlier
16:58:57 <dtometzki> many thanks for joining the meeting and have a nice day /week / weekend :-)
16:59:04 <dtometzki> #endmeeting